Shadowland (Mar-Aug 1923)

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Si-IADOWLAND Reduce FAT this easy Wau.' ithoxvt starving, exercising, taking ilitating baths or drugs. Dr. Lawton's GUARANTEED Fat Reducer (not electric) reduces fat on any part of the body in 10-minute applications, night and morning. Dr. Lawton's Guaranteed FAT Reducer and Illustrated Course on Weight Control showing how to stay thin after the Fat Reducer has done its work. Tour money hack if it fails I If actual reduction is not shown taking place within 11 days, the full trial period, return the outfit and Dr. Lawton will give you back your money promptly. Only $3.75-SEND NO MONEY— Mail Coupon! Test the Reducer NOW on the Lawton GUARANTEE. Don't send any money. Simply fill out and mail the coupon. When your Postman delivers your Reducer, pay him $3.75, plus a few cents post charges. If you send money in advance, add 20c. for postage. That coupon is your start toward slimness. Mail it NOW ! If you want, more information first, send for "How to Reduce — Mould Your Figure to Shapeliness." DR. THOMAS LAWTON, Dept. B, 120 W. 70th St.. New York City. Send me Dr. Lawton's GUARANTEED Fat Reducer. On delivery I will pay Postman $3.75, plus few cents post charges. If, after following directions 11 days, the Reducer fails to show actual reduction taking place, I will return the outfit to you and you will refund its cost promptly. Name Street .City .State New Books in Brief Review WHYDONTYOU BUY The picture book de luxe of the IF asked off-hand to name the most remarkable book of its year, many would unhesitatingly say Beasts, Men and Gods, by Ferdinand Ossendowski (E. P. Dutton). This book has all the elements of thrilling adventure in regions well-nigh unknown, while it deals with personalities far more interesting than any which could be conceived or invented by the most experienced writer of adventurous fiction. The writer is a Polish professor who was living in the Siberian town of Krasnoyarsk, on the shores of the Yenesei River, and was caught in the meshes of the Russian Revolution. In order to evade the Bolsheviki, he made his way, sometimes with a few "White" officers, most of whom were captured or died, thru Mongolia and Thibet to British India, being ultimately compelled to retrace his steps alone, until he penetrated Urga, the secret city of the Living Buddha, whence he managed to reach Manchuria and ultimately safety. The terrors of this remarkable Odyssey are related with a directness and utter simplicity which impress far more than woulH any attempt to heap up and magnify ion by excess of detail. As a scienjbserver Dr. Ossendowski records with a detached and almost cold on, and yet he succeeds in stimulati imagination and exciting the reader indescribable degree. clothing, and then and there has a painful interview with his wife and daughter, and explains in much detail to the latter the amatory complex which is disturbing him. It is an extraordinary scene, prolonged, with any amount of embarrassing detail, but the father feels that his daughter has to be made acquainted with some of the fundamental facts of life and be preserved from the loveless union so many wives are forced to endure. There is no plot and no complications beyond what has been briefly narrated. The father, having told everything to his daughter, with his wife listening in the background, puts on his clothes, and ultimately goes off with his secretary, leaving the women dependent on him to their own devices. The only impression I can derive from this e xtraordinar y book is that the hero is mad. THE J thin Stark author Flower Drama ner's) . play's the \ with Young, of The of the (ScribThis is Alfred Stieglitz Sherwood Anderson, author of Many Marriages going to show them what a frank id fearless person I am," one can Mr. Anderson saying to himself ae set out to write Many Marriages sch ) . "I shant call a spade an tural instrument, or a loose woman dalen." Simple and shy folks like 'iewer must take his book or leave i the prospective purchaser thinks ;he title that he is going to read Some much-married man like Bluebr Henry VIII he will be disap. The chief and in fact the sole brson in Mr. Anderson's book only one matrimonial experiment and isappointing one. He is the reverse ious, but he suddenly develops from pry small-town maker of washingIs into a great lover. After a and, as he discovers, a loveless life of eighteen years or so, which tilted in one daughter who has i the age of seventeen, he develops nate affection for his secretary, a at-faced woman, not very hand'ith thick lips, "but her skin was iar and she had very clear fine Altho he becomes a worshipper at le of Venus, he purchases an image Virgin, and having installed it be/o lighted candles, he removes his a book of papers on the theater contributed by the writer to The New Re public and Theatre Arts Magazine, together with others which have not previously seen the light. Mr. Young is one of the best of the younger writers who are now giving attention to that universally interesting subject the theater. While he gives the play and its writer their proper place, he has much, very much, which is interesting and suggestive to say about acting, in fact the first quarter of his volume is given to that subject. With him the play is the head, and "acting itself is the body of the art of the theater." His panegyric on Charles Chaplin is not one of the usual semi-patronising, semi-apologetic screeds in which certain writers are prone to indulge, but is as whole-hearted as it is discriminating. While some of the papers are mere pieces de circonstance, all are worthy of perusal on account of their sound discrimination. Magic Lanterns {Scribner's) is a book of four short plays written by Louise Saunders, who shows a sense of character and a command of bright dialog in such fantastic little pieces as Figureheads, Poor Maddalena — a very original not to say unusual Pierrot play — and King and Commoner. All can be played in what Thackeray used to call "Theatre Royal Back Drawing-Room," but King and Commoner can be give in the open air. The collection is a useful addition to the not too complete or valuable list of plays for amateurs. In Paint (Harcourt, Brace & Co.) Thomas Craven gives a brutal presentation of the struggle of an American artist