Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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34 HIGH INTENSITY LAMP become smaller, due to corrosion, thus preventing the free movement of the carbon. This should be examined and cleaned. Note: On all other makes the principles are the same and the causes of trouble are due to conditions similar to those mentioned under the sections treating of the various types. 9. Positive Carbon Fails to Rotate or Turn in Shield (a) — This trouble may be due to the differing mechanical reasons in relation to the different types which will follow in the sections hereafter. 10. General Electric and Powers Improved Types (a) — The tension of the contact shoes is too great and therefore it causes the carbon to stick or bind. Examine this, but first note the next cause for the trouble. (b) — The carbon may not be clamped tightly enough to enable the torque to overcome the tension of the contact shoes. Adjust the carbon clamps tightly enough to function, but not so tight as to crack the carbons. Then, if it does not revolve, examine the tension of the contact shoes and adjust them tightly enough so that they will not bind but will still give current without interruption.