The self-enchanted : Mae Murray : image of an era (1959)

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6 ^i^i<^ilJiw'm>^^ii^< B >ob Leonard was a big man with glowing red-gold hair swept smooth across his head, reddish eyebrows and thoughtful eyes. What she saw in them from the first was herself, a tiny image reflected in calm pale-blue eyes. The moment she entered his office he rose, came forward to greet her, and took her hand in his. She liked his air of vitality and warm friendliness. "I've run and re-run your pictures every night this week. What an exciting future you have." His confidence was contagious. "I think so too," she said. "I've always thought of success as a package waiting for me at the post office." He led her to a chair. "You've read the script of The Plow Girl?" "I don't want to read it. I'd like you to tell me about it, Mr. Leonard. I want to know how it is through you" He considered that thoughtfully. "Good. Well then, this is the story of a South African child named Margot. Virtuous, determined, innocent. She's dragged off to slavery by the drunken farmer who killed her parents. Theodore Roberts will 72