The Billboard 1901-01-05: Vol 13 Iss 1 (1901-01-05)

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SAOROREROOSOS a S H © W S s i Winter RE ‘ WHEGRABHRAAS AN . = . Robinson's Shows. After the most successful season in the long i brillant history of the John Robinson's they are now back in Shows winter quarters The show closed at Millen, Ga., on Christmas Day, and started north on the fol owing morning. The two trains, which ran reached Cincinnati last Friday and the work cf putting away all the as specials, night paraphernalia of the b'g combination started the following morning is now ugly packed in winter quarters, which have becn wonderfully improved and enlarged durThe transformation in the quarters at Terrace Park, O., ne the summer winte has been someth ng marvelous The the build. ngs, the modern conventences indicate the John F. Robinson, proprietor of the oldest show in Mr. Robinson received the Billboard’ very, called upon h.ta the other day, and with George A.ken, the capable contracting agent and John Lolow, the veteran clown, the party made a tour and inepected the quarters wh. a day later were oceupied by the animals, wagons and other appurtenances of tae show Mr Kobinson is Justiy proud of his beautiful home and the spiend.d accommodations for his show it leaked out during the visit of the Billbeard”’ editor that the new and commod.ous elephant quarters will be tenanted by sx more of the trained Hagenbeck elephants and that Mr. Robinson will make several add.tions to bis great menagerie, now is unsurpassed by any traveling show In the South, the Robincom Show has a reputation that time increases rather than d:minishes The people of that section care for construction of the heating arrangements and skill ful hand of who is the America ed.tor of “The when he Wild West performances but are always auxious to see the “‘varm.nts, the general name for all wild and animals. The Robinsons have so many varieties of varmints” that the Southerners patronize them more tham any other show wh ch visits that The Robinson Shows returned to winter quarters in charge of John G. Robir son, som of the veteran pri prietor, a bright and talented young man, who takes to bis business with the same energy and enterprise exhibited by his father and grandfather section Sells-Gray Shows. Billy Sells, of the Sells-Gray Show, and several members of the business staff spent a portion of the week bere arranging for win tering the show at Thunderbolt, a suburban reeort, latest reports are that arrangements have been made for winter quarters at Doyle's Race Track. The Rhoda Roya! Show exhibited here two days, Dec. 17 and 18, and made a most favorable impression the Morning News,’ which is very conservative, gave a very complimentary notice, crediting it as the best performance given here yet by the smaller tent shows. Messrs. Royal and Berris seem to have enjoyed a very goed season, so much so that ther outfit now consists of material purchased during the season, they having returned to Geneva, ©., all prop erty leased from Walter L. Main, and went from here into Florida fer the month of January in the Orange Belt, with an outfit which is indeed very creditable. There is a possibility of them selecting Savannah as a winter quarters also CHAS. BERNARD Savannah, Ga Hall’s Quarters. The George W Hall's Circus and Menag ene is wintering as usual at Evaneville, Wis The animals and paraphernalia they winter at their small quarters in town, and the stock is wintered on their farm, a mile ana i half from town Their quarters are small, ut everything is snugly tucked away for Winter Their animals are all looking fine They closed the most successful season this show has ever known at Gaysmills, Wis Ort 18. They intend to enlarge the show to quite an extent, and will add several cages of animals and an elephant. The show will and will open about the first Ferguson will have charge of making bis second season GEO. W. HALL, SR travel by wagon, of May EO the advance, Evansville, Wis Jaillet’s Quarters. “The Billboard:"’ Dear Sir—Jaillet’s Bonanza Show is safely housed at winter quarters, Osterburg, Pa. The show consists of Jaillet family of seven performers, headed by the favorite Gus Jaillet. To the Editor of THE BILLBOARD. 