Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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44 LIGHT SOURCE passes through a "V" rest, be sure this rest is cleaned regularly and is kept free from scale, corrosion, and dirt. Much trouble can be avoided by constant attention to this rest as well as to the contact at the butt of the carbon. 7. A.C. Arc Very Noisy (a) — Poor quality or wrong size carbons are being employed, therefore change to better quality special A.C. carbons of the size recommended by the lamp maker. When an emergency change, from D.C. to A.C, is effected, the resultant noise, while completing the run of film already in the projector, cannot be helped. 8. Arc Flames Badly and Burns in a Puffy Manner (a) — The negative carbon has turned positive through the switching, at the power station, to a machine of different polarity. If no polarity-changing switch is included in your circuit, watch the carbons when the arc is killed: — the carbon that remains red the longest is the positive one at that time. If it turns out to be the lower one, reverse the leads. (b) — This trouble may also be due to a carbon with core binder not holding, thereby permitting the core to blow out as a powder. Throw away the rest of the carbon and burn in a new trim.