Silver Screen (Jun-Oct 1940)

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Silver Screen for July 1940 81 Peggy Moran, of Universal Pictures, wearing a trim Catalina two-piece swim suit of satin controlastic. work. Dick lights a match and holds it out, but she ignores him. Finally, when she sees the lighter won't work she turns to him. "Well," she snaps, "light it!" So Dick strikes another match and lights her weed. . ."Y'know," he says after a couple of minutes in which she has ignored him most beautifidly, "we've met before. It was at Wanda's wedding breakfast," he continues as Joan shows no sign of recognition— Wanda, being her sister. "I remember," he rambles on, "there was something funny about your face. . . . Could it have been your teeth?" "Braces!" Joan spits out the word. "And listen, Pinocchio . . ." "That's right!" Dick agrees promptly. "Used to wear 'em myself. I don't suppose you have another cigarette." Joan fumbles in her purse again and hands him a cigarette. "Can you spare it?" Dick inquires sarcastically. "Yon were pretty glib in there," Joan opines. "Doing somebody a favor or just talking to hear yourself talk?" "It was for Brandon," Dick explains. "I'm — I'm sort of lined up to work for him if," grinning wryly, "I ever pass my bar exams?' "That's swell," Joan agrees. "You and Brandon both seem to be cut from the same piece of cloth." "Wait a minute, now, don't get me wrong," Dick protests defensively. "I phoned David and told him Brandon wanted me to testify and he said to go ahead as long as it would help Wanda. I didn't like to do it any more than you did. I felt like I was slitting somebody's throat, but I wasn't quite sure whose throat I was cutting." There is another pause and Joan turns and stares out the windoiv. "What blew 'em up?" Dick persists. "I mean Wanda and David." "If you want my honest opinion," Joan says coldly, over her shoulder, "I think it was the kind of people Wanda chose for her friends." "Yes?" says Dick stiffening. "Yes," Joan snaps. "And if you still want my honest opinion, I think Wanda's friends are about the messiest conglomeration of moral and intellectual garbage it's ever been my misfortune to . . ." "Wa-ay-ait a minute," Dick interrupts, and then, with crushing dignity, "it may interest you to know I was one of Wanda's friends." "The crack still goes," Joan squelches him. I will say one thing: if there is an actress on the screen with a feeling for dialogue it is Joan Blondell. If I were a director I'd have the leading man throw her cues and have the dialogue written from her retorts and I bet the script would turn out a darned sight better. And, while we're passing out compliments, let me say that you, who know Dick Powell as a singing juvenile, are going to be pleasantly surprised at the performance he's turning in in this picture, in a "straight" role. There is a prevalent belief {which I used to share) that singers can't be actors, but anyone who has heard Dick as a master of ceremonies should know that he is one of the deftest light comedians on the stage. $z ^ Well, anyhow, so much for the frothy side of life. Now we come to "Northwest Mounted Police," a saga of the great Northwest. When you were a kid — well, maybe not when you were a kid but when / was, seventy percent of all movies dealt with the Northwest Mounted and they always got their man . . . men (?). Of late years the N.W.Mounties have sort of fallen into innocuous desuetude, but here comes C.B., puttees sparkling, megaphones ringing and banners flying to bring them back to glorious life. Paramount no longer put out synopses of their pictures so I can't tell you what this is all about, but I think the Indians have attacked and there's been bloody hell to pay. The wounded (N.W.Mounties) have been carried into the barracks in droves and of a sudden there's Madeleine Carroll as a nurse putting a tourniquet on a man's arm when Preston Foster appears. "You always turn up where you can help, don't you?" he inquires solicitously. "The half-breeds let me leave Batoche this morning," she explains, and then, "Oh, Dusty, what are they all saying about — " "They're all out of their heads," he consoles her. "Do any 'of you know where Ronnie is?" she worries. But all these brave N .W ' M ounties are silent. 10c at Department, Beauty Shops. 20— $50.00 'Beauty Coupon Books 50— $5.00 Beauty Coupon Books 250— $1.00 Beauty Certificates • Think of winning $500.00 worth of new clothes from any store you choose or $500.00 in cash if preferred! Or one of 320 free services at your, favorite beauty shop I Here's all you do I Try new Blend-Rite Bob Pins. See ho w their amazing "hairlike" finish makes them practically invisible. Feel their firm grip ; theirsmooth, round ends that won't mar your fingernails. Then complete this sentence in 25 or less simple, everyday words: "I like BlendRite Bob Pins because ..." ENTER NOW! Each Blend-Rite Card contains Rules of the Contest, Official Entry Blank and Hints on How to W in. Or make reasonable facsimile. Contest closes July 31, 1940. Don't wait! Variety, Ten-Cent Stores and STA-RITE GINNIE-LOTJ, INC. SHELBYVILLE, ILL. STARITE BOB PINS The Invisible Bob Pin FADED HAIR Ask famous expert from France how to shampoo and color your hair the same time at home with "SH AM POKOLO R" Any shade. No dyed look, most lasting. Permits perm. wave. Free Book. Valligny Prod. Inc., Dept. 20-K, 254 W. 31 St., New York. CORNS MEM" Away Goes Pain and Out Come Corns Ever So Quick! NEW! f DR. SCHOLL'S KEEP YOU FREE OF CORNS, SORE TOES FROM ' ^ . TIGHT SHOES i Try this famous new clinic-tested relief — the New Super-Soft Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. Pain goes quicker; shoe friction and pressure stopped more effectively. "Breaking-in" discomfort of new or tight shoes is avoided, and corns, sore toes and blisters prevented. These soothing, cushioning, fleecy pads are now 630% softer than before! That's what makes them vastly better. New, thin SCALLOPED EDGE molds pad to toe with form-fit smoothness. Do not come off in bath. Separate Medications included for removing your corns or callouses. Cost but a trifle and more for your money than ever! Sizes for Corns.Callouses, Bunions, I Soft Corns. Insist j on Dr. Scholl's. JJEW_ Vtn}.^9S7/m BUNIONS I CALLOUSES D?Scholls Zinopads