The Billboard 1901-10-12: Vol 13 Iss 41 (1901-10-12)

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THE BILLBOARD MISSOURI. be GIRARDEAU, MO—Fair. Oct. 7 uw BH. MH. Buglieman, “7.3 ae MU.—Pau. vet. ¥ to 12, 1901. t Jones, secy . “I ‘Outs, MU. ar Louls Fair. Oct. 7 to —jyol. Address St. Louis Fair Associa tion. NEW JERSEY. ir. HOLLY, N. J.—Burlington County -alr Association, Oct. 8 to 11, inclusive. | in. oP. Willis, pres.; BK. Merritt, treas. ; | =. W. Shing, secy. NEW MEXICO. ALUUQUERQUE, N. M.—'Terr.torial Fair. uct. bb te yh 6. KF. MeCanua, secy. NORTH CAROLINA. ERURLINGTON, N, C.—Fair. Oct. 14 to 18, 7 kh. W. Scott, pres.; J. H. Harden, b A 1 VePTEVILLE, N. pa ag Nov. 5 to 8° wl WW. aa pres.; G. W. wrence, treas, and sec, GKEE NSBUKU, TN. C.—Cumberland County Agricultural Pair. Uct. 7 to ll, lvl, KH. ns. Petty, secy. KALBIUM, N. C.—North Carolina State Agricultural Seclety. Uct. 21 ww 2, lvl 7 Ww. K. Cox, Penelo, N. C., pres.; Denson, treas.; J. B. Pogue, secy. WINSTUR, N. C.—Falr. Uct. 2 w Nov. wb lw. C. B. Webb, secy. OHIO. a ALLIANCE, O.—County Fair. Oct. 10 to iz, lwwl. S. Joliat, pres.; Phil. Gabele, secy. BUCYRUS, O.—Crawford County Fair. Oct. sto ll, lwh UG. W. Miller, secy. CAMLMULLIUN, U.—Palr. Uctl. 8 to Ll, 1901. c. A. Tope, secy. CUSHUCIUN, U.—Coshocton County Agri cultural Society. Uct. & lo Li, igh. T. MeCounell, pres.; BE. M. HMauivn, treas., Kubert boyd, secy. LANCASTER, O.—vUct. 9 to 12, 1801. W. T. MeClepaghan, secy. UKKVILLAS, U.—Central Oblo Fair. Oct. 8 to IL J. Swavely, prupr. aud wgr. KictWUUb, U.—iri-County Fair Co. Oct. sto LL, 190k «6C. OL. Sidie, pres.; Geo. B. liuudiey, vice pres.; Bb. Cauilll, treas.; C. Hi. Liot!mun, secy. S)CAMUKB, U.—Sycamore Fair Co. 15 wo 18, lvl. =P. KR. Griebb, secy. PENNSYLVANIA. BLOOMSBURG, PA.—Colmbia County Ag ricultural Society. Oct. 8 to 11, lyvl1. H. Sloafi Oruugevilie, Pa. pres.; J. C. brown, treas.; A. N. Yost, secy. DLANVILLE, PA.—Montour Cuunty Agri cultural Society. Uctober, lw. J. Kiehl, pres.; Wm. Kasewest, secy. JUKKA, PA.—York County Agricuimural So clety Fair, Uct. Tto ll. huward ( bapin, secy. SOUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE, 8S. C.—Abbeville Fair, Uct. 16 to 18.) J. secy. COLUMBIA, 8, C.—State Agricultural a Mechanical Seciety of South Curolin&. County Fraser Lyon, Oct. 28 to Nov. 1, 1901. Col. W. D. Evans, Cheraw, 8S. C., pres.; Col. T. W. Holio way, Vomaria, S. C., secy.; A. La Motte, treas.; A. W. Love, general sipt., ter, S.C. LEAINGTON, 8. C.—Lexingten Count) Fair Association. Uc. Zw mw J. A Mullen, secy. TENNESSEE. TRENTON, TENN.—Gibson County Agrt cultural and Mechanical Asseciativg. Oct. ¥ to 12, lw. Dr. = Tas hs i, pres.; W. W. Harrison, secy.; Mel eal ABILENE, TEX.—West Texas Fair. Oct. 1 to 1%, lw. J. H. Picken, sevy.; F. Roberts, | er Ches ‘Kee, treas KKYAN, TEN.—Central Texas Falr. Nov 5 to 7, 1001, Mr. Connell, pres.; W. Howeil, secy. DAL LAs, TRX.—Texzas State Fair. Sept. 2 to Oct. 13, 1901. be feat Smith, secy., W. H. Gaston, pres. bb. Adque, treas. SAN ANTONI, TEN.