The Billboard 1898-11-01: Vol 10 Iss 11 (1898-11-01)

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MASS.—Central MassachuA. Ballou, secy. WORCESTER, setts Poultry Club. C, Jan. 5 to 8, 1899. XENIA, O.—Southwestern Ohlo Poultry and Pigeon cree A. G. Spahr, secy. vec. 20 to 24. yOUNGSTOWN, O.—Youngstown Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. E. N. Sinon, secy. Dec, 20 to 24. YPSILANTI, MICH.-—Ypsilanti Poultry Assoiation, Dee, 29 to 31, 1898. Geo. M, Gaudy, 7, CNESVILLE, O.—Muskingum Valley Poul try Association, Dee. 7 to 10. ©, U. Shryock, secy. Expositions. Mechanics’ Fair—Oid MeOct, 10 to Dec. 3 HNOSTON, MASS. h chanics’ Association. CINCINNATI, O.-—Pure Food Exposition. Nov. 7 to 27, 1898 Cincinnati Retail Grocers’ Association; office, 70-71 Mitchell Hidg, Cincinnati, O. CREENSBORO, N. C Exhibit. Aug. L to 4, Industrial & 1s. oH. J. County Elam, secy NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—Pan-American Exposition, 1899. R. C. Hill, secy. : OAKLAND, CAL.—Oakland Exposition. Nov 12 to Dec. 3, 1898. George Roeth, Oakland, Cal., secy.; J. W. Nelson, pres OMAHA, NEB.—Trans-Mississipp! and International Exposition, June 1-Nov. 30, 1898. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Exposition of Amerjean Manufacturers’, 1899. Dr. Wm. Pepper, chairman. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Sem!-Centennial Exposition. Winter, 1901. WINSTON, N. C —Tobacco Exhibition. November, first week. Races. GROESBECK, TEXAS—Nov. 9 to 12. Ss. D. secy. HOD SPRINGS, ARK.—.. inter Racing Circult. December, 1898 HOUSTON, TEXAS—Oct. 31 to Nov. §. Ww. Ss. Foote, secy. MINEOLA, L. I.—Queens County Jockey Club. April 25 to May 3, Avg. 15 to 2, Oct. 24 to Nov. 8. : NASHVILLE, TENN.—Tennessee Breeders Association. April 27 to May 6, 1899. J. w. Rurewurm, secy. PALESTINE, TEXAS—Nov. 16 to 19. Thos. Hall, secy. WESTCHESTER, N. Y. Westchester Racing Association. National Stallion Race of $ H. G. Crickmore, 173 Fifth av.. New York City. Spring, 1900. Horse Shows. CLEVELAND—Horse Show. Nov. GG s&s Otis, jr.. secy., Cleveland. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Horse Show. ary, 1899 NEW YORK CITY—National Horse Show Association, Madison Square Garden. Novem Janu ber. ST. LOUIS. MO.—St. Louis Horse Show. Oct 31. to Nov. 5. John R. Gentry, manager. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Food Exposition. Armory of Second Regiment. Wm. Smedley, secy . 148 Tenth st. Nov. 7 to 26. 2 333939399 ZONVENTIONS, : Fetes, Celebrations, Etc. Under this heading we publish free o) charge the dates of all notable events, which are likely to attract large concourses of people to any one particular city and for this reason prove of importance to advertisers, showmen, strectmen, general passenger agents, et The list 1s carefully reused and corrected monthly. BORE FEES EERE EEEE 2ECEE ALEXANDRIA, VA.—National Celebration of Lincoln's Emancipation Proc!amation. Mag nus L. Robinson, Chairman, Alexandria, Va. ALLENTOWN, PA.-—Four-County Firemen’s Convention. June 13, 18%. Herman C. Menuell, seev ALTOONA, PA.—Pennsylvania State Magis trates’ Association. Sept. 19, 1888. G. W. Jackson, Box 206, Harrisburg, Pa., secy ATLANTA, GA tion. 1899. American Library AssociaHenry J. Carr, Public Library, Seranton, Pa., secy. ATLANTIC, 1LOWA--Epworth League Stat’ Convention. Nov. 3 to 6, 1898 Miss Win nie Bell, seey. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. sociation. May, 1899. Elizabeth, N. J. AURORA, ILL.--Ancient Order Hiberpians. 190. Daniel MeGlynn, secy., St. Louis Pharmaceutical AsFrank C, Stutzlen, AUSTIN, MINN.--State Dairymen’s Associa tion. Dee. 13 to 15, 1898, HALTIMORE, MD.--Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel. 1902. BALTIMORE, MD.—Supreme Council of Chosen Friends. 34 Tuesday Sept., 1899. 5S. K. Wagner, supreme secy., Phila.. Pa. HNALTIMORE, MD.—State Council, Catholle Henevolent League. Feb. 15, 1899 Thos. Foley Hisky, 100 and 102 W. Fayette st., Haltimore, Md.. secy. NALTIMORE, MI. National Press Association. Nov. 15 to 18 bert Howell, 275 Woodland Ave., O., seey, NALTIMORE, MD.—National Fraternal Congress. Nov. 15, 1898 M. W. Sackett, Meadville. Pa., secy.-treas, NALTIMORE, MD.--Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Maryland. Nov, 15, 1898. Jacob it. Medairy, Baltimore, seey. Fraternal N88. Gil Cleveland, THE BILLBOARD BALTIMORE, Nov. 8, 1898, Md., secy. BALTIMORE, MD. MI).—Grand Chapter, R. A. M. Geo. L. MeCahan, Baitimore, Federal Brotherhood o Andrew & Philip. November, 189% C. E, Wyckoff, Irvington, N. J., secy. '-TIMORE, MD.—Maryland Conference of =~ Charities @ Correcucns. Nov. 29 and 30, 1X98. Clarence H. Forrest, 10 Hopkins Piace, Baltimore, Md., secy. B‘LTIMORE, MD.-Union Veteran League. Sept. 13, Inv. W. 38. Me. secy. BALTIMORE, MI).—Maryland Y. P. S. C. E. Convention Nov. 15 to 17, 1898 HH. N Hanna, Hel Air, Md BATON ROUGE, LA.—Louisiana Press Agssociation. April or May, 1899. L. S. Scott, Crowley, La., BAY CIPy State Agents & Convention of tions & Charitics. Dee. Reobinsecn, Lawrence BICKNELL, IND. Nov. 7 TAGS, setts Ave. and Ind., seecy VINGHAMTON, NY. Norcross, Lewiston, sey. Conference of Board of Correc7 and 8, 1898. C. E. Mich., secy. Indiana Fie!d Trial Club. Sam. Socivell MassachuAlabama st. Indianapolis, State : 1 Commissioners & Nov. 9% to ll ISM. Miss Whiteshere, N. Y¥., seey. BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—New York State Association of School Commissioners and Superintendents. November, 1898. Miss Cora A. Davis, secy., Whitesboro, N. Y. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.-—Southern Association of Superintendents. Cora A. Davis, ~~ hool Homeopath ie Medical Association. Nov. 8 to 10, 1898. Miss Francis McMillan, 217 N. Vine st., Nashvilie Tenn secy RIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Phamaceutical Asso ciation. fecy May, ‘9%. P. C. Candidus, Moble, BOSTON, MASS.—Ancient Order of Hibernians. July, 1900. James O. Sullivan, Phil adelphia, Pa., nat. secy BOSTON, MASS.—Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Association. October and November. BOSTON MASS.—United States Military Corps & Old-Timer Telegraphers Association. 1899 J. E. Pettit, 145 Campbell ave., Chicago, Lil., secy. POSTON, MASS.—Kniebts of Malta Grand Commandery Sept. 28, 1899. John W. Hicks, Grand Recorder, 606 Tremont st., Koston, Mass. BOSTON, MAss.—Epworth League. Nov. 16, TSS, BOSTON, MASS.-International Union, Steam Engineers. Oct. 2, 1889. P. F. Doyic, 18 Washington st.. Ch'cago, IL, secy. BOSTON MASS.— National Woolen & Worsted Overseers’ Association. Nov. 16, 1898. John Mulrooney, Piymouth, Mass., -* y BOSTON, MASS.—Steam Engineers’ National Union October, 1899. P. F. Doyle, Chicago, L., secy BOWLING GREEN, KY.