The Billboard 1901-04-06: Vol 13 Iss 14 (1901-04-06)

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THE BILLBOARD 7 | INDIANA. | NEW ORLEANS, LA.—Methodists’ Mission| ‘J KCKSON, MICH.—State Letter Carriers’ AsOMAHA. Le ge «, 7. Guend ecetes, | p . } ary General Conference. April 24 to 29, sociation May 20, 1901. F. B. Oakley, May 3 and 4, 1. . J. Miles, astings rT WAYNE, IND.—The = Re Rang | ivol. ‘lulane Hall Jackson, Mich., secy. | Neb., secy. : ‘ union, State Reo deottian Rite Me NEW ORLEANS, LA.—State Pharmaceutical SAGINAW, MICH.—Royal Arcanum Grand | OMAHA, NEB.—National Consolidated Ticket PORT WAYNE, ol ri yee c N a 9 Assoc.ation. May, 190 Wilsey PF. DuCouncil. April 16, 1901. L. N. Plues, Sagi| Brokers’ Association. June 24, 1901. ys’ Grand Lodge o erfeetion. April ¢ piants, YS Louwa st., New Orieans, La, naw, Mich., secy L. Wright, Washington, D. C., secy. roel DO, 1901, ; oe mea | secy. SAGINAW, MICH. State Bar Association. SIDNEY, NEB.—Western Nebraska EducaINDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Order oa a ShkeVEPORT, LA.— United Commercial May 28 and 29, 11. Geo. W. Weadock, | tional Association. April 26 and 27, 1901. Grand Lodge. April 24 and “g | oo Travelers’ Grand Council. April 26 and 27, Saginaw, Mich., seey. | Emma Babbitt, N. Platte, Neb., secy. Nettie Ransford, Indianapolis, mWieten oa 101. M. H. Levy, Shreveport, La., secy ST. JOSEPH. MICH.—National Ch‘ldren’s YORK, NER.—Knights Templar Grand ComNOIANE Se gn 1901 Ww SHREVEPORT, LA.—United Daughters of Home Society. May, 1901. H. H. Hart, 79 mandery. April 19, 1991. Wilton K. Will9 Grocers Association. ; ay lM, —< , Confederacy. April 20, 1901. Mrs. C. Young, Dearborn -st., Chicago, Ill, secy. iam, York, Neb., secy. . Co, 143 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis, Shreveport, La., secy. NiiNNESOTA NEW HAMPSHIRE. nd ec 8 LVEPC : 4 Travelers’ x ectiv om one . . > : : , ; VDIANAPOLIS, INDY. P. 8. C. BE. Dis) | SUREVEPORT, LA -Travelers’ Protective | jrawLINE, MINN.—State Oratorial AssociaLITTLETON, N. H.—Methodist Episcopal ont iet Convention. April 11 and 12, 191. Pe am. APE OO, Love. tion aoe, 1901 Church State Conference. April 18 to 23, Rev. C. W. Blair, 5835 University ave., IrMAINE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. National Wom aan ae . ton, Ind., secy AUBURN, ME—O. U. A. M. State C sj en's Suffragists Convention. May 30 to MANC 2S ER, N. .—Sons 0 emperance ut NCIE, IND.—Knights Templars Grand Apr.| 24, 1901. W. W Kelley. Pace oa June 1, 1901. Mrs. Rachel Poster Avery, Grand Divis:on. April 23, 190T. Albert H. Commandery April 17, 1901 Wm. H. Me. secy. . ‘a Vhiladelphia, Pa., seey. Marshall, 48 Amherst st., Nashua, N. H. Sipythe, Indianapolis, Ind., secy BANGOK ME —State Letter Carriers’ AssoMINNEAPOLIS, MINN.— American York _ Beey. i ; : rERRE HAUTE, IND.—Christian Churches, ciation. April 25, 1901. R. T. Welsh, 23 shire Club, May 7, ll. i. W. Wileox, | NASHUA. N. H.