—Interuational Fatr VP 1¥Y to 30, wil. J. M. Vance, secy. P. Brown, pres.; T. C. Frost, treas. Pdetuosn, Cc VIRGINIA, CAPE CHARLES, VA.—Chesapeake Agrt cultural Fair Association. Oct. 1901. Dr. A. treas.; 1. G. S to 10, Brockenbrough, secy. a Rodgers, L. 8S. Nottingha and |. B N. Sterling, mers. FARMVILLE, VA.—Prince Edward Co ty Fair. Oct. 23 to 25, 1901. J. L. Hart, secy.; W. H, Richardson, pres. LYNCHBURG, VA.—Lyuchburg Falr Asso elation, Oct, 15 to 18, 1901. W. W. Doyle, NORFOLK, VA.—State Fair and Agricul tural Association. Oct. 15 to 19, 1001. W bk. Dillion, secy, WINCHEST ER, VA.—Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Society. Oct. 22 to 2%. C. B. Ronas, pres.; C. H. Purcell, treas.; B. G. Hollis, secy, CANADA. ‘RADFORD, ONT., CAN.—Falir. Oct. 22 ond 28, 1901, Wm. Wright, pres.; Mr. Uraham, treas.; G. G. Green, secy. CUATIUAM ONT., CAN.—Peninusula Falr, West Kent Agricultural Soclety. Oct. & ‘fo 10, 1901. J. Chinnick, _ Fle ming, treas.; Henr | U.MVALE, ONT., CA 10, inclusive, Chas. 8. “UPTON, WEST. pres.; R. G. Robinson, secy. .—Fair. Oct. 8 to Kurton, secy ONT.—Georgiana Far. Cet. 10'and HM, at Sutton Village. I. ‘arnard, sec VODBRIDGH, ONT. Sie a Si Ga 1. Fair. Oct. 16 and 17, J. M. Ga . Wal 09090000 + 0000000000000000 11,4902. a NTO ASVILLE, KY.—Street Fair. Oct. and 12, 1901. : ORLWEIN, Oct. 15 to 17, ( Street Fairs and .. Carnivals .. 09OOOOOF 000600000 00000000 ALENANUVELK Citi, ALAW—Parwers’ Juui lee and dLreet Puir. Uctl. 24 lu 26, lvl C. Manuing, secy. ALBANY, GA.—Curuival. Nov. 19 to 21. ATLANTA, GA.—Day and Night Carniyat. Oct. 9 Lo 26, LWl. W. H. Rice, promoter. AUGUSTA, GA.—Street Fair and Carniva: Uct. 14 to 19, lWOl, J. B. Keener, chair 300ee man, MVAR KAPIDS, IA, yy Rapids Car Bivai. Uct. i ww ‘12. G. K. Barton, pres. CLINTON, MU.—Street Fair. Oct. 16 to 19, lvl. Ale ‘ricuu Amusemeut & LBaliour Co., promoters; C. J. Keil, secy. CORPUS CHRISTI, TEX. Kuights of Pythias Carnival and Street Fair. Nov. 21 to 23, 1001, BDECATU it, 1 }.—Elks’ Big Carnival. Vc 7 to 12, wl. WG. EB. Miller, secy. AUSMOPUL is, ALA.—Kiks’ Sireet Fah Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, 1vvl. Dr. Emil Stues sel, mgr. DES MUINES, 1A.—Caruival and Fall Fes _Atival. “Seni-om-sed.”” Uct. 7 to 12, 1001 M. Fraukel, pres.; D. K. Milis, wgr. EUFAULA, ‘ALA.—Street Fair and Car nival Nov. 11 to 17, 1001. H. B. Dow ling, secy. EL PASU, TEX.—Second Aunual Midwin ter Carnuivul. Jan. 14 to 18, lwz. H.C Lockwood, El! Vaso, Tex., secy. PORT SMIT H, Alth. —Street Puir aud Car nival. ect. 14 to ly, lvl B. FB. biy gen’! mgr. FRANK? UKT, KY.—Free Street Fair. Oct. 8 to ll, lwil. W. D. Bridgeford, pres. J. M. Williams, secy. GAINESVILLE, TEX.—Second Annua Street buir. Oct. 14 to 19%, lwwl L. Bb Lindsay, pres.; J. T. Leonard, secy. GALESBURG, IL L.—Street Fair. H. Holmes, secy. .-—Elks’ Carnival. Oct GUTHRIE, OKLA to 12, 11. Frank B. Lucas, mgr. a A SITAR RT RT KT Sa tatty en en ene Conventions : Fetes, Celebrations, Etc. BS wi } to advertisers, showmen, street men, general passenger agents, etc. ‘Lnes list is carefully revised and corrected weekly. Under this heading we publish free of charge Lhe dates of ail notabie eveuts, which are likely to 4 allract large concourses of people tu auy one particular city and for this reason prove of importance ALABAMA. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Southern Philatelic Association. Oct. —, 1001. August Diety, Richmond, Va., secy. ARKANGAS. FT. SMITH, ARK.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 22, 1901. Medora Keid, Little Kock, Ark., secy. FORT SMITH, ARK.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. —, 1901. J. B. Friedheim, Camden, Ark., secy. CALIFORNIA. CHICO, CAL.—Independent Order Foresters High Court. Oct. 15, 1901. W. H. Perry, 39 Bryson Block, Los Angeles, Cal. FRESNO, CAL.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 15 to 19, 1901. J. C. Dressel, secy. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. Oct. 15 to 18, 1901. Kate J. Willots, 64 Flood Bldg., secy. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Order Railroad Telegraphers Convention. Oct. 14, 1901. COLORADO. COLORADO SPRINGS, COL.—I, O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 14, 1901. L. C. Dana, secy. COLORADO SPRINGS, COL. — Rebekah Asse or Oct. 14, 1901. Mrs. E. HELENA, AKK.—Street Fair. Oct. 14 t 19, 19001. Ed. R. Ehrman, secy. HOUSTON, TEX.—No-tsu-oh Carnival ane Street Fair. Dec. 9 to 14, 1901. P Brown, secy. INDIANAVOLIS, IND. — Fall Carnival Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. B. F. Hackedoro gen'l mgr. : JACKSUN, TENN.—Fall Festival apne Street Fair. Oct. 21 to 27, 1001. Victe: Woerner, secy. KANSAS Cil\, MO.—Kansas City Karni val Krewe Fair Association. Oct. 14 t& 24, 1001. Ora Darnell, pres.; C. HM. Moore treas.; Li. Li. Allen, secy. MACUN, Gad. ~Eiks’ Fair, Al Fresco, Oct Zlote 2.) 6 Riks’ Executive Committee. YMATTOON, I1.L.—Free Street Fair. Oct. ? o 12, 1401. T. M. Lytle, secy. AYFIELD, KY.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, 1901. J. L. Dismukes, pres.; J. W. Landrum, secy. MERIDIAN, MISS.—-Clerks’ Carnival. Oct. 16 and 17, 1001. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Fall Festival. Oct. 28 to Nov. 3, 1901. L. L. Gilbert, genera! mgr. MUsc eS 5 Carnival. Oct. 14 to 19. 1901. . M.-Neyens, mgr. s AN “4 I’ Hie ADE LPHIA, O.—Street Fair. 0 to 11, 1901. Address Chas. E, N. Y De ~~ rton. NEW OKLEANS, LA.—Mardi Gras. Feb. 14.—C arnival. 101. Hal Goodwin, PEOKILA, ILL. secy. —Coru Paice and Carnival Oct. 7 to 19. Bert. L. Heylman, secy. PERRY, 1A.—Street Fair and C woh Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. A. W. Walton, secy. L. R. Hough, mgr. PORTLAND, ORB.—Pacific Coast Carnival. Sept. 18 to Oct. 19, 1901. J. F. Cerdray, — music and amusement commit LINCY, ILL.—Street -Fair. Oct. 7 to 12, VA.—Free Street Fair 7 arnival Oct. 7 to 12, 1901. Geo. Benson, director general. RBTKVILLE, IND. — hey em 4 Street aot Oct. 9 to 12. E. Lambert, secy. Sept. 29 to PST-LOUIS, MO. Sst Fair. ite 6, 1901. A. Wittman, pres: SELMA, ALA.—Elkes’ Street Fair and Car nival. Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. Address communications to H. P. Sourbeck, promoter. SHELBYVILLE, KY.—Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. Auspices Shelbyville Commercial Club. SIDE LL, ILL.—Street Fair. Oct. 9 to 11, Oct. 21 Awol. ‘H. J. Scouce, secy. TALLADAGA, ALA.—Street Fair. to 26, 1901. Judge J. E. Camp, mgr. TERRE HAUTE, IND.—Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 14 to 19. Merrill Smith, TROY, ALA.—Strect Fair. Nov. 5 to 10, 1901. J. Copeland, secy. and treas. TUSCALOOSA, ALA.—Elks’ Street Fair. Oct. 7 to 12, 1901. J. G. Brady, secy. VEEDERSBURG, IND.—Street Fair, Oct. °1, 1901. Chas. M. Berry, pres.; Joe Irvin, secy WAL SEON, O.—Big Street Fair & Carnlval. Oct. 8 to 11, 1901. J. S. Newcomer, secy. “HITA, KAN.—Carnival and Street nr. t. 80 to Oct. 5. Thos. G. Fitch, y SGTON. N. C.—Elks’ Fall Festival Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. treas. WOOSTER, O.—Free Street Fair. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Geo. Kettler, chairman. . TEX.—Street Fair. Nov. 5 to nd Street Carnival. house, Highflel lace, treas.; T. Ont., pres.; N Wallace, i.” State V. L. Beggs COLORADY SPRINGS, CcOoL.—l. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1901. Miss Anna Juchem, Arvada, Col., secy. COLURKADUO SV’RINGS, COL.—Colorado State Conference of Charities and Cerrections. Oct. —, 1901. C. L. Stonaker, Denver, Col., secy. DENVER, COL.—A. A. S. Arch Masons State Reunion. Oct. —, 1901. C. H. JacobSon, Secy. CONNECTICUT. HARTFORD, CONN.—State Teachers’ Association. Oct. 18, 1901. Chas. W. Deane, Bridgepert, Conn., pres. BKIDGEVORT, CONN, — State Growers’ Association. Oct. —, 1901. Cc. Rome, 490 Orange st., Conn., pres. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 15, 1901. F. Botsford, secy. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1901. H. Case, 39 Pearl st., Hartford, Conn., secy. SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. — King's Daughters and Sons State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. Mrs. Leo Davis, secy. WATERBURY, CONN.—Degree of Pocahontas, Great Council. Oct. 16, 1901. Mrs. Sarah Mathis, 383 N. Main st., secy. Oyster enry New Haven, DELAWARE. DOVER, DEL.—W. Cc. T. U. State Convenpos Uct. —, 1001. Mrs. A. K. Atiowuay, "eistRicT OF GCULUmBIA. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Astronomical and Astro Physical Society of Americu. Dee. dG. C. Comstock, Madison, Wis., WASHINGTON, D. C.—National Anti-Saloon Convention. Dec. 3 to 5, 1001. J. L. Ewin, 900 F st., N. W., Washingtom, D. C., secy. WASHINGTON, D. C.—American Historical Association. Dec. 27 to 3U, 1001. A. H. Clark, Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington, secy. WASHINGTON, D. C.—National, SpéritualUct. 15 te 18 1888. Mrs. ists’ Association. Washingtoa, D. C., Mary ‘TT. Longley, secy. FLORIDA. SEABREEZB, FLA.—Second Annual Convention of ‘the Mental Science Associution. Nov. 28, 1901. Helen Wilmans, pres.; Chas. lf’. Burgman, secy. and treas. GEORGIA. ATLANTA, GA.—State Library Association. Oct. —, 1001. Anne Wallace, secy. COLUMBUS, GA.