Showmen's Trade Review (Oct-Dec 1947)

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SH:,WMEN S TRADE REVIEW, December 6, 1947 meHTesrsponNWEmm! ITS AREA is less than one quarter square inch. It is the most powerful "point source" of light in the world. It is the crater in the tip of an experimental positive "National" High Intensity carbon. Into this tiny spot is packed the same amount of light which would be emitted by 137,000 brightly burning candles! This crowding of a terrific amount of light into a small area is a feature of every "National" carbon arc used in movie projection. It is called intrinsic brilliance. This is what makes your pictures so bright and pleasing to look at. Furthermore, the light emitted by "National" High Intensity Projector Carbons is the closest approach to sunlight. It has a continuous spectrum and contains" all the colors of the rainbow. This makes color movies glow with rich natural detail. Your theatre patrons like it— their approval shows up in the box office. When you order projector carbons — orde* "NATIONAL"! The term "National" is a registered trade-mark of NATIONAL CARBON COM PAN Y, I N C. Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation 111^^ Division Sales Offices : Atlanta, Chicago, DaBas, 30 East 42mJ Street. New York 17, N. V. I ' I ^ ^ Kansas City, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco