The Billboard 1900-05-01: Vol 12 Iss 7 (1900-05-01)

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8 THE BILLBOARD TH E BI LLBOARD. brought in another atom which goes It Won't (io. — ss carried by the et eae to make up the great whole. We are tongue or nosy, On other occasions men have been known to offer arguments that drawing together and binding closer One-Hundred-Cities-Plan likely to be Stalled Were both specious and misleaaing in order lines which are already inseparably in the West. rats aa er — sng are Hence, we believe in a conservative asso elation, one Which will provide tor the full Published First of Every Month, at 127 East Eighth Street, Cincinnati, O., U.S.A. Address aul communications af ; allied. “The Bill Posters are unquesFor the editorial or business departments to tionably cnterested in the travels of Giang-Rule to be Annihilated. and free discussion of all questions. The THE BILLBOARD FUBLISHING CO. A. . 4 members would thus be given time to reason We ae er the circuses, likewise are the disand an opportunity to save themselves trom Subscription, $1.00 Per Year, In Advance. 4] ae The Poster Pri ee It looks very much as if the hundred cities being carried away by sudden clamor. tat tie eos Sacisudeeameanh < tributors, 1€ oster rinters must plan, which apparently started in a most For this reason we throw e co ; th lumns of ADVERTISING RATES: know at all times the whereabouts ee 0 amet of. ag woh iad a penny Breather ts vite, he ‘Gupehenae at : 5 § i Fi i t, i t Bry ati i . " (rchange ene WE tie peereen at Se cent of the shows. The Advertisers, the one at that : ian mee atoeee ats " tat ive = = oe “a , . \ 2s s. e ‘rtisers, > e i at. “aS i i ‘nts ‘li , i associa form rate of ten cents per agate line; no disContrary to the prophesies and hopes of tion matters count for time or space. Copy for advertiseFair managers, in fact, evervone of _ great Po pes powers, the bill posters of On tue other hand, we feel called upon . the West did not jump at the bait and fall from tir to t . xer » restri » 7 s us reach u: or be + 4 py a Sete ite : S < 5 om ne oO time to exercise restraint One nN , s on ) . fore the twenty our readers, will be profited by this over one another in a wild rush to get in would suppose that the doctrines of liberty fifth of the month. Our terms are cash. 5 de : ‘ 7a first; quite the opposite, they have up to the inculeated in every American would lead to — ——— addition. On the other hand we are present time secretly but firmly refused to greater individual independence, faraer tel The Billboard is sold in London at Low's Ex— . . ‘walk into their parlor.’’ It was too much re 1 e freed t action change, 57 Charing Cross, and at American Adgiving the circus men and followlike play bl i ’ ‘Y fy ve he her eration anc mor reedom of action, but the ‘ vertising Newspaper cigency, Jrafalgar Build: ike playing Diindmans bu with the ot er history of associations shows that such is not . ings, Northumberland Ave. we ¢ In Pavis, xt ers a place in a paper, every feature = nny ng — — . 5 axl — — case Reliance upon mo ng tie rather Brentano's, 377 Avenue del Opera. The trade supoC a re —— ae os 1 a nit se Ae gl ag than upon strength of argument has grown plied by the 1 aioe tea Wy tear ee pap hevsiatehetoced ne of which is of vital interest to them. ny — .~ Oe ere mg Ww hen with the growth of the organization Remittance should be made by post-office or ex— i = . on tt ~~ . —— AO ney Wik Bus at OEetaer. A meer e endeavor to restrain this tendency in press money order, or registered letter addressed Our fair list, convention dates, bill Ing of the Western members has been called, so far as is in our power, and encourage "and made payable to The Billboard Pub. Co. posters’ and distributors’ directories and if this meeting is held adverse action members of sound judgment to dissent from « The editor cannot undertake to return unsolicited will very likely be taken, for there is a opinions which may be only temporarily manuscript; correstondents should keep copy. will be of inestimable value to the great preponderance of sentiment unfavora popular When it is necessary to wire us the instructions 3 K ‘ c ble to the project. The meeting in all prob This, then, is the policy of “The Bill Yand copy for advertisements, great saving tn the ecireus agents in routing their shows ability will not take place before the return board to advance the interests of bill post , matter of telegraph tolls may be had by