Showmen's Trade Review (Jul-Sep 1942)

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26 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW July 4, 1942 Exhibitor-Newsdealer Cooperation Spurring Juvenile Interest in Spy Smasher Serial Results of the exhibitor-newsdealer cooperation in promoting the 12-chapter serial, "Spy Smasher," based on the exploits of the Fawcett comic book hero, and featuring Kane Richmond in the title role, have been far above expectations. Republic home-office officials announce._ Fawcett's field men contact each theatre immediately upon receipt of serial playdates, to outline mutual advertising and exploitation campaign. Local Fawcett dealers post special onesheets and streamers conspicuously, and banner all trucks. Dealers adjacent to theatres arrange special window displays of the Whiz Comic books, with theatre passes as prizes to the youngsters guessing the correct number of books in the display. Every possible means of plugging the serial is employed by both exhibitor and Fawcett representative, such as spot announcements and radio interviews ; street ballyhoo with ''Spy Smasher" impersonator passing out handbills in front of schools ; 1 -sheet posters placed on bulletin boards in schools; special advance ads and publicity stories in newspapers ; coloring contests in newspapers with passes as prizes (a popular stunt with the kids, judging from their great response). Republic also supplies a special 5minute trailer to all theatres, gratis, for advance announcements. Manager Rival, of the State Theatre, Detroit, ran a lucky number contest on opening day, with passes to three winners for a free speed boat ride on Lake St. Clair. Mr. Rival reported that the opening matinee was the largest in the history of the theatre, drawing 1,400 children. The previous top attendance figure was 900. In addition, all theatres give away to the youngsters full-colored portraits of "Spy Smasher," \^ictory Battalion cards and buttons, and Whiz Comic Books. The Fawcett supervisors keep their district men on their toes through special bulletins, urging them on to even greater effort in their cooperation with the theatres booking the "Spy Smasher" serial, and as an incentive, the Fawcett man reporting the most outstanding theatre campaign in which he took part, is awarded a $100 War Bond, with runners-up getting $25 bonds. Theatre managers have reported greatly increased attendance at matinees, and have unanimously credited the Fawcett organization for their excellent aid in exploiting the serial and increasing box-office returns. The Fawcett promotional department, in turn, is eager to work with any exhibitor playing the serial, as this mutual plugging of serial and Whiz Comic book results in tremendous increase in their circulation figures. That was their experience as a result of the cooperative campaigns on "The Adventures of Captain Marvel," the Republic serial based on another Fawcett cartoon figure. Bloodworth to Script Shorts Jim Bloodworth, writer from the Mutual Broadcasting System, has been signed by Warner Bros, to do the narrative scripts for two shorts being made from footage shot in South America by Del Frazier. Subjects, both in the Sports Parade series, are "Argentine Horses" and "Hunter's Paradise." Stooges Sign New Pact Through a deal set recently by Leo Morrison, the Three Stooges have been signed by Columbia to a straight two-year contract calling for shorts and features. The comedians are permitted 17 weeks in each year for personal appearances. BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS Defends Rascally Rabbit "For making vicious attacks on Bugs Bunny and short subjects generally, particularly Defense Shorts," Mrs. Walter Ferguson, syndicated columnist, was placed "in the dog house" in a recent issue of Besa Shorts Shorts, short subject house organ for Interstate managers down Texas way. Shaffer Screens Fire Bomb Reel, Gets Good Newspaper Breaks When the Office of Civilian Defense short subject, "Fighting the Fire Bomb," played the Dixie Theatre, Staunton, Va., Manager Frank Shafifer held a screening for members of the Civilian Defense Group and got a storv break for the opening day. A two-column layout on Fighting the Fire Bomb appeared in the Neivs Leader, as well as a story to the effect that the theatre was prepared for any bombing and had taken precautions by acquiring fire-fighting equipment. Several other theatres throughout the nation have accorded this important short subject extra selling effort, -with valuable publicity and increased business as the result. Crump Directs Training Films Owen Crump, writer on Warner Bros, short subjects, returned to the coast from Washington over the week-end with a commission as Captain in the U. S. Army. Crump has been assigned to continue work on government training films at the Warner studios. Code Expert for 'Code' Serial Henry Lysing, noted code authority and editor of The Shadow Magazine, has returned from Hollywood where he finished an assignment as technical director of Columbia's forthcoming chapter-play production, "The Secret Code," starring Paul Kelly, which will be released next fall. Lysing devised a series of fifteen 3-minute shorts, "How to Code and Decode Secret Writings." These will be attached to serial chapters. Try This Title on Your Marquee Republic has signed Peggy Drake to play opposite Allan Lane in the serial, "King of the Royal Mounted Strikes Again." Miss Drake last played the feminine lead opposite Jon Hall in "Tuttles of Tahiti." Negulesco's Mystery Short On his return to Hollywood from the East, where he made shorts at West Point, Annapolis and Washington^ Director Jean Negulesco will direct "The Amazing Mr. Clark," described as a mystery short subject. Letter to Dancing Classes A letter drawing attention to the short subject, "The Gay Parisian," was sent to high school dancing classes and local ballet teachers by Alanager Lamar Keen of the Capitol Theatre, Winchester, Va. NEWSREEL SYNOPSES . (Released Wednesday, July 1) MOVIETONE (Vol. 24, No. 85)— Churchill reviews U. S. armed might; Pacific Council meeting; Men who bombed Tokyo decorated in Washington ; British ruler visits U. S. fleet; Torpedoed tanker re-floated (except Boston, St. Louis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland, Ore.) ; Jungle troops in Panama; War heroes in Seattle (Seattle and Portland only) ; War heroes in Los Angeles (Los Angeles and San Francisco only) ; Tool plants are honored (Boston only) ; Air raid drill (St. Louis only) ; U. S. Navy convoys coastal shipping against U-boats; Betty Jameson wins golf tournament; Beauties hook Florida fish; Films of last hour of U.S.S. Lexington. NEWS OF THE DAY (Vol. 13, No. 283)— Churchill reviews U. S. armed might; British ruler visits U. S. fleet; F.B.I, seizes Nazi saboteurs; Films of last hour of U.S.S. Lexington; Men who bombed Tokyo decorated in Washington ; Seven sailors in family welcomed home from Coral Sea; West Coast welcomes war heroes (special releases for Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle) ; Coast patrols escort convoys safely past enemy submarines; Glamor for war workers (except Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle) ; Whirlaway takes Aqueduct classic. PARAMOUNT (No. 88) — Jungle troops in Canal zone; British King visits U. S. fleet; Frank Murphy dons military uniform ; Refugee children arrive in New York; F.B.I, seizes eight German spies; Churchill visit spurs second front; Churchill inspects American troops in review ; Seven sailors in family welcomed home from Coral Sea; Films of U.S.S. Lexington's last hour. PATHE (Vol. 13, No. 88) — Molotov signs AngloRussian pact; Churchill sees U. S. Army review; U. S. Navy convoys coastal shipping against U-boats; British King visits U. S. fleet; Whirlaway wins Aqueduct classic (except Portland and Seattle) ; War heroes honored in Seattle and Portland (Seattle and Portland only). UNIVERSAL (Vol. 15, No. 97)— Churchill sees U. S. troops in review; Pacific War Council meets; Men who bombed Tokyo decorated in Washington; Jungle troops in Canal Zone; Molotov signs AngloRussian pact ; Inshore patrol on alert ; Last pictures of Lexington; British King inspects U. S. flagship; Seven sons survive Lexington; Whirlaway wins Aqueduct classic. (Released Saturday, July 4) MOVIETONE (Vol. 24, No. 86)— U. S. bombers attack Japanese bases; RAF bombs Cologne; Tanker crew defies U-boats; Sea rescue by plane; Swift justice for saboteurs promised; Cost-of-living check-up ;:tarts; Boys 18-20 register; Blood doners for Red Cross; Sister of Billy Mitchell comes home. NEWS OF THE DAY (Vol. 13, No. 284)— U. S. bombers attack Japanese bases ; Swift justice for saboteurs promised; RAF bombs Cologne; Canadian mosquito boats in war against U-boats; Cost-of-living check-up starts; Girls take over Army jeeps; Rodeo in California; Aquatic meet at Los Angeles. PATHE (Vol. 13, No. 89)— U. S. bombers attack Japanese bases; Cost-of-living check-up starts; Rubber pile in Massachusetts; Queen Wilhelmina talks to U. S.; Chemical warfare training; $50-per-month makes hit with soldiers; New hotel houses Washington girls; Challenge Nazi U-boats; California rodeo. UNIVERSAL (Vol. 15, No. 98) — Boys 18-20 register; High school commandos; Price ceiling volunteers; Chemical warfare; Challenge Nazi U-boats; U. S. bombers attack Japanese bases; Styles of yesterday and today; Aquatic meet at Los Angeles. PARAMOUNT (No. 89) — U. S. bombers attack Japanese bases; Negress sponsors ship launching; Costof-living check-up starts; Increases in Army pay; Sister of Billy Mitchell comes home; Prizes for 1942 top-reporting jobs.