Showmen's Trade Review (Jul-Sep 1942)

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StrandAlbany, N.Y. Stanley Utica, N. Y. Sheridan Miami Beach, Fla. Paramount Miami, Fla. Beach Miami Beach, Fla. State Tampa, Fla. St. Johns Jacksonville, Fla. Lee Ft. Myers, Fla. Playhouse St. Petersburg, Fla. East Macon, Ga. Knickerbocker Nashville Boston Boston, Mass. Majestic Providence, R. I. Warner Worcester, Mass. Capitol Springfield, Mass. Broadway Lawrence, Mass. State Manchester, N. H. Hippodrome, Buffalo, N. Y. Paramount Syracuse, N. Y. Century Rochester, N. Y. State Ithaca, N. Y. Iowa Cedar Rapids, la. Strand C ' n\ n, R. 1. Ohio Farf"^ Cc" 4t Ca East Capitol Warn State St. Jol Cente] Strand Ohio Keeney Elmira, Shea's O. H. Jamestown, N..Y Havens Olean, N. Y. Strand Binghamton, N. Y. Family Batavia, N. Y. Capitol Salisbury, N. C. Center Rocky Mount, N. C. Carolina HendersonviUe, N. C. Colonial Florence, S. C. State -Raleigh, N. C. Apollo Chicago, 111. Rialto Champaign, 111. Palace — Cincinnati, O. State Springfield, O. Grand Columbus, O. Virginia Charleston, S. C. /eld, O. i, Ga. Columbia Portsmouth, O. Ohio Lima, O. Ohio Sidney, O. Sherman Chillicothe, O. Victory Dayton, O. Hippodrome Cleveland, O. Ohio Mansfield, O. Harris Findlay, O. 6th St. Coshocton, O. Warner Youngstown, O. Ohio Canton, O. Rivoli Toledo, O. Ohio Kenton, O. Capitol Steubenville, O. Colonial Akron, O. Ohio Marion, O. Liberty Zanesville, O. Hollywood Ft. Worth, Tex. Majestic Wichita Falls, Tex Avalon ClarksviUe, Tex. Chief Gallup, N. M. Paramount Austin, Tex. Palace Marfa, Tex. Grand Mineral Wells, Tex. Tyler Tyler, Tex Orpheum St. Peters Palace Apoll Capitol Madison, Wise. Rialto Racine, Wise. Rex Sheboygan, Wise. Gateway Kenosha, Wise. Strand Oshkosh, Wise. Appleton Appleton, Wise. Bay Green Bay, Wise. Cambria Johnstown, Pa. Myers Janesville, Wise. Odeon Beaver Dam, Wise. Capitol Manitowoc, Wise. Strand Hartford, Conn. Warner Bridgeport, Conn. State Waterbury, Conn. State Harrisburg, Pa. Stanley Atlantic City, N. J. Capitol York, Pa. Capitol Shamokin, Pa. i Warner Pittsburgh, Pa. Columbia Sharon, Pa. Ritz Clarksburg, W.Va. Warner Morgantown, W. Va. Fond du Lac Fond du Lac, Wi Court -Wheeling, W.Va. Roger Sherman New Haven, C Latonia Oil City, Pa. Manos Vandergrif t, Pa Manos Indiana, Pa. Manos Elkins, W. Va. Palace So. Norwalk, Conn Garde New London, Conn. Warner Erie, Pa Stamford Stamford, Conn. Orpheum Strand New York City Rivoli New Brunswick, N. J Branford Newark, N Stanley Jersey City, Iowa Cedar Ohio K( Stra ,N.Y Wash., D.C. bl Pottsville, Pa. Fabian Paterson, N. J. Montauk Passaic, N. J. Midwest Oklahoma City Orpheum Tulsa, Okla. Aztec Enid, Okla. Osage Bartlesville, Okla. Poncan Ponca City, Okla. ingstown, O. T)rpheum Des Moines, la. Strand Altoona, Pa. Orpheum Dubuque, la. Capitol Marshalltown, la. Indiana Indianapolis, Ind. Mary Anderson Louisville Orpheum Kansas City, Mo. Tarkio Tarkio, Mo. Hollywood Hollywood, Cal. ^ Downtown Los Angeles jfii^^jllmer Reading, Pa.Ritz San Bernardino, Cal. ^ Warner Atlantic City, N. J. eigh. Pa. Uniontown, Pa. Victor New Castle, Pa. Butler Butler, Pa. Cathaum State College, Pa State Kittanning, Pa. Manos Greensburg, Pa. Elsinore Salem, Ore. Fox St. Louis, Mo. Broadway Cape Girardeau, Mc Town Springfield, 111. Rialto Deer Lodge, Mont. Montana Butte, Mont. W^rijpf Fresno, Calif arner I I Gran^ Lancastep^Pt ,^^^"5Pia.ixi5uiiLfl4-lW' msl Natifi)i^l -'Riaimond, Va Orpheum Sioux City, la. j« ^jiW^rner -^^j^rdeen, ^^^h. Lincoln Lincoln, Nel||C^ MetrojjSlan '^O(fe0iffgton, D Fox Philadel^hl^%>a. ^^^iamsbjii||4i^msburg, Va Strand Granada Santa Barbara, Cal, Warner Memphis, Tenn. Uark Fayetteville, Ark. Ritz Oxford, Miss. Warner Milwaukee, Wise. Warner Wilmington, Del. Palace Bethlehem, Pa. Capitol Wilkes Barre, Pa, Comerf ord Scranton, Pa. Mayf air Trenton, N. J. o^al Richmond, Va. tanley Baltimore, Md. Maryland Hagerstown, Md. Capitol Winchester, Va. Dixie Staunton, Va. State Harrisonburg, Va. Granby Norfolk, Va. Palace Newport News, Va.