recourse to seit ‘ : of Bob Gunning, who is now in the East, ers and to improve their associations—you , the Donaldson Cipher Code and will inform them in what towns — whose presence there at the time set for have it there in a very few words. You may Entered as Second-Class Matter at Post Office reli: — “xperience nN are the meeting at Jersey City is certainly signi also find therein the reason that “The Bill Net Clactumath, Obie hi reliable and experienced men are to — ficant. Why should the Western men jou? board” speaks for the many, while the of 1 kd GR ET . ——— ss be found. Harmonv exists between Why should there be any hundred cities cial organ is only the mouthpiece of the i he va . scheme? If the old association is what it gang gg ete mee every calling represented in The Billpretends to be, there is no need, no possible You may also find the source of the gang's y a All rights reserved. : ; : . excuse, for starting another association as a antagonism in the fact that ‘“‘The Billboard : aeneesenennensenenneennenae board, and we will do everything im part of the old. The Protective Company will is strictly independent It reserves the rgat ; MAY, 1900. . a sn : baa prove a good thing for some one or ones is to print all the news without color or bias é Ss nh our potter to maintain the present egy Fitch, for instance, — be to comment upon same from an impartial .! = . . z lucky, drawing a nice large salary and con standpoint nd ecep rtis ane 2@ o } 7 sts it, and to accept advertising from 4 frien tly feeling. ducting an office, the running expenses of any source it sees fit € Appreciating the fact thut the iP : which will amount to not less than $15,000 per It has always refused to represent any a 4) : cienw year. He would be doing well. Who is to little clique or coterie to the exclusion of all ti] # “cneeds and interests of our readers The best and surest wav to formeet this expense? Will the members pay others. Any bill poster, no matter how od a ‘ A: ; 7 7 , . ‘s.. out there money when they get no return? humble, may secure space to express an | Teen severtecrs can better ‘be served cibly impress a truth upon a person’s — Is not every bill poster in the country hust opinion or voice a wrong ‘ through a weekly paper than a mind, is by telling it over and over — tors ar cae pars a aes “s + hs ge ee Ce anes : tadunete a — A g i ar. s ‘ sa ster salesmi i ad) onists may m7 if he has suffered injustice $ 4 monthly magazine, we have decided : . . — . ging up new buisness? Will not the bill The Billboard’ will obtain for him a hear Se is If we did not believe that there is posters belonging to the association get the ing. He may differ from the majority. he to bring about a transformation in streneth in repetition. we could not work the same as if they were members of may hold views from which we ourselves m Bill “d TI 7 id : S I ’ this certain division of the whole body” dissent, but if he is a bill poster he gets : i ie ee Doard. re paper wilt Aereconscientiously proclaim the value of Does one man have to put up his te space sufficient for his needs tfter be published every week. Definposte r public itv There ji 1 point prom Seeding yh thn gerce-y hi om t : } i emt “the aa gpa _— ; . ste *“Ity. re S @ , e cents holds convictions of its own t claims the . ite information concerning the hi : : worth, and when there is no possible chane¢ right to express then whenever it shall seem '? 5 which we feel should be impressed for opposition in his town? The Protective either timely or expedient. When, in our change will be found in each of the > : ; ‘ Company is full of flaws. It can not stand the minds, a movement or act is commendable “ : : upon the Billposters of the country. — ¢, rutiny of a close examination. It is a pure we give i all the Sbutie that OF Seat alee ' t prncipal departments of this isA flaw is evident in the system of invention of the gang. They know and feel when anything meets with disapproval our -_ i . , 5 ie that they are fast losing their strength, and readers soon know of it. Tl litorial l s e, = ? i oon are Pi i le ec oria ro : a governing the Associated Billposters like a drowning man, grasp at anything, no umns are set aside for the proclaiming of our The character : appear: = , Pe matter what, with the hope of saving them versonal views. the other columns of the pa ; if rh hara r and appearance of association. The weak point has — selves ne serie pete ie eal oni mtg it cra a One | the paper will