—Scottish Rite Masons, VaiKk ghth District Convention. April, 1901, W. Oak st., Watervile, Me., secy . Huge, Minn., secy. ley of Nashua Convention. April, 1901. R. H. Brown, Greencastle, Ind., secy. FERRY BEACIL PARA, ME.National MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—United Norwegian A. Arnold, Nashua, N. H., secy. VINCENNES, IND.—Travelers Protect. ve Universalist Association. Aug. 1 to 1. Lutheran Church of America. June, 19vl. NEW JERSEY. ssoclation. May, 1901. tm) ng r >T. PAUL, MINN. State Vostmasters’ As : 77 . . é A : tool, : M. 1901. €. EL Callagh BAYONNE, N. J.State Exempt Firemen's IOWA LEWISTON, ME.—N. E. O. P. Grand Lodge eR. eee Soe Ly Ee COR, Assoclation. May 15, 1901. Jos. Baker, ° April 3, 1901, A. EB. Verrill, Auburn, Me., _tochester, Minn., secy. Dover, N. J., secy. \NAMOSA, IAL. 0. 0. F. Bighty-second | seey Si orew es teeta ENN-[ National =Amateur | ELIZABETH, N. J.—Sons of Veterans’ Stats \universary Celebration. April 26, 1901, LEWISTON, ME.—Knights of Golden Eagle, Fh egos sagging Os alge ‘ Encampment. May 1 and 2, 1901. Garret i. Senet, Anamosa, Ia., secy Grand Castle. Apr.l, 1901. ST. PAUL, MINN -Military Surgeons’ AssoVoorhees, Jersey City, N. J., secy. ai? LoOONE, LA. State buoneral Directors’ As PORTLAND, Mb. Moyal Arch Masons qciation of U. S. May 30, 1901. ; NEWARK, N. J.—Foresters of America Grand sociation. May 21 to 23, 1901. Fred. B Grand Chapter May 7, 1901 es ST. PAUL, MINN.—National Order of RailCourt. April, 1901, 1. H. Dravis, Elizabeth, Neff, Cedar Rapids, Ia., secy. Hinckley, Lisbon, Me.. sees — aang yn Pasay 10, 1991. W. J. MaxJ.. secy. It RLING TON, LOWA Congre gational PORTLAND, ME. Congregational Nation ee eats MEGRF NAPIGS, 18., OCF. NEW ARK, N. J.—Golden Star Fraternity Churches and Ministers. May 24 to 27, al Councit. October, 1901 Rev. H. A ST. PAU L, MINN.—M. W. of A State Camp. Supreme Council. May, 1901. E. H. ChamLal Hazen, DD, Anbarndale, Mass., secy. —_ Tr W. B. Hartley, secy., W. Duberlain, Paterson, N. J., secy. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Grand Lodge of lowa, PORTLAND, ME.—Koignts of Grand st “AL. MINN.—Americ: Proctol : NEW BRUNSWICK, N. _ J.—Reformed Knights of Honor. Second ‘luesday in | Tournament. April Is, 1901 aiiene Wise i a a8 ne De -—~ — (Dutch) Church in America, General Synod. April, 1901. J. G. Graves, Lock Box 15, PORTLAND ME.—Scens of Temperance Be Si: Pe ans *, ve ." m. M. June 5, 1901. Rev. W. H. DeHart, Raritan, Cedar Rapids. Ia.. secy. Grand Apr.l 24 and 25, 19/1. An ST PAUL. MINN op attsburg, F'a., secy. N. J., secy. COUNCIL BLUFFS, LOWA--State Federation nie L. Hayes, Cheisea, Me., secy a > PA M = — efo~ Cross DiPATERSON, N. J.—A. @& IL O. K. of M. t of Women's Clubs. May 1 to 3, 1901 PORTLAND, ME.