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Showmen's Trade Review (Oct-Dec 1939)

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Page 40 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW October 14, 1939 20TH CENT.-FOX 1939-40 WARNER BROS. 1938-39 ritit Mins. Stars Advmitnres •( Sherltck Holmes (My-D) 85. Basil Rathbone-Nioel Bruce Blue Bird (Tech.) (D) .Shirley Temple-Nancy Kelly ... Chai'lie Chan at Treasure Island (My) 74. Sidney Toler-Sen Yung Chicken Wa(j«n Family (C) ..63 Jand Withcrs-Leu Cariille Cisco Kid and the Lady Cesar Remert-Marjerie Weaver.. City of Darkness (D) .. Sidney Tolei City, Th« Donald Woods-C. Aubrey Smith, Drums Alon« the M«hawk (D) H. fejida-C. Colbert (Tech.).. Elsa Maxwell's Hatel For Wo mtn (D) 88. .Darnell-Ellison-Maxwell Escape. The (D) (12 . Kane Riohmond-Amanila Duff . Eyerythins Happens at Night (D) . Sonia Henie-Ray Milland First Kiss (D) Tyrone Power-Linda Darnell .. (Former title, "Daytime Wife") (.iri Must Live (0) aa.. Margaret Lockwooil-R. Houston. Grapes of Wrath Fonda-Bowdon-Grapewin Heaven With A Barktil Wire Fence . (C-D) 62.. Glenn Ford-Jean Rogers He MaiTied His Wife iVt'CieaKellyYounij Here I Am, A Stranger (D) .. 83 . . Richard Greene-Brenda Joyce . High School (0) J. Withers-StephensEdwards ... Hollywood Cavalcade (D) 98 Alice Faye-Don Aineche (Tech.) Honeymoon's Over (C) Marjorie Weaver-Stuart Erwin. (Former title, "Simple Life") Little Old New York (D) Alice Faye-IVIacMurray-Greene. . Man Who Wouldn't TaJk (D) Lloyd Nolan-Jean Rogers Pack U» Yo»r Troubles (0) 70. Jane Witliers-Ritz Brothers ... Quick MiHi*n« (C) 61. Jones Family Rains Came (D) 103 Shipyard S«lly (Mh-D) 79 Stanley and Livin(St»ne (D) .100 Stop, L*ok and Leva (C) 57 Swanee Rivor (Tach.) (0) Al Jolson-Don Ameche-A. Leeds T»« Bucy to Work (C) Jones Family-Chandler-Davis .. 20.000 Man a Year (D) Randolph Scott Rel. Bate See Issue pt . Loy-Power-Bient Gracie Fields . S. 1 1 ney(i I eeneKelly .Jean Rooers-Rohert Kellard (F) 9/1/39 .. .b8/26/39 alD/14/39 (F) 9/8/39 .. b8/2C/39 (F) 8/11/39 ..b8/l9/39 12/29/39 In Prod. 12/1/39 ..a8/l9/39 In Prod. 11/10/39 .37/22/39 (A) 8/4/39 ....b8/5/39 (A) 10/6/39 ...b9/9/39 alO/7/39 11/24/39 .a9/30/39 (A) h5/27/39 In Prod. (F) 11/3/39 ..blO/7/39 12/8/39 ...In Prod. (F) 9/29/39 ..b9/23/39 a9/30/39 (F) 10/13/39 .blO/7/39 12/15/39 .a9/l6/39 alO/14/39 alO/7/39 (F) 11/3/39 ..b9/23/39 (F) 8/25/39 ..b8/l2/39 (A) 9/15/39 . .b9/9/39 10/20/39 b7/29/39 (F) 8/18/39 ...b8/5/39 (F) 9/22/39 . . .b9/2/39 1/5/40 ...39/16/39 11/17/39 .a9/30/39 10/27/39 .a9/23/39 UNITED ARTISTS Captain Fury (B) 92 Cowboy and tha Lady (C-D) 91. Duke ol Waal Point (B) 1(19 King •< tha Turf (B) 88 Matia Fm Each Olker (B) 94 Priaan Without liars (D) 79 Stagecoach (B) 96 Topper Takes a Trig (C) 80 Trade Winds (B) 91 Wiitliering Haightt (B) 163 Zonobia (C) 71 1938-39 Aherne-McLacjIen-Lang (F) 5/26/39 ...b5/6/39 Cooper-Oberon (F) 11/17/38 .bll/12/38 L. Hayward-J. Fontaine (F) 12/29/38 bl2/l7/3S Adolpne Menjou-O. Costello (F) 2/17/39 ...b2/ll/39 Lombard-J. Stewart (F) 2/10/39 b2/4/39 Luchaire-Best-Barnes (F) 3/10/39 ...blO/l/38 Claire Trevor-John Wayne (F) 3/3/39 ... b2/ll/39 C. Bennett-R. Young (A) 1/12/39 ..bl2/3l/38 March-). Bennett (F) 12/22/38 .bl2/24/38 M. Oberon-L. Olivier (A) 4/7/39 b4/l/39 Oliver Haidy-Haiiy Langdon (F) 4/21/39 ...b3/l8/39 1939-40 Chiifiip At Oxford (C) Stan Laurel-Oliver Hardy Eternally Youi-s (C) .95 . . Loietta Young-David Niven ... Four Featlieis (Tech.) (U) ... 109 . . Duprez-SniithRichardson Great Dictator Charles Chaplin-P. Goddard .. Housekeeper's Daughter (C) Joan BennettAdolphe Menjou. Intermezzo — a Love Story (D) .. .70 .. Leslie Howaid-lngrid Bergman. Man in the Iron Mnsk (D) . . . 1 10 . . Louis Hayward-)oan Bennett .. Of Mice and Men (D) Meiedith-Fields-Chaney, Jr. .. Ovei Itie Muon Oliernii-Rex Hartisiin iTerh.) Raffles (D) D. Niven-Olivia de Havilland. Real Glory (D) 96 .(iary Cuoiici -Anilrea Leeds .... Rebecca (D) Olivier-Andei'son-Fontaine .... Send Another Coffin (D) O'Brien -TerryArnold Thief of Bagdad Sabu-Cenrad Veidt (Tech.) ... They Shall Have Mu^lc (Mu-D) 101 . . Jascha Heifetz-Andiea Leeds... Winter Carnival (C-D) 90.. Ann Sheridan Richard Carlson. a8/12/39 (F) 10/12/39 .blO/7/39 (F) 8/4/39 ...h4/29/39 In Prod. (F) 10/26/39 .b9/16/39 (F) 9/22/39 ..b9/30/39 (F) 8/11/39 ...b7/l/39 alO/14/39 In Prod. alO/7/39 (F) 9/29/39 . .b9/l6/39 alO/14/39 a9/30/39 In Prod. (F) 8/18/39 ..b7/l5/39 (F) 7/28/39 . .b7/22/39 UNIVERSAL Big Town Czar (D) 62. Code of the Street* (D) 70. East Side of Heaven (C) 88. Ex-Clianip (D) 74 Exposed (D) 63. Family Next Door (0) 60. First Love Forgotten Women (D) 65. For Love Or Money (D) 67. Gambling Shin (O) 61. Ghost Town Riders (W) 57. His Fxcitinn Niglit (C) 61. Honor of the West 'W) 58. H»os« »r Fear (My-D) 66 Inoido inr«rinatt«n (D) 62. i Stole a Million (D) 78. La»t Warning 62. Little TeiHili Guys in Society (C) 68. Mars Attacks the World (D)...6n. Mystery of the White Room (My-D) 