Silver Screen (Nov 1938-Apr 1939)

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80 Silver Screen for November 1938 NEW...S FOR IMPLE PRODUCT FOR IYGENES . . . when your doctor advises femijiiine hygiene ... a dainty, white, antiseptic suppository; ready' for instant use . . . melts promptly at internal body temperature, to form a soothing antiseptic film . . . freshly scented; no other odor ... individually sealed; untouched by human hands until you open . . . scientifically prepared by the makers of "Lysol" disinfectant . . . box of 12, with full directions, $1.00. s lb r1 \ r J A product of the makers of "Lysol". Copr. 1938 by Lehn & Fink Products Corp., Bloomfield. N. J. Roger and Gloria entered and were seated on the other side of the room. Gloria wore a stunning mink coat that appeared ' to be brand new. Eloise didn't look up, but Barney knew she had seen them. He took a firmer grip on his fork and inhaled. "They seem to be getting along pretty well." ^ , "Yes." Eloise looked up quickly, blushing clear through her makeup. "Who?" " Roger and Gloria." She jabbed at her food with sudden fervor. "I don't care if they're wallowing in compatibility. What Roger and that leprous girl do is of so little consequence to me that I'm bored at the mere mention of their names." "You know something honey? said Barney pleasantly. "I think your attitude's all wrong. She's a pretty nice kid when you get to know her. I was surprised." Eloise raised her head, the look of a woman betrayed in her eyes. Barney was reminded of a trusting sheep being led to slaughter. He resumed. "Say what you like, she's a fighter. Goes after what she wants." "I'm °lad you're so open-minded." Eloise bent a "mental crowbar over the head of her publicity man. "Sure. She's just a normal girl with normal impulses. She wanted Roger, so she set out after him." "And got him." "Yep. And she'll hang on to him. "But fine. Fine! What do I care?" Barney grabbed his chop and chewed vigorously on it to hide his emotion. Eloise's voice had dropped noticeably in timbre and had picked up volume. "Of course vou don't care. If I thought you did, do you think I'd talk like this to you? Do you think I'd tell you that Roger jusl bought her that mink coat. . . ?' "What!" ■And was looking at Beverly Hills property lor her?" "What did you. . . ?" "And was talking io Rudolph about making a picture with her?" Eloise laid her hand in the salad and rose from her chair. "I'll kill her! I'll kill them both!" A waitress shied into the air and spilled soup into an executive's ear. "I'll take a scalpel and bone them like a pair of mackerel!" That noon Barney left a filteen cent tipfive cents more than he had ever lipped a waitress in his life. Half an hour later Barney was sitting in his office listening to Eloise fume as she paced up and down the carpet. At intervals Barney tossed in a snappy remark or two to keep the bile flowing. In the midst of the tirade, Barney opened a drawer of his desk in a quiet, matterof-fact manner, drew forth a large mahogany box, and opened it. A dozen or so knives of every variety lay exposed to view. Unconcernedly he selected one with a broad, vicious blade and an intricately carved handle and began polishing it with a cloth. "I'm telling you," said Barney. 'You oughta have a talk with Gloria." > "I'd like to sing at her funeral!" Eloise turned and hauled up short. "What are you doing with that cutlery?" • . , "This," explained Barney with great deliberation, "is my collection of rare knives." "Knives?" "Knives." "What for?" , „ "I don't know. It's a collection. Then, by way of making himself clear . . . "Of knives." "Oh " Eloise's eyes took on a dreamy quality. "It would be nice to work on her with your collection." "Now, listen to me," admonished Barney , severely. "It won't do anybody any good if you try rough stuff." "You don't think I'd do anything like that, do you, you idiot?" "Well I'm just telling' you, that s all. He rose abruptly, leaving the knives on his desk. [ , "I've gotta see a man. Be right back. When Barney walked onto Stage 5 a fewminutes later, they were adjusting the lights on a hotel lobby set, amidst much hammering and shouting. Gloria was sitting in a corner reading a fan magazine. She looked gorgeous in the mink coat. Barney dropped into a seat beside her. "How's the career going, honey?" Gloria looked up from her magazine resentfully. "Why?" .. •-■ Barney smiled ... a big lush smile. "Just curious. Thought I'd write a little publicity yarn about you." "Really?" Gloria closed her magazine and showed her dimples. "That's nice. Whafre you gonna write about me?" Barney looked her straight in the eye. "I had in mind something deep down ... a searching portrait of the real vou. I wanta get beneath the surface. Why don t you come over to my office?" "Oh, yeah?" "To talk, I mean. It's too noisy here. "Oh, to talk. Well, okey doke." As they walked toward the Publicity Building, Barney became confidential. "It's a relief to talk to somebodv human for a change. I'm just about fed up on that Sargent dame." "You're fed up on her? How about me? That's all Roger can talk about. Half the time he calls me Eloise." "That must be aggravating." "Aggravating! Do you wanta hear something that'll really peel your skin?" Gloria didn't wait for an answer. "He buys me this coat, see? It comes today with a cardLove to Gloria from Roger-and what does he do?" "Tell me," begged Barney. "He says he never bought it and I have to send it back. I'm telling you, he's nuts! ' Barney glanced around him warily, "You think he's nutty. You oughta see that Sargent dame. She's whacky!" "No!" "Yeah! She's got ideas that folks are out to get her." "I can't believe it!" "It's terrible. She's even taken up knife. throwing. Carries a knife or two with her most of the time. I told Rudolph just the other day, I said, 'Rudolph, that girl's a menace.' " Outside his office Barney paused. "You go in and sit down," he told Gloria. "I want to get a photographer." Gloria entered and closed the door before she saw Eloise. She moaned imperceptibly and reached for the door knob. "Oh. Well. I didn't know. I'll come back later." Whitney Bourne is supporting Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda in "The Mad Miss Manton." Her career is bursting into life again!