The Billboard 1900-05-01: Vol 12 Iss 7 (1900-05-01)

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oa THE BILLBOARD. Business Bringers. Of all the advertising matter, booklets, pamphlets, ete., that come regularly to this office, none have the characteristic originality and force displayed by those which come from the Gunning System, of Chicago. We are in receipt of two new pieces, a folder and a booklet, both of which are tnteresting and convincing In the folder advantage is taken of the South African situation In a unique manner. It is exceedingly clever and timely On the front are eleven r-ountains, all of which have names The largest is labeled Chicago-kop and the smallest Louisville-kop The following reading matter appears beneath: ‘You can capture the kopjes of the Big Eleven circuit with least effort and resistance by using the Gunning System of powerful long-range bulletins, strategic locations, smokeless designs, Lyddite impressions: six million prosperous buyers waiting to surrender Will you negotiate for a capitulation? The reading matter on the inside thoroughly explains the system Copies of the booklet received are being mailed to the general tobacco dealers of lowa, in which State a thorough test is being made for Durham Tobacco by the Ameri can Tobacco Company. It gives some points as to Gunning’s past work for Durham, which dates back to the time ¢ f the organiza tion of the Gunning Company a Means Failure. The Memphis Standard says that five Eastwith a combined capital of $8,006, ern firms, om. have organized to fight the tobacco trust on the Pacific coast They will discard b i board advertising, and use newspape rs e@Xxclusively. If this be true, ee have only pity for the newcomer. Had they double the cap ital announced, the combine could not hope to successfully compete with the trust, if old fogy metheds of advertising are employed The fight will be like that of two armies equal in number, with the same amount of ammunition, but one furnished with muzzle loading shotguns, the other with the latest improved repeating rifles. Would it be bard to pick the winner? Distribution at the Paris Exposition. distriExpo ted The following ruling concerning the bution of printed matter at the Paris sition has been apnounced by the director chief of the exhibit department of the Ur Commission will be at perfect distribute free of charge tueir pr ter—cireulars, catalogues, et at Exposition, with probably the only provision States ‘Exhibitors liberty to nted the Paris that they submit such printed matter to the United States Commissioner-Gene ral and this ma¥ not be necessary After specific 1ited States Comtue Department effort on the part of the l missioner-General, throug of State also, the French administration waived the duties applicable to printed matter advertising individual exhibitors.” in Advertising World. ox eye on rossing Out-door display greets the every hand, at every corner, every ¢ If the display is a good one it teiis ifs story at a glance, and this tireless, persist ent repetition accomplishes «he purpose of the advertisement. Cheapness, too, is an important consideration ip these days of close figuring That method of advertising is the cheapest which will put the most money tn your pocket at the least cost. There is only one thing to do, and that is to advertise that way. ‘There are many no doubt of it-—bill posting influences busi ness, Every bill is a stereopticon, blazing a perpetual picture in bright colors and great letters on the eye and brain of every passerby. old or young, grave or gay, willing or unwilling, by night or by day, ceaselessly, everywhere. The whole population is its audience, its circulation is always on the move, the active, busy, throbbing community sees it It costs them nothing. The human tide on the streets is the circulation, and it ebbs and flows and never sleeps, for posted bills are never folded and never pot keted. They are always talking, and talking loud, for 24 hours a day, and never talking to empty benches. They are up before us in the mornhave been out all night, but ceaseless, ways of advertising, but ing, for they they are, nevertheless, always ready for a hard day's work, bright-faced and smiling. And even in their ragged, tattered fragments, fluttering in every vagrant breeze, like the grimy garments of the diamond digger, they are eloquent of much activity and = many golden dollars earned In advertising, the main, the only thing, is “The Billboard” is a unique:weekly, with a All methods have that one point in common, but some to reach an audience—the public are and must be better than the rest. Some metheds discharge many blank shots, and worse still and more of it, at no targets at all Bills are dead shots; they never miss The public must stop, look, listen to the story of the bill board, and if an objectionable bill is posted, how very soon do the guardians of the peace discover it. There are some things that are never seen, but it is not the poster There are some things that you need not see, but it is not the poster There are some things that you can dodge, avoid, escape, or turn away from, but not the poster It is unavoidable as death and taxes, and, like the atmosphere, it is allpervading, universal Peru, Ind CHAS. W. STUTESMAN Fame. Last month the copy of our contemporary, ‘*Fame published by Artemus Ward, reached us as usual It contained a great deal of matter concerning street car advertising, and especially the advertisements of Ward & Gow The paper was interesting From the way in which the April number reached us we judge that even Uncle Sam was interested in the issue A two-cent stamp, duly canceled, came with the last Artie either has too many stamps, or he is in trouble New Chicago Daily. Chi daily