—I. O. R. M. State CounHieck. rt y 1. Ming _Condit, 332 Moore Grand Commandery. April 10, 1901. A. L. ; Jessie B. Waite, Woodlawn av., Burlington, cil. Apr.l 10 and 11, 1901. W. E. St. John, rock, St. Paul, Mion. secy. Trumbell, 12 Pennington st., Paterson, N. lowa, secy box 1796, Portland, Me., secy = PAL Ra, DORR —Order of Railway ConJ., secy. ’ : PAVENPORT, IOWA—Sons of the Revolution YARMOUTH, ME —Maine Method:st ConfereT Paul py — ee Medi PATERSON, N. J.—Daughters of Liberty i State Society. April 19, 1901. Edward S ence. April 24, 1901. Oki. Skane? Tastaiadion’ hain 4. 1901. ‘anasl State Council. April 16 and 17, 1991. Brice : “ oa . —_ “y . > é > _ ue ° > » Bao ~ ae et ay MARYLAND. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Medical Society. rn 2 Mulberry st., Paterson, N. v., } = ee te = ' : : t > June 1, 1901 Pn. . Church of North America. Mav 22, 1901 BALTIMORE, MI).—Knights of Pythias om mau ——; FRENTON. N. J.--Reyal Arch Masons, Rev William J. Reid, 244 Oakland ave., Grand Lodge. Apr.l 9, 191. James Wh.te wr : y> i MEAN.yo — ay MediGrand Chapter. May 15, 199. Geo. B. Piubers. Pa.. eecv. house, box 517, Baltimore, Md., secy en Ass whition q une i te ‘ 1901. Creo. Edwards, Jersey City. N. J.. seer. KEOKUK, IA.—Tri-State Musical Society. | BALTIMORE, Mb.— Officers __ of HH. Simmons, 6l Market st, Chicago, Ill, | ¢RENTON. N. J.—Knight Templar Greed r on Cc. Mur . St. Louis, Amer.can Institutions for Idiotic and FeePo -teael gO pee ‘ e . : : : a . De. J furphy puis rn gong A gag gy a he ST. PAUL, MINN.—National Society of Medements. es 1901. Chas. Bechtel, SHELDON, IA.—Northwest Iowa Educational Far bault, Minn., secy _ieal Colleges of America. June 4, 1901. a eo : Association. April 18 to 20, 1901. W. I. | BALTIMORE, MD.—Independent Order of | ST. PAUL, MINN.—National Academy of Simpson, Sheldon, Ia., secy Mechanics, Supreme Lodge. May 14 to 15, —— ~ of smares, June 4, 1901. Chas. SIOUX CITY, IA.—Royal Arcanum Grand 1901 Elmer Bernhard, 930 W. Baltimore Ss es ee ee in Council. April 9, 1991. Geo. Conway, Sioux st., Baltimore, Md., secy WORTHINGTON, MINN. — State Sunday City, Ia., secy. BALTIMOKE, MD.—Shield of Honor, Grand SE , Cen ae 2 Se ee SIOUX CITY, 1A.—O. D. H. S., Grand Lodge Lodge. April 16, 1901. Wm. J. CunningMinn J. Miller, 17 S. 4th st., Minneapolis, May 16, 1901. Carl Meyer, S.oux City, Ia., ham, 20 E. Fayette st., Baltimore, Md., ee secy By sone wind » dace MISSISSIPPI. | rHIBODAUX, LA.—Firemans’ Parade and SALTIMORE, MD.—Daughters of the King — Mm . > Tournament. Apr. 27, 1991. C. P. Auslet, State Council. April 30, 1901. Mrs. G. H a me on a ze re State For Gas Ball Whistli Ball De manager Evans, 1039 Stuckor st., Baltimore, Md., aees “ ‘Oho! Png, #%, ev. W. H. Jenor Uas Balloons, stling Balloons, co} r : iss s WATERLO, IOWA-—State Retail Grocers’ ‘Assecy Gul reat iter Sitectontend Chott rated and Advertising Balioons, Street ' sociation. April 22 to 24, 1901 OAKLAND, MD.