-—Fox Hunters’ Na Nov. 15, 1898 tional Association BRADFORD, PA.—Pennsylvania Bill Posters’ Association. May 15 and 16, ‘99. John D. Mishier, pres.; John G. Reese, secy., Scranton, Pa. BRADFORD, PA Posters Pennsylvania State Bill Association May 15 and 16, 1899. John G. Reese, Scranton, Pa., secy. tRANDON, VT.—B. Y. P. U. State Conventior Sept. 27, 1899. Frank W. Woods, Johnsor Ve secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—Baptist Brotherhood of », Cc Andrew & Phiiip. Nov. 3 C. Chrysper, 22 Lafavett Ave Brookivn. N. ¥ secyv BUFFALO, N. Y.—Wooksellers’ and Newsdealers’ National Association. 1899. F. R. Sampson, N. Y. City, secy BURLINGTON, VT.—High Order of Foresters June, Weis, Hammond, Ind., secy CAYUGA ISLAND, near Niagara Falls)—Pan American Exposition. May 1 to Nov. 1. Hon. W. Cary! Ely, Director; R. C. Hill, secy.. Buffalo, N. Y. Court, 1899. Catholic John M. CELERON, CHATAUQUA LAKE—Photograjhers’ Association of America. July, 1599. Geo. B. Sperry, Toledo, O., secy. CHARLOTTE, N. C.-Y. M. C. A. Confereyee (Colored) of Virginia and the Carolinas. Nov. 244 to 27. W. A. Hunton, Roch mond, Va. seev. CHARLOTTESVILLE ral Soctety. Nov. 15 VA, INS, State Horticu‘tuSam'l B. Woods, res CHATH AM ONT International Triats Nov. 15 wv. B. Wells, Ont secy CHESTER, PA.—State Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Horace Brock, of Lebanon, Pa... pres. November. CHICAGO, ILL.--General Assembly, ef Labor Nov. 15, 1898 John W. Hayes, 43 Bost. N. W., Washington, D. C.. seey. CHICAGO L.—National Firemen's Associnited States. Nov. 8, Iam. E. W. Rarkman, Box 346, Decatur, TL. secy. Field Chatham, Knights CHICAGO, ILL.--Bohemian Catholic Central Union Sept. 26. 1900. Frank Lindelar, 56 Jewett st Meveland. Oo secyv CrtcAGoO, ILL.—Agricultural Press League of U. S. & Canada. Nov. 8, 1898 E. W. Chandler, 1117 Ashland Bleck, Chicago, Il. aecy CHICAGO, ILL. Cathotiec Total Abstinence Union of America Aug. Sto 11, 1899 A. R. Dowle il W. Soth st., New York City, seev CHICAGO, ILL Convention Ivers International Sunday Schoo! April 27 to 29. Is98 M. DD. Atwood Ride... Chicago, Il. secy. CHICAGO, ILI.--National Association of Embalmers First week, September, 1899, Frank A. Cook. Paris, Ul... secy. CINCINNATI, O.-National Charities and Correction Congress. May, 1899. CINCINNATI, ©. -National Association of Stove Manufacturers. May, 1899. CINCINNATI, O.-National Association of Lumber Dealers. Nov. 3, 1898. A. R. Vinnege, Chicago, Ul CINCINNATI, 0.—Triennial Meeting Generai Grand Chapter. September, 1900. CINCINNATI, 0.—Saengerfest Jubilee. 1899. CINCINNATI, O.-National Association Master House Painters & Decorators of United States. Feb. 7, 189 . Joel Kennedy, Cincinnati, O., seecy.-treas, CINCINNATI, O.—Christian Chureh Convention. October, 1899. B. L. Smith, secy. CINCINNATI, O.—National Association of Manufacturers. January, 1899. E. P. Wilson, Room A, Chamber of Commerce, Cin cinnatl, O., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—Traveling Engineers’ Association. Sept. 12, 1899. W. O. Thompsen, Elkhart, Ind., s«« y. CINCINNATI, O.—National Alliance, Theatrical Stage Employes of United States and Canada. June 19, 1899. Lee W. Hart, gen’! secy.-treas. CINCINNATI, O.—Biennial Convention of Bavarian Societies of North America. 1°99. Valentine Biueplein, secy., Buffalo, N. Y. CINCINNATI, O.—Old Volunteer Firemen’'s Life Association. Feb. 22, 1899. CIRCLEVILLE, O.