new one-cent afternoon Paine is the publisher. The its outside news through Press Association the first issue was a advertisement the fact by ago has a Mr. R. F new paper secures the Scripps-McRae The appearance of surprise, for not a single peared An editorial exptatned announcing that during the time the introductory copies were being put out its paid circulation: would probably not be worth to advertiser its minimum rate per inch unique announcement is also made that bigger the advertisement the higher the and no advertiser can have more than forty inches in any one tssue—-a rule which is probably not in force in the conduct of any other paper in America Advertisers and the Circus. Advertisers should be especially intere sted in our new circus department. The routes of all ef the tent shows wil be given each week Hy following these dates the advertisers will be able to tell just when thev can get a big showing in many different towns When a reus intends to visit a town it has the boards engaged and uses an immense lot of snace When it leaves, this space is There is the advertisers chance Novel Idea. For some time past it has been under contemplation to organize a strong company at San Diego, Cal., to advertise Southern Cali new and novel method. The the idea is Mr. Quince C. Crane, and his plan seems both new attractive, and withal, profitable Citrus and Commercial Advertising Cempany of Southern California is organized fornia on a originator of of San Diego, for the purpose of advertising the citrus belt and the introduction and sale of its preducts throughout the United States. The company says “It is proposed by this company to issue a 200-page descriptive souvenir of Southern California illustrated with half-tones of buildings, hotels, and places of amusement It is proposed to give detailed statistics of all matters of importance, dwelling at length upon the charms and geniality of the climate, the advantage to home seekers, etc... showing the past, present and probable future de velopment of this section of California, giving reasons for capitalists to seek investments within the limits of the citrus belt “It is further proposed to have printed on heavy paper handsome three-colored halftone pictures of California scenery suitable for framing. These pictures in connection with the souvenir are to be termed a combination. It is the plan of this company to establish agencies in each county throughout the United States for the sale and distribution of these in series of 1,000 combination to wach series, two complimentary round trip excursion tickets from any part of the United States to Los Angeles and San Diego are to accompany each series: these to be offered as inducements in tne sale of the combination,, each purchaser having one chance in ©) of reeeiving the excursion ticket. These combinations are to be sold under contract to various agents and dealers at sixtyfive cents each, and retailed at one dollar, accompanied by one dollar's worth of assorted California citrus products gratis, consisting of a choice assortment of lemon and orange extracts, olive oil, Cream of Lemon, ete One quarter of the gross receipts of each appropriated in advertising combination, also the introof citrus products in each series is to be the sale of the duction and sale county. “It is finally proposed by this company to ask the co-operation of the Board of Supervisors, City Council and Chamber of Commerce, of both Los Angeles and San Diego, to hold a mid-winter citrus carnival in both cities in January, 1901, having in Los Angeles a grand industrial exposition and parade to be followed by a brilliant water carnival in San Diego Bay “This company affirms that after complete organization and six months of operation with $50,000 capital, they can bring 10,000 free excursionists from all parts of the United States to this grand celebration, these combined with what should be obtained by the co-operation of the different railroads in giv ing excursion rates world’ probably aggregate 20,000 people, who would sper d no less than $1,000,000 in Southern California, at the same time this section would receive the benefit of over $500,000 expended in advertising by this company This is scheme 4n detail. On careful estimates the company will receive a net tncome of from $100 to $500 on each county tn the United States where the plan is introduced. The company expects to make from $300,000 to $500,000 profit on the enterprise. the Advertisers’ Notes. The Osgood Art Colortype Company, of Chicago has decided to establish a plant in New York City. The new plant will be in operation about May 1. Talk to the consumers through posters, and the retailers will be compelled to handle your goods The ‘‘I-don't-believe-in-advertising’ man is now a relic—you hear of him now and then, but you don't run across any. You can better acquaint buyers with your goods through pictorial posters than by any other method of advertising Veronese Biscuits are New York. The article is proprietors of the Uneeda The Gabel Manufacturing Pittsburg, manufacturers of waters, advertisers They rely mostly upon At a recent meeting of the Y.) Advertisers’ Association, the advertising schemes of societies, ete were discussed. It was decided that no member should patronize being advertised in controlled by the Biscuit Company Company, of are new papers Binghamton (N anything of the kind. One dry goods house had had seventeen recuests in one day to place paid advertisements in ehureh = pro grams, et The majority of successful advertisers have not been the plungers, but the systematic, persevering plodders—the men who had the courage to put back in advertising a certain per cent of the profits of the business It's true that advertising eats it makes