58. Newsboys* Home (D) 73 Pirates of the Skies (D) 61, Prairie Justice (W) 57. Risky Businesa (D) 66, Secrets of a Nurse (D) 67, Society Smugglers (D) 65 Son of Frankenstein (D) 93 Spirit of Culver (C-D) 90 Stranne Faces (D) 60 Sun Never Sets (D) 96 Swing, Sister. Swing ( Mil C) . . . , 62 They Asked For It (My-C) 61 Three Smart Girls Grow lip (0) ST Unexpected Father (C-D) .. ..73 You Can't Cheat An Honest Man (C) 75 When Tomorrow Comes (D).. .90 1938-39 Barton MacLane-Eve Arden (F) 4/21/39 .Carey-Thomas-Little Tough Guys (F) 4/14/39 Binq Crosby-Joan Blondell (F) 4/7/39 . McLaglen-Grey-Brown (F) 5/19/39 Glenda Farrell-Otto Kriiiier ....(F) 11/4/38 . .Hugh Herbert-Ruth Donnelly, ... (F) 3/31/39 . Deanna Durbin-Leslie Howard... 11/10/39 .Sigrid Gurie-Donald Briggs (A) 7/7/39 .June Lang-Robert Kent 5/5/39 . .Helen Mack-Robert Wilcox (A) 1/20/39 .B. Baker-F. Shannon 12/16/38 C. Ruggles-M. Martin (F) 11/11/38 .Bob Baker 1/13/39 . .Wni. Gargan-lrene Hervey (A) 6/30/39 .June Lang-Dick Foran (F) 6/2/39 . George Raft-Claire Trevor (A) 7/21/39 P. Foster-F. Robinson (F) 1/13/39 .Boland-E. E. Hoiion (F) 11/25/38 Buster Crabbe-Jean Rogers (F) 11/18/38 Bruce Cabot-Helen Mack (A) 3/17/39 Jackie CooperLittle Tough Guys (F) 12/23/38 Kent Taylor-Rochelle Hudson ...(F) 2/3/39 .Bob Baker 11/14/38 George Murphy-Dorothea Kent (F) 3/3/39 .. .Edmund Lowe-Helen Mack (F) 12/9/38 .Preston Foster-Irene Hervey ....(F) 2/24/39 Basil Rathhone-J. Hutchinson ...(A) 1/13/39 lackie Cooper-F. Bartholomew. .. (F) 3/10/39 . Kent-Jenks (F) 12/2/38 . Fairbanks, Jr. -Barbara O'Neil .(F) 6/9/39 .. .Ken Miirray-Kathryn Kane (F) 12/16/38 .Wm. Lundigan-Joy Hodges (F) 5/26/39 Diirbin-Winninoer (F) 3/24/39 .Sandy-M. Auer-Shirley Ross ...(F) 7/14/39 . Fields Bernen-McCarthv fF) 2/17/39 .Irene Dunne-Charles Boyer ....(A) 8/11/39 .b4/29/3e .bl /28/39 ..b4/8/39 .b5/20/39 hi 1/26/38 .b4/15/39 .In Prod. . .b7/8/39 .34/22/39 bl2/24/38 alD/29/38 bl2/l7/38 all /26/38 .b6/l7/39 .66/17/39 b7/,22/39 bl2/l0/3a bl 1/26/38 bll/12/38 ..b4/l/39 . .bl/7/39 .b2/25/39 .a9/24/38 . .b3/l8/39 bl 1/19/38 .b3/l 1/39 . .bl/21/39 . . .b3/4/39 .bl2/IO/38 . ..b6/3/39 .bl2/l7/38 . . .b7/8/39 . .b3/25/39 , .b7/22/39 . .h2/l8/3<l , .b8/l9/39 1939-40 Call a Messenger (C-D) 60.. Tough Giiys-Mary Carlisle ... Chip of the Flying U (W) J. M3Ck-Bob Baker Desperate Trails (W) 60 . . BrownBakerKnight Destry Rides Again (D) Marlene DietrichJames Stewart. Galloping Kid (W) J. M. Brown-Bob Baker Green Hell (D) Joan