—I. O. O. F. Convention. July, 1899. CC. H. Tyner, Columbus, 0O., secy. CLEVELAND, O. Ancient Scottish Rite Su preme Council. Aug. 1, 1899. Magnus L. Robinson, Alexandria, Va., secy. CLEVELAND, O.—R. and S. Masters’ State Council. Sept. 26, 1899. Wm. E. Chillicothe, O., Grand Recorder. CLEVELAND, O.—Royal Atch Masons Grand Chapter. Sept. 27, 1899. Chas. C. Kiefer, Urbana, O., secy. CLEVELAND, O.—National Anti-Saloon C vention. Dec. 6to 8. Jas. L. Ervin, Box $2, Washington, D. C., secy. CLINTON, I!OWA—Konights Evans, & Ladies of Golden Crescent. Dee. 6 E. F. Frick, Clinton, lowa, secy. COLUMBIA, MO.—Missouri Press Associa tion. Dee. 8 and 9, 1898. COLUMBUS, O.—Standard Delaine Association. 1899. S,. YN Cleaver, sethlehem, Pa., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—American Medical Association. 1899. Dr. Joseph M. Matthews, pres., Louisville, Ky. COLUMBUS, O.—State Convention Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Nov. 5 and 6. CONCORD, N. H.—National Grange Meeting. yep 16 to 20. H. H. Metcalf, Concord, ° +, Secy. CONCORD, N. H.—Patrons of Husbandry National Grange. John Trimble, 514 F. st., Washington, D. C., secy. November, 1898. DANVILLE, QUE., CAN.—Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T. September, 1899. J. W. Roch, 396 A, St. Dominique st., Montreal, secy. DECORAH, lIOWA—Norwegian-Danish Press Asscciation. June, 1889. S. Sorensen, Minneapolis, Minn., secy. DELAWARE, 0O.—Cathoti Sept. 11, 1899. M. J. secyv. DENVER, COL. Merino East Knights of Ohio. Manly, Delaware, O., National Live Stock Convention. January. 1899. = COL.—Railroad Commissioners. 1899. DENVER, COL.—American Association of Traveling Passenger Agents. September, 1899. L. W. Landman, Columbus, O., secy. DENVER, COL.—Concatenated Order of the Hoo-Hoo. Sept. 9, 1899. J. H. Baird, Nashville, Tenn., scrivenater. DENVER, COL.—Negro Press Association. August, 1899. Mrs. F. J. Jackson, Kansas City, Kas., secy. DES MOINES, lOWA—Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. September, 140. F. W. Arnold, Peoria, Iil., secy. DETROIT, MICH.—National Evangelization 1998. Rev. F. Mason, secy., North New York. DETROIT, MICH.—Amalgamated Association of Iron and Stee] Workers. May, 1899. John Williams, Pittsburg, Pa.. secy. and treae. DETROIT, MICH.—National Insurance Commissioners’ Association. Sept. 1 or 2, 1899. John M. Pattison, Cincinnati, O., pres. DETROIT, MICH.—Society of American Florists. W. J. Stewart, Boston, Mass., secy Aug. 15. 1899. DeTROIT, MICH.—‘‘Road Masters’ Association. Sept. 12, 1899. J. B. Dickerson, Sterling. Ill., secy.-treas. DETROIT, MICH.—Sons of Veterans. 1899. DETROIT, MICH.—National Asseciation of Insurance Commissioners. 1899. DETROIT, MICH.—lL OO. Oo. F. Grand Lodge. Grant, 25 N. secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Odd Fellows’ International Press Association. September, 1899. John W. Bourlet. Concord, N. H., seev. Sovereign Sept. 18 to 23, 1899. J. Frank Liberty st., Baltimore, Md., DETROIT, MICH.—Michigan Hardware Association. July 12 and 13, 1899. Henry C. Minnie. Eaton Rapids, Mich., secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Supreme Court, Foresters of America. Aug. 22, 1899. E. M. MeNurty, Box 12. Brooklyn, N. Y., secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Supreme Grand Lodge, I. o. O. F. September, 1899. DETROIT, MICH.