Showmen's Trade Review (Jul-Sep 1942)

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July 18, 1942 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW 17 Bats in the Belfry (Fair) MGM (W-350) Cartoon No. 10 7 mins. Three bats of graduated size hold forth in the belfry and contend that the zaniness generally credited to their species is due to the periodic ringing of the bells. In a "round-theclock" rhyme they relate their grievances building up to the terrors that accompany the ringing of 12 o'clock. There is a little too much mugging of the cartoon characters with the result that the thinly spread comedy action never quite registers. Subject is in color. Doin' Their Bit (Good) MGM (C-398) Our Gang No. 8 11 mins. The gang are pictured as being solicited by a public spirited citizen to provide entertainment for the soldiers and sailors in a town whose population is not large enough to boast a USO center. They do a swell job of putting on a patriotic show and there are a lot of laffs in the gags accompanying a bit featuring Spanky and Froggie. Reel closes on a swell patriotic note with the bunch of kids attired to represent the various United Nations formed into a big "V" while one of the girls — a new one — provides appropriate vocal accompaniment. H. Glazer did a nice job of directing this. Vendette (Good) MGM (K-386) Passing Parade No. 6 11 mins. In fitting similarity to Russia's position to the world strife of today John Nesbit pictures the attempt of Napoleon to invade the vast nation. According to the pictured account Napoleon had a childhood pal on the Island of Corsica with whom he made a blood pledge at an early age to which each was bound unto death and Napoleon's attempt at world conquest was in violation of this pledge. The other youngster, Carlo Pozzo do Borgo, was a recognized failure who made the fulfillment of his death pledge a lifelong mission and managed to be continually in position to harass the Little Corporal even to the time of the latter's sentence to life imprisonment. A rather sardonic endingis given the reel when the crumbling headstone of the man who did more than any other individual to save the world from Napoleonic dictatorship is contrasted against the impressive tomb of the loser at Waterloo. The Bowling Alley Cat MGM (W-351) Cartoon No. 11 (Funny) 8 mins. Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse stage one of their everlasting battles with a bowling alley as the scene of strife. An abundance of ludicrous situations in which the mouse, while always imperiled, somehow or other manages to extricate himself and turn the tables on his adversary, make an excitingly funny color reel. Bowling fans will be particularly delighted but the laughs are not restricted and there are plenty for everyone. For the Common Defense (Very Good) MGM (A-304) Two Reel Specials No. 4 21 mins. A timely and entertaining "Crime Does Not Pay" story that pictures the thoroughness of the espionage ring that the Axis have built around North and South America. In this reel the agents take advantage of the past of an American playboy who has found temporary security in Chile from the United States authorities. Knowledge of his misdeeds is used to pressure him into service as a messenger between South American nations for Germany and Japan. How the co-operation of the Chilean, Columbian and United States F.B.I, finally circumvent the sabotage plans makes a thrilling and suspense laden two reeler. John Litel, Douglas Fowley, Horace McNally and Van Johnson fill the leading roles and A. R. Kenard directed. Wonders of the Seo (Interesting) 20th Fox (2203) Adventures of a Newsreel Cameraman No. 3 10 mins. Jewel of the Pacific (Good) 20th Fox (2104) Magic Carpet of Movietone No. 4 10 mins. The peaceful countryside of Hawaii and the scenes that attracted the majority of tourists make up this reel for which Lowell Thomas provides narration. It is the last travel subject footage shot on the Pacific stronghold before the Japs laid their bombs. Some shots of the city life of Honolulu are shown and there is a touch of comedy given the reel by the inclusion of a scene showing a group of girls trying to make their dresses behave in the twisting winds of a phenomenon of nature called Pali where the breezes caper at the interesting rate of 60 miles per hour — the shots are very revealing. This subject takes the spectator on a trip with a party of scientists to get picture information concerning the marine life that abounds around Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. The finny tribes that frequent these waters offer some mighty interesting submarine acrobatics and the camera gives some glimpses of under-water battles to show that all is not peaceful with the fish population ^f the land down-under. Huge predatory eels, crabs that tear each other out of their respective shells and then occupy the shells they capture, living coral and other oddities are shown. Neck and Neck (Funny) 20th Fox (2561) Terrytoon No. 21 7 mins. The