The Billboard 1901-10-12: Vol 13 Iss 41 (1901-10-12)

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BALTIMORE, MD.—I. 7 cone. THE BILLBOARD OAK PARK, ILL.—American Missionary ge = epee Uct. 22 to 25, 1901. Kev. W. EK. Barton, secy PEORIA, ILL.— Knights of Fidelity State 1901. Convention. Met. SPRINGFIELD, Grand Lodge. SPRINGFIELD, Grand Temple. iLL. —Knights of Pythias Oct. 15 to 18, 1901. ILL. — Rathbone Sisters Oct. 15 and 16, 1901. 8, Emma King, Decatur, LIL, secy. INDIANA, ANDERSON, IND. — State Municipal League. Oct. 9 to 11, 1901. Zach. T. Dungan, Huntington, Ind., secy. FRANKLIN, IND.—B. Y. P. U. State Con vention. Oct. 8 to 11, 1001. Rev. R. EB. Neighbor, 116 W. Wat!nut st., Indianapolis, Ind., secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—l. 0. R M. Great Council. Oct. 15 and 16, 1901. rison, box 406, secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Keunion Army of the Tennessee ‘Convention. Oct. —, 1901. C. Cadle, box 35, Cincinnati, O., secy. LOGANSVORT, IND.—Brick Masons’ State Convention. Oct. 11, 1901. MUNCIE, IND.—Grand Capter R. A. M. Oct. 23 and 24, 1901. W. H. Smyth, Indianapolis, Ind., secy. SOUTH BEND, IND.—State : Charities and Correction. 8S. Grout, 156 b. wie Ind., secy INDIAN TERRITORY. SOUTH McALESTER, I. T.—Territorial Bar Association. ow — i T. G. Har Conference Oct. —, 1901. Market st., Indianap BURLINGTON, IA.—State Library Association. Oct. 9 to 11, 1901. Miss Miriam E. Carey, secy. CARROLL, LA.—German Catholic Societies State Convention. Oct. 8 to 11, 1901. E. Berger, sec P. y CRESTON, IA.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Miss Blizabeth Matheney, Keokuk, la., secy. CRESTON, IA.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 15, 1901. R. L. Tilton, Des Moines, Ia., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—W. C. T. U. Non-Partisan Convention. Oct. “10 and 11, 1901. Mrs. E. B. Hurford, Indianola, Ia., secy. DES MOINES, I1A.—Il. O. ©. F.’ Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1901. _R. L. Tilton, secy. DES MOINES, 1A4.--P. E. O. Sisterhood Su reme Convention. Oct 8 tov 11, 1901 Mrs. Emma C. Hyatt, 549 4th ave., Detroit, Mich., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—State Railway Surzeons’ Association. Oct. —, 1001. Dr. Ira K. Gardner, New Hampton, la., secy. DES MOINES, i1A.—Degree of Pocahontas Great Council. Oct. —, 1901. Adam Baker, Box 138, Station A, secy MT. VERNON, IA.—Y. W. Cc. A. State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. Ruth Paxton, Good Block, Des Moines, Ia., secy. OSKALOOSA, IA.—League of Lowa Munici alities. Oct. 9 and 10, 1901. T. G. vip eee ey pet Ja., secy. SIOUX CITY, IA. —Modern Brotherhood of America, Supreme Lodge. Oct. 22 to 25, 1901. A. C. Elliott, Tipton, la., see WASHINGTON, IA. * Presbyterian Church State Synod. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. E. Fox, secy WATERLI 0, IA.—State Woman's Forel Missionary Society. Oct. 12 to 16, I Mrs. Nellie Bangs, Cedar Falls, la., secy. KANSAS. INDEPENDENCE, KAN.—State Anti-Horse Thief Association. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. JUNCTION CITY, KAN.—State Firemen’s Association. Oct. 15, 1901. Walter Puckey, Clay Center, Kan., secy. KANSAS CITY, KAN.—B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Oct. 14, 1901. Wells, Edgerton Place, Kan., secy. : KANSAS CITY, KAN.—Kansas State Convention. Oct. 14, 1901. Meredith, 2022 Walnut st., secy. Rey. Jas. F. Kansas City, Baptist KB. LOUISVILLE, KY.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1901. H. Grant, secy. PITTSBURG, KAN.—I. O. M. Great Council. Oct. 15 and 16, Moon, eS Wolf, Atchison, Kan., secy. JOPEKA, KAN.—I. 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 7 to 10, 1901. H. C. Stevens, secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—I. O. O..F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 9 and 10, 1901. D. W. Kent, secy. KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON, KY.