Bennett-D. Fairbanks, |r.. Hawaiian Nights (Mu-C) 64 . . Downs-Moore-Quillan Hero For a Day (C-D) 62.. Charley Grapewin-Anita Louise. Laugh It Off (D) Johnny Downs-Constance Moore. (Former title, "Listen Kids") Legion of Lost Flyers (D) 63 . . Arlen-Devine-Naijel Little Accident (D) Baby SandyFlorence Rice Man From Montreal (D) Richard Arlcn-Andy Devine ... Mikado (Mu) (Teeh.) 90.. Kenny Baker Missing Evidenoe (D) Preston Foster-Irene Hervey ... Mutiny On the Blackhawk (D) .67. . Arlen-Moore-Devine Oklahoma Frontier (W) John Mack Brown-Bob Baker... (Former title "In Old Oklahoma") One Hour to Live (D) 60. Doris Nolan-Chas. Bickford ... Rio (D) 75 .Sigrid Gurie-Basil Rathhone .. Test Driver (D) Richard Arlen-Andy Devine .. . Tropic Fury (D) 65 .Richard Arlen-Andy Devine Tower of London (D) Basil Rathbone-Boris Karloff . . Two Briiht Boys (D) 70 .J. Cooner-Frcddie Baitholnmew Uader-Pup (C) 90..Roh't Cnmminns-Nan niey Vigilante War (W) J. M. Brown-Bob Baker Witaoos Vanishes (My) 66. Edmund Lowe-V.'endy Barrie Title Mins. Adveiiluies ef Jane Arden (D)-,,oU Angels Wash Their Faces (C-D-) 86, Aiiaeis With Dirty Faces (D) ..97 Blackwell's Island (B) 71 Code of Secret Service (D) 58 Comet Over Bro3clw3y (D) 69 Confessions ef a Nazi Spy (D).IUfi Cowboy Quarterback Dark Victory ID) H«l Daughters Ooorageaus D) 167 (F) 11/24/39 .b9/23/39 12/22/39 .a8/26/39 (F) 9/8/39 b9/2/39 11/10/39 39/30/39 39/16/39 10/27/39 .39/30/39 (F) 9/8/39 . . .b8/l9/39 (F) 10/6/39 ..b9/l6/39 a9/l6/39 (F) 11/17/39 b9/l6/39 10/27/39 .310/7/39 a9/l6/39 (F) 9/8/39 ...b5/20/39 a8/19/39 (F) 9/1/39 ...b8/5/39 10/20/39 .38/5/39 (A) 11/3/39 ..b9/23/39 (A) 9/29/39 . .b9/30/39 In Prod. (F) 10/13/39 ..b9/9/39 10/20/39 .39/16/39 (F) 9/15/39 . . .b9/9/39 'F) 9/1/39 . . .b8/26/39 a9/30/39 (F) 9/22/39 . .b9/l6/39 Rel. Stars Date Rosella Towne-Wm. Garaan ..(F) 3/4/39 .. Dead End Kids-Reaoan-Sheridan. (F) S/26/39 Cagney-O'Brien (F) 11/19/38 J. Garfield-R. Lane (A) 3/25/39 . Ronald Reagan Rosella Towne...(F) 5/27/39 K. Franois-1. Hunter (A) 12/3/38 . Edw, G. Reliinsen-Lya Lys .. ..(F) 5/6/39 . (C) 56. .Bert Wheeler-Marie Wilson (F) 7/29/39 B. Davis-G. Brent lA) 4/22/39 John Garfleld-Priscilla Lane .. (F) 7/22/38 Uawn Patrol (Dj I«3. . Flynn -NivenRathbone (F) 12/24/38 . Devil's Island (D) 63 Doilge City (D) (Tech.) inj Each Dawn I Die (D) 92 Everybody's Hobby (C) 55 .Boris Karloff (A) 1/7/39 Eirel Flynn-Olivia de Havill3nd. .