7 We closed a successful season, Oct. 6 Bedford fair grounds, having spent the summer in Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon and Blair counties Our stock consists of four draft horses, one carry-all and advance wagon, one horse, »potted trick pony ‘Belle,’ donkey Jenny Jane,”’ eleven dogs, one pole and seat wagon, one ticket and baggage wagor We have been two years before the publ.c with this show, going over the same route each year tp paying bus.ness Gus Jaillet has just returned from a successful fall season with his vaudeville company, and will svend the winter getting the wagons, spring While the cared for by Hostler Geo. Christ We shall go out ths summer with a brand-new top and add a Wonderland Museum to our already popular Il5e and 25c show Osterburg, Pa A. G. JAILLET. , on the Told by an Old Circus Man. “Sometimes eaid the old circus man," “the greatest of all giants would have a little fun on ©8 Own account; mebbe with the bootblacks I don't suppose that anything ever feazed a bootblack; probably he'd offer to black the boots of a man tall as a church steeple and with shoes as big as the meeting came his way; but anyhow the used to cffer to black the giant's hoes when the great man took hs walk town, just as they would offer to black any man’s Sometimes the giant would look down on the boy and then at his own and then back up agals t s.dewalk of some building somewh re, where there was room, end no awnings in the way, and get his shoes blackgiant always cons.dered it a sort of a joke on the boys to accept thelr offer, but appeared to be put out by it; on the contrary, they were always ready, as they would bave beer as I said, if he had en twice as big And it was more fun than you could shake a stick at to see the way they went at it. and the giant enjoyed this as much as anybedy 7 box would support the giant foot unless be balanced it om it very that got the job al shoes, waye invar.abiy cred in other boys—all the bootblacks im that town were sure to be r.ght around there, and I've cften seen five bootblacking bexes under one cf the feet at or g ants e time d five boys at work on that one shoe They'd get the giant to raise that foot and t » they'd put four boxes under the pole and one by itself under the heel And then they'd get at it. The boy with the heel box would stay down thy it end and black tt heel and tt rear end of the shoe The boys, « ri ’ bh sd two boxes unde he scle nearest t ank of the shoe would work on the des « re § xe from the shank up, and the two boys with the boxes att forward end, one of these always being the boy that had struck the job, away on the upper With so many of ‘em at it at once they'd make a fairly quick job of it, notwithstanding the size of the giant's shoes, and when they'd got through, the four boys that had been called in would shoulder their kits and step away, unconcerned as could bea and the boy th ob would shoulder his kit Three cents was the i ne days—th's was before the war—and | don't doubt the boy would have taken three cents for this job and never said be« But there was not anything mean or small about the giant He ddn't give the boy three cents and pass on, nor three cents to bother him a little and then give hm a quarts but he'd just hand him dewn five passes to the show, one for eact boy Of course he couldn't bave done anything that would give the boys mere pleasure And the whcle business was a great experience for them. They got passes to the show, and they got them from the giant; and they were easily the star bootblacks in t town, for completed the would bang greatest job im their line that anybedy had ever beard of It was fun, all this, for the great giant, but I don't believe any of us could compete, if we tried, with t deen down joy it gave the bootblacks New York Sur Additional Gossip. The Forepaugh-Sells Bros" route book published by R. G@ Ball and Frank O. Miller, is at hand It is a terse and succint history of the seasen and an accurate roster of the attaches of the show Louis E. Cocke, the American representative of the Barnum & Bailey Show and general agent of the Buffalo Bill Wild West, is also something of a society man, as well as the proprietor of the only first-class he tel in Newark, N. J During the holiday week he will have his hands full, as the following item from one of the