Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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68 BEARINGS or, if it is a two-element assembly, the elements may be forced too close together, thus causing the shafts to prevent armature "float" or play. If the armature does not show a slight end-play or "float," check it very carefully and remedy the trouble. 4. Brushes Wear Excessively (a) — Too much pressure is being applied to the brushes, or the springs may be set too tightly. Use just enough tension to make a perfect electrical contact, but not so much that it grinds the brushes against the surfaces with which they come into contact. (b) — The brushes may not have been set correctly, that is, not at the point of the least sparking or no sparking. Test this and see if the brushes have been changed from the setting which agrees with the manufacturer's marking located at the end of the bracket or at some other point. If the brushes are out of their correct positions readjust them immediately. 5. Brushes Stick in Holders (a) — There may be some dirt either on the brush or on the holder. The brush should not be loose enough to "jiggle," but it should have just a bit of free movement in the holder.