<F) 4/8/39 . Canney-Raft-Bryan (A) 8/19/39 .Irene Rich-Honry O'Neill (F) 8/26/39 (Reviewe<l as "Hobby Family") Going Places (C) 83 . D. Powell-A. Louise (F) 12/31/38 Hard to Get (C) 79. .D. Powell-0. deHavilland (F) 11/5/38 Heart of the North (D) 67 ~ ' ' ~ ■ ■ --■ Hell's Kitchen (D) 81 Indianapolis Speedway (D) 82 Juarez (H-D) 127 Kid From Kekomo (C) 92 King ot the Underworld (D) 69 Man Who Oared D) 59 D. Foran-G. Page (Tech.) (F) 12/10/38 Lindsay-Dead End Kids (F) 7/8/39 . Pat 9'Brien-Ann Sheridan (F) 8/6/39 . Paul Muni-Bette Davis (F) 6/10/30 Pat O'Brien-Joan Blondell (F) 6/24/39 K. Francis-J. Stephenson (F) 1/28/39 Charles GrapewinJane Bryan ..(F) 6/3/39 (Reviewed as "I Am Not Afraid") . . .65. .Granville-Litel (F) 11/19/38 . . .65. .Bonita Granville-F. Thomas (F) 2/18/39 Nancy Drew — Detective (D) Nancy Drew — Reporter (D). Nancy Diew — Trouble Shooter (My) 69. .Bonita Granville-F. Thomas (F) 6/17/39 Naughty, But Nice (C) 90.. Dick Powell-Gale Page (F) 7/1/39 . Off the Record (D) 65 .. 0' Brien Blondell (A) 1/21/39 . Oklahoma Kid (W) 80.. James Cagney-Rosemary Lane ...(F) 3/11/39 On Trial (D) 60. Margaret Lindsay-John Litel ...(F) 4/1/39 .. Playing With Dynamite (0) Jane Wyinan-Toni Kennedy 8/12/39 Secret Seivice In the Air (0)..63..R. Reagan-I. Rhodes (F) 3/4/39 . .59. .M3rie Wilson-Johnny Davis (F) 5/28/39 .87. . Gai-fleld-DicksoB (A) 1/14/39 Torchy Gets Her Man (D) 63. Glenda Farrell-B. MacLane (F) 11/12/38 Sweepstakes Winner (C) They Made Me a Criminal (D). Torchy Blane in Chinatown (My). 58. Torchy Plays With Dynamite (D) 59 . Farrell-MacLane (F) 2/4/39 Jane Wyraan-Tom Kennedy 8/12/39 (Former title, "Playing With Dynamite") Torchy Runs for Mayor (D) 60. . rarrell-MacLane (F) 5/13/39 Waterfront (D) 59. Dennis Morgan-Gloria Dickson.. (F) 7/15/39 Wings ol the Navy (D) 90.. G. Brent-0. deHavilland (F) 2/11/39 Women In the Wind (D) .62. . Kay Francis-Wm. Gargan (F) 4/16/39 Yes, My Darling Daughter (C) . .85. .Priscilla Lsne-Jeffrey Lynn (A) 2/25/39 You C3n't Get Away With Murder (D) 78. Humphrey Bogart-Gale Page ...(A) 4/29/30 1939-40 British Intelligence (D) Boris Karloff-Margaret Lindsay.. (Former title, "Enemy Agent") Brother Rat and a Bahy Wayne Morris-Priscilla Lane ,.. C3lling Philo Vance (My-D) , . .94. .Jaraes Stephenson (Former title, "Phllo Vance Comes Back") Child Is Born (D) 79 . ,Geraldine Fitzgeraid-J. Lynn ...