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 8 to 10, 1901. R. G. Elliott, secy. MAMMOTH CAVE, KY.—State Bankers’ Association. Oct. 9 and 10, 1901. Isham Bridges, 243 Main st., Louisville, Ky., secy. OWENSBORO, KY.—Grand Lodge K. of P. Oct. 22 to 24, 1901. Wade Sheltman, Reakevtiin Ky., secy. LOUISIANA. sy IBERIA, LA.—Louisiana Conference, E Church, South. December 19, 1901. Fitegerald Sale Parker, Jackson, La., secy. MAINE. BIDDEFORD. ME.—Stuate Federation of Women’s Clubs. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. Mrs. Helen D. Lord, secy. PORTLAND, ME.—I. Oo. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1901. bP Davis, secy. PORTLAND, ME.—I. 0. O. F. Grand Ennent Oct. 16, 1901. Ben. C. Stone, PORTLAND, ME.—Natienal Ceuncil Congregational Churches. Oct. 12 to 18, 1901. Rev. H. A. Hazen, D. D., Auburndale, Mass., secy. ROCKLAND, ME.—State Universalist 3. 8S. Convention. Oct. 8 to 10, 1901. Rev. L. W Coons, Pittsfield, Me., secy. MARYLAND. 0. O. F. Grand EnOct. 16, 1901. John M. Jones, 0. O. F. Temple, secy. BALTIMORL, MD.—State Bankers’ Association. Oct. 1901. BALTIMORE, MD.—National Horsesheers’ Protective Association. Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. J. T. Brandy, 409 Camden st., secy. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, MASS.—State Horticultural Society. Nov. 1 and 2, 1001. R. Manning, secy. BOS'TON, MASS.—Democratic State Convention. Oct. 3 to 11, 1901. BOSTON, MASS.—Actuarial Society of America. Oct. 24 and 25, 1901. John Tatlock, Jr., 32 Nassau st., New York City, secy. BOSTON, MASS.—American Gas Light As sociation. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. Alfred KE. a 58 Williams st., New York City, secy. CAMBRIDGE, MASS.—American Dialect Society. Dec. 26 to 28, 1901. O. F. Hmer_ Western Reserve University, Cleve au NORTH ADAMS, MASS.—D. A. R. State Convention. Oct. 9 and 10, 1901. Mrs. Bertha Koss, secy. WORCESTER, MASS.—American Anttquarian Society. Oct. —, 19U1. Chas. A. Chase, Worcester, Mass., secy. MEXICO. CITY OF MEXICO, MEX.—Pan-American Conference. Oct. 22, 1901. MICHIGAN. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—I. 0. O. F, Grand Lodge. Oct. 1 Sto 17, 1901. James i. Hooper, secy. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. —, 1901. Ida M. Davis, secy. FLINT, MICH. — Northwestern Branch Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, M. BE. Church. Oct. 8 to 12, 1901. Mrs. R. k. Clark, 760 Fouhy ave., Chicago, Il., secy. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Michigan Conference of County Agents, and Convention of the Board of Charities and Correction. Dec. —, 1901. Mrs. Edw. L. Kuoapp, secy. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—State Baptist Association. Oct. 15, oe H. F. Cochran, Hartford, Mich., secy. JACKSON, MICH.—Y. W. C. A, State Convention. Oct. 17 to 20 ,1901. Mrs. Julia Rk. Parish, Bay City, Mich., 5 ecy. MASON, MICH.—Tweifth Regiment Michigan Infantry Meet. Oct. 23 and 24, 1901. Will Horton, Hartford, Mich., secy. PORT HURON, MICH. —King's Dau — State Branch. Oct. —, 1901. Miss Margaret Reid, 315 Sibley st., Detroit, Mich., secy. MINNESOTA. ALEXANDRIA, MINN.—Y. P. 8S. C. E. State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. Rev. W. H. Medlar, secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—American Christian Missionary Society. Oct. 10 to 17, 1901. Dr. D. O. Thomas, 503 Masonic Temple, secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—National Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Oct. 10 to 17, 1901. Walter M. Brown, secy. OWATONNA, MINN.—State Federation of ‘Women’s Clubs. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Mrs. Cc. S. Crandall, secy ST. PAUL, MINN. _ and Select Masters, Grand Council. Oct. 14, 1901. Montgomery, 315 Newspaper Row, secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Oct. 11 to 14, 1901. C. Pope, 701 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn., secy. MISSISSIPPI. JACKSON, MISS.—State Board of Supervisors. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. MISS@URI. COLUMBIA, MO.—Missouri State Conference of Charities amd Correction. Novem ber 1, 1901. C. A. Blwood, Columbia, secy ELMER, MO.—Universalist State Convention. Oct. 11 to 13, 1901. John W. Over street, La Plata, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—State Swine Breeders’ Association. Oct. 7 to 11, 1901. KANSAS CITY, MO.—State Veterinary Association. Oct. —, 1901. Horace Bradley, Windsor, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—National Association of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers. Oct. —, 1901. Fred E. Lukens, Monadnock Block, Chicago, IIL, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—National Prison As sociation. Nov. 11, 1901 Rev. John L. Milligan, Alle; vhany, Pa., “secy. KANSAS CITY, MO. — National Prison Chaplains’ Association. Noy. 11, 1901. Rev. D. R. Imbrie, Hoboken, V’a., secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Prison Wardens’ Association. Novy. 11, 1901. N. F. Boucher, Bismarck, N. !)., secy. LOUISIANA, MO.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. 22 to 25, 1901. Miss Ellen D. Morris. Kuusas City, Mo., secy. OMAHA. NEB.--W. C. Tt. U. State Convention. Uri. —, 1901. Miss S .M. Walker, secy. ST. JUStPH, MO.—National te? pees Exchange. Oct. 25 and 26, ce oe Union Stock Yards, = alg mM: sT. Fouls, MO.— eee of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. John H. Holmes, 511 Commerciai Bldg., secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—U. R. Knights of Pythias, State Encampment. Oct. 3 1901. J. H. Holmes, 523 Maple ave., sec = IRAE, MO.—Rathb athbane. Pisters Grand le. Oct. 5, 1901. st. "Th ‘wr pos —American patesr 4 Ace ciation. 1001. W len Park Lied ot York City, N. Y., hey SPRINGF iwLD, MO.—State Baptist Association. “ft. 16, 1901. E. W. Stephens, Columbia, Mo., secy. MONTANA, GREAT FALLS, MONT.—I. O. OU. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 15, 1001. John A. Collins, secy. GREAT FALLS, MON'T.—l. 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. ‘Oct. 17, 1901. Thos. Millington, secy. NEBRASKA. KEARNEY, NEB.—I. OU. UO. PF. Lodge. Oct. 14 to 19, lvol. Jd. ly, a aud Broad sts., Grand M. ShiveTremont, Neb., KEARNEY, NEB.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 15 to 18, 1901. Kmma J. Talbot, South Omaha, Neb., secy. WAYNE, NEB.—State ie < Woman’s Clubs. Oct. 7 to 11, . Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4371 Hamilton st., ‘aaea, Neb., secy. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW LONDON, N. H.—B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Oct. 15 and 16, lwl. Chas. A. Tenny, Newport, N. H., secy. WOODSVILLLB, N. H.—Kebekul State Assembly. Oct. —, 1901. Annie Kogers, Nashua, N. H., secy. NEW JERSEY. ATLANTIC CITY, NN. J.—Presbyterian Church State Synod. Oct. 15, lyvl. Kev. I’. J. Mundy, secy. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Circie Brotherhood of Union, Supreme Circle. Oct. 21 and 22, 1901. H. B. Walter, 2147 kb. York st., Philadelphia, Pa., secy APLANTIC CITY, N, 4.—National Assoclution of Postuasters. Oct. 10 to 1s, lyvl. Mr. Dickerson, pres. CAMDEN, N. J.—State League of Kepublicun —., Oct. —, 1901. NEWARK, N. J. —Kuights of Honor Grand Lodge. Yet. 17, lswl. J .M. Mayhew, 38 Wushington ave., secy. NEWAKh, N. J.—Sons of ‘Temperance, Grand Division. Oct. 23, 1901. NEWAKhK, N. J.—Kebekah State Assembly. er —, 19vl. Mary 1. Pullen, Arlington, N. J., secy. NEW Akh, N. J.—Shepherds of Bethienem, Supreme Lodge. Uct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1vvl. kya A. Wyckopf, 53 Cooper st., Camden, N. J., secy. ORANGE, N. J.—State Federation of Women’s Clubs. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 1901. Miss Charlotte G. Tuttle, 297 William st., k. Urange, N. J. VHILIPSBURG, N. J.—Patriotic Order x America. Oct. 22 and 23, 101. Geo. Smith, 10 Abbett st., secy. PREN'TON, N. J.—State Congress of Moth ers. Oct. —, 1901. Mrs. Alexander Marcy, Kiverton, N. J., secy. PRENTON, N. J.