Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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138 RHEOSTAT resistance elements or to reduce the load on the present installation. Overheating shortens the life of the rheostat and may involve a breakdown and other possible serious delays. (b) — If it does not operate properly, it probably has been so continually subjected to an overload that the elements have finally broken down. Note: Heating, within certain ranges, is essential to the operation of the rheostat, as the current is dissipated in the heat. But, the degree of heat must always be held within safe limits. Inspect the rheostat when the room is dark. If a barely perceptible ruddiness is apparent it is overheating a trifle, although not dangerously. If a dull red is apparent, although it glows instead of smoldering, the overheating is fairly dangerous to the life of the elements. If a bright cherry red is apparent, the rheostat is overheating seriously and it is apt to burn out or break down without warning. S. Rheostat Fails to Pass Current (a) — This may be due to a burned out coil or grid. Test and replace it or bridge it temporarily as directed in section 2, on page 136, headed, "Rheostat Coil or Grid Burns Out." (b) — There may be a broken or loose connection from the line to the rheostat or from the rheostat to the arc. Inspect this and remedy it.