(A) 9/30/39 Dead End Kids on Dress Parade (D) Litel -Dead End Kids (Former title, "Dead End Kids at Military School") Dust Be My Destiny (D) 88 . John G3rfleld-Priscill3 Lane . . , (A) Espionage Agent (D) 83.. Joel McCreaJeffrey Lynn (F) Fighting 69th James Cagney-Priscilla Lane... Four Wives (D) Lane Sisters-G, Page-J. Lyna .. Gambling on the High Seas Wayne Morris-Jane Wyman .... Invisible Stripes Raft-Holden-Robson Kid Nightingale (C) 58.. John Payne (F) Lady Dick (My-D) Jane Wyman-Dick Foran Murder in the Air Ronald Reagan-Lya Lys Naney Drew and Hidden Stair Sev Issue o .b2/18/38 . .b9/9/3» blU/2i)/3« . .b3/4/3« .b5/20/39 bl2/24/38 .h4/29/39 .b8/l2/39 . .b3/l I /39 ,b6/l7/39 hl2/l7/38 .bl/7/39 .. . b4 /H / f . .b7/22/39 . .b8/l9/39 .hl2/24/38 .hll/12/38 .bl2/17/38 . . .b7/8/39 . .b7/22/39 . .b4/29/39 . .b5/20/39 . .bl/14/39 .. b4/8/39 .bl2/24/38 ..b9/30/39 . . .b7/l/39 . hl/28/3!; . .b3/l8/39 ,.b3/25/39 , .35/20/39 ..b2/ll/3J. ..b7/29/39 . . .bl/7/39 .bl 1/19/38 ..b2/ll/39 . .35/20/39 . ..b4/l/39 ..b7/22/39 . . .al /2I /3t . ...b2/4/3! . .b2/l 1/39 9/16/39 9/36/39 1 1/4/39 1 1/18/39 34/1/39 .In Prod. a9/2/39 . .b9/9/39 a7/8/39 .b8/l9/39 .b9/30/39 In Prod. 39/23/39 39/23/39 In Prod. .b9/23/39 . .39/2/39 .In Prod. Bonita Granville-Frankie Thomas (F) Glori3 Dickson-Dennis Morgan.. (F) Bette Davis-George Brent (A) Veia Zorina-Eddie Albert (F) Edith Fellows-Jimmy McCallion . Gantry the Great") case (My) 60 No Place to Go (C-D) 57 Old Maid (D) 95 On Your Toes (Mu-C) 94 Pride of the Blue Grass 65 (Former title, Private Lives of Elizabeth & Essex (H-D) (Tech.) 106. . Flynn-deHavilland (F) Retui'ii of Dr. X (My-D) Lys-Bogart-Morris-Lane Roaring Twenties Cagney-Lynn-L3ne Smashing the Money Ring (D).. ..Ronald Reagan-Eddie Foy, Jr... (Former title, "Queer Money") Tear Gas Squad (D) D Moigan-J. Payne-G.Dickson. (Former title, "State Cop") Timber John Payne-Gloria Dickson .... We Are Not Alone (D) ..Paul Muni-Jane Bryan Years Without Days (D) Garfield-O'Brien-Sheridan (.Former title, "20,000 Yeai-s In Sing Sing") 9/9/39 . 9/23/39 9/2/39 . 10/14/39 10/7/39 11/11/39 16/28/39' 10/21/39 11/25/39 , .b8/26/39 . .b9/9/39 . .b8/5/39 blO/14/39 .33/25/39 .b9/30/39 a7/l5/39 .In Prod. .37/22/39 39/23/39 In Prod. .38/12/39 38/12/39 STATES RIGHTS Black Eyes (D) 72. Black Limelight (My) 63. Challenge, The (D) 69. Code of the Fearless (W) 56. Daughter of the Tong (D) 56. Dead Men Tell No Tales (My). 76. Death Goes North (My-D) 64. Flaming Lead (W) 55. Forbidden Music (Mu-C) 65. Forbidden Territory (D) ..80. Headleys at Home (D) 59. Hitler. Beast of Berlin (D) Housemaster (D) 83 In Old IVIuntaiia (W) 63 I Demand Payment (D) 55, Juarez and Maximilian 95. Murder Is News (My-D) 55 Mutiny of the Elsinore (D) ..73 One Night in Paris (My-D) 74 Rangle River (W) 72 Royal Divorce (Cos-D) 84 School For Husbands (C) 72 Second Bureau (D) 65 Spies of the Air (My-D) 78 Torpedoed! (D) 70 Torture Ship (D) Typhoon Treasure D) .... 