—Christian Endeavorers’ State Convention. Oct. 10, 1901. TRENTON, N. J.—Y. P. S. C. E. State Convention. Oct. 10, 1901. H. K. Carragan, 536 Avenue D, Bayonne, N. J., secy. NEW YORK. ALBANY, N. Y.—American Asiatic Assocition. Oct. 17, 1901. John Ford, Box 1500, New York City, secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—State Commerce Con vention. Oct. 16, 1001. Frank 8S. Gardner, 2U3 Broadway, New York City, secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—State Society of New England Women. Oct. Ivvl. Mrs. Albert b. Jones, 96 Norwood ave., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—State Dairymen’s Association. Oct. —, 1901. F. E. Dawiey, Fayetteville, N. Y.. secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Humane Association. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Kev. F. H. Rowley, Brookline, Mass., secy. BUFFALO, N, Y.—American Uxford Down Association. Oct. —, 1901. F. A. Converse, Ellicott Sq., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.— American Leicester Breeders’ Association. Oct. —, 1901. F. A. Converse, Ellicott Sq., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoos. Oct. —, 1901. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Warehousemen’s Association. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. W. C. Reid, — E. 42d st., New York City, N. Y., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.— American Langshan Club. Oct. 26, 1901. A. H. Archer, Prince ton, Ill, secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Society of gree Superintendents. Oct. 16, ban C. A. Hammond, Mt.Vernon, N. Y., BUFFALO, N. Y.—National pesetiation af Retail Druggists. Oct. 8 to 11, 1901. Thos. V. Wooten, 153 LaSalle st., Chicago, Il. Women's Clubs. Oct. 8 to 10, 1901. Van Leehe Lynch, Syracuse, N. Y., secy. PUFFALO, N. Y.—Soclety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals. Oct. 14 and 15, 1901. BUFFALO, N. Y.—National Economic Association. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Mrs. Adelaide R. Barker, 215 Park ave., Syracuse, N. Y. BUFALO, N. Y.—New York State 8 yy of Fl Presbyterian Church. Oct. 2 BUFFALO, N. Y.— National Collegiate Alumni Association. Oct. 24 to 26, 1901. BUFFALO, N. Y.—National Hardware Association. Oct. 14, 1901. T. J. Ferniey, Philadelphia, Pa. BUFFALO, N. Y.—National Irrigation Congress. October, 1901. Thomas F. Walsh, Washington, D. C., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y. —Presbyterian Church State Synod. Oct. 21 -, 26, oo Rev. Jacks, Geneva, N. BUFFALO, N. y-Uitonalint General Con Household vention. Oct. 18 to 23, 1901. Rev Demarest, Manc paar, N. H., secy. GLEN FALLS, N. Y.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. 8 to 11, 1901. Frances W. Graham, Lockport, N. Y., secy. HARPERSVILLE, N. Y.—Ancient Order Knights of Mystic Chain Convention. Oct. 14, 1901. RK. B. Byes 53 Mary ast., Burlington, N. Y., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—American Street Rallway Association. Oct. 9 to 11, 1901. T. C. Pennington, 2020 State st., Chicago, IIl., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.-—-National Carri. age and Harness ‘Retail Dealers’ Protect. ive Association. Oct. 14 to 19, 1901. Ww Kanken, ‘Troy, N. Y., secy. NEW YORK CiTY, N. Y.—Natlonal Society United States, islz, Emp. State. Oct. Ly, 1901. Mrs. Wm. Gerry siade, $82 W. S7Lh ot. M.. Xs City, N. Y., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. 'Y.—American Math ematical Society.” Dec. 27, 1001. FB, ON. one —_ Na 116th st., New York City, N. NEW. ‘YORK CI’y, N. Y¥.—American Or nithologists’ Union. Noy. 12 to 14, 19vu). John H. Sage, Portland, Conn., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y¥.—New York State Conference of Charities and Correction. Nov. —, 7 —— W. Hebberd, Albany, N. Y., NEW YORK Cry, N. Y.—Street Railway Accountants Association of America. Oct. 9 to 11, 1901. W. B. Brockwy, Box 680, New Orleans, La., ~y * OLEAN, N. Y.