—Jr. O. U. A. M. Grand "hel aliens Siaeeoiie i — "it ta Fair, Carnival and Other Latest WINTHROP, IA.—Y. P. 8. C. E. Fourth Dispag Ae ge Nil <n Bs Tg 5 Mallee dete ede Novelties, call on . trict Convention. April 24 to 26, 1901. -Belle Greene and Baltimore sts., Baltimore, Md., IACKSON. MISS. ae ping ote” : : a ae Jd. SON, MIS? State Medical Society. McKnight, Dubuque, la, secy. secy. cat ‘is tiie ie, JIL thee nak QO. NERVIONE, KANSAS. MASSACHUSETTS. ca YE 66 Franklin St , Chicago, HI., a . 7 “ 5 = ABINGTON, MASS 1. O. O. F. District Re 7. \‘. o5.—e ate “fe nt thhbber -— = r ~~ cy Mm SL akon anion Apr.l 26, 1901 Dealers’ Association. April 16, 1901 W. pero nareectime nine AND SAVE MONEY. hme, Aggy te 7 Be Bowmen, | BOSTON, MASS. Catholic Order of For G. Harlow, Yazoo City, Miss. seey. ; ARKANS \S CirTy. *K AN—L. O. O. F. Eigh esters’ State Convention. April 24, 1901 b Seeg ~~ = ate 7 + on 7 Ve New idea in Trunks, y-second Antivers Jebration. Apri BOSTON, MASS.—Amer.can Asso April, 1901. Mrs. Rose L. Dun— pony et ae Cont ot ciaton. May 21, 191 Rev. Charles E. St can chez Miss., secy The Statiman Dresser Trunk pa yp Sr Ne ‘ ’ ‘ pea John. Boston, Mass., sees WEST Vout mrss see Bankers’ AssoS eouaretes on new i » Sey . = . >< en né atior ay 8, 0 a a si " : meta eu iVig d r ‘* 3 wd Ba sng ° =a & Me .—— ge a ae ~ Rromfield st Rael Maes. secy. W EST POINT, MISS.—C “umberland Presbyfor eveeything and every Colembes. Kat Cae?) “as” ated BOSTON, MASS.—Knights of Honor Grand — an Church General Assembly. May 16, Sw ng in its place. The bELPIOS, KAN. 1 O;. O. FL Bighty-see Lodge. April 10, 1901. W. T. Murray, 73 Secs Rev. J. M. Hubbert, Lebanon, Tenn., ane top “odes choten ; at Bn: . : a 22 Washington st., Boston, Mass., secy — : na Anniversary Celebration. April 26, POSTON, MASS —State Homeopathic Mea MISSOURI. " ae Gad a an LKAVENWORTH, KAN.-—State Sportsmen's oo ee eg . = 6. wae ani JOPLIN, MO —I O. O. FP. Grand Lodge. — trunk. Sent C. 0. D. with privilege of examiAssociation Tournament. April 16 to 18, | gg Se ee eee — 191. E. M. Stoan, box 495, St Louis, ation Send 2¢ stamp for illustrated catalogue. Ba , Loehle seayv ‘a mend B fo 10.. SeCcy. ‘. Ss MAN,8 W Spring &t.. Col bus, O, we. Hi. W. Koehler, Leavenworth, Kan., BASTON, MASS —Railway Telegraph Super KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Ticket Brok¥. a STALE sa pring Columbus. . owe » endents’ Assoc a 19, 190 P rs ssociation Ma 1901 Sim St . ; OHANUTE, KAN —Grand Lodge, Degree of RCRSCRRS _ SSCS NES. June ers’ A May, 1 Simon Stein F Honer of’ A ° UW “riret Wednesday in W. Drew, Milwaukee, Wis., secy er, 210 N. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo., secy. Wm. . MILLER | May, 1%1. Mrs. Georgia Notestine, HiawaBOSTON, MASS.—National Stove ManufacKANSAS CITY, MO.—Nat onal Prison Assohark Ram: Goan ’ turers’ Association. May 7 to 11, 1901. Thos. | © at on September, 191. Rev. John L 134 Park Row, New York. PRATT KAN 1. O. O. F. District ConvenJ. Hogan, 52 Deerborn st., Chcago, I1., Milligau, Allegheny, Pa., secy 1 %@ . secy KANSAS CITY, MO.