68 Mary Maguire-Otte Kruger ....(A) Raymond MasseyJoan Marion . (A) TrenkerDouglas (F) Fred Scott (F) Evelyn Brent-Grant Withers ...(A) Emiyn Williams-Sara Seeger ...(A) Ed. Edwards-Sheila Bromley. .. (F) Ken Maynaid (F) Duranto-Tauber (A) Gregory Ratoff (A) Evelyn Venable-Granf Mitchell. .. (F) , Rolaad Drew-Stefii Duna . Kruger-Holmes-Chuichill (F) .Fred Scott-Jean Carmen (F) Jack La Rue (A) Medea Novara-L, Atwtll (F) .John Gallaudet-lris Meredith. .. (A) .P3ul Liikas-Lyn Harding (F) Lodge-Kelly-Williams (F) ,Victor Jory-Maigaiet Dare (F) .Chatteiton-P. Blanchar (F) Diana Churchill (A) Malta Labair-Charles Oliver (A) . Bairv BarnesRoger Livesy ....(A) . H. B. Warner-Beeiy-Cromwell .(F) Irving Pichel-Jacqueline Wells . Campbell Cupeliii -Gwen MNnro..(A) Alliance ...b9/9/39 Alli3in;e . b7/l/39 Film Alliance 39/30/39 Spectrum b 1/2 1/39 Metrop. Alli3nce Warwick Colony World . Hoffbeig Standard .b8/l9/39 . ,b7/29/39 .b7/29/39 ,..b7/l/39 .bl2/3l/3a .bl 1/26/38 .bll/12/38 Producers alO/7/39 AJIiaiice h2/l2/38 Specti II m Imperial Torres Warwick Reiial Alliance H off berg Select Hutfberti Film Alliance .. b7/8/39 Alliance ..b8/l2/39 Film Alliance b9/23/39 Producers .a9/9/39 Ace Pics ..b7/l/39 b4/l /39 .bl2/3/38 .b4/29/39 .h6/24/39 .1)2/25/39 . .b8/5/39 .b5/l3/39 ..b8/5/39 .bl/28/39 FOREIGN LANGUAGE Abused Confidence (D) 85, Ballerina (D; 83, .Danielle Darrieux . Janine Charrat-Mia Slavensky Chanips-Elysees (D) 89. Crossroads (D) 80. Double Crime in the Maginot Line (D) 83. Escspe From Yesterd3y (D) .,.89 40 Little Mothers (C) 92. Grand Illusion (D) 90. 0r3ge (D) 73. Sacrifice D'Honneur (D) 76. . (A) Columbia .bl2/3/38 ..(F) Mayer Burstyn ..bl2/l7/3B .Sacha Guitry (A) Tri-Nat. ...b3/4/3ii Chas. Vanel-Suzy Prim (A) Tri-N3t. .bl2/3l/38 Victor Francen (A) Tower b4/l5/39 . Annabella-Jean Gabin (A) Hoffberg ...b5/6/3!i . Lucien Baroux if) National .bl2/3l/3S .Gabin-von Stroheim (A) World . . .biu/ lo/dc . Boyer-Michele Morgan (A) Tri-Nat. .bl2/l7/38 .Annabell3 (A) Tri-Nat. ..12/24/38 (D) Drama; (C) Comedy; (Mu-D) Musical Drama; (M) Musical; (My-D) Mystery-Drama; [CD) Comedy-Drama; (CS-D) Costume Drama: (W ) Western; ^Mu-C) Musical Comedy; (F) Farce; (TR) Travel; (E) Educational; (FA) Fantasy; (H) Historical.