The Billboard 1901-10-12: Vol 13 Iss 41 (1901-10-12)

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ce = — A A LLL THE BILLBOARD | AN EIGHT-SHEET ESTIMATE FOR TENNESSEE. The following is a conservative for an eight-sheet posting in the rennessee, compiled by a estimate State of poster: TENNESSEE. Price No. ToCity. Pop. S-shs. tal DEMON. 240s cunenes 2,000 de 4 $1.60 BoVGR cos cisyeees 1,100 4e 4 1.28 Briceville ......... 1,750 5e 4 1.60 Brteted. acscsceuese 6,000 be 5 2.40 Brownsville ....... 3,000 de 5 2.00 Chattanooga ...... 50,000 Je w 11.20 Coal Glee snnctes 2,500 6e 5 2.40 CobmmmBR ..ccscece 6,500 be 5 2.40 CIASEOTEEEO 2 us cccus 10,000 6c 5 2.40 Cleveland ......... 4000 be 5 2.40 Ces eak. cence 1,200 4c 4 1.28 Cages: sicitecen 1,800 Se 4 1.60 COVERSEOM .cccowce 3,000 ée 5 2.40 DOG kncsceaennd 2,500 Ge 4 1.92 ae 1,500 4de 4 1.28 | eee perry 1,500 4c 4 1.28 lyersburg ........ 4,000 Te 5 2.80 Elizabethtown .... 1,500 4e 4 1.28 WN cncccketcestves 2,500 Se 5 2.00 Fayetteville ...... 3,000 6e 5 2.40 2... eee 2,500 Se 5 2.00 GORE. 2604 %evkes 2,500 Se 5 2.00) Greenville ........ 2,000 4c 4 1.28 | Greenfield ........ 1,5 4c 4 1.28 oy eee 3,500 6c 5 2.40 Henderson . coves 1,500 4e 4 1.28 i. eae 2,500 4c 4 1.28 Humboldt ........ 3,000 Se + 1.60 iluntington ....... 500 4e 4 1.28 rare 15,000 Te 8 4.48 SE stahinwecuen 1,500 4c 4 1.28 ohnson City...... 5,000 be 5 2.40 Knoxville ......... 30,000 je Ww 11.20 Lebanon .......... 2000 4ce 4 1.28 Lewisburg ........ 1,500 de 4 1.28 Lexington ........ 1,500 4e 4 1.28 McMinnville ...... 2,000 4c 4 1.28 Manchester ....... 1,100 4 4 1.28 aaa 2,000 te 4 1.28 Marvesville 2.500 he 4 1.60 Memphis 102,000 l2ec 48.00 re 2,000 4c 4 1.28 Morristown ....... 3,000 de 4 1.60 Missy Creek. ..... 1,500 de 4 1.28 Mt. Pleasant...... 2,000 4c 4 1.28 Murfreesboro ..... 5,000 6e 5 2.40 Nashville ......... 100,000 12¢ 50 48.00 TOE: wnudcibas 1,500 de 4 1.28 NEWGGNS svesscics Ee 6S CS 1.28 ee widths dn athe o 1,500 4c 4 1.28 PMs sala sas domes 2,500 4c 4 1.28 Pulaski 3.500 6e 5 2.40 Ridgedale ........ 1500 4e 4 1.28 BAC 2,000 4e 4 1.28 Rickwood ......... 3,000 he 4 1.60 Rogersville ....... 1.000 4c 4 1.28 Savannah ......... 2,000 de 4 1.28 | Shelbyville 3,000 4 5 1.60 | RP oe 1.00 4e 4 1.28 S. Pittsburg....... 2,000 4¢ 4 1.28 Springfield . 2,000 4e 4 1.28 Sweet Water...... 2,000 4c 4 1.28 Tracey City....... 2,200 4c 4 1.28 Tullahoma ........ 3,000 he 5 2.00 Whitewell ........ 2,000 4e 4 1.28 ADVERTISING TIPS. Salmon & Gluckstein, in England, have a | capital poster for their Loyalist Tobacco. The Resmol Chemical Company, of Balttme Md., are sending booklets mMaAatl, Cassell & Co., Limited, are using sensatonal black and white posters again in Great Britain. The British C. B. Corset is commencing a poster campaign in the western towns of the United States. The Goodhair Soap is using a great va riety of advertising matter In the shape of posters, snipes, folders and booklets. The Burlington & Northwestern Roads have contracted with firms in Japan for 1,000,000 fans, to be distributed next year N. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia, announce that the advertising of the Arbuckle coffees, which is handled by them, this year. The Remington Typewriter and Allen Poster & Co. (the mail order dressmaking ‘rm) are two of the latest appearances on the hoardings In England. Dr. Kelmer & Co., of Binghampton, N. Y., } ing Swamp Root by samples and booklets. these people are employing the association | place | (istributors wherever they ‘heir matter for them. \ small, but pleturesque hoarding is in can to process of erection In Regent street, Lon‘on, England, before a shop which ts to lecome the new premises of Messrs. John Vilson's Snecessors, Limited. This may be led another triumph of good adv ertising. Subseribe for “The Billboard.’ It will eep you posted on all dates of fairs, conentiona, celebrations, ete. These functions ‘traet large concourses of people, and reatly enhance the value of all advertising ‘iedia In the towns In which they are held. ' von wonld advertise judicionsty keep well-known bill | out by) will be doubled | ave a force of men on the road advertis| “The Billboard” handy. a valuable mentor. Judge Blanchard, of the Supreme Court, has granted a permanent injunction against the Alpha Soup Company, of New York, restraining it from in any manner using the words “Omega Oil’ or the word “Omega” as a designation of any soap or other product manufactured, sold or dealt in by that | concern, The Cooper Baking Powder Company was recently organized at Chicago, Ill, with a capital stock of $300,000. Mr. D. C. Im| boden was elected president of the new | coneern, and Mr. James Cooper — -rintend| ent and general manager. Mr. Cooper was | formerly the head compounder and mixer | for the Dr. Price Baking Powder Company, who took the first prize at the World's | Fair. These people will use sixteen-sheet and eight-sheet posters for advertising their | product, in selected territory. Clarence E. It is a guide and Runey will handle the paper for them. RESULTS TELL. “Billboard” advertising brings so many answers that the advertiser was deluged. The following unsolicited testimonial as to the value of “The Billboard” as an advertising medium, speaks for itself: Chairman Amusement Com. Marietta, 0, July 19, 1901. “The Billboard,” Cincinnati, 0.: Dear Sirs—Our “want ad” in your last two issues has brought so many replies that we have an abundance already. Kindly discontinue it, and send bill in full to 2 Yours traly, $ E. GATES, , NOTTS CIO as ocd .) SE Hid ai¢y VGN A Foster Printers : Advertisements under this heading will be pub| lished weekly at the uniform rate of ten cenis per dime fer issue, or $4.00 fer year. N. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Bell Show [’rint, Sigourney, la. Boston Job Print Co. 4 Alden, Boston, Mass Brooklyn Daily Eagle Job P. Co., B’yn,N.Y Calhoun Printing Co., Hartford, Conn. Calvert Litho. Co., Detroit, Mich. Central City Show Print. Co.,Jackson, Mich Central Litho. Co., 140 Monroe st., Chicago Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. Enterprise Show Print, Cleveland, O. Enquirer Job Print. Co., Cincinnati, O. | Erle Show Printing Co., Erie, Pa. Forbes Lith. Co., 181 Devonshire, Free Press Show Print. Co., Great Am.Eng.&Print.Co..57 Beckman,N.Y. Great W. Print. Co., 511 Market, St. Louis. Grove Litho. Co., The, Milwankee, Wis. Haber, P. B., Fond-du-Lac, Wis. Hennegan & Co., 127 E. 8th, Cincinnati, O $am W. Hoke, 255 Sth ave., N. Y. | Home ShowPrinting Co., Atchison, Kan. Morgan, W.J.&Co., St.C. and Wod,Cleveland Morrison Show Print. Co., Detroit, Mich. PioneerPrint.Co.,214 Jefferson,Seattle,Wash Planet Show Print. Co., Chatham, Ont.Can Russell & Morgan Show Print.. Cincinnati Clarence F. Runey, 127 EB. 8th st., Cincin nati. Boston Detroit, Mich INKLINGS. | Fourteen hundred sheets of Donaldson Lithographing Company paper were used to herald the big Clinton County (Mich.) Fair. The proprietors write that the paper surely did the work desired of It. “The Wateh Word ts Elgin.” a title for W. Aver & Son, eatehy for the Elgin Watch Company It is a well-put-together plece of work, in which locomotives and watches are carried side-by-side from their inception to their present state. The Ulustrations alone would cause the booklet to be preserved. “The Union Stgnal,"" Milwaukee, Wis., in its Labor Day issue, contains a highly com oeesnr article referring to the Greve Athographing Company. From among the nice things the article says, we quote the following: “Officers of this company are among the most prominent broad-minded | and public-sptrited citizens of Milwaukee, and we take pleasure in placing the name | of the Greve Lithographing Company foremost among the substantial friends of con servative organized labor." a taking booklet published by N. 4 WEEKLY LIST OF BILL POSTERS. Advertisements under this heading will be pub lished weekly at the uniform rate of ten centa per line per issue, or $4.00 per year. ALABAMA. Troy—Josh Copeland. | ARKANSAS. Conway—J. F. Clark, Box 