Showmen's Trade Review (Oct-Dec 1944)

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Make \bur Public Remember Pearl Harbor With o Free Movie Day DECEMBER 7th! ^^^ITH PATRIOTIC FEVER running high, everyone will be eager to ''Remember Pearl Harbor" with a bond. And Free Movie Day is the event to give your campaign a running start for the last week of the Sixth War Loan Drive. As you remember, Free Movie Day was tried on a nation-wide basis for the first time in the Fifth War Loan Drive. More than eight thousand theatres participated in a simultaneous bond-selling event that turned out to be the sensation of the drive. It's been tested and proven tops. and now it's tied to one of the biggest, one of the most important, war dates in our history. The results can surpass anything the Motion Picture Industry has ever done for the Treasury Department if you will lay plans now to capitalize on the nation-wide publicity that will urge every American to Remember Pearl Harbor with an extra War Bond.