Silver Screen (Nov 1930-Oct 1931)

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T h g L E V E N 0 /H G ENTLEMEN OLLYWOOD Many stars arc called, hut few arc chosen for this select position. And the few survwors are a fne lesson m what mar]is the gentleman B y Donovan Pedelty THE amazing thing is not how many there are but who they are. Let us tell the truth though motion pictures perish. There are only eleven gentlemen of Hollywood. Who are they? Clive Brook? He has all the reserve to qtialify, but not the necessary technique of talking to a lady with a cigar in his mouth— which consists of removing the cigar. William Powell? I have myself seen him kiss a star in a public restaurant without saying so much as "hello" to her husband at her side: Ralph Forbes, of course, is only a featmed player. Douglas Fairbanks might have slipped amongst the elite if he had niet the Mountbattens without wanting to; poor Doug wanted to too long. John Gilbert? We are credibly informed that on being shown his second talkie our John permitted himself the bourgeois luxury of tears. Ivan LebedefF, then? But oxie is not a gentleman merely (perhaps especially) because one has a suit lor every day of the month and kisses hands. What! Five of Hollywood's gallants and not one of for September 1931 Who is THE ir^ nothing, shooting them eligible? A he-man, then Perhaps Nature's gentleman is not, after all, a synonym for George Bancroft held up of a scene in "Scandal Sheet" to set chairs for six homely feminine visitors from the Middle West. Not small-time sob sisters. Not poor relations of an assemblyman. Just six unornamental middle-aged fans from Iowa. But unhappily Bancroft has been guilty of appearing coUarless in a ptiblic place. To explore still less promising depths. Cliff (Ukulele Ike) Ed^vard's —on his own di\'orce cotu t testimony —does not even aspire to be kno\vn as Mister, which is making a ^ irlue of necessity. Whatever claims to the nobler title might be advanced by Ernst Lidjitsch, John Barrymore, Noah Beery, Al Jolson, Rex Lease, Hal Duncan, Jim Tully, Myron Selznick and Grant 'Withers were nullified on fistic occasions which caused their names to be struck off the invitation lists of high-hat Hollywood hostesses. To be socially black-listed in the movie menagerie is equivalent to being called a nig|;( r 1)\ a kanaka. Let us have done with this [Con liii iicd on fxigr ()(>] 17