Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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98 PICTURE DEFECTS 3. Clearness of Picture Is Reduced After New Lens Is Installed (a) — If only part of the combination is new, then the new element does not match the former element exactly. Always send the old element which is to be replaced to the maker so that it can be matched exactly. (b) — If the entire element is new, the lenses may have been incorrectly assembled in the tube. If possible, secure a drawing of the correct assembly and check it with the position of the elements in the set employed. (c) — The wrong lenses may have been ordered, or wrong lenses may have been sent in the place of those which were ordered. Perhaps some elements of different focal length may have been sent. Compare the lenses received, visually and in the screen test, with the old assembly. 4. Definition Becomes Poor; Clearness Is Reduced (a) — Oil, finger marks, and dust are held in an oily film which covers the lens surfaces. The lenses may have been cleaned carelessly with a dirty cloth. Inspect the lenses and clean them with a half-andhalf solution of water and alcohol, using a clean, soft and lintless cloth. Polish the lens while it is wet, but do not dry it hastily with an old cloth or piece of paper, because the surface will be spoiled.