Showmen's Trade Review (Apr-Jun 1939)

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Jiuic 10, 1939 SHOWMEN'S T R A D E R ]<: V 1 E W ru(je 31 Working with the Quints I-rcdcric i'lhiuiii. Jr. production chief of the Dionnc Oiiiiitiif'Ict picture, "Five Times Five" is pictured here -ivith Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe and Alexander Jfoollcott narrator of the two reel suhiect, icliicli a'lV/ /'(• released by RKO. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIKC Ten cents per word. No charge for name and address. Five insertions for the price of three. Money order or check with copy. Classified ads will appear as soon as received unless otherwise instructed. Address, Classified Dept., SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW, 1501 Broadway, New York City. BOOKS SYSTEMATIZING THEATRE OPERATION, a condensed, easy-to-read book containing every important phase of theatre operation. Written by "Chick" Lewis. Sent postpaid upon receipt of $1.00 in cash, check or money order. Address, Showmen's Trade Review, 1501 Broadway, New York City. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE— TWO SIMPLEX SOUND PORTABLE machines complete amplifier, speaker, screen, reels, etc. Like new, bargain. P. O. Box 662, Gainesville, Ga. PROJECTION-SOUND SERVICING BOOK DEPT.— "REPAIRING INTERMITTENT MOVEMENTS, 50c: "How To Set Sound Lenses" (four feet film), 50c each booklet — Compiled by Wesley Trout, Engineer. — "Servicing Sound Equipments Charts", handbook 95c (Postage 10c). Trout's Theatre Record Ledger, easy way to keep accurate account your daily business, $1.49.— TOOLS: Wrench for Powers Int. Bushing 49c; Set five-punches 95c: Sprocket Pullers $1.49. Cash with orders. (Expert advice on Servicing All Makes of Sound & Projection Equipments $1. Have Serviced RCA, Western Electric, Simplex, etc. Read my Articles on Servicing Sound, Projection, Television & Radio.) (Note: Discontinued General Supplies). WESLEY TROUT, Box 575.. ENID. OKLAHOMA. THEATRES WANTED WANTED TO BUY THE.ATRES IN VIRGINIA, West Virginia or North Carolina in towns of less than 5,000. J. F. LOFTUS, BRANDY, VA. USED EQUIPMENT NO MATTER what you have to sell a classified ad in STR will reach a wide volume of potential buyers at a cost too small to be considered an expense. STR classified ads are read because many who have used this medium expressed their satisfaction of the results they secured. Let us do the same for you. The cost is only 10c per word, five insertions for the price of three. Address, Classified Dept., Showmen's Trade Review, 1501 Broadway, New York City. Short Subject DAREDEVILS OF THE RED CIRCLE /ft'/*. Serial l.nak.s Great 1st Chap., 30 mins.; 11 others, 20 mins. each Comment: Oh boy, does this start off swell! Convict 39013 escapes from the penitentiary and comes back to wreak his vengeance on his former business partner. He begins by wrecking the partner's business ventures one by one. When an amusement center is destroyed, the brother of three daredevil aerialists is killed, and they enlist in the service of the harassed. That's what they think! This 39013 (who goes by his number) is so clever and diabolical that he can make himself up to look and talk just like his former partner while he keeps the partner a prisoner. He fools the daredevils; even has the partner's daughter thinking it's dear old dad. Next thing on 39013's schedule is to destroy a new underwater tunnel, and the first episode ends with the girl, one of the daredevils and a squad of police trapped in the collapsing tunnel. Your audiences won't have to be kids again to enjoy this, for although it's highly fantastic, it is performed and acted with such skill that even the most skeptical theatregoer will find himself almost overcome with suspense. One look at the first chapter will have 'em coming back for more. Charles Middleton, as 39013, is excellent in a sinister way, while Miles Mander, Carole Landis, Charles Quigley, Herman Brix and David Sharpe all perform admirably. Republic knows how to make good serials, too. William Witney and John English collaborated on the directorial assignment. Exploitation: Get them in for the opening episode, and it will be difficult for them to miss any of the others. Send out teaser cards imprinted with a red circle and the query, "Who are the 'Daredevils of the Red Circle'?" Make up sensational handbills and distribute them throughout the cit}'. In one scene Charles Quigley is shown using an electric razor — this probably means a tieup, so take