Silver Screen (Nov 1938-Apr 1939)

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I Told on the petals of a rose THE MAGIC TALE OF HOW THE simple little experiment outlined above, we believe, will convince you that Luster-Foam detergent, in the new formula Listerine Tooth Paste, is indeed a remarkable dental discovery . . . the modern, dainty aid to lovelier, more lustrous teeth, which you should be using. It gives you a close-up of LusterFoam detergent in action . . . makes it easier for you to comprehend how amazingly it cleanses your teeth, reveals its astonishing power to spread into danger zones of decay. You readily understand how this superwetting agent, as Science calls Luster-Foam, surges into neglected, hard-to-reach areas that even water alone may not enter, and gets after tiny defects on teeth enamel, = LUSTER-FOAM where some authorities state more than 75% of decay starts. (See chart to right.) The Luster-Foam "Bubble Bath" Energized into a dainty "bubble bath" at the first touch of brush and saliva, LusterFoam gets to these danger zones. Meanwhile it attacks those oily food films which hold fresh stains, foster decay, and make the enamel dull. At the same time, LusterFoam aids in preventing dangerous acid ferments that attack enamel. Is it any wonder that this new tooth paste is winning thousands of friends every day? See why yourself. Your drug counter has it in two economical sizes : Regular 25^, and big, doublesize at 40^. GETS TEETH SUPER -CLEAN ■ . ' .,, TYPICAL DANGER ZONES WHERE SOME AUTHORITIES ESTIMATE MORE THAN 759b OF DECAY STARTS ^ * A*'*'*! Tiny pits, cracks, and fissures in these danger zones are breeding spots of decay. A study of 12,753 persons showed that most of it is centered in the bicuspids and molars, although other teeth showed a substantial amount. Listerine Tooth Paste supercharged with LusterFoam was created to get at these vulnerable areas, so often neglected and so hard to reach. LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. THE supercharged with LUSTER-FOAM 16 Silver Screen