a strapping offspring money, but Advertisers are fast learning the value of big space on the bill boards Commercial posters are increasing in size every day. Posters, posters, posters, is the burden of “The Billboard's" song—net because it Is a bill posters’ paper, but because it believes that posters are the best all-around medium extant The Nashville Banner sends out a cireu lar which offers to back uy» their circulation statements to the extent of $1,500 In the newspapers an_ad. is seen but once, then the paper is thrown away Place an ad. upon the boards, and it is there day after day. Just stop and think about this point William Keys, a Canadian, is the inventor ef a novel idea for street car advertising The advertisements are arranged upon an endless band, which is given a vertical motion. no matter in what direction the car travels The motion of the band is intermittent, thus giving the passengers ample time to read the advertisements if they desire to do so The best argument in favor of a medium that can be offered to a man is proof that the medium pays others Bill posting and distributing both pay others A catarrh balm is being advertised by Pret zinger & Bro., Dayton, O Don't sit and dream of vwaat you might do, but get up and advertise. A novel scheme for advertising a certain make of steel ranges Was given a test recent 9 *; ly by a_ furniture and stove dealer at Indianapolis A prize of a miniature? range--which, though intended as an articte! of furniture for a doll's house, is quite equal to the task of cooking little pies and cakes and th ngs—to the little girl proving herself /! the best cook in a _ biscuit-baking contest About 250 little girls enlisted in the contest. $ A large show window of the store was fitted up and the contest attracted large crowds of ' pecple. : ' The Baldwin Piano Company, ef Cincinnati . take advantage of their exhibit at the Paris) Exposition, and send out a very official look. : ing dccument telling about their exhibit and. #F their pianos : t oe Freight cars, nicely painted, of standard f size, and carrying the names and advertise ment cf the city, is a late suggestion for ad vertising a town. The cars would prob ably pay for themselves in mileage, and per7 haps yield a profit But even if they didn’t, i the city would be well advertised aT [The Rubber Tire Cempany of America will y prebably be heavy advertisers after a time. ¢ The capital is $5,000,000 ' 4 The big posters used to advertise Red Ra ‘ ven Splits are cheap, but nevertheless effect— 14, ive. The army of Red Ravens are all gun( ning for trade nie Pure Gluten Food Company, % West)! Broadway, is a new advertiser in New York,"' Don't listen to what all of the advertising! agents tell you, but consult your sense Look around and the employed by successful advertisers Morrows Kidneoids advertised pally in the Western cities. done to a great extent. Thomas A. Wood & Co., State street ton, is reported to be preparing to a special brand of coffee. It has not e:ded what medium will be used. Lekko is the name of a new scouring com gma which will likely be advertised heav-! ily. see are princi Distributing id” Bos advertise; been de 8 The Keever Starch Company, of Columbus +! O., will do more advertising this year than heretofore. . f : The Chicago Stock Company has a very at? tractive and unique advertising ( at the Opera House corner. A advertising the company, surrounded by} eight incandescent lights, is attached to ; telegraph pole, and by the lights the poster! can easily be seen and read The popularity gained by ing the If it same tically lines The ads. for the Preferencia are appearing in, dailies are original sign located large poster : bill posting dur4 past five years has been remarkable! continues to increase in favor at the rate, it will in a few years be pra the only medium used for Cigar which both striking ane The Barker Collar people stick to thd boards with their unique black and white poster ' The New York Journal used the bill boardd) to advertise its Easter number. When ; common +48 methods s' J ta 4 t \ , } al certair? .: 7 newspaper takes to the boards, you must know that bill posting pays. j Victorine is the name of a washing com 4 pound manufactured by W. C. Caden & Co Th of Montreal. ; . One of the first rules affecting advertisers hy laid down by the Rev. Mr. Shelton, in his |? experiment with the Topeka ‘“‘Capital,’’ wai that advertisements from Kansas City mer 4] chants should be refused, his idea being tha a newspaper must first of all home merchants On March 22 the Minneapolis Times issuec “Northwest Orient Edition, a great West and Northwest serving. This edition, fully illustrated, is a mammoti facts and figures connected with the citie of the Northwest and with the Pacific coas and its Orient shipments. It must be to be appreciated. g worth pre and handsome!+ compilation ¢ seel 4 On April 10 a ecutive committee tion of Advertising Agents and a committe from the American Newspaper Publishers Association was held in New York City. Th object of the meeting was to come to som understanding as to what qualifications necessary for an agent to ve recognized bf the publishers. The agents desire the pubf lishers to accept their definition of a reliabl agent If this be done, all those agents whf conference between of the American the ex Associa wert stand by ite record o b sy ; have no offices and no financial standing wiligg@ have to hunt another occupation The debate was informal, and the com mittee members of both organizations wer well pleased. The A. N. P. A. committe] will hand in their report at the next meet ing of the directors of that organization, a which time a decision will be rendered. One of Ed. Harter's field of its own, Boards at Hur ngton, Ind, 3