—State Dairymen's Associa tion. Dec, 11 to 13, 1901. T. Fayetteville, N. Y., secy. ROCHESTER, N. ¥.—State Assembly of Mothers. Oct. —, 11. Miss John Db. Which, 37 Chestnut st., Albany, N. Y., secy. ROCHE STER, N. Y¥.—Order Red Cross Supreme Commandery. Oct. —, 1901. ROCHESTER, N. Y¥.—Deep W aterway Con. ber of Commerce, pecnestes, N. Y., secy. k. Dawley, vention. Oct. —, 1901. J. M. lves, ChamROCHESTER, N. ¥—kageue Order Vetled Prophets Enchanted Kealm, Supreme Council. Oct. —, 1901. Sidney D. Smith, Hamilton, N. Y., secy. ROCHESTFX, N. Y.—A. & L. O. Knights of Maita Supreme Commandery. Oct. 13 to 16, 1901. Sir G. Waldon Smith, box szz, Albany, N. Y., secy. OHIO. CINCINNATI, O.—Knights of Ancient Rome. Oct. 30 and 31, 1901. Stephen s Bonbright, 410 Clark st., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—Vehicie, Harness and im lement Exhibition. Nov. 18, 190). Houston, wanager. CINCINNATI, O. —National Carriage Build ers’ Association. Uct. 22 to 24, 1y01. CLEVELAND, O.—National Hardware Job bers’ Association. Oct. 9 to 11, 1901. CLEVELAND, 0O.erenons Board of Women and Y. W. A. Conference. Oct. tie, 30 to Noy. 5, 19001, Mrs. S.C. Van Wag oner, 317 Euclid ave, secy. CLEVELAND, O. > Bankers’ Association. Oct. 16 and 17, CLEVELAND, O.—F. * » Grand Lodge. Oct. 19 to 23, 1901. J. H. Brom well, Cincinnati, O., secy. CLEVELAND, 0.—Protective Brothers As sociation of United States. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. DD. LeV. Moffett, 5 Tremont st., Boston, Mass., secy. IRONTON, O.—State Brewers’ Association. Oct. —, 191. Louis Hauck, 433 Dayton st., Cincinnati, O., secy. LIMA, O. — General “Council Church. Oct. 10, 1901. Rev. Trick, 2305 Cedar st., Milwaukee, secy. LIMA, 0. State Conference of ties and Corrections. Oct. 29 to 31, Jos. l’. Byers, Columbus. U.. secy. MARION, 0.—D. 0. K. K. State Convention. Oct. 16, 1901. TOLEDO, 0.—W. C. T. U. tion. Oct. 23 to 25, 1901. Ensign, Madison, O., secy. WADSWORTH, O '—Reforme “dl . ete State Lutheran mm « Wis., Chari1901. State Conven ‘Miss Francis H. Synod. Oct. 23, 1901. Rev. I. Royer, secy. ZANESVILLE, O.—State Baptist Union, Seventy-fifth Anniversary. et. —, 1901 OKL4HOMA, WEATHERFORD, OKLA.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. J. B. May, El Reno, Okla., secy. WEATHERFORD, OKLA.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 16 to 18, 1901. Nora V. Smith, Ponea City, Okla., secy. OREGON. PORTLAND, ORE. — Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple. Oct. 18, 1901. Myran Brookes, secy. PORTLAND, ORE.Association. Oct. 10 to 12, PORTLAND, ORE.—B. Y. P. t State Con vention. Oct. —, 1901. Miss Clara L. Webb, 603 E. Morrison st. secy. PENNSYLVANIA. ALTOONA, PA.—DPennsylvania Association of Directors of the Poor and Charities. Oct. 15 to 17, 1001. W. TP. Hunker, Alle gheny, Pa., secy. BRADEF ORD, PA.—State Retail Merchants’ 1901. J. W. Ritten Association. Oct. -State Pharmaceutical! 1001. house, Scranton, I'u., secy CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA.—Knights of Honor Grand Lodge. Oct. —, 1901. Wm. J. Robinson, Erie, Pa., secy. CHESTER, PA.State Sunday School Convention, Oct. 8 to 10, 1901. Rev. Chas. a 913 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, *n., BECY. LANCASTER, PA.—Y. , A. ~« Con vention. Oct. 17 to 20, ivi. Mrs. w. Lathrope, 205 Washington ave., Recnneon, Pa., secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Y. P. 8. C. E,_ State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. Geo. MeDon ald, Altoona, Pa., secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip. Oct. 81 to Nov. 3, 1901. Rev. J. H. Prugh, 202 Coltart Sq., secy. READING, PA— State Federation of Woe men's Clubs. Oct, , 1901. Mrs. Geo. F Barr, secy. SCRANTON, PA.—American Federation of Labor Convention. Dec, 5, 1901. Frank Morrison, 423 and 425 G at., N. W., Wash ington, D. C., secy. RHODE I8LAND. PROVIDENCKH, R. I.—Delta Epstion Fra ternity National Convention. Oct. 1901. PROVIDENCE, R. 1.—Rebekah State As sembly. Oct. —, 1901, Cora A, Aldrich, secy.