Silver Screen (Feb-Oct 1935)

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c What Are These Curves And En £ ticernents? Is It M Art? out Are The Ns-w Pictures Harking' Back To The Daze Of Sflendor And Nights Of Gladness ? Peggy Fears, completel shrouded by a costume so-ochaste, is supported in "Lottery Lover" by a chorus wearing long black stockings. With the New Deal, things are getting into / better shape. IMAGINE the chagrin of th producers, who are trying s valiantly to keep their pi< tures cold and respectable, t, find that it is quite impossible to put a girl in a picture withi out the old allure starting t vibrate through the theatn' Girls completely dressed havldeveloped an intriguing myster* that enhances the come-hithe effect, in spite of all that the d« signers can do. And so it goes. The girls car not be denied. They never hav been successfully scorned, and i is no time to begin now, wha with everything except marriag licenses costing so much mon Pile your flounces upon then swathe them in frills and bund) them up in furbelows, you wii have your trouble for you pains. In the confident glance 1 of their eyes, in the arrogar poise of their heads you wi> meet your match. There is such thing as a sexless gi Dress her as you will, she w yet succeed in dominating tl thoughts of mere man. The girls are on their way. ■i