25. Springdale—Hite Sanders Co. ILLINOIS. Bloomington—City B. P. Co., Coliséum Lidg Nunda—McHenry Co. Adv. Co Pekin—Standard Bill Posting Co. Peoria—Auditorium Bill Posting Co. IOWA. Des Moines—W. W. Moore, (licensed List.) KANSAS. Atchison—City Bill Posting Co. Parsons—George Churcbill. MISSISSIPPI. Yazoo City—H. C. Henick. MISSOURI. Aurora—Louis J. Minor. MONTANA. Billings—A. L. Babcock. NEBRASKA. Hastings—M. M. Irwin. NEW YORK. New York City—New York Bill Posting Co. NORTH CAROLIN \. Statesvville—Rowland Advertising Co. OHIO. Franklin—L. E. Taylor. Middletown—Anthony H. Walburg. St. Mary’s—F. F. Aschbacher. Zaresville—Wm. D. Schultz. PENNSYLVANIA. *Johnstown—A. Adair. New Castle—The J. G. Loving ©. rp hk. P. Co Carthage--A. Burt Gainesville—Paul Gailia, CF. @. UTAH. Salt Lake City—Grand Bill Posting Co. WEEKLY LIST OF DISTRIBUTORS. Advertisements under this heading will be pub lished weekly at the uniform rate of ten cents per lime Jer issue, or $4.00 per year. ALABAMA. and Dist Troy—Josh. Copeland. ARKANSAS. Conway—J. F. Clark, Box 25. CALIFORNIA. Eureka—W. H. Mathews, 636 2d st. GEORGIA. Atlanta and Suburbs—Edw. BR. Uridser — Agency, GO4 Temple Cour: Cotunien, Ga., Girard and Phoenis City Ala.—Edw. W. Bridger’s Advertising Agency. Address Atlanta. ILLINOIS. Chicago—John A. Clough, 42 —— st. East St. Louis—H. Deem Gainesville H, Hulen B. P. & Dist. Co Pekin—Standard Bill Posting Co. Peoria—Auditorium Bill Posting Co. INDIANA. Huntington—Benjamin Mil a Everett st. Indianapolis—Indianapolis A Co. Marion—John L. Wood, 9zv s. Bransen st. IDAHO. Bolse—R. G. Spaulding. IOWA. Burlington—A. E. Drier, 1211 Summer st. Des Moines—Des Moines Adv. Co. Fort Madison—Sylvester Johnson. Sioux City—A. B. Beall. KANSAS. Atchison—City Bill Posting Co. MASSACHUSETTS. Brockton—John V. Carter, 288 Belmont st New Bedford—A. E. Hathaway Lowell—W.F. Aldrich & Co., 78. Glidden Bldg MICHIGAN. Flint—W. S. Lamb. Peoria—Auditorium Bill Posting Co. MINNESOTA. Renville—Floyd Reid. MISSOURI. St. Louis—S. A. Hyde, 2136 Eugenia st. NEBRASKA. Hastings—M. M. Irwin. NEW YORK. New York—New York BR. P. Co. Ogdensburg—E. M. Bracy. Oswego—F. E. Monroe Schenectady—Chas. H. “Benedict, 121 Jay at NORTH CAROLINA, Statesville—Rowland Advertising Co. OHIO. Columbus—S. A. Hyde, 2136 Eugenia st. Fostoria—W. C. Tirrill & Co., 116 W. Tif fin st. PENNSYLVANIA. Carlisle—Wm. M. peteg. Box 49. **Johnstown—Geo. pdegrave & Co. SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia—J. C. Bingley (ad. Charleston). WISCONSIN. West oe ium A. Marshall, W. Superior CANADA. A. F. Morris, manager, Hastings st., Van couver, e Montreal—C. J. T. Thomaa, Box 1129. NEW ORLEANS, LA, New Orleans, La., Oct. 7.—The indoor theatrical season is on in earnest, and the houses that are opened are doing a magnificent business, considering the earliness of the season. Grand Opera House, (Greenwall & Baldwin, Mgrs.)—The old favorite Baldwin-Melville Stock Company, in its third consecutive season, opened Sept. 14, and is pleasing better than ever. The company this season includes Vaughan Glaser, leading man; Lotta Linthicum, leading lady; Guinio Socola, (a local boy); Hugh Gibson, James T. Fulton, J. M. Sainpolis (third season), W. J. Deming (comedian), L. O. Hart, Wil. son Day, Perey Meldon, Lucia Moore (second season), Anna MacGregor (third season) and Blanche Seymour (third season). “A Legal Wrong,”’ Sept. 29 to Oct. 5, was given a superb presentation. The scenic effects were grand. ‘‘Money Mad,"’ Oct. 6 to 12. Tulane Theater, (W. H. Rowles, Mgr.)— Mr. Frederick Warde, Sept. 29 to Oct. 5, in a repertoire of Roman plays, served as a drawing card, as usual. ‘“‘Horativs’’ and “The Mountebank” are among th: new plays on the eminent actor's list this year. He ts ably supported by Antoinette Ashton, a New Orleans lady, and Barry Johnstone. Hamilton Coleman, also a young New Orleans Thespian, is with the star, and is doing good work. The regular season of this house opened Sept. 20. ‘“‘The Burgomaster,’’ Oct. 6 to 12. Crescent City, (W. H. Rowles, Mgr.)