Showmen's Trade Review (Jul-Sep 1942)

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September 19, 1942 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW 19 Showmen Setting Plans for School Cooperation With so many of the usual avenues of exploitation closed to them by wartime conditions, exhibitors are extending hearty welcome to the re-opening of school and resumption of fall athletic activities. More than ever before it behooves the showman to foster cordial and cooperative contacts with the various athletic organizations, colleges, schools, etc., where cornpetitive games are scheduled for public exhibition. Such contacts, wisely and properly established, will open a wide field for inexpensive advertising to the general public and probably result in many novel stage activities of the kind that increases box-office receipts. Outstanding, of course, is the coming football season in which high interest prevails even in the smallest communities. However basketball is a close runner-up for student interest and is fast climbing in public favor. Swimming, handball, volley ball, boxing, track, wrestling and many other forms of athletic competition will enjoy wide popularity among youthful contestants due to the emphasis being placed on physical fitness. Social and Mental Pastimes Conditions being as they are it is advisable also to take advantage of the social and mental pastimes in which the more settled folk will engage during the fall and winter. Bridge games, checkers and chess contests, high school debating teams, etc., offer a fertile field for exploitation of attractions and theatre good-will building by the agile-minded manager. Be certain all contemplated tie-ups are of the mutually beneficial order and promise interest provoking gain either from a competitive or spectator standpoint to the cooperator as well as the theatre. Only through such effort can you hope to set up a series of regularly recurring activities that cement relationships and result in maximum gains. A few suggestions to assist in stimulating practical ideas for use in your community follow : Cooperation with the football coach can start with first practice and follow through the entire schedule of games. Arrange to invite his entire squad after or immediately before the first practice. This gesture should serve to increase his tryout personnel and evidence your desire to be of genuine assistance to him and his staf¥. Further arrangement to accommodate outstanding player prospects each week and those who respond best to the training restrictions gives still more proof of your desire to help. Be sure that you proceed along organizational lines in making your contacts. The faculty, the athletic management personnel and the business office of the school are every bit as important as the coaching and training staff, as it is through the former that you will receive permission for advertising on the field and in the stands. Tie up With the Cheering Section The cheer leaders and the band is another valuable contact. Through these you will be able to arrange for the stage appearance of the uniformed majorettes and cheer leaders as well as occasional appearances of the band and pregame rallies at the theatre. Ordering a supply of paper arm bands or pennants in school colors in advance of the season will put you in position to overprint attraction advertising for display at all games. If possible get permission to repaint the score board allowing space at top or bottom for card or cutout letter insertion of the attraction playing at your theatre. Supplying the athletic office with bulletin paper outlined in school colors and carrying a message of good wishes from the theatre at the top or bottom is another way of keeping your house constantly in the foreground of activities. If your contact is of the kind where the school Theatres Cooperating with the Various Groups Win Goodwill By Appealing to Local Pride also benefits it will be possible for you to have large displays at all home games and possibly pennant streamers hung from the megaphones of the cheer leaders. A slide on the screen advertising the coming game will more than likely result in this kind of cooperation. The possibility of pre-game rallies on the eve of contests, with group prices in effect, that will add many dollars to receipts should not be overlooked. The support of the sporting editor of the local newspapers to these events is assured and the school paper will be certain to give liberally of space to build interest in the theatre parties. Try to get the athletic authorities and the student bodj to feel that your theatre is the off-schoolgrounds headquarters and the results will more than repay for the effort. Basketball is another activity that you can capitalize, and in much the same manner as is possible with the football enthusiasts. Basketball takes up when the football season closes, guaranteeing continued representation with the student body. Instructors and members of handball, track, swimming, tumbling and other sports should be contacted. Arrange for friendly matches among the boxing, wrestling and tumbling teams to take place on your stage with prizes either of equipment or cash for the athletic fund. Don't overlook the YMCA and other organi zations who conduct athletic contests Offering theatre tickets as prizes to successful contenders will get you space on their bulletin boards and much favorable mention by the instructors. You might even get some friendly rivalry going between the instructors in which their teams will take part on your theatre stage. A friendly note accompanied by one or two passes to be offered as prizes at bridge parties and other women's socials will result in both good will and patronage. The society editor of the newspaper most likely will cooperate by giving you advance information as to when and by whom parties of this kind are contemplated. The school authorities will welcome cooperation that tends to build interest among the students for participation on debating teams, spelling bees, etc. Try to maneuver so that final contests or inter-class competition is presented on your stage. The patron of athletic exhibitions is an amusement seeker and, as such, is 100 per cent susceptible to theatre appeal. Based on the well known fact that everybody wants to prolong a good time to the utmost, quickest box-office returns are promised by directing advertising at the games along lines of an invitation to continue festivities at your theatre. A "bleacher coaches" meeting, "grandstand strategists" gathering or "victory party" at the theatre should swell after-game attendance. This is particularly true if you happen to have an appropriate short subject on the program. The high public interest in athletics lends itself to comparably easy diversion into the channels of theatre attendance at a minimum of expense and effort and the showrnan who builds a strong line of approach and contact with the crowds attracted to the games will be establishing an excellent source of potential ticket sales. %1 TIMELIEST 0¥ COLUMBIA SSniALS! Uncle Sam's secret agents fight fiendish Nazi spies! PAUL KELLYANNE NAGEL Original screen play 6y Basil Dickey, Leighfon Brill, Robert Beche Directed by SPENCER G. BENNET A COLUMBIA CHAPTER PLAY ATTRACIlONi Attached to the end of each episode is a short demonstration film, 'HOW TO CODE AND DECODE SECRET WRITINGS' . . . by Henry lysing!