local papers will attest Mise Virgiline Louise Cooke, daughter of M Louls E. Cooke of the Continental Ho tel. has arrived home from Seuth Bend, Ind., where she is attending school, at St Academy Miss Cooke will remain until after the holidavs Master Victor Cooke, who is also a cadet at the Hudson River Military Academy. at Nyack-on-Hudson, will spend his vacation at home, and taking all of the events into consideration, the social arrangements which have beem made for the pleasure of the young folks, the interval promises to be very interesting Miss Irma Cody, a daughter of Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), is to visit Miss Cooke during the week, and the veteran scout himself has signified his intention to spend a day or so with his general agent, Mr. Cooke. b +4 ~~ ¢ ae 2. ve Ind Circus Winter Quarters. GW. Reha... hey apf = Rehn .Danville, Harper Co., Kan Rero’s Orient 4l Shows.......... Kankakee, iil ) The following list gives the winter quarters Rhoda Royal Shows.... .Geneva, C of the various tent shows, circuses and Wild Rice's Deg and Peay Show. “New. mt wie West combinations. In many instances, (but be ns go “LIRR OR he ne Park, O not all), the address given is also the per— i gate ; Shows a Pottstown, Pa manent address. The list is revised and corcare Set a Mig ee ae rected weekly. Gamutelie’s, Sig. .........<s..-.s0e DOD, MF neers Tee OR ioe canettancnttdti<ase kate Peru, Ind Frank Adams ......... = -En route Setchell’s, O. Q....... -Little Sioux, Ia Sche er & Spry Bros.’ ...<ccve. Portsmouth, O Adell's Deg & Pony Show. Ft chaffer & Spry Bro Ors Recovery, O Schiller Brom. & Orr....... 217 E. Mth at Ament’s Big City Show .. Muscatine, Ia Schilier Bros. & Dis ceaees oe City "Mo American Circus & Ex. Co...Kansas City. MC suote Bros.’........--..-+:2<.-Bueield, W. Wa Tony Ashton’s Show............. London, Ind Silver Bros.’ Shows, G. Silver, megr...... jJackman's Shows. .Baltimore, Md SO, Gate. We veccdes scdinatuawes Kokomo, ‘Ind Bailey Twin ovedacenc at, ae Snyder's Shows, (E. D. Snyder) .......... ere ene. "Portsmouth, oO MSE é Pine Bluff, Ark Barlow's Show.......... Syracuse, Ind Smith's, EB. G...........scseesees: Sycamore, Pa Barnum & Bailey , Vie nna, Austria Spaun’s R. R. Shows Port Jervis, N. ¥ jarr Bros.’ poral ies ‘ Easton, Pa Spark's, John. H. (two shows)......™n2 route Beyerle’s Burk Tom Shows. -Lincoln, Neb St. Julian Bros.’....2267 Miller st., Phila., Pa Bonheur Bros.’ ; Augusta, O. T Stang ros." treees Burlington, Wis Frank C. Bostock.. -Indianapelis, Iné Don C. Stevenson............... Galveston, Tex Frank C. Bostock........ Saltimore, Ma Stewart's 8, Shenae wet eereweeeeeees Ft Ind Frank ©. Bostock Milwaukee, Wis Sun Bros.’ ‘ -Norfolk, Va Mollie Bailey & Sons Houston, Tex Tanner's Park & Fair Attraction....Pittsburg Buchannan Bros Des Moines, la F. J ; Taylor. a4 Tedrow & Gettle ... Teets Bros.’.. ee Trout & Foster’ s Tuttle, Louis I Buckskin Bill's Wild West.......Paducah, Ky Buffalo Bill's Wild West.......Bridgeport, Ct Callahan (Prof.) Tom Shows......Olattie, Kan Campbell Bros.’.... Cc reston, la P Nelsonville, Oo .....Hazel Green, Ky 1430 P enn av., Elmira, N.Y ..Box 1,498, Paterson, N. J éconadansads Fairbury, Neb : Clark wa-van palibatdie as ania aes SND is cee cect nkotaes Linesville, Pa Clark Bros. “aes Houston, Tex VanAmberg Gallag Medi eg eS SP Alexandria, La EO SRS RAE. 0.05 A ee ge Sere ie -En route pO ee eee eee Peru, Ind Conklin, Pete, 412 Sewe i st., W.Hoboken.N. J ee a RS Ss Sana eda dew aee Plymouth, Mass Craft Deg & Pony Shows.... Fonda, la Welsh Bros.’ mains bed Warebieaiad Lancaster, Pa Cullins Bros.” ......... F Concordi ia, Kan Wetter's, Albert. MM. ak, shea .Massillon, O Whitney's Minstrels............ Bennington, Vt Dash ng s Pog & Pony Show....La Re te, Kan Whitney ‘ann ERIE Re, Attica, Oo —— ¢ F.) Shows.........Kalamazoo, Mich Williams’ Vaudeville Circus..Nashville, Tenn rock's Sam.... ra .Ft. Loudon, Pa A. Wilson Snow + sien tent). -Norwich, Ct Downie (Andrew) Shows ieueiead Medina, N. Y¥ Wintermute Bros.’ % et Hebron, Wis Elton Bros ..Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pa W. E. Winston Pacific Grove, Cal a Ay eer: Metropolis City, 1] Wixom Bros.’................... Bancroft, Mich Exposition Circuit Co. (st. fair)....Canton, O James Zanone................