—The fifth week of this popular priced playhouse opened Sept. 29 with the ever-clever funmakers, Murray and Mack, in their biggest hit, “‘Shooting the Chutes,’’ to an andience that jammed the aisles. Their newly written “Shooting the Chutes,”’ as a vehicle for laughter, is certainly meeting with approval. ‘“‘Rupert of Hentzau,"’ Oct. 6 to 12. NOTES. The French Opera House opens its regular season Noy. 19, with an imported troupe of French songstresses. Grand and comic operas will be produced. The new St. Charles Theater, that is to become a link in the Orpheum Circuit, ts nearing completion, and on Dee. 8 will be leased to its new proprietors. The Maurice Grau Metropolitan Opera Company is booked to appear at the French Opera House for four performances, beginping Oct. 31. Many world-wide famous stars will appear, including Calve. In the way of operas, the opera-loving people will be given the advantage of the greatest musical treat ever enjoyed. Great interest is being taken in its appearance here. James Augustin, one of the most popular newspaper men in New Orleans and a graceful and accomplished writer, has been selected to do the city press work for the Grau Opera Company. Vaughan Glaser tendered his resignation as leading man of the Baldwin-Melville Stock Company at the Grand. Maurice Freeman, so well remembered here last senson, will be the successor. CHARL ES E. ALLEN. BUFFALO, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 7.—LaFayette Theater, Charles Baggs, Manager—The City Club Burlesquers made good Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. Rush and Fulton, the directors, have a bang-up show. are excellent, and the company is deserving of merit. Two satires open and_ close, while Ferguson and Watson sketch it in “A Certain Party."” They are good. Grace Leonard, in songs. The three Lane sisters do a good tumbling act. The Four Gardners are a musical novelty. Andy and Dick are taking the cake as dancers. The Gold en Gate Quartette and Fanny Winfred made a hit. Coming: “Slaves of Opium,” The scenic effects Oct. 7 to 12. Academy Theater, Chas. Saulsbury, Manager—‘A Trip to Buffalo’ had the call Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. Fine audiences congre gate and new features each week add ad ditional flavor. A wedding was on the string last week, Grace W. Dare, of the east wedding Frank Telafore, of the box office, Sept. 30. Many jokes were cracked, and Miss Dare was given a merry reception. Court Street Theater, Gus Wegeforth, Manager—“‘The Devil's Daughter’ catches the crowds, notwithstanding its long run. Sept. 30 to Oct. 5 saw large houses. Van O'Neil, Moore, Villars, Calvert and the rest of the cast have things down pat and it ts up to them to give an excellent presentation. Gilmore and Latour, Evans and Clement and the living pictures of Lenore White are pleasing. Shea’s Garden Theater, M. Shea, Manager—‘Fiddle-Dee-Dee,”’ with its special turn of Pierce and Egbert, the Cardowinie Sisters, the Fanchonetti Sisters, Blackson and Burns, are all good exponents of vaudeville. Tivoli Theater—Sept. 30 to Oct. 5 saw fine houses and mention of William Erwin, Mile. Erwin, Jeannette Young, the Wetch Brothers, Iva Moss, with Zarrella, who delighted the audiences. Star Theater—The Bostonians were seen in repertoire Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. Booked: Blanche Walsh, Oct. 7 to 12. Teck Thenter—‘‘Constantinople” is still with Nellie here. Lyceum Theater—‘‘M’liss,” McHenry, appeared here Sept. 30 to Oct. 5 Pan-American—Innes’ Band comes Oct. 7 to 19. Business on the pick-up. Carnival week will have big special features. Convention Hall—Grau's English Opera opens Oct. 16 to 19. JOHN S. RICHARDSON. GAINESVILLE, TEX, Gainesville, Tex., ct. ag ag ¢ Sin,’ at opera house, night of Oct Geo. Hamilton company. Boston Base Ball Bloomer Girls played local team here, Saturday, Oct. 5. D. M. HIGGINS. oe ene en. £ eee ina SR 5 rain snsilaa i alate sew A 2 ie gene mcctinnwantis panes 2 atten wag eh ae see > a St a Ma: EIS io Pe ‘4 : “4 i x i os I. omen