—National Canned Goods Packers’ Association, Western Canned Goods Packers’ Association, Canning Maehinery and Supplies Association. Feb ruary,. 1899. DETROIT, MICH.—National Association October, 1899 DUBLIN, GA.—Georgia Weekly Press Association. July, 1899 W. A. Shackleford, Lexington, Ga... secy DURHAM, N. C.-—-Pharmaceutical tion. May, 1899. H. R. Horne, ville, N. C. EFFINGHAM, ILL.-U. R. ae Pythian Press AssociaFayette State Convention. Nov. 15, 1898. J. J. Doheney, Effineham, Ill. secy. EFFINGHAM, ILL.—lilinois State Council, Catholic Knights of Americs. Nov. 15. J. FE. Maloney EMPORIA, vention. Farmer City, Ill. seey. KAN.--Y. M. C. A. State Nov. 16 to 13. Andrew ConBaird, EUREKA, KAS.—Emporia District Epworth League. August, 1899. G. L. Darby, Howard, Kas., secy. FRANKFORT IND.—Supreme Lodge of Moose February, (second Tuesday), 1900. M. G. Kelly, Crawfordsville, Ind., seey. FRANKLIN, MASS.—Massachusetts Universalist Convention. Sept. 26 to 28, 1899. Rev. F. W. Sprague, 30 West st., Boston, Mass., secyv. FRANKLIN MASS.—Y. P: S. C. U. State Convention. Sept. 22, 1899. Miss Josie S. Newman, Reverlv. Magss., secy. FREDERICK CITY. MD.—United Brethren Church of United States and Europe Centennial Celebration. 1991. J3 FT. WAYNE, IND.—North Indiana Teachers’ Association. April, 1899. W. C. Bellman, Hammond, Ind., pres. FT. WORTH, TEXAS—Farmers’ Congress. John M. Stahl, 4318 Laughl.y av., Chicago, Ill., secy. Dec. 6 to 14, 1898. GAINESVILLE, GA.—Chatauqua Convention. July 4 to 20, 1899. H.W. Van Hoose, Gainesville, Ga., secy. GALVESTON, TEX.—Texas Live Steck Association. Jan. 10 and 11, 1899. Varies P. Brown, San Antonio, Tex., secy. GRAND ISLAND, NEB.—Funeral of Nebraska. June 13, 1899, Norfolk, Neb., secy. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—State Firemen’s Convention. 1899. Geo. L. Gray, secy. and treas., La Peer, Mich. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Grocers’ Association. National Directors Peter Beil, Michigan Retail February, 1899. E. A. Stowe, Grand Rapids, Mich., secy GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Pythian Grand Lodge. 1899. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. Aug. 23, 1899. M. E. Curtis, Big Rapids, Mich., secy. GREENSBORO, N. C.—North Carolina State Firemen’s Association. Aug. 1 to 5, 1899. Dr. J. W. Griffith, Greensboro, N. C., secy. GUELPH, ONT., CANADA—Cheese & But ter Association of Western Ontario. Jan. 17 to 19, 1899. HARTFORD, CONN.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council. Sept. 26, 1899. E. W. Bell, 53 8 High st.. New Britain, Ct.. seey. HARRISBURG, PA.—Traveling Men's Club. February, 1899. Fred L. Morganthaler, secy. HAKRIS LITHIA SPRINGS, SS. C.—South Carolina Press Association. June, 1899. C. C. Langston, Anderson, S. C., secy. HOBOKEN, N. J.—High Court of New Jer sey, Independent Order of Foresters. September, 1899. John H. Davis, 1129 Hampton Place, Elizabeth, N. J., secy. HOLYOKE, MASS.—Pharmaceutical Soctety. June, 1899. Jas. F. Guerin, Worcester, secy. HOT SURINGS, ARK.—Pharmaceutical Association. May 9, 1899. John B. Bond, Jr., Little Rock, secy. HUDSON, N. Y.—New York State Women’s Suffrage Association. Nov. 8 to 10. Isabel Howland, Sherwood, N. Y., secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Carriage Builders’ Association. October, 1899. Henry C. McLear, Wilmington, Del., secy INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indiana Bankers’ Association. Nov. 15 and 16, 1898. Mord Carter, Danville. Ind., secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Convention Epworth League. 