—National Pr'son Chapcan = 26, 1901. S. P. Gebbart, Pratt, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.American Philegical lains’ Associatior September, 1901. Rev MAXUFACTURER AND IMPORTER. aAtawA “WAw oni Association Juiv 7, 19" Prof. Herbert D R. Imbre. Hoboken. Pa.. secv Ss ’ j . . “ ‘ P P * peel — to a — Weir Smyth. BRrvn Mawr, Ta. se« KANSAS CITY. MO -Pr son W seal “ns’ AsPan American Novelties in due time. Buffalo . “—_—— rg K; ov eecy ‘ ‘=e CAWMBRIDGr, MASS.—American Sosoc ation. Septemb« 1901. N. F. Bouch| Buttonand anyee Street Fair, Carson, Topeka, Kan.. secy oat "og oe 1a > »rson >: Memetch. meee nival. Convention and Summer Resort Goods. TOPEKA, KAN Reunion A. A R. M Tres sea rve “a =~ alts ae ar 0. KANSAS Cl ry N. D. ed of RailRo ettes Confetti Flag Canes. Imitation Beer ee a April 9, 1901 ne C. Boweecy ‘ . ; wav Carmen. Sept. 10, 1901 Glasses. Rubber F; ces, Musical; Razzle Dazzles, man, Topeka, Kan., secy ,és oe 28 ; rat = me “iati Batchelor’s Buttons, Dying Pigs, Return Palls, + ay per agg ~ . . LOWFLL. MASS.~I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge KIRKSVILLE, M0O.—American Association oat eet . yee Flas. : pty a ~ gee gag SB April 10 and 11, 1901. Sarah A. Leonard, fer Advancement of Osteopathy. July. 1901. weaves eo Pose yes age — pend: pe. ot Re MM : 4% Dudley st., Medford, Mass, secy Dr. C. M. T. Hulett, 16 KN. B. Bidg. | Cost Sorined, Sell Teste eae [SEs Er At? oe WAKEFIELD, MASS. Eo Middlesex 1. 0 Cleveland. O.. secy tons. Badges Grand Army en renee) WICTIITA, KAN, Congregational ¢ ey O. F. Elehty-xecond Anniversary Celebra ST. JOSEPH. MO —Knights of Maccabees of Helmets and Specialties, Avtomatic Hand Gener xsoclatho av 9 to 13, 199 ade SSeS MEV CESRE, mS SE : é hisles. S thi — _ s ~ "Ae hes a a Oy aa Poa ‘tive Apri! 26, 1901 Missouri. Second Tuesday. May, 1901. A. ae ee new. . 4, PaaS _—— . WORCESTER, MASS American Anti Segerr 1420 Front av.. Kansas City, Mo Pre = atalogue iree. KENTUCKY. quariin Seetety. Oetober, Wel Chas. A ST. LOUIS, MO. State Funeral Direetors’ TRANSPARENT BANKING CRAP DANVILLE, KY. Y. PS. ©. BL Distriet Coa: RTS Sees. ers ee ane tee ee eee DICE Made by usonly: detection imConvention May, 11 MEXICO. aa ot is. , “Oo. Knights Templa Grand possible. New inventions in Elec: . one . 4 ° = e rents er lar Pia A LENINGTON, — KY Knights ‘Templar erry OF MEXICO, MEX.—Pan-American Cen mandery. April 23, 1901. Wm. H. Mayo f iy CATALOGUES FREE" -_c Crapd Commandery May 15 and 16, 1901 Conference. Oct. 22. 1901 St. Leu M Sits a we Se wae oe ~—# — ae L. CG. Merete oN OMG st Lesinaton. os. cu's O., Fecy EVANS & CO, 125 Clark St.. Chicago, Ht. pe rode, St., LCRINE MICHIGAN. -T. LOUIS, MO —Royal Arch Masons, Grand Pirie NE nh F 3 . MeCN nieor ri] 9° ¢ ° ay s LEXINGTON. KY—Jr. O. U. A. M. State | ANN ARBOR, MICH.