Showmen's Trade Review (Jul-Sep 1942)

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8 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW July 4, 1942 Rathvon and Depinet RKO and Radio Pictures Presidents N. Peter Rathvon Ned Depinet N. Peter Rathvon, director and chairrnan of the executive committee of Radio-KeithOrpheum Corp., since 1939, was elected president of the corporation, and Ned E. Depinet was named president of RKO-Radio Pictures, the picture producing and distributing subsidiary of RKO at a meeting of the directors of the corporation last week. Depinet also was elected vice-president of Radio-Keith-Orpheum, and Charles W. Koeriier was elected vice-president of RKO-Radio Pictures, in charge of its studio. Other officers of Radio-Keith-Orpheum Corp. re-elected for the ensuing year were: Richard C. Patterson, Jr., chairman of the board; Gordon E. Youngman, vice-president and general counsel; Leon Goldberg, treasurer; J. Millar Walker, secretary; Garret Van Wagner, comptroller ; Robert H. Dann, assistant secretary ; Kenneth B. Umbreit ; William F. Whitman; William H. Clark, assistant treasurer; O. R. McMahon ; Harold E. Newcomb. Depinet is one of the industry's most widely known top executives, having been associated with the industry for 35 of his 52 years. He began his career in the film industry in Texas, making his way up to the top after experience in exchanges, exhibition, sales and executive duties with distributing concerns. In 1924 he became a sales director for Universal, and two years later went with First National as a sales "executive. Later he joined Warner Bros, as general sales manager. In March of 1931, Depinet became vice-president of RKO-Pathe, and when it was consolidated with RKO-Radio Pictures, he became vice-president of RKO Distributing Co., later being named president of the distributing company. Depinet was elected vice-president, director and member of the executive committee of Radio-Keith-Orpheum when that corporation was reorganized and emerged from receivership. Orson Welles and RKO Part RKO studio and Orson Welles this week came to a parting of the ways, with Welles' Mercury Production stafif dropped from the payroll and ordered to vacate offices they occupied at the studio by Charles Koerner, head of RKO production. The producer, writer, director, actor is in Brazil filming "Carnival in Rio." His "Magnificent Ambersons" is soon to be released by RKO and another of his productions, "Journey Into Fear" has been completed for the company'. Nebel Returns to Exploitation as Paramount Ad Representative Charles Nebel, former trade paper correspondent and theatre operator, has returned to the film industry as district advertising representative covering Kansas City, St. Louis and Des Moines for Paramount. RKO Sales Convention RKO-Radio's annual sales convention will be held in New York July 26th to 30th, it was announced Tuesday by Ned E. Depinet. All district managers, branch managers and salesmen, as well as home office representatives will attend the convention at which new season programs and sales policies will be announced. Delegates will arrive in New York July 26th, with business meetings to start July 27th. Reeve Attacks Price Advances to Public Referring to reported discussions of some major distributors of adopting a policy for increased admissions for pictures having war backgrounds, Henry Reeve, president of Texas Theatre Owners, Inc., warns that such demands constitute a strain upon the public and declares the practice would be a misuse of the patriotic impulses of this country. The blast at rumored discussions of such policies by distributors was issued by Reeve in a bulletin from the theatre owner group's headquarters in Menard, Texas. Reeve points out that in key cities the increase asked for results in but 10 to 15 per cent of the established price, but in the majority of subsequent runs, suburban and small town theatres, the increase ranges from 25 to 33 per cent and often to as much as 50 per cent over regular admission scales. Smith Eastern Sales Head of 20th-Fox A. W. (Andy) Smith, Jr., was appointed Eastern Sales Manager of 20th Century-Fox, Tom J. Connors, vice-president and head of distribution for the company, announced Wednesday. The new appointment came closely on the h e el s of announcement that Smith had resigned as sales manager of RKORadio Pictures, a post he had occupied since 1940. The new Eastern sales head of 20th-Fo.x entered film business in 1914, serving successively in sales capacities with Pathe, Hodkinson, First National, Warner-First National. In 1935 Smith became vice-president of Vitagraph Corp., and a year later was appointed general sales manager for United Artists. In 1939 Smith joined RKO, being named sales manager a year later. Smith's appointment with 20th-Fox became effective immediately. William Gehring, formerly central division manager, in future will function as Western sales manager, and William Sussman, formerly Eastern manager, has been assigned to special duties at the home office. A. W. Smith Re-Use of Newsreel Leader to Save 10,000,000 Feet of Stock An estimated 10,000,000 feet of positive stock will be saved annually by the plan under which theatres will retain the title leaders for re-use with newsreel issues for a period of six weeks. The opening and closing leader footage, held by the theatre, is affixed to the new issues. At the end of six weeks' use of the leaders new titles are sent to the theatre with the used film being returned to exchanges for salvage. Regular Admission Prices for Showings of ^^Mrs. Miniver'^ Announcing that there would be no increase in admission prices for "Mrs. Miniver," Nicholas M. Schenck, president of MGM, this week issued a statement in which he said that the company had decided to offer "Mrs. Miniver" to exhibitor customers so that it may be played to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible space of time. "Metro-Goldwyn Mayer," the Schenck announcement stated, "announces the early availability of 'Mrs. Miniver,' a picture conceded by many to be one of the greatest in the history of our industry. Some exhibitors have advocated its presentation at advanced admission prices. The merit of the picture surely deserves this recognition. Nevertheless, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer desires this film to be played to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible space of time. This picture really belongs to the people. For this reason we have decided to offer "Mrs. Miniver' to our customers without any provision for increased admission prices to the public." The fifteen test engagements which started Wednesday in St. Louis, consequently will be at regular admission scales for the theatres they play. Originally it was planned to make the fifteen engagements tests of price scales as well as localities, types of patronage, etc., by different scales for the engagements to be played out between July 1 and July 12. This phase of the test engagements was dropped and "Mrs. Miniver" opened at the State, St. Louis, and State, New Orleans, last Wednesday at regular prices for those houses. Sets All-Time Record "Mrs. Miniver," now in its fifth week at the Music Hall, has run up an all-time record for attendance and money. At end of the fourth week, with a total attendance of 622,354, it established a lead of more than 30,000 over the previous record-holder, "Philadelphia Story." Said Managing Director Gus Eyssell: "We have been playing to 94 per cent capacity since the picture opened." 20th-Fox Dates Five '42-'43 Films 20th Century-Fox will launch its 1942-43 program with the release on August 1st of "Footlight Parade." The new season's product will be started with a block of 5 features to be trade shown next week with "A-Haunting We Will Go," "Little Tokyo, U. S. A.," "The Pied Piper" and "Loves of Edgar Allan Poe" joining "Footlight Parade" as the first month's schedule for 1942-43. The company concludes the current season with the delivery of 54 features. Goodman Pacific Coast Manager Del Goodman, former Canadian sales manager, has been appointed Paramount's district manager for the Pacific Coast, and Hugh Braly, formerly in charge of the Far Western territory, has been transferred to head the Rocky Mount district of the company. Army Needs Cameras The War Department has issued a call for owners of 35 mm motion picture cameras and lenses to turn them into war work, as the Army is in need of such equipment. Owners are urged to submit full description as to model, age, condition and price expected to the Signal Corps Photographic Purchase Board, 35-11 35th Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.