The Billboard 1901-09-14: Vol 13 Iss 37 (1901-09-14)

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10 THE BILLBOARD NOTES. For some unexplained reason, Paola Edwards, who was booked for the Columbia bill this week, failed to show up at the opening performance. The Zoo is now the only one of Cincin natis outdoor amusement places that remains open. Delcher & Hennessy will change the name | the new opera house, he said, but he ad-| Pond, Demaria and mitted that Mr. Hunt's lease expires at the | end of this season, and that he could, if he of “Put Mé Off at Buffalo’ in the event | of President McKinley's death. | President Heuck, of the Heuck-Fennessy | Cireait, has wired Manager Fennessy from | Michigan, where he is sojourning, not to bold maangers of opera houses who have hooked | their attractions for damages should they | that decide to close their houses in the event | of President McKinley's death. Managers Ike and ‘Jack’? Martin were | presented with a beautiful silver loving-cup by the employes of’ Chester Park when that popular resort closed. A NEW THEATER To Be Built on Race Street to House the Pike Stock Company Next Season. For nearly a week there has been a story in circulation to the effect that Cincinnati is to have a new theater, but so many of these “hot air’ stories have been told and printed that little attention has been given the latest one. However, from what “The Billboard” has heen able to learn from a perfectly reliable anthority, there is some foundation for the story, and from present appearances it is not only possible, but probable that the new playhouse will be built. The gentleman who is said to be financeering the new project is-Col. Robert J. Morgan, who is at the head of the United States Playing Card Company, the largest concern of its kind in the world. Col. Morgan is now at Grande Pointe, Mich., with his family, where he has a palatial summer home, but his return to Cincinnati is expected every day. However, the information that Col. Morgan intends to build a new theater in Cincinnati from a gentleman who is his personal and confidential friend, and who says that he aecompanied Col. Morgan to Detroit, where the necessary financial arrangements were made and where an architect was selected to draw plans for the new house, The location selected is said to be on the several lots immediately west of the site of the Grand Opera House. The property involved in the deal is said to be occupied now by the two-story frame houses on Race street, running from Longworth street north to the alley and east to a point beyond the east line of the Cuvier Club Building. The entranee, of course, will be on Race street, which would place the stage of the new theater and that of the Grand Opera House, back to back. According*to the information obtained by “The Billboard,” Col. Morgan has not only secured an option on the property of the theater, but, most important of all. he has completed a deal for the house to have a tenant the moment it is ready for eccupancy, Which will not be before the opening of the season of 1902-1902 Col. Morgan, it is said, has closed a deal with Manager Hunt of the Pike Stock Company, whereby that popular and capable company of players will desert the theater whose name it carries now, and where it made its reputation. According to the story as told to “The Billboard,”’ Manager Hurt is now in full control of the Pike Company, Sussman