undergo but a slight : : . . They have endeavored to band themselves privilege—cherished by all men—to speak our ' : | 5 ‘cali been pointed out before, but it still together and to draw others in with them, so aieiie. tenntiie dni. ari : t change, while the purpose will in no oyjcts and as long as it does exist that they might have a place of refuge when oe SUS, ¢ as & as ; “4 st, . , te t Ses -aaloectianed : the exposure came. If this, their last resort at a a _ be Way be alected. we will continue to call attention to — fails they have nothing left but to sur One of the principal features at the great : * : , F render. And it should fail. It is high time icinebhattina’ * Mateaniieie eothinde = — N 4 i x % it. We do not wish to be thought that the bill posters throw off the tyrannical at the Crystal Palace, London, from April 28 ’ " v a >: : e harping, for harping carries with it nendthes wot gg hi guy atl i to May 26, is a display of designs for posters p The Billboard will continue to be = ++ partes lg a saa exaecarse There will be twenty-four classes in all, em the idea o bby or aArsistence pe Peo bracing kinds possible for nearly every pur known as the advocate of all that ‘ idea f ho ‘ r of oetemapecmen rail nen to which ; poster car pat. ' f ‘ i , ‘ in behalf of something unworthy is good in the fields which it covers. 7 eee? The Billboard's Policy ian : but we do desire to have people ° > 1. , The announcement of the change, Read ‘The Billboard” if you desire to keep a = quency of issue, will be 1 ie know that we are persevering and And its Attitude toward Billposters and their posted on what is going on tn the advertising : ne) ssue, e receive . j world It is the greatest all-around paper ea ; ‘i e ‘ persevering in a good eause—The Various Associations. for the advertiser gis Tt p With joy by ninety-nine out of evnag P highest human principle—that — of “The Billboard” believes in the efficacy of EPPEERS -8o ery hundred of our readers; of that , nist congas ‘ SS ee ee 7 2. Garr 4S rk Str _ } ; : liberty the poster, and in that belief puts forth am! J = = “oe of 124 Southwork Street, we are certain ; every effort to popularize it in the estima sondon, 5. B., sends a circular to American 7 : } por se ' : f Pm tion of advertisers. It constantly teaches, advertisers. Under the title of Another j Daily letters come to us which tirelessly preaches, in fact, fairly screeches, a o~ Aa a he a ~ advan . " ’ ss . ar . : _ ages 0 SUEKIANE as a lel« or advertising ° ae > ” ( e ave ‘e St ‘rmnthese advantages and peculiar merits in issue : . 1s j 4) Yolce expressions similar to these— ten have we said, the a after issue. This is its particular mission, tobe oagrer ty wh ‘ = —_ , ~ identally, the , =A a = * A : b " . ees te avy venent of making him British agent 30“We watch impatiently for every issue ™* nt of the association should he but it has others on j Eya. ‘ : Prominent among them is the improve a R ' , +, Of The Billboard,” or “We wish The in the hands of the members. ment of all methods, customs and usages The Illinois flag law has been declared un ; rt yy: . ° : The » iets. sa a ed which obtain in connection with bill board constitutional by the Supreme Court The >, Billboard was a daily instesd of a The members should elect — their advertising. It advocates better posters, and law was to prevent the use of the flag for . 99 > $ aegnge _ Decciates ® ‘ along with them better bill boards on which advertising or decorat urpose q rt monthly. Making due allowance for own directors. Every just and honto post them. I€ seeks to bring about im ertising or decorative purposes ~ ‘ ~s : : is is ri ‘ yement by advice and suggestion, and vl blarney and jollies, enough com©St man knows this. It is right that provement. by lie . : td 5 these it endeavors to bring out by discussions, > ° ! a. munications containing truth and the power! of the association should arguments and essays by practical bill postSoutheastern States Cony ention. 7 ' SK “ ‘ ers. | * honest opinions reach us to make us ¢ given to the representatives of the Bill posters’ associations have an import The Southeastern States Bill Posters’ Asso ‘ _ . y ° ¥ ins Se r entire smbershi and ant bearing on the business of bill posting, ciation will hold its annual convention at ; °° feel that the energy and time ex. membership, and not vested at acc , » scope ; ; ‘ co ‘ ‘ x i and on that account come within the scope Savannah, Ga., Monday, May 21. Eve 4 } Savi ah, a., miday, ‘ 2 rvery bill . ee ' in ¢ rg 4 . , > ‘ “The Billboard's” province voster 4 s ie UD 3 I o pen led in building up the paper to its sain: body, appointed by a a ae “ae dace Sam conneiiad to devote con* : Comma ¥ _ te a gp le = , b : 2 e ; é ane anada ane Jonn Moores country is = | rt present standard is greatly apprematter who he may be. It is in the — siderable attention to the various organiza cordially invited to be on hand and see how ‘ a . 