advantage of it. INSIDE THE CAPITOL Prod. l\o. 9903 Good Col. Washington Parade No. 3 10 mins. Comment: This is a camera tour inside the Capitol building, with close-ups of famous sculptures and paintings as we tour the rotunda. Statuary Hall, House of Representatives, Speaker's lobby. Senate Chamber, etc. There are pictures of members of Congress seen in their offices and arriving at the Capitol. The running comment strikes effectively on the patriotic note and is a good, concise description of the subject covered so well pictorially. Exploitation: School interest should be worked up in a subject of this type — it is excellent supplementary education for civics classes and school authorities should be interested. Newspaper publicity can be obtained by impressing on editors the value of pictures as background for the large amount of Washington news published daily by them. PICTORIAL NO. 10 Prod. A'o. P8-10 Good Para. Pictorial 11 mins. Comment: The Ted Peckham Escort Service— which rents young men to take lonely ladies to theatre, night club or social affairs — is presented under the heading of "Gentlemen at Work." Arts and crafts practiced in the modern Orient, shown in several views with comment by Ward Wilson. 'The Song of the Year" offers Leo Robins and Raluh Rainger, composers of "Thanks for the Memory," which received the Best Song Award of the M. P. Academy, and adds the scene from "Big Broadcast of 1938" m which Bob Hope and Shirley Ross sing the number. Good variety in this. Exploitation: Play up the Bob Hope-Shirley Ross song number for window and advertising tie-ups of music shops on phonograph records of 'Thanks for the Memory," featuring fact it was given the Academy award. The Peckham Escort Service has been widely plugged in newspapers and on radio. Feature this as showing how this unusual business is carried on. WAR, PEACE AND PROPAGANDA Prod. ^o. 93,111 Timely RKO-Radio March of Time No. 11 19 mins. Comment: This issue of the March of Time consists largely of how Britain is attempting to sell itself to the U. S. today, especially its buildings at the World'.s Fair and particularly the visit of the King and Queen this week." The issue traces the background of British foreign policy and carries this up to the present day with scenes of the defenses in various countries surrounding Germany which are today regarded as threatened. The reel is interesting, particularly in this latter portion which gives a good idea of how close Europe is to war and the efforts which will be made to embroil us. The subject should get a good play and will hold the interest of audiences. Exploitation: Peace societies and other organizations will be interested in this. Get the newspaper to run stories about this propaganda and conduct an open forum on its effect in your city. Interviews, Diving Contest Good Stunts for "Heroes at Leisure" The short subject, "Heroes at Leisure," paves the way for you to conduct a questionnaire among local newspaper readers to find what their off-season pursuits are. Local life guards might be your guests at a special performance, with an inquiring reporter interviewing them afterward on their reaction to the film and on their activities during the winter months. In view of the spectacular diving ability demonstrated in the subject, you could arrange to have a local diving contest at the Y. M. C. A. or some other pool, with a special prize offered to the participant who can remain below the surface the longest. FIRST RUN SHORT PRODUCT BROADWAY, NEW YORK (Week Beginning June 10) ASTOR— Prophet Without Honor (MGM). CAPITOL— RidinR the Crest (RKO); Inside the Capitol (Col.) rev. this issue; Somewhat Secret (MGM) rev. 4-22-39. CRITERION — Hal Kemp & Orchestra (Para.) rev. 11-26-38; March of Freedom (Univ.) rev. 5-20-39. PARAMOUNT— Ghosks is the Bunk (Para.); Death Valley Thrills (Para.) ; Popular Science No. 5 (Para.) rev. ('.-3-39. RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL— Goofy and Wilbur (RKO) rev. 10-22-38. RIVOLI— The Practical Piff (RKO) rev. 10 22-38; Television (RKO) rev. 5-6-39. ROXY— The Prize Guest (2Uth-l<o.\) ; Gaov! .N'eighliors (20th-Fo.x). STRAND — For Your Convenience (\ ita. i; Hobo Gadget Band (Vita.). CHICAGO LOOP (Week Ending June 10) APOLLO — You're Next to Closing (Vita.) ; Sandhogs (20th-Fo.x) ; Believe It Or Else (Vita.) rev. 6-3-39. CHICAUO — Prophet Without Honor (MGM) GARRICK— The Greener Hills (MGM); Death Valley Thrills (Para.). ROOSEVELT — Popular Science No. 5 (Para) rev. 6-3-39; Naughty But Mice (Vita.).