and Londis, of Chicago, having disposed of their interests to him. The lease on the Pike as secured by Sussman, Landis & Hunt expires at the end of the present season, and Manager Hunt being anxious to bouse his company in a vround-floor theater, made the deal with Col. Morgan, so it is said, to transfer the Pike Company to the new theater as soon as it is rendy for occupancy. Col. Morgan is a wealthy man, who has practically retired from business, and he is certainly in position financially to undertake and complete such a project without inconvenience to his other interests. The Cuvier Club property has been on the market for some time because the organization has outgrown its present quarters, and a more commodious club-house is necessary. The fact that the Pike Company is playing in Detroit now, where Col. Morgan is said to have gone from his summer home to select an architect, is significant at least. Col. Morgan and Manager Hunt being absent from Cincinnati, their versions of the story could not be obtained in time for this issue of “The Billboard.”” However, Powell Crosley, the owner of the Pike Opera House, was seen just before he left the city for [tuffalo. Mr. Crosley had heard nothing of cotnes Messrs. | project.’ choose, refuse to Pike. renew his lease on the | Mr. Crosley was inclined to believe that | if Manager Hunt contemplated leaving the | Vike Opera House, he (Mr. Crosley) would be notified of the fact. However that may be, the gentleman who enjoys Col. Morgan’s confidence, and who is reliable in every way, says that he obtained his information from Col. Morgan himself, and he was present when arrangements were made by Col. Morgan in Detroit for the plans and finances necessary to the Qe proprietor and manager; Horace Newman, business manager; O. B. Smith, advance agent; Harry L. Browning, stage manager: James Bates, property man; Frederic Summertield, George R. Sprague, Arthur V. Johnson. Charles Rockwood, H. C. Brown ing, Mad Vaughan, Henrietta Newman, Fannie B. Sprague, Laura Eichelberger, Grace Ferrard, Ulma McKinley. A ROMANCE OF COON HOLLOW and POGG'S FERRY.—C. E. Callahan, proprietor; C. S. Callahan, manager; Max Harte, business manager; Archie Allen, stage man ager; Kk. F. Hendley, carpenter; S. Gaines, property man; lola Pomeroy, Cecil Jefferson, Aida Gardner, Rebecca Greenfield, Alberta McCarver, A. T. Edwards, Joseph W. Wickes, Archie Allen, E. F. Gardner, Albert Butler, C. F. Newson, Chauncey Greene, William Asher, Sam Gaines, Royal Jenkins, the Carolina Quartet. Opened at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 2. A SECRET WARRANT.—M. W. Hanley & Son, proprietors; Isaac Newton, manager; Harry Reardon, business manager; Clifford Standish, stage manager; Wade L. Norton, property man; Willis Granger, Beyerly W. Turner, Russell Craufurd, Clifford Standish, Percy Cooke, Geo. W. Hammond, Wade L. Morton, Grace Atwell, Marion P. Clifton, Marion MacAdams, Nancy Poole. Opens at Hazelton, Pa., Sept. 23. ALLEN, VIOLA.—Liebler & Co., proprietors: C. Tyler, manager; Harry Askin, business manager; Frank J. Wilstach, advance agent: Edgar Selwyn, stage manager: Alexander Haig, musical director; L. M. Martel, sroperty man; Miss Viola Allen, Benjamin foward, J. H. Benrimo, Edgar Selwyn, W. Kk. Bonney, C. Leslie Allen, Arthur T. Hoyt, Walter Hitchcock, Eugene Sweetland, Harry Ferd. J. P. Jordan, Frank Bixby, Adelaide Warren, Blanche Moulton, Sue Van Duser, Lida Hall. Opens at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 16. AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN.—W. 8. Butterfield, manager; Carl Zoelker, business manager; Fred Tolver, advance agent; Chas. E. Adams, master mechanic; Fred Titus property man; William Bonnell, James C. O'Neil, Eugene Stanthy, John J. Connody, Edward Raymond, Charles Green, James Atins, Rose Stahl, Georgine Hynes, Stella Mills, Bessie Mae Hall, Carrie Fulton. AUBREY STOCK CO.—Mittenthal Bros., proprietors: Harry Mittenthal, manager; J. Moy Bennett, stage manager; T. F. Norton, stage carpenter; Charles J. White, property man; J. Moy Bennett, Charles Middleton, Oscar Briggs, Jack P. Tucker, Harley Winters, Billy Walsh, Alfred Lester, Charles J. White, T. F. Norton, Sylvester Howe, Ethel Clifton, Maude Truax, Leah Starr, Maude Kellett, Bertha Welby, Frank Welby. Opened at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 26. ¢ BARBARA FRIETCHIE.—Wm. T. Keogh, proprietor: John Rudolf, advance agent; Marlborough Hardy, treasurer; George W. Mitchell, stage manager; Frank M. Heeney, property mman; Frances Gaunt, Gladys Gale, Anne Huntington, Jessie Charron, Loretta Hynes, Alice Tims, Ethel Payne, Jessie Powell, Richard G. Williams, T. J. Quinn, Edwin Myers, J. H. Hazleton, Roland Hill, Charles O. Shaw, George W. Mitchell, Geo. Leonard, John J. Collins, Frank M. Heeney, Marlborough Hardy, George Stanley, Benjamin Reeves, A. J. Lawrence. Opens at Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 20. BENNETT AND MOULTON.—Earl Burgess, manager; R. T. Wilton, business manager; Jos. M. Torr, advance agent: Frank Lindon, stage manager: W. W. Newton. stage manager; Joseph G. Pendleton, mu sical director; Frank Rowland, stage car penter; Henry Dodge, property man; “Dud” Acker, electrician; Tedd Brackett, Harold Graham, Frank Lindon, F. A. Howes, Chas. Frey, Harry J. Leland, W. W. Newton, Dick Simons, Jessie Henderson, Lora Rog ers, Kittie De Lorme, Jennie Bowen, Minnie Evans, Vina Burghardt, La Vano Family, Fred Hobson, Al. J. Stafford, James Hurley, Ad. P. Reed, Bruce Rowen, the Mitchells. Opened at Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 26. CLAYTON, UNA.—Francis Morey, manager; R. C. Rivers, business manager; Frank McBee, treasurer; Una Clayton, Car rie Louis, Annie Davis, Nettie Ford, Grace Diamond, Frances Morey, Frank De Leon, Guy Hitner, Harry Lane, John Kieffer, Harry Nelson, John Leftwich, Harry Woodrufi, Ray Keyes. George M. Worsham. CLEMENS, CAMERON.—Cameron Clemons, proprietor; Max A. Arnold, business manager; Chas.W. Clintock, advance agent: W. J. Eecleson, musical director; George Ralstone, stage manager; Lylene Radcliffe, Georgie King, Emma Shewell, Ada LePage, Marion Tenley, Baby Helen, C. Walcott Russell, Arthnr Metealf, Archie Deacon, Charles R, Schad, J. A. Diemus, Fred Orlando, Harry La Marr, the “Giddy Old) Maid.” Season opened at Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 22. COLLIER, WILLIAM.—Jacob Litt, proprietor; A. W. Dingwall, manager, Fred Meek, business manager; J. D. Leffingwell, advance agent: William Collier, Louise Al len, Cranley Douglas, John Saville, George Wright, Richard Malehien, Myrtle May, Helena Collier, Thomas Garrick, George w. Parsons, George Robinson, M. L, Heckert, | Sachira Oida, Olive Madison, Mary Fletch. er, Laura Palmer, FE. F. Krauser. Opened at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2. CROSMAN, HENRIETTA.