5 A * ™ f | | i? , tions on this account. We believe, like all the southeastern bill posters transact their | t ciated and to convince us that our wands of the members at large to human institutions, they are neither infal business : ts . =, — ae ee lible nor perfect. . ; iE i (@ efforts in behalf of the causes in demand their rights, and they will We are optimistic, however. We think ‘ i) Lean . . th , ar e t > »j y p yer io Akt . “Ing > : 7 P _— 1ey are capable of being impréved. We ; 1 , ¢a Which they are enlisted will be supCemand them-—just walt end seve. think that if they “are crticiast. if their PH. MORTON. ? P "ted « weak points are laid bare, that it will result “The Billboard” prints this month, as : pn ported and upheld. . annie frontispiece, the portrait of P 3 in better associations ' j ait of Phil Morton, pe ; The barbers of the ancient and honorable We also think, among other things, that the well-known Cincinnati art bulletin 7 | 7 Ino ax borough of Brooklyn are in trouble. Distress an American Bill Posters’ Association ought man, sign painter and bill poster Mr : | nal has come upon them, and there is weeping to be based upon the control of all of its Morton, whose boards and work are promi ni alli hi rl , > . ‘ ; This issue sees . ; and wailing and gnashing of teeth. They members by the voice of the majority. Right nent in all parts of the city and suburbs, ; ‘b rhis issue sees the openiug of a have been trodden under foot, and their anly comprehende d, almost any one is com has been in Cincinnati fifteen years, and in : | ‘ 7? new department in The Billboard cient rights taken from them. That band pelled to concede that this is a sound basis that time he has built up a business in ' 4 f oi ¢ of Amazons, the ‘‘Women’s Protective AssoWe do not believe that the voice of the peo which he may well take pride. His great } ny. Phe Circus Department. It is our inciation,”’ protested against the barber poles. ple is always the voice of God, but we do scenic studio at ‘Morton's Corner,’ Gilbert » & e E : p . The ladies objected to the poles on aesthetic stoutly maintain that the voice of the ma Avenue and Pipe Street, is a model, and | by y. tention to publish in this column grounds, because of their ugliness, and on jority, though it may not be sound for one of the largest in the West . I ‘2 . legal grounds because théy were obstructions eternity, will at least answer for the time ur orton is promoter and president of ; t news of the tented world in general; within the intent and meaning of the law: being. the American Bill Posters’ Alliance. He w F 2 and, furthermore, they said the poles must But it i t always easy to get an expres also does a good bill posting business, and ., the wagon show and the greates ne ee Deans Phony yore “ AS SS OS BOL BIways C88) ange ; <anguelt ~ > ] fe agon . greatest of go. What the ladies say usually goes—in a sion of opinion of the majority. It can not sends out a large quantity of paper His | “ *' them all—alike, will find a home, word, the ladies prevailed. Meanwhile, the be done at the conventions, for only a com art bulletin system is an extensive one ; Tet i barbers of the ancient and honorable borough paratively few members of the organization and he has boards in Baltimore, Washing ' = in making a place for the tent shows, of Brooklyn are without poles, and the citiattend them, and the immense press of busi ton, Pittsburg, Indianapolis, Columbus, oO ain ; Se Be — zens of the ancient and honorable borough ness requiring attention, and the rush to get and Louisville, Ky Aine We have in no way left our field or are wondering what in Brooklyn the Womthrough with ‘it, preclude deliberate discus He is thirty-three years old. and for eo a ‘aes P en's Protective Association is going to do sion ¢ are onsideration young a man, bas made a phe : divided our interests, but have merely next. Who can tell? a sae aie ns ‘ae eae the conven cess in his line of work +t 1% Every department in The Billboard is of interest to each and every reader,