Showman (1937)

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SHOWMAN but I've never forgotten it. Never be a minority stockholder in one of these personal corporations put together to promote something or protect somebody. And, which is even more important, always get yourself elected treasurer. It occurred to me, however, that, even if the money end of the movie was going to run out on us, the movie itself would still be a convenient way of educating the public into the belief that Corbett had been juggled out of the fight. So, when the picture opened at the Academy of Music in New York— a tremendously important sporting event, of course, attended by all the big sporting figures in town— it was Bill Brady who gave the accompanying descriptive lecture from the stage. I wasn't doing it just for the love of showing myself in public. The fellow who ran the projection-machine was a Corbett fan, so I didn't even have to bribe him to help me put on my act. Movies were new then and you could get away with monkeybusiness that wouldn't go now, because nobody knew anything about how they worked. Besides, the modern clockwork electrical projector is difficult to tamper with. But this was one of the early hand-cranked machines and we could slow down the film at will without anybody's being the wiser. This was the way it worked. After the fifth round I had the film stopped and went into my dance: "Now, ladies and gentlemen," I said, "here is where I shall prove to you that James J. Corbett is by rights 179