1899. INVIANAPOLIS, IND.—Imernational Bill Posters’ Association of the United States and Canada. July, 1899. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Pharmaceutical Association. Feb., "99. JEFFERSON CIrYy, MO.—Pharmaceut'cal Association. June 6, 1899. H. M. Whelpley, St. Louis, secy. KANSAS CITY, KAS.—Missouri & Kansas Short-Horn Breeders’ Association. Feb. 15, i899. Will Gentry, Sedalia, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Federation of Labor. December, 1898. Frank Morrison, secy. hawoAS CITY, MO.—Missour! and Kansas Short-Horn Breeders’ Association. Feb. 15, 1899. W. B. Brush, secy., Station A, Kansas City, Mo. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Missouri Grand Lodge, .od0 F. Oct. 2 to 6 190. J. W. Bawards, Jefferson City, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 6, i898. S. S. Bonbright, Cincinnati, O., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Galloway Breeders’ Association. Nov. 3, 1898. Frank BR. Hearne, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Missour! Amateur Shooting Association. Washington Park Gun Club, of Kansas City. Walter Bruns, seev.. Kansas City. Mo. 1899. KANSAS CITY, MO.—National Building Trades Council, 1898. W. H. Steinbiss, secy., St. Louis, Mo. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Catholic Knights of America. May %. 1899. Jos. C. Carroll, Monroe Bide.. Norfolk. Va. KINGSTON, ONT., CANADA—Cheese & Butter Association of Eastern Ontario. Jan. 10 to 12, R. G. Murphy, Elgin, Ii., Secy. LAFAYETTE, IND.—Indiana State Court of aCtholic Order of Foresters. August, 1899. LANCASTER, PA.—State Convention, Grand Lodge, K. of P. Aug. 16, 1899. Milton C Tysen, Lebanon. Pa., secy. LAWRENCE, KAN.—Pharmaceutical Societv. May, 1899. F. A. Snow, Topeka, secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebraska State Horticul 1899. tural Society. Jan. 10, 1899. C. H. Barnard, Table Rock, Neb., secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—Western Travelers’ Acci dent Association. Sept. 20, 1899. Sheetz, Omaha, Neb., secy. LITCHFIELD MINN.— Minnesota makers’ Association. Nov. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. of Arkansas. Arthur L. Cheese30 and Dee. 1 Order of Eastern Star Nov. 14, 1898. Mrs. Jennie BB. Hopkins, Mablevale, Ark... s¢« LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—State Arkansas Knights of Labor. ey. Assembly of Jan. 17, 1899. Inehn H. Robertson, Little Rock. Ark., seey. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND—United Bill Posters’ Association. August, 1899 LOGANSPORT, IND.—Seventy-third Indiana Regiment of Civil War Veterans, 1899 LONG BRANCH, WN. J. Firemen’s State Convention. September, 189%. Isaac Wies enthal. Chief Engineer. ; LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Women's Christian Temperance Union. November. BALLOON FOR SALE. A fine 48-ro feet Het Air Ralloon. In good condition. Will sell cheap. Address BALTOONIST, care “Billboard,’’ Cincinnati, O GRAFTERS! Send me your address, have got dates and other information for you. F GERRARD, No. 1319 Michigan ave., Chicago, Il. Ci RB SB eS ese oes wes 644 ote wy UU ee ee AE A ym ee ied ey > ‘ Or tar ae 7 WS Sze Le Te