Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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CONTENTS (Continued) vii PAGB electric and powers improved types 34; Ashcraft automatic 35; One carbon burns out quicker than the other 35. HOUSE LIGHTS: 23-24 Some lights burn too brightly, others are too dim at same time 23; Emergency lights go out, house lights still burn 23-24. LAMPHOUSE: 2S-26 Lamphouse is "Alive" (It is charged with electricity and produces a shock if touched) 25-26; Lamphouse becomes overheated 26. LAMP MECHANISM: 27-30 Moving parts of the lamp work with difficulty 27; Arcing occurs between carbon and jaws 27; Carbon jaws pit and roughen 27-28; Arc controller underfeeds or overfeeds 28; With FulcoSpeedco (same applies to Motor Gear-Box types) 28-29; With Peerless Automatic (same applies to Motor Relay types) 29-30; Motiograph Mechanical (same applies to similar types) 30. LENSES: (OPTICAL TRAIN) 54-56 Condenser breakage excessive 54-55; Condensers become discolored 55; Condensers pit badly 55; Lenses seem streaky 55-56; Rear element retaining ring binds when element is removed for cleaning 56. LIGHT CONDITIONS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE SCREEN: 106-119 Blue spot in picture or in light in center of screen 106; Definition of picture poor 106-107; Detail lacking in screen result 107-108; Dirty, smoky, smudgy light effect on screen 108; Light seems to get bright and fade away with A. C. arc 108-109; Light on screen poor with Mazda 109-110; Lacking detail in picture with Mazda 110; Light unusually poor with Mazda 110-111; Poor light with High Intensity Arc 112; Uneven, unsteady high intensity light 112-113; Poor lighting with Reflector Arc 113; Lighting glarey and harsh when light source is changed 113-114; Glare spots show up 114-115; Gray, flat picture; no contrast 115; Light shows outside screen area 116; Light loses brilliancy 116; Picture less brilliant at some points in auditorium than in others 116; Light streaky with Incandescent Lamp projection 117; Shadow appears near top, bottom, or side of screen 117; Unsteady picture 117; Unsteady,