-. Nashville, Tenn Forepaugh-Sells Bros.’ Shows....Columbus, 0 2Z€imer Show... osaeaans St. Louis, Mo Gentry’s No. 1 Houston, Tex Gentry’s No. 2 , > e¢esnacene ecese .-Macon, Ga Our Bat. a Ser Iiouston, Tex Gentry’s No. 4... ‘ -++.+-... Houston, Tex Gibd’s Olympic................. Wapakoneta, O Gillmeyer (Wm. H.) ‘ Ardmore, Pa Gollmar Bros.’.... ...Baraboo, Wis Gocdrich, Huffman ‘& So uthey, Bridgeport, Ct Gray, Jas ... Luverne, Minn Great Syndicate Shows. Kansas City, Mo readers will confer a great favor by bringing any errors or omissions in the above list to our notice. We revise the list carefully every week, making every effort to keep it reliable and correct. In writing to any of the above addresses, please state that you saw it in “The Billboard.”’ Haag’s Shows.... Hail & Long’s........ Sturgis, Mich Hall's, Geo. W., Jr............Evansville. Wis Happy Bob Robinson.............Lanecaster, O Hargreave'’s Shows Shreveport, La S. F. TAYLOR, SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS ji debhsanad ...Chester, Pa x Harrington Combined Shows..Evan Sville, Ind 265 West Rando!ph Street, Harris’ Nickel Plate.. ....Chicago, Ill Harris, John P........... Me Keesport, Pa Chicago, z IMinois. Hoffman's Shows... ‘South Be nd, Ind Huston’s Shows............... Winchester, Ind ) bit THOMSON & VANDIVEER, sArr'sazne International Exhibition Co, Kansas City, Mo 9 Tent ers, Jaillet’s Bonanzo Shows........ And Manufacturers of Circus, Side Show, Camp : Osterburg, Pa Meeting, Military and Lawn Tents, Balloons Kemp Sisters’ Wild West.........El Paso, Il] and Parachutes, Stable Canvases and Sporting Thos. W. Kehoe.......Station M, Chicago, Ili Tents; Dray, Horse and Wagon Covers; TareG TIGNES ohc< a cekce dasint Bloomington, Ill aulias, Mops, Canvas Signs and Hose; Steam: : oat Screens and Windsails: Hammocks, etc. Lambrigger’s, Gus.. -++...-Orville, 9 Flags of every description made toorder. Tents Langley & Shows, 2 } st... Mobile, Ala for rent THOMSON & VANDIVEER, St. La Place Mons...... Byesville, O Charles Hotel, 230 and 230 East Third Street, SO BO bs Gondesienetcnni. Argentine, Kan Clacianati Ohio Lee, Frank H..... pes Pawtucket; R. I caraeas a ine ee Lo ae cs... cxecvtek Canton, Pa WANTED Circus people in all branches. — . ooesenssaeees eee wees ( orry, Pa Vverformers doubling in band or auis rescent $ hows ye Trumbull, O in concert pectereet State all in first letter. a iy! NN Geeciet cusubeds Havana, Cuba KING E. ZIEME -owande’s, Marthino.......... Havana, Cuba 8025 V. ur Lowery Bros." Shows . Shenandoah, Pa . — rere gy Leuls, Me. Lu Rell’s Great Sensation....Washington, La P. S.—Show opens April 27th. Marietta Shows.....................Algiers, La MeCormick Broe.”......<..ccccccee Galli lis, O W. E. MeCurdy, (minstrel) .Mars hall, Mo FOR SALE -CIRCUS. McDonald's, Walter............. Abilene, Kan Miles. Orton Seite : -Centropolis, Mo I will entertain a proposition to sell a M. B. Mondy........ : Liberal. Mo half intcrest in The Great Syndicate J. C. Murray......414 S. ‘Sth st., ‘Ate hison, Kan Show. now wintering at Kansas City, Mo., being a ten-car show complete, dress, i. F SurTH, 1309 Main a, Kansas City, Mo. Rockland, Me gg hockiand,” Me Scenery and Show Paintings! ..South Bend, Ind JOHN HERFURTH, Parksley, Va No 2183 Boone St, GINCINNATI, O. Everything Nal's United Shows For further particulars, ad New England Carnival Co. Norris & Rowe's Pawnee Bill's Wild West Perrin’s, Dave W Perry & Pre sssly Preseott & Co.'s.. Price & Honeywell. ..Beloit, Kan ...Canton, O Oakland, Cal .Litehfield, Il Eaton Rapids, Mich .Webster City, la Raymond's Shows (Nat.) Redan's Amusements Young Adam Forepaugh, Is one of the best stories ever written by “ The Old Circus Man, of “show Life.’ “Fun in Black.” “Mr. Van Amburg, Elephant Perforw er ard Lion Tamer,’’ “Herr Driesbach, the Lion King.’ ete Copies mailed to any address on receipt of five twu-cent stamps, by yi. Db. DAY, P. 0. Box 74, Whitneyville, Conn THE ELEPHANT TRAINER, His Astounding Adventures and Exciting Experiences, * CHARLES H. DAY, author Just Completed. --------s200e8Oe. Most Elaborate of the Season. THE ROUTE BOOK John Robinson 10 Big Shows. Superior to test year’s. Price, $1.25. CAPT. B. F. WILSON, Marquette Building, Chicago, Ill Sent prepaid to any address. Eee to pr a a baat a