—Daughters of Confederacy State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. Mrs. Anna Benning, pres. MACON, GA.—Keuniop United Confederate Veterans’ State Division. Oct. 24 and 25, 1991 IDAHO BOISE CITY, IDAHO—I. OU. Lodge. Oct. 14, 1901. E. J. Phelps, secy. BUIsSb CITY ,IDAHO—IL. UO. O. b. Grand Encampment. Oct. 14, 1901. D. F. Baker, IDAHO—Rebekab State As-~ 21, 1901. Minnie P. Dun ILLINOIS. BEARDSTOWN, ILL.—lilinvis Methodist Episcopal Conference. Oct. 2 to 10, 1901. CHAMIVDAIGN, ILL.—B. Y. P. U. State Con vention. Oct. 17, 1901. Kev. H. H. Branch, Carbondale, Iil., secy CHAMPAIGN, ILL.—State Buptist Association. Oct. 14 to 17, 1901. Rev. Steadman, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—> National Women's Veteran Relief Union. Oct. 22 to 24, 1901. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Purity Congress. Oct. 8 to 10, 1901. CHICAGO, —— “ray ge: Templar Grand Chapter. Oct. 25, 1901. Gil W. Barnard, secy ’ CHICAGO, “[LL.—American Psychological Association. Dee. 1901. Dr. Livingston Farrand, Columbia University, New York City, secy. COWLING, | 1LL.—Southwestern Lutheran Pastoral Convention. Oct. —, 1901. DECATUR, ILL.—State Federation of Women's Clubs. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. Mrs. . McAllister, 1019 W. Wood st., secy ILL.—Y. M. C. A. State Conven tion Oct. 17 to 20, 1901. L. A. Bowman, 153 LaSalle st., Chférago, LIL, seey. E. ST. LOUIS, ILL.—State Building Asso oO. ©. Grand secy. BOISE CITY, sembly. Oct. ton, secy. Indiana ciations League. Oct. 17, 1901. Albert M. Meints, secy. GALESBURG, ILL.—W. C. T. U._ State Convention. Oct. 8 to 11, 1901. Louise S. Rounds, The Temple, Chicago, Il., LINCOLN, ILL.—Charities and Corrections State Convention. Oct. 23 and 24, 1901. Mrs. Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton, Ill., secy. Money. Them All . . 1,000 for $12.00. Elks and Mardi Gras Cane. Satin Ribbon No. 5, Elegant quality, just the size for decorating ( and Blue at 25c per piece. other colors in ten days. Tri-Color Satin Ribbon No. 5, 20c; No. 7, 25c; No. 9, 30e per piece, Can furnish Satin Flag Ribbon Vo. 7 Satin Flag Ribbon, 30¢ per piece. All of the above ribbons running full ten yards to the piece. Confetti In bulk, put up in Burlap Bags of 50 pounds, 12c per pound. Decorated Paper Mikado Bags, 50c per thousand. anes in Purple, White, Red | CANES & CANES Order the Best for the Least The Best Cane Leads = SEE OUR NEW PRICES = 500 for $7.00. This includes our famous Red, White and Blue, | Confetti Dusters Feather, natural color, 16-inch handle, $4.50 per 100 Red and Blue Feathers, 22-inch handle, $7.50 per 100. Rubber Return Balls. First quality, only put up nicely in boxes of one dozen. Regular, No. 5, $2.70; No. 10, $3.00; No. 15, $3.70 per gross. Rubber thread, $2.00 per pound extra. * quakers Nicely put up in boxes, $1.75 per gross. Pan-American Electric Lights Eighty-five cents per dozen; $9.00 per gross. No Orders Filled Unless ONE-THIRD CASH is Sent with Order. The Wm. Beck & Sons Co. (0-12 Garfield Place CINCINNATI, OHIO Sy ee eon pnts Tete eee ee 0 I le IE PIG i ee ee ? we die wesc —_—