Silver Screen (May-Oct 1939)

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Silver Screen for June 1939 63 Flashshots [Continued from page 19] New York go out on the town less than Frances Farmer and Leif Erikson. • Extremely happily married, they are one couple who really prefer a sane and quiet existence. But when they do go out they seem to thoroughly enjoy it and themselves. I was surprised to see them come into El Morocco after the theatre one night, but I was more surprised to find that they stayed until after three o'clock. In marked contrast to them, Dorothy Lamour loves the excitement of the night clubs and was at El Morocco five nights in one week. Dan Tuthill of N.B.C. gave a big party one night for her, Don Ameche and Bergen. Dorothy arrived in an evening wrap that had a hood which looked like an eskimo's, for it had blue fox fur around the face. The hood and skirt were gray while the long-sleeved, high-necked and tight-fitting jacket were chartreuse yellow. Only three years ago Dorothy was singing at One Fifth Avenue, a far cry from her world of today. Tony Martin was there the same night as the Tuthill party. He reminisced about how years before he'd come to New York for the first time and went out wearing his first tails. He said he was so nervous' that while he was dancing he lost one of his pumps and he was so embarrassed that he didn't even mention it, knowing it was being knocked all over the crowded floor. When the music stopped, there it was over in a corner, and, blushingly, he got a waiter to retrieve it. Tony, who plays the piccolo and English horn, besides his singing, is extremely agreeable about performing impromptu for people. Several times he got up before the mike and sang. People are wondering about Franchot Tone's romantic interests. First June Cox seemed to be the Number One girl, and now Ann Graham, a very beautiful model, seems to hold the title. At least he took her out six times in one week, which is a pretty good indication. One night El Morocco had a contest for the best looking boy in the room and Gladys Swarthout was one of the judges. Although Rudy Vallee and Errol Flynn were both there, the prize went to a "dark horse," a very handsome boy named Jim Burke, who Pat de Cicco thinks looks like grand movie material. Phil Regan and the Edward Arnolds were also there that night, which made the place look like a bit of Hollywood transplanted. Binnie Barnes, the English actress, is a grand person, and one of the few movie people I know who answers the phone herself. I talked to her several times before I met her personally and her voice has a warmth and friendliness that's very refreshing. One night she wore a red and gold dress, but the loveliest one I thought was one of white silk with a pale blue stripe and under it a pleated white silk petticoat. A FRIEND of Jack Haley's was dis■Si cussing a backbiting acquaintance of ^ theirs— "He sure picks his friends," •said Haley's pal. "Yeah," said Haley, "to pieces." tylcce guard against body odor with this lovely perfumed soap! (^FRAGRANT i4 SKIN HAS SUCH ALLURE? THAT'S WHY I ALWAYS BATHE WITH CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP ! you're always so exquisite, darling. ..just like a lovely, fragrant flower ' MEN ADORE 8 THE DELICATE, FLOWER-LIKE FRAGRANCE THAT J SURROUNDS A GIRL ' v AFTER A BATH Jf 1 I Ms x W WITH CASHMERE I BOUQUET SOAP! / USE THIS PURE, MY COMPLEXION TOO. ITS GENTLE, CARESSING LATHER *W°%SSD'RT, AND COSMETICS SO • THOROUGHLY, LEAVES SKIN SMOOTH AND RADIANT > IO*-3for25* at drug, department and ten-cent stores