The Billboard 1901-10-12: Vol 13 Iss 41 (1901-10-12)

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16 THE BILLBOARD RICHWOOD, O.—Richwood Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 18 to 21, ~ — Ira C. Keller, judge; Kk. 8S. Cur ry, RUBINSON, ILL.—Crawford County Poultry Association Show. Dec. 16 to 20, 1901. Q. P. Greer, judge; S. T. Lindsay, pres.; O. 3. Musgrave, Hutsonville, secy. ROCHESTER, N. Y¥.—Kochester Poultry Association. Jan. 10 to 16, 1902, at Fitzhugh Hall. Mr. Zimmer, judge; John Drechsler, secy. ROCK FALLS, ILL.—Poultry Show. Dec. 7 *enteg to Jan. 1, 1902. L. A. Kline, ROSCOB, O.—Roscoe Poultry Association Show. Novy. 28 to 30, 1901. Chas. MceClave, judge; C. N. Randles, secy. SAGINAW, MICH.—Saginaw Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Feb. 4 to 7, luz. . B. Shaner, judge; F. EK. Will, secy. ST. JOHNS, 1CH.—Central Michigan Poultry and Belgian Hare Association Show. ec. 3 to ¥, 1901. Jas. A. ‘Tucker, judge; C. kK. A. Bunge, secy. SALEM, O.—Quaker City Fanciers’ Club. Dec. 24 to 28, 1901. Dr. MW. EK. Phillips, ~ seey. SHELBY, 0.—Shelby Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 28 to Feb. 1, 1902. kK. P, May, secy. SOUTH Kr tAMINGHAM, MASS.—Middle sex Poultry Fanciers’ Association. Dec. 3 to 6, 1901. BF. W. Jennings, secy. SPRINGFIELD, 1LL.—Springtield (IIL) Poultry Association Show. Dec. 8 to 12, 1901. Mr. Heimlich, judge. STERLING, 1LL.—Arena Poultry Association Show. Dec. 26, 19U1, to Jan. 1, 1902. Chas. McClave, judge; L. A. Kline, secy. SYCAMORE, U.—Sycamore Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Jan. 1 to 4, 19u2. Geo. H. Burgott, judge; A. HK. Bennington, secy. TABLE GROVE, ILL.—Table Grove Poultry Association Show. Dec. 23 to 27, 1901. Mr. Heimlich, judge. TABOR, 1A.—Poultry Show. Nov. 11 to 14, 1901. W. 8S. Russell, judge; KE. H. Harrison, secy. TIP'LON, IND.—Tipton County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 14 to 18, 1902. D, A. Stoner, judge; John Lan gan, secy. TRENTON, N. J.—New Jersey Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 10 to 14, 1901. Walter 8S. Gladney, Jr., secy. UPPER SANDUSKY, O.—Upper Sandusky Poultry Association Show. Dec. 10 to 14, 1901. Fred H. Inman, judge; Fred Kenan, secy. WABASH, IND.—Interstate Poultry Association Show. Jan. 22 to 28, 1902. W. 8. Russell, judge; B. F. Clemans, secy. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Washington Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Nov. 19 to 23, 1901. J. M. Allen, secy. WATERLOO, IA.—Cedar Valley Poultry and Pet Steck Association Show. Dec. 31, 1001, to Jan. 4, 1902. D. J. Lambert and W. E. Walden, judges; C. A. Hollis, Hudson, la., secy. WAUSEON, O.—Wauseon Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 31, 1901, to Jan. 3, 1 8S. H. Taylor, judge. A. W. McConnell, secy WENONA, ILL. a Wencns Poultry Associa tion Show. Dec. 18 to 21, 1901. Mr. Heimlich, judge. WEST BROOUKFIELD, MASS. — West Brookfield Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 21 to 24, 1902. = A. Ballou and D. J. Lambert, judges; E. L. Richardson, secy. WEST MANSFIELD, O.—Poultry Associa7. Show. Dee. 3 ‘to 7, 1901. Chas. McClave, judge; Dr. G. T. Plotner, secy. WHITH WATER, W1S.