—Pht Kappa Psi Fra Chante April 24, 1901. Wm. H. Mayo, MUSEMENT COMMITTEES—For something Council, April 23, 1901. M. B. Bane, Vance ternity. April, 191. J. N. Raymond, Ch Bt. Lente, Ma., seey = new and up-to-date, it would be well to look ee ae ee b . . on Th Geen S17 Lt is, MO move ard bea ea after Pattersea’s Ferris Wheel and Big —_omee Benen . ioe > . TP . Nations M: acturers’ Grand Couneil April 24, 190 m. . caused sucha stampede among the people at , LEXINGTON, KY.—State Inter-Collegiate DETROIT, MICH = onal a ~e +d Mave St. Louis, Mo., secy Wichita, Kan.. Marshall, Mo., and Ft. smith, unt Oratorical Association. April 12. 1901 Association. June, 1981. Geo. Barbour, De “7 LOVIS. MO_-Unit Rank, Catholi \: Ww lik LOUISVILLE, KY.-K. 0. T. M. Great Camp troit. Mich., secy. ST. L : ‘ niferm Rank, Catholic Ark., Street Fairs last is ould like to . ‘ atats, ’ ® ‘ om , “hy t < Knights of America, Supreme Counc'l open season in some good pa ; Apr'l. 1901 DETROIT, MICH -—Jr. O. U. A. M. State “ : | 1 Nasi il LE. KY j oOo. 4. M. Cek Council April 9, 1901 May. 191. J. C. Carroll, Temple Bidg., St. jas PATTERSON, Chetopa. Kaa. / i] “ ‘ ‘ : ar ere — ~ ~ Doe. — . ous. M secy —_ ——__—_— } bration, July 4. 1901 Hillle Robinsen, 6'4 DETROIT, MICH.—Traveling Freight Agents Pe. OC e by Eee y Oa AGunTs. cieieeinen rea casino = pet can ‘ he Kentucky st.. Louisville, Ky., chair ane a <n -~ a _ = Pe aieibe | Seen * Man’ 190 ton. ‘Heil. tenons hisa bet cathece, Geoedit on €.Qvil : readme, ber py gees sre a pig ah cata man, 2216 Belt ave., St. Louis, Mo., secy. orders, CARTER BOOK CO, 314 S. Broadway, ‘ LOUISIANA, DETROIT, MICH.—Direct Leg'slation Nation MONTANA, St. Louis i} MONROE. LA—W. C. T. U. State Convenal Convention June 27, 1901 Eltweed rWIN BRIDGE. MONT. Lo. Oo F. Figh s . wo Hemispheres rion Kid H ~ “ F ensation of t H p tion April, 1901 Mrs. Mary R. Goodale, — Pomeroy, East Orange, N. ] tv second Anniversary Celebration April Stuart, with his Great High Wire and 02 Sth «t., Bator Nouge, La, secy DETROIT, MICH .—National Social and Pol!23, 1901 © PR iuford, Virginia City, Fireworks Act. This was the feature act with } NEW IBERIA, LA —Louisiana Conference, | tical Conference June 28 to July 2 9H Mont.. seer the “Last Davs of Pompeii” during season "9s ; K. Chureh, South December, i101 | TD. J. Meserole, 160 Jeroloman st., Brooklyn NEBRASKA I make and display Firework Fmblems of any Fitzgerald Sale Parker, Jackson, La, seey wu. F . : ~ r color or design. Address [114 W. 28th Street, NEW ORLEANS. LA Southern Baptist Con GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Modern Woodmen LINCOLN, NE. State Kelectic = Uhys Indianapolis, Ind. emflon. First Presbyterian Chureh May ef Amerca State Convention, April 10 and ehins Secl®ty May 7 and S, 101, Dr 9, 1901, 1, 1901 Keyr, Omaha, Neb, seey. & Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads,