Servicing projection equipment (1932)

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SCREEN 141 SCREEN 1. Screen Not Given Results Up to Previous Performance (a) — This trouble usually is due to carelessness in keeping the screen clean and free from collected dust which settles on it. Careless rubbing with improper form of cleaning implement rubs-in the dirt instead of removing it. (b) — Kalsomined or other white surfaces easily get dusty, the dirt adhering easily because of dampness. Hold a white blotter against the screen : — if the screen surface is less white than the blotter, it needs refinishing. (c) — Metallized surface screens may lose their reflecting qualities because of chemical changes, dampness, and through inattention to proper cleaning methods. (d) — Chalk surfaces soil and show the dirt quickly ; but they can be removed from plaster foundation with a blackboard eraser and a new surface rubbed on, care being used to get on smoothly and free from swirls and uneven appearance.