—Maurice Campbell, manager; Frank Young, business manager; Francis J. O'Neill, advance agent; Geoffrey Stein, stage manager; w. P. Nolan, master carpenter; J. Love, prop erties; Joseph Kilgour, George Soule Spencer, Geoffrey Stein, William Herbert, Addison Pitt, Roland Carter, John Malone, Adele Block, Nellie Hancock, Benjamin Hapgood Burt, Edwin Fowler, Mabel Grey. Opened at New Bedford, Mass., Sept. ‘. DILGER-CORNELL.—Frederic Dilger, W. E. Cornell, J. Gordon McDowell, Harry Starr, J. O. Champion, Tracy Maguire, Elmo A. Stran, Jack Regan, Lillian Ander son, Dorothy Wallace, Nannette Maguire, Kate Marsden, Raby Hope Wallace. FAUST, (Morrison’s)—Jules Murty, prietor and manager; W. E. Dennison, business manager; Tom Jordan, advance agent; Jchn <A. Rose, stage manager. George Trimble, Charles Sexton, John A. Rose, W. H. Raymond, Fred E. Jenkins, H. Arnold, George Field, John Walsh, Charles Sauter, Louis Kurzwell, W. E. Dennison, Tom Jordon, Ruth Van Vectar, Addie Farwell, Florence Brooks, Mary Winson, Carrie Heinz. Opened at Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 2. FAVERSHAM, WILLIAM.—Chas. Froh man, manager. William Faversham, Jos. Holland, Edwin Stevens, Snitz Edwards, | N. L.. Jelenko, Robert P. Harvey, William | Danner, Jules Ferrar, A. R. Dalton, James Kearney, Joseph Webber, J. T. Scully, | Charles Daniels, Thomas Smithson, Arthur) Jarrett, Frank Hinton, Jessie Busley, Maggie H. Fisher, Julie Opp. FENBERG STOCK COMPANY.—George M. Fenberg, proprietor and manages; F. W. Boyd, advance agent; Joseph M. D. Clifton, stage manager; Fred Sloop, musical director; John T .Howell, electrician; Geo. Fk. Crowder, property man. George M. Fen berg, Joseph D. Clifton, F. W. Boyd, Arthur Travors, Albert Rowland, William Gaffy. Joseph Shuby, George F. Crowder, John Morris, Pliny Rutledge, E. B. Fickes, Charles Lavine, Fred Sloop, Walter C. Percival, Charles Gaffy, Ann Engleton, June Agnot, Marie Gilmer, Millie Corbin. Opened at Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 26. GARRICK THEATER.—W. H. Baker, proprietor; W. P. Taylor, manager; Charles M. Connors, advance agent; Ben W. Stone. stage director. Leo Lunn, John Whiteside, Harry P. Fand, Ben Stone, W. H. Baker, James Street. J. H. Emerson, W. P. Taylor, Bessie Marie Gordon, Ethel Wallace, Kathaleen Morgan, Bessie Murray. GIBNEY-HOEFFLER.—Gibney and Hoeffler, proprietors: Jack Hoeftler, manager: Charles Conners, advance agent: Morgan Gibney, stage manager; J. A. McElhaney, musical director; Frank Cawley, property man; Richard Ferris, electrician. Jack Hoeffler, Morgan Gibney, Cora Louise Mitchell, Alice Callison, Meta Fgferth, Margie Dow, Mabel Fowler, Nellie Gibney, Wilbur toe, J. Wallace Clinton, Joe Lawrence, J. A. MeElthaney, Richard Ferris, Frank Cawley, Charles Conners, Del Henderson, Eu gene Shakespeare, Fred Langley, “Koppe,” Rey Weed, Albert Andrews, KE. St. Evers, the Nelson Sisters. Opens at Parkersburg, W. Va., Sept. 30. GLAZIER, HARRY. proprietors; John 8. Philip L. Tippetts, advance agent. Glazier, John P. Barrett, W. J. Phinney. B. F. Higgins, Wilbur Higby, Matthew Me Ginnis, Lawrence Henry, Ronald St. John Lioyd ©. Ingraham, Fred Hart. G. W. Cates, Eugene J. MeGillan, Howard Walsh J. J. MeCluskey, James Lewis, Theo. FDockson, Elizabeth Lea, Catherine Coun tiss, Amelia Stoddard, Margaret Shaw Catharine Miller, Bessie Buchanan ' Reed, Louise Barrett, Anna y Edith Armstrong, Esther Moore. HAYWARD, GRACE—Dick Ferris, proprietor and manager; M. J. Fitzpatrick business manager: Fred J. Dorrity, advance agent; Fred France, treasurer: William Vv. Mong, stage manager; Elmer Howell, mu sical director; Charles McGady, property man: T. J. Hawes, carpenter; Grace Hay ward, Edith Bryan, Dolly Temple, Blanche Ewing, the Hawes Sisters, Lelia Davis An nie Tonissant, Dick Ferris, Thaddeus Gray William V. Mong, A. E. Bello, KE. A. Kerr. Teddy De Luc, Elmer Howell, the Ferguson Brothers, Albert and Eddie, C. H, Fer guson, Charles MeGady, T. J. Hawes, Fred Dorrity, M. J. Fitzpatrick, Little Blessing Ferris, Eddie Johnston. Opened at Has. tings, Neb., Aug. 26. HEALY, NELLY LYONS—Alvarez, Sisson & Titus, proprietors; George H. Titus, manager; M. R. Williams, business manager; Harry Manley, advance agent: Henry Deg enhart, musical director; Narcisso Alvarez H. Wilmont Young, Carl Vernon, Sam Fa Roscoe, Frank Allen, Charlie BE. MeCoy, Harry Cole, William Hempsteger, Charles Smith, Nelson Tucker, Matthews and Cole, Naty arene Healy. nee Tucker, Marjorie dams e and Una Pelham, Sue _ coe, Maida Hillard. > oe HIMMELEIN’S IDEALS—John A. Himmelein, proprietor and manager: ht. F. Him Stair and Nicolai, Flaherty, manager: McGinnis, melein, advance agent; Ben W. Wilson, stage manager; Ernest Hawkins, electrielan; Fred Coulter, carpenter: Ned Howson, musieal director; Beatrice Earle. May Prindle, Ren D'Arcy, Josephine Deffryn, Willard Mack, Jay Quigley, B. W. Wilson, J. C. Mack, Charles F. Lawrence, Harry | > | prietor and manager; Fred PP. Wilson, bus Clair | Sam Mylie, Ernest Hawkins, Fred Con);,, Athol Garing, EK. Sullivan, Carl Wit: Bert Patrick, Ned J. Howson, Opened 4; Parkersburg, W. Va., Sept. 2. IN OLD KENTUCKY-Jacob Litt, prope etor; A. W. Dingwall, manager; Ib. A. «,,, sudine, business manager: Fred Becky advance agent; Alice Treat Hunt, Burt « Clark, George Caine, Willlam = Cullingto) Jeffrey D. Willlams, George DD. Baker, Ad. laide KE. Colton, Beatrice Dauncourt, Rolyer Bibbs, J .H. Roberts, Swinton and Mow. John M. Powell, the Pickaninny Band Opened at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 1. JESS OF THE BAR Z RANCH Fred. | Wright, manager: Forbes Heermans, dir. tor; Frank EB. Morse, treasurer; Perey \ Fennimore, stage director: Albert Lang, «sistant stag edirector; Alice Archer, Mini: BR. Lane. Georgia Munson, Lorine Santley Randolph Roberts, James Manley, Pin Reynolds, J. Duke Jaxone, William | Granger, Edward Craven, J. L. Saphor Adam E. Fox, Thomas Nelson, Master Jovy Santley. KELCEY-SHANNON—Harry ©. Phere: proprietor and manager: Fugene Caton treasurer: Charles 8S. Robinson, stage ma: ager: Herbert Kelcey, Effie Shannon, Mor ton Selten, Charles W. Stokes, Percy | Brooke, William Elliott, Douglas Fairban! pro| Mrs. Waldron, Hattie John, Winona Shannon, Sept. 8. LOST RIVER—Jules Marry, propr ane manager: E. J. Martineau, business men ger’ George N. Gray, advance agent: J. | Ashton. stage manager; Frederick Spence: musieal director, Paul Gilmore, Harry Rae Webster, Elizabeth Woodson, John | Ince, Jvr., Howard Missimer, John L. As! ton, Joseph Lasher, Al. Felix, Harry A) kins. Joseph Birch, Charles Jamieson, W N. Dovle. Edward Webster, George W Thomas. H. W. Humphreys, M. ©. Rey nolds, Frank Edwards, Louis Adams, | telle Thomas, Virginia Warren, Lottie Br eoe, Ada Boshell, Emma Cohill, Florence Anderson, Alive Bendix, Marguerite Grant Fred Spencer, John Dooley, Fred Henn: Master Jacobi, Panl V. MeGail, J. J. Doy P. J. Noonan. Opened at Pittsburg, Aug. 2 MANTELL, ROBERT B.M. W. Hanley manager: Ed Shaw, advance agent: JameMelidowile, stage manager; William Mooney, property man. Robert B. Mant: Alfred H. Hastings, Mark Price, W J Russell, Marie Ss: Opened at Detroit Bowen, FE. M. Bostwick, Robert G. Stow: James Clinton, James Melidewle, Mar. tooth Russell, Minnie Monk, Elin Harme Marvy MacGregor. J., Sept. 2. MARLOWE, JULIA.