The Billboard 1899-01-01: Vol 11 Iss 1 (1899-01-01)

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nl eA — ial Pa SS <a 9 ETTERS TorTne ITOR. Pie jek abe Py Y Lay ae Danville, Ind. Editor ‘“‘The Billboard:” Enclosed piease find postal order for $1, which pays my subscription to August next. The Christmas number alone was worth the amount. It is certainy the ‘ne plusultra’’ of all the holiday publications 1 have seen. I also enclose you copy for an ‘‘ad’’ for the January and March issues. When the service is completed send me my bill. This is a small town of only 3,000 inhabitants, but I am striving hard to make it win, and believe I will yet succeed. My boards now carry over 500 sheets of paper, and | am doing considerable distributing and tacking. My prices, 1 believe, are as reasonable as are consistent with good, honest service. I charge four cents per sheet for posting, thirty days display, listed and protected, and $2 per thousana for distributing circulars, and $2 50 per thousand for samples. I carry the sack and do all my distributing in person, *“*knobing’’ circulars and placing samples in the houses. I have now on the boards Battle Ax, DraAnchor and Drummond Plug Tobacco; goon, Duke’s Mixture, Dr. Prices’s Medicines, buck’s -Stoves, Silmond’s Regulator, Sak’s Clothing, and Canadian Jubilee Singers. I have recently made distributions for Dr. Miles Company, Hall's Catarrh Cure, Peruna almanacs, Dr. Burkbart, Hagee’s Cod Liver Oil, Kondon’s Catarrh Jelly and Family Story Paper. I hope to still further increase this branch of my business by joining the association in the spring. My prospects for spring bill posting are the best I have ever had at this time of the year. In fact, they are so good that I intend to build about 600 feet of new boards as soon as the weather begins to open up. With the compliments of the season, and wishing ‘‘The billboard’ renewed, additional and continual success, I am, yours for business, JAMES V. COOK. Cadillace, Mich. Editor ‘‘The Billboard:’’ I know and have known for a good while ‘that an ad in “The Billboard’’ would pay large returns, but as much through neglect as anything I have hot sent it in sooner. I do not want to “jolly " you any, but you do get up the best paper for us posters that I ever received. I do not see how you could make it much better, but each following number is still better than the last. If we (us posters, you know) had a few more like you and some others I could name to push our business, we would have to enlarge our plants all around. May you live long and prosper, and may no evil assail you. I know that advertising pays by the following circumstances: George Leonard, of Grand Rapids, has, or had been, pounding me on the back for a long time to go to our Michigan Kill Posters Conventions, but | thought I could not get away, as it was my “busy time.’’ But last spring I dropped everything and went to Detroit with our President. 1 not only had a bully good time, but I had the conceit taken out of me completely. Although I was never very onceited about bill posting, for I was too old (40 years ola) when I commenced, yet I thought I knew something about it. But after I had been to the convention and heard some of those old posters talk (George W. Stevenson, of Jackson; Davidson, of Bay City, etc.), I made up my mind I did not know much of anything about bill posting. I also got new ideas of how to push bill posting and distributing, and I know I have been paid a good many times for the money and time spent while at the convention. I have built over four hundred feet of new boards since I was in Detroit, and have had the same full all the time. I have more paper coming, and know it was the result of knowing bow to push my business. Cadillac is 98 miles north of Grand Rapids, and has a population of 7,300. We have four double band saw mills that run the year round. We have broom-handle factories, basket, stave and heading factories, planing mills, machine shops, flouring mills and other industries that are in constant operation and at good wages. There is not an idle man in town except those who do not want work, and when | am asked what kind of a town Cadillac is, 1 tell them we have everything that is good and bad, and they can take their choice. We have some very fine trout streams in this vicinity, and any one that will come here in the