The seven deadly sins of Hollywood (1957)

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THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF HOLLYWOOD the cleaning of one shirt cost 7^., a haircut £2, and breakfast usually came to 25^. Food is good, and so plentiful that Asia could live on what America leaves behind on its plate. This was Hollywood at first sight: a place of many faces — some of them rather over-painted, others badly in need of a face-lift. You will have gathered that it does not flaunt its vices in the face of the visitor ; that many of its residents are charming, courteous, pleasant and eminently respectable people. You will sympathise with me on the way many of my worst illusions were shattered. I had found that Hollywood was not the gold-plated dustbin it is sometimes made out to be. I felt as if I had set out for cannibal territory only to find that the natives are all vegetarians. 20