—C. B. Dillinghan manager; L. J. Rodriguez, business miana ger; James O'Donnell Bennett, advance agent: George Hilton, treasurer; Frank Co fax, stage manager; William Metonne musieal director: Joseph Flam, properts man. Julia Marlowe, Charlotte Cram Frances Ring, Annie Clark, Kitty Wilse: Bruce McRea, Charles Harbury, C. FL G ney, Wilfred North, Frank Reicher, Alge: non Tassin, Frederic Burt, Wiliam Charles Opened at Trenton, \ Sidney Toler, George S. Christ’. MASON, JOHN.—Jacob Litt, proprietor A. W. Dingwall, manager; Al. FE. Lohman business manager. John Mason, Harry Ha! wood, Nannette Comstock, Margaret Full: Maleolm Williams, Mrs. E. . Ebert Miriam Hutchins, Charles Arthur, W. \ Penington, David Bagnell, Laura Almesine Henry Travers, Dodson L. Mitchell, Opened at Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5. MOREY SPOCK COMPANY. Fran! Flesher and Fred F. LeComte, proprietors and managers. Clarence Bennett, Mare I Robbins, Willard Poster, Dewey Cample! Bert ©C. Bence, Oscar Wheeler, Lee J. He | loway, Elmer Cox, Capitola Marshall, Le| lie Virden, Isma Clifferd, Litthe Garna, Mas Anna | ter Wayne, Baty MORRISON, Bennett, Luella Morey LEWIS.—Jules Murry, pre |; bess mannger; Harry Sweatman, advance agent; William Ewing, stage anager. LewiMerrison, Francis Yale, William Ewing Frank Wallace, Archie Bald, George Hen shaw, Charles Myers, Al Brown, ©. ¢ Hlook, Selby Tapstield, Fred Po Wilsen Harry Sweatman, Ida May Park, Clar Tapstield, Louise Dimond, Esther Bense: Eva Golden. Opens at Halifax, N. 8 Sept. 16, MURRAY DRAMATIC. — Riehard Peters proprietor and manager; Clarence: Brooks, business and stage manager: Clo ence Wood, musical director: William Ric! ard, advanee agent: Henry Rieckston, prop erty man; George Harris, electrician, Car! Kingston, Olive Harris, Ceeil Harrison Clarence Brooks, Harry Willis, Howard bo Clair, Charles Lee, William Mayward, Rich ard Bailey, Hurbert Packard, Louis Pelkey Bertha Reynolds, Nellie Mitehell, | Lucy Waite, Bella Kay, Mabel and Nellie Pay ton. oe by Harry Willis, Howard La Clair, Nellie and Mabel Payton, Baly La Selle and George Harris. Opens in Sep tember, NINA COMPANY.—Harry Bruns, propri: tor, Inanager and business manager: Henry I. Bdwards, advance agent: Harry Brun. treasurer: Edwin O. Browne, stage mane ger; tobert W, Perey, musieal director Louis J. Epstein, property oman Milk Nina, of Bruns and Nina: Harry Bruns, of Bruns and Nina; Edwin O. Browne, Flo! ence Cudney, EL Maude Welngardnet Henry DP. Edwards, Robert W. Perey, Loui J. Epstein, Sam Phitier, Opens at Nyack N. Y., Oct. 7. OLD JED PROUTY.—William Henry Iu dolph, manager. Richard Golden, W. W Kittleman, Robert Craig, H. M. Morse, Me! ville Colins, Horace Rushby, Harry Ma: Kayden, Coulter Howard, Walter) Lov Maurice Vike, Marshall Kent, Joe Seante: Katherine Kittleman, Grace MeLead, Rul Royal, Kate Medinger, Leota Sinclair. O'NEILL, JAMES.—Liebler & Co.. pe prietors; George C. Tyler, manager: Eu ward Sullivan, business manager; Hdest . '