love life of Dogbiscuit, champion jumper, runner and all-around class racing nag and how it intrudes itself to interfere with the big race on which Dogbiscuit's followers are really betting their shirts. This is a very laughable subject with the blond vixen continually flirting with the racer and diverting his mind from his work. The ' end finds him dejectedly content with last place in the big race when the siren appears to admit she loves him and from that point forward rabbits have to get out of Dogbiscuit's way. Gandy Goose In Lights Out (Funny) 20th Fox (2560) Terrytoon No. 20 7 mins. Gandy Goose is in the Army and bedded down beside a tough sergeant. The Goose is troubled with nightmares that place himself and the sergeant as guests of a wacky lady who presides over a housefull of ghosts. Gandy and the sergeant try their best to get away from the spooks and are given a merry chase through the weird halls of the haunted house, finally landing behind the bars. They awaken to find their heads stretched through the bars of the bed end and the sergeant expresses the wish that Gandy leave him out of all future dreams. Back To The Soil (Funny) 20th Fox (2504) Terrytoon No. 4 7 mins. Porky the pig becomes dissatisfied with his job as a bookkeeper and decides to buy a farm. He and his pup find the house he buys to be overrun with animals from the fields who resent the interruption of their peaceful existence and play havoc with the pursuits of Porky and his dog. After being chased around by rabbits, stung by bees and besieged by skunks. Porky decides that city life is the only life worth while and returns to his office desk. . . NEWSREEL SYNOPSES . . (Released Wednesday, July 15) MOVIETONE (Vol. 24, No. 89)— Nazi saboteurs' trial: Jap air raid on Port Darwin, Australia; Willkie speaks at Lidice, 111., dedication; Admiral Nimitz gets Distinguished Service Medal; Secretary Knox accepts $5,000,000 check for Navy Relief from Citizens' Committee ; High diving stars give exhibition in Los Angeles contest : British convoys battle Axis planes. NEWS OF THE DAY (Vol. 13, No. 287)— Nazi saboteurs' trial ; Jap air raid on Port Darwin, Australia; British convoys battle Axis planes; Willkie speaks at Lidice, 111., dedication; Army takes over Atlantic City hotels for Air Force Cadets; Admiral Nimitz gets Distinguished Service Medal; W.A.A.C. Officer Candidates leave for Fort Des Moines for training ; Olympic stars perform at Los Angeles aquatic carnival. PARAMOUNT (No. 92) — Automobile stunt circus: Willkie speaks at Lidice, 111., dedication; Jap air raid on Port Darwin, Australia; F.B.I, seize another Nazi agent; Nazi saboteurs' trial; British convoys battle Axis planes. PATHE (Vol. 13, No. 92) — Nazi saboteurs' trial: Churchill returns from U. S. trip; Willkie speaks at Lidice, 111., dedication; Admiral Nimitz receives Distinguished Service Medal; Vice-President Wallace grows victory garden ; Jap air raid on Port Darwin, Australia; New Ford bomber plant nears production stage; British convoys battle Axis planes. UNIVERSAL (Vol. IS, No. 101)— Nazi saboteurs' trial ; Jap air raid on Port Darwin ; Admiral Nimitz receives Distinguished Service Medal; Secretary Knox accepts $5,000,000 check for Navy Relief from Citizens' Committee; Willkie speaks at Lidice, 111., dedication; New Ford bomber plant nears production stage; British convoys battle Axis planes (Released Saturday. July 18) MOVIETONE (Vol. 24, No. 90)— Jap planes bomb Port Moresby; Yorktown bombed in Midway battle; Congressmen see demonstration of synthetic rubber; Britain's King and Queen visit A.E.F. in Ireland; British fighter planes in W. Africa; American fighter planes in Australia ; Newest styles in hairdressing ; Marines learn how to swim at Del Mar, Calif.; U. S. soldiers watch Hawaiian dancers. NEWS OF THE DAY (Vol. 13, No. 288)— Yorktown bombed in Midway battle; Coast Guard battles Nazi submarines; Port Moresby raided by Japs as first Yankees arrive in New Guinea: American fighter planes in Australia; Britain's King and Queen visit A.E.F. in Ireland; Congressmen see demonstration of synthetic rubber; Marines learn to swim at Del Mar, Calif. PARAMOUNT (No. 93) — Brazil calls reservists to the colors; U. S. troops march in Guatemala Army Day parade; Vacationers bring in farmers' crops; Yorktown bombed in Midway battle; N. Y. Ice Show goes PanAmerican; Picture analysis of Nazi saboteurs. P-^THE (Vol. 13, No. 93) — Yorktown bombed in Midway battle; Coast Guard battles Nazi submarines: U. S. Navy tests long range plane; U. S. troops marA in Guatemala Army Day parade; N. Y. Ice Show goes Pan-American ; Jap planes bomb Port Moresby. UNIVERSAL (Vol. 15, No. 102)— U. S. Coast Guard escorts convoy; Queen Wilhelmina welcomed at City Hall, N. Y.; Planes rushed across Africa; Japs bomb Port Moresby; U. S. pilots on the alert in South Pacific ; U. S. troops march in Guatemala Army Day parade; N. Y. Ice Show goes Pan-American; Britain's King and Queen visit A.E.F. in Ireland; Yorktown bombed in Midway battle.