trout season, that belongs to ‘‘The Billboard,”’ I will see has a good catch, and a good time also. I am cracked a little, or a good deal, on the trout question, and if I could see and talk with you, I expect I should tire you out, the same as I have done now, I guess. So just please excuse this rambling and disconnected letter. Very truly yours, Cc. I. SPENCER. Lebanon, Ind. Editor ‘‘The Billboard: Your Christmas Editien of ‘‘The Pillboard’”’ came to hand some days ago, an@# must say that truly it shows great skill and workmanship, and reflects credit upon its publishers. I think ‘‘The Billboard’’ the ONE GREAT organ of bill posting in the United States. It has been of great benefit to our firm, and I can heartily recommend it to any bill post~e who wishes to be first class and up to ate. Our business for the past six months has been good, but we look for much improvement during the coming year. We are at present building new boards, and will be better prepared to do our share of the bill posting in this section of the country. We have about perfected arrangements for the control of plants in Thorntown, Hazelrigg, Whitestown, Zionsville and Colfax. By @o doing we will have ove of the best sec tions of the cotinty to draw from: in all over 10,000 people, surrounding county. We are at present posting Horse Shoe Plug, Dragoon Plug, Scalping Knife, Sledge Mixture, Dr. Pierce, G. M. D. Tilford’s Carolina Cigar, besides local work. We also do distributing. I wish to have your opinion on a matter which has caused me great concern latly. The Lebanon Bill Posting Co., which is doing business in this cty, or were, rather, do not own or control a board in the city. While they do not do much work, they are continually covering our paper and causing us no end of trouble. They are members of the Indiana State Association. We have written to Mr. Dobbins, secretary of the Association, but have had no reyly from him. From the above you can probably get some idea. Any plan or proposition from you would be greatly appreciated Thanking you for past favors, we remain, yours respectfully, reaching not including the BALDWIN & CO., Per Stacy Darnell, Mer. P. S.—What we desire to do is to enter the Association, Los Angeles, Cal. Editor ‘‘The Billboard:”’ I received an application a month ago from the Dr. Shoop Medicine Co. of Racine, Wis. desiring me to hang advertising on doa : knobs, with rubber bands, for $1.50 per thousand. 1 of course declined, pointing out that this could not possibly be done for the money in this climate. I have just received anothir application, and have reason to believe that another agency here has been employed tor the impossible work. I write therefore to ask you in justice to ventilate this matter. Perhaps, for all we know, hundreds of poor devils are being victimized, who have, in their abject need, volunteered to do the impossible. I enclose a copy of my reply to their last application. Yours truly, L A. DD: & A. Co., E. N. Rydall, Manager. Dr. Shoop Family Medicine Co.: Gentlemen—We have your favor of recent date, asking for estimate on work suggested. The placing of books on door knobs can not be done at the price you suggest. This is the land of the fig and olive. Each house has its Eden 509x120, and no man can go to each dour and do the work for anything like the price you suggest. Only a fraua—some poor, lying wretch—will agree to do this, for necessity will “‘agree’’ to anything. In this connection 1 shall place a communication before “‘The Billboard’’ and other papers of the profession and have this whole thing investigated. It seems to us, thet knowing what you know, you have some object in inviting fraud, or wronging the indigent. Yours respectfully, E. H. RYDALL, Mer. L. A. D. & A. Co. Clarksburg, W. Va. Editor ‘‘The Billboard:”’ Having been éngaged until recently in bill posting, I beg to announce that | have retired from same, and will devote my time and attention to distributing and sign tacking, and will distribute all towns in West Virginia of any consequence. I am open to an offer with some good, reliable bill posting firm, and am thoroughly capable of doing any kind of work. I can give best of references as to my reliability. This is a splendid chance for some one who nee ds a good solicitor on local work, or foreign. My retiring from business is another example of the small-town bill posters difficulty to live. I have been engaged in business for myself for over a year, gave good service, and never had a complaint. I am out not only my labor, but the expense of erecting boards, and am over $200 behind, cash paid out of my own pocket. Is it any wonder the small-tuwn bill posters get discouraged? Where, oh, where, are the solicitors with their numerous requests for rates, facilities, and the great amountof work they have? Why do they call themselves solicitors, and give us the ‘“‘go by?’’ They are continually crying for better service, and when it is theirs for the asking, why don't they take advantage of it? Why? Simply becaus: instead of their trying to better the service, they do not care. It is the poor bill posters’ ‘“‘shekels’’ they are after, and unless you have a ‘“‘stand in’’ with these most high and mighty (nit) lords of creation, you are ‘‘out in the cold.”’ That's all. I do not wish to tire any one with a long kick about my troubles, so if there are any bill posters who are prosperous enough to give a ‘‘poor devil’ a job, let them write me. Thanking you for past favors, I am, yours very respectfully, W. E. DAVID. Bowling Green, Editor ‘‘The Billboard’’ We take the liberty of using the columns f ‘The Billboard” to let the bill posters and yourselves know what we are doing. We are just completing a contract for the California Fig Syrup Co. for this county of 27 4x4 stands; 500 I sheets and 2.000 snipes; 5,000 folders and 50 tin signs 24x36; another with the American Tobacco Co. for 70-8 sheets stands. We are doing Duke’s Mixture for this countv also. We have completed contracts for 25-12 sheet stands for Friedlick & Co.: 250 sheets for Straus Bros. (local); 25-12 sheets and 50-2 sheets for the Drummond Tobacco Co.; 5,000 pieces for the Riess Clothing Co (local); 1,100 pieces for the Shoup Remedy Company. We have also done the work here for the Royal Remedies Co. of Dayton, Ohio: Hamlin’s Wizard Oil Co., of Chicago, and are posting for the Valentine Theater Co., of To ledo. We have had 4-32 sheet stands from them. We have posted for the Grand Opera House of Bowling Green, “How Hopper Got Side-Tracked;’’ Morton's Comedians and the Canadian Jubilee Singers. We have on the boards at the present time Jerome Helrome, th. Wonderful Boy Violinist, aud more to {Jlow. We will send you Ohio, photo of our double deck tiext Week. She is a aaisy. We will have four more before the end of the moni. Ihe Billboard’’ is the best advertising medium outsiage of the bill boards that there ln ln the country. Hopiuog this is .ottaking up too much of your tiie, aud wishing you all the sucetss in tue world, we beg lo remain, yours most respectfully, THe AMERICAN CO. Newark, Ohio. Editor “The Billboard:"’ ue distribuuiog business is increasing greatly here. Advertisers are beginning to nud out who will lenaer them proper service. i have other distributing agents here to compete with in price, but not in service My tate in the fucure will be strictly ONE aaslonm, $2.00 per 1000. 1 hire no boys l have distrivutea tor the following Dr, Chase, of rnhiladelphia, 0,0v0; Kendon Mig. Co., 5,000; C. lL. Hood Co., 4,000, Dr. Burkhaidt, 5,00; Dr. Henry Kane, of New York, 5,0vuv; Dade and Sheridan Headache Powaers, +,0wu; Dr. Miles, Lyvia FE. Pinkham, Chamoberlins, 2,000, aul local work, o,UUU ; b,UUU; 12, U0U, aines Celery Compound was distributed the very poorest 1 ever saw; two or three lao a yard. Quaker Oats made a big display here, and the distributing was well aouue Lion Cotiee was samplea aud had good work wu the bill boards, also Batue, Star and Duke's Mixture tobaccos. You may publish the above report for the interest of distributors, if you Will. ours very truly, E. 0. BURROUGHS, Oakland, Cal. Editor ‘“‘The Billboard:”’ Please grant me a few words in your next issue. Business has been fairly good with lue during October, November and Deceinber. 1 have finished putting out work for the Pinkbam Meaicine Co. in San Francisco, Uakland, Alameda, Berkeley, Golden Gate, ‘Yemiscai, Fruitvale, Melrose, Elmburst, San Leandro, Haywards, ricdmont, Pleasanton, Livermore, Niles, Irvington, Centerville, Warm Springs, Mission, Sau Jose, Newark, Alvarado ana San Lorenzo. ‘Luis is the third lot of advertising matter I have put out for this firm. 1 get under the sack myself, with the help of one man in the cities. in the towns 1 hit the roads alone. | ao not sublet my work to any one, so it takes me some time to put out 100,00u bookl ts. Ik is not so much 4s to quickness as it is to good returns | wish to make. l also aia we:k in Oakland for Dr. C. I Shoop. 