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Silver Screen for July 1939 61
In England, The Lady Rosemary Gresham, daughter of the 21st Earl of Erroll, has cared for her skin with Pond's since her school days. She says: "Pond's is as perfect as ever for cleansing'"and softening my skin!"
Montreal — The Hon. Ann Shaughnessy, daughter of the late Lord Shaughnessy. With English and American sportswomen, she cheers the new skin care — "skinvitamin" in Pond's Cold Cream.
In Canada — Mrs. Robert W.Armstrong, of Toronto, goes to Lake Muskoka for fishing. " 'Skin-vitamin' in Pond's is an added reason for banking on this grand cream!"
A Roosevelt smiles from the springboard! The former Anne Clark says: "Now that it's known 'skin-vitamin' is necessary to skin health, it's great to have it in Pond's."
Titled English Horsewoman — The
Lady Cynthia Williams, daughter of the Earl of Guilford, often visits America — one of many British peeresses who praise the new skin care.
It's American to skate! Mrs. Nicholas R. du Pont, of Wilmington, often joins her friends at a private rink. She has always used Pond's to give make-up that winning sparkle.
^Statements concerning the effects of the "skin-vitamin" applied to the skin are based upon medical literature and tests on the skin of animals following an accepted laboratory method.
In Britain, in Canada and in the U n ited States, smart society women are quick to grasp the meaning of the new skin care. Vitamin A, the "skin-vitamin" so necessary to skin health, is now in every jar of Pond's Cold Cream. Skin that lacks this vitamin becomes rough and dry. But when "skin-vitamin" is restored, it helps make skin soft and smooth again.
Use Pond's night and morning and before make-up. Same jars, same labels, same prices.
Copyright, 1939. Pood's Extract Company