Silver Screen (Nov 1930-Oct 1931)

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36 Silver Screen The "Sunny" girl between the two happiness guys is Marilyn Miller. It's Director Bill Seiter at her left. Right, Jerome Kern ivho writes Marilyn's songs. Two talented girls who know how to get along, little Lois Moran and her beautiful mother, who is her manager as tvelL Camilla Horn and her balland-chain came to a parting of their ways. So who knows what the future will bring Marlene! They all come back! Natalie Kingston, who was beginning to make quite a name for herself in pictures when she succumbed to the lure of domesticity, has returned to her first love. She has one of the featured roles in "Her Wedding Night," which is Clara "IT" Bow's latest. Staggering into a Hollywood cafe a drunk demanded aspirin for a size ten headache. Two Broadway-ites go to Hollytvood and meet. Director Edgar Sebvyn explains the mike to star June Walker in the presence of much local talent. The Universal zoo is no more! Modern movies have no need for trained animals, so the eighteen-year-old collection of birds and beasts has been abolished. Its keeper, Charles Murphy, is returning to the grease paint from whence he came. In "Spell of the Circus" he will devote the talents heretofore used for placating wild animals to appeasing the wrath of movie directors. Freddie Fox, assistant director and brother-in-law of Darryl Zanuck, associate producer, says his weakness is Lotti Loder, Viennese "find." Lotti, being a vamp won't admit anything. Betty Boyd, voluptuous vamp and one-time Wampas babystar, is "that way" about Lane Chandler. But what's a poor actor to do when a big producer like Mack Sennett tries to cut him out.' 'SX^ith Rolls-Royce and gardenias as inducement? At present, Betty is dividing her favors. Just an old Hollywood custom! There's a hamburger stand near every cat and dog hospital ! One can have a bite to eat while the favorite poodle is having his fleas removed. Trunks have a special significance to Frank Fay, stage star, and Hollywood's favorite master-of -ceremonies. For if an array of packed trunks greets him when he arrives home in the evening, he knows he has some explaining to do. Mrs. Fay, better known as Barbara Stanwyck, has more than her share of the artistic temper — ament. And whenever she gets mad at Frank, she packs her trunks and threatens to leave. She never does, however — Frank always manages to fix things up. Yola D'Avril, snappy Parisian actress, and Eddie Ward, song writer, have been making eyes at each other. Eddie Cantor is one person who has profited from the recent stock market crash. He has just sold a screen idea, based on the comic side of stock market plunging, to Universal, for $25,000. And he received $10,000 from M-G-M for "Caught Short." Rudy Vallee may have a million feminine fans, but Lupe Velez isn't one of them. The other night at the Roosevelt Hotel, Lupe was introduced to Joe Friscoe, well-known vaudeville performer. Joe was delighted at meeting the little Mexican cyclone and proceeded to try to make a good impression by asking solicitously about the welfare of her "brother Rudy." He is still trying to find someone who can translate into English what Lupe said. His impression is that she doesn't care for Mr. Vallee. Another unfinished story of Heartbreak Town — For months pretty Ruth Boyd, a tiny blonde from 'way down South, had struggled for a foothold in movieland. Finally one day while "making the rounds" of the independent studios she was picked for her first part. It was her big chance! She was the first person to arrive at the studio next morning. Eagerly she waited the director's signal. The cameras started.