1 distributed 10,000 of his books and made seventecu window displays. ‘llis is my second seasun with bim. Last season | did four distriputings and made twenty window ulsplays. I also received a letter trom Shoop, saying he got good returns from my Service. ours very respectfully, W. B. PORTER. Red Bank, N. J. Editor ‘‘The Billboard:”’ We would have written you long ago, but our Mr. Summersett bas beeu very ill, but is how improving Since we joined the I. A. of D., business has been better witn us. We have inquiries from all over the country, and believe that the 1. A. of D. bas helped us a great deal We have distributed new books for Dr. Kilmer & Co., binghamton, N. Y.; 2,200 foléers for California Fig Syrup Co., and have several shipments from others now on the way here for distribution. Il. A. of D. members can gét work in preference to others, For example, read the following: “Office of C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, November 11, 1898, “Mr. L. O. Summersett, Red Bank, N. J.: “Dear Sir—We would inquire if you can attend to the distribution of our advertising matter in Red Bank and suburbs. We send you herewith a copy of our printed directions, which show just how we wish the work to be done, and which are to be exactly followed each time. We also send you contract, which we wish you to sign and return as soon as possible, if you will accept the position. We send you herewith reccipt for a lot Phat was recently shipped to our former man. We wish you to get the papers and distribute at once. Hoping to hear from you soon, we remain, very truly yours, “C. L°HOOD & CoO.":; We have written to Dr. Miles several times without any reply, but we will get his work, too, a6 sOon aS we can convince him that we do the best distributing in this section. Long may be the life of “The Billboard” and its proprietors. We are, very truly yours, EVANS & SUMMERSETT ADV. CO. Eldan, lowa. Editor ‘‘The Billboard”’ Enclosed you will find a slip properly filled out with my name and address, to be inserted in “‘The Billboard." I think this is the best advertising a bill poster could possibly get for the money I have a small bill posting plant here, and am working up both the bill posting and distributing business I have on my boards at the present time sixty sheets Battle Ax and forty sheets of Duke's Mixture, and have just closed a con tract with the Drummond Branch of the American Tobacco Co. for 4-12 sheet stands for a three months’ showing 1 also have contracts with the Dr. Mil« Medical Co. and the J. W. Brant Co., of Albion, Mich . for distributing. I have just received a shipment from Dr. Miles. Bill posting and distributing have never been worked here, except what I have done in the last year, and I am now just be cinning to realize a little out of the work that I have been doing Karly in the coming year I will be prepared to give advertisers all the space they want for bill posting, and to attend to all the distributing that comes my way. This is a thriving little railroad center of about 2.50 population, and a good town to advertise in I am a paper hanger and painter by trade, and work the bill posting and distributing in connection with my trade, 1 can give ample security to all advertisers : which wishing to do bustness with mé. 1 think “The Billboard’ is a splendid paper tor all bill posters and distributors, and do not see how any of them can afford to be without it. In fact, it Is a splendid paper for auy one interested in out-door advertising, This letter is not written « xpressly for publication, but if you desire to publish it, you have my consent, Wishing “The Billboard” and all of the bil! posters and distributors a Merry Christmas aud a Happy New Year, 1 will close. Respectfully yours, WILSON G. TAYLOR, Worcester, Mass, Editor ‘The his season, illboard:" without exception, has been the best we have ever had in the bill posting business, and that covers a period of over thirty years. We are running our boards to their tull capacity In the past eight weeks we have had the following listed paper on our boards, part of which is now being protected: Pearline, Gale bordgen Condensed Milk, Battle Ax Tobacco ©. A. Sumner Coal, Quaker Oats, Suider’s Catsup, Chas. Baker & Co., Hecher’s Buck wheat, Old Valley Whisky, Red Indian Tobacco, Lion Cotlee, Beusdop's Coco, Mt. Vernon Whisky, Pettijohn, Acorn Range: the listed work alone representing over 800 stands, and listed for from 30 to § days We have also been overrun with unlisted besides billing from two to four companies at the theater each week We have built several new boards this sea son, aud shall continue to do so until the demand is supplied. We now have one hundred and fifty large, finely located boards covering all the main thoroughfares and steam and street car lincs Our distributing is also increasing, as we employ men only for the work Respectfully, FISKE BROs. Indianapolis, Ind Mr. Wiliam Funk, Ander..., uu Dear Sir—Your work on Battle Ax and Duke's Mixture bill posting has been perfectly satisfactory to us in every respect; exceptionally so, and it is a pleasure to tell you s0. Respectfully, HENRY A SE East Tawas, Editor ‘The Billboard:"’ The beautiful Christmas number of “‘The Billboard’’ is surely a welcome guest.I have heretofore considered that nothing in it has escaped my observation, but my little eightyear-old daughter has just called my attention to the profile, or outline, of a lady wearing a long cloak, on the outside of the cover In order to readily discern it, turn the paper sideways and you will see her standing, the lower end of the paste brush being at her shoulder. She is clothed in light blue, and when the “re is uprig ht she is on her face at the feet of * nta Claus the bill poster Il wonder whe nay there is not any connection in this with the women of the W. C. T and Mr. Walker. Is it symboli eal of the bill posters’ victory over those who can see evil in a picture on public walls, but in) statuary just the thing’ Il am just completing another large bill 4 sheets high and 160 feet long. This Kives me the best billing in the county. I have one board (four passenger trains daily pass within 100 feet) 250 feet long. All my distributing is warranted to be hand to hand service. Very re spectfully, H. C. BRISTOL. Mich. White Hall, 1. Editor ‘The Billboard’ This is a small town, but by “hustling’’ for work and doing it in a businesslike manner after I do get it, I have built up quite a paying business I do “commercial work only,”’ and do as good, or better, than I agree to. I now have more sheets on my boards than there are White Hall The December number of “The Billboard” is a l-a-n-d-y Wishing you success and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I remain, yours very truly ROBERT LUTHER. N. B.-—I was married to Mrs. E. J. Hayden on Thanksgiving Day. houses fr Anderson, Ind. Editor ‘The Billboard” Inclosed find letter of recommendation I wish you would publish in the next issue of “The Billboard."" Kindly return the letter to me after you are through with It. Very truly yours, W. FUNK, Liberty, Ind. Editor “The Billboard” I shall avail myself of your Hiberal offer for advertising, Your paper is my best friend, and | can not understand how I ever Ket along without it so long I am sure that the bill poster who sald tn your last issue that “turn about was fair play,”’ voleed my sentiments exactly. All advertisers demand prompt work and returns of lists, but | am sorry to say that some of them do not heed the good old rule about doing unto others as you would have others do unto you I often have to wait two and three months for my money, and I can not buy bread and butter on some other man's good credit. Your “dead head list’ fills a long-felt want My town is rather small, but business has been better this year than ever. It is so dif cult, however, to get locations to erect boards of any size that I want to get into a better town My whole heart is in the business, and I do not like to be held in check by something over which I have no control Yours truly, JAS. A. WILSON, Charleston, W. Va. Editor “The Billboard” I see In this month's Iseue (December) of “The PHillboard’ that L. TH. Ramsey claima he has bought my bill beard plant. Suehb ru mors are false. 1 still own and control all bill boards in this city, and am doing buaslness at the old stand. Wishing you, one and all, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, | am, yours truly, EB, H, CARWITHEN, Ow