—Whitewater Poul try Association Show. Jan. 13 to 19, 1902. Mr. Heimlich, judge. WOOSTER, O.—Wooster Poultry Association Show. Dec. 12 to 17, 1901. Chas. McClave, judge; W. E. Lott, secy YPSILANTI, MICH. —Ypsilanti Poultry Association Show. Dec. 31, 1901, to Jan. 3, ao Jas. . Tucker, judge; L. M. Olds: YORKVILLE, a Poultry Association Show. Dec. 2 t o 6, 1 Mr. Shellabarger, judge; A. p Hill, i BENCH SHOWS. ATLANTA, GA. —Bench Show. Oct. 9 to 12, 1901. 8S. E. Taylor, secy. Under auspices of the Atlanta Kennel Club. DALLAS, TEX.—Texas Kennel Club Do; a ‘Oct. =e to 10, 1901. Dr. George ayto PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Dog Show Association. Nov. 27 to 30, 1901. M. A. Viti, secy. LIVE STOCK SHOWS. ATLANTA, GA.—Live Stock Show. Oct. 14 to 24, 1901. T. H. Martin, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—American sg Horn Breeders’ Association Show. Dec. 2 to 7, 4 John W. Groves, Sprineneld, Ill., CHICAGO, ILL.—Live Stock Show. Nov. to Dec. 7, 1901. KANSAS crry, MO.—National Poland China and Berkshire Swine Association Show. Oct. —, 1901. KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Short Horn Breeders’ Association Show. Oct. 16 to 25, — John W. Groves, Springfield, Il. KANSAS” “CITY, MO.—American Angora Goat Breeders’ ’ Association Show. Oct. 17 to 21, 1901. W. T. McIntire, 277 Live Stock Exchange, Missouri, Mo., secy i= wie. PA.—Live Stock Show. Oct. 8 to 19, 1901. FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENTS. PATCHOGUE, N. _ Y.—Suffolk County, Southern New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association. Oct. 15 and 16, 1901. ople to stop at the Gale’ ouse,S W. Cor. 6th WANTED «si and Main St,, Cincinnati, 0. Rates 50, 75 and SI per day, MARION L,. TYSON, Mer, GOOD VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE WANTED AT ALL TIMES. The Palms. [314-16 VINE STREET, GUS. WORM, ED. BRANNIGAN, Sole Proprietors and Managers. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES EVERY NIGHT, 8-12. ... THE... CONNODORE VAUDEVILLE THEATRE MUSIC HALL, ..2 FIRST-CLASS ATTRACTIONS. 517-519 FOUNTAIN PLACE, 82ck of Columbia Moticrvening, 7.30. FPER. Until 12 O’clock. PHIL. GROSS, Jr., Prop. and Mgr. ATLANTI GARDEN, 613 Vine St. bet. 6th end 7th. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Electric Orchestrion Can Be Heard Daily From I a. m. to 12 p. m. HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW. Entire Change of Bill Every Week. RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD HALL IN CONNECTION. JOHN LEDERER, Prop. and Mer. NICK De RUIZ, Amusement Mgr. FIREWORKS ! COLORED FIRE TORCHES, Decoration Goods, etc., for Street Fairs and Carnivals. GARDEN CITY FIRE WORKS, No. 30 5. Water St. CHICAGO. C ewned with Success Reengag:d Everywhere The World’s Famous Ist Regiment Band Offices 2,5,6 Theobald Bldg., 111-113 W 5th St, Cincinnati, O. Tele. 689 Main and 279 West Y. Permanent, Artistic Portrait, Landscape Photos. and Commercial Work PROFESSIONAL TRADE A SPECIALTY... 1... Young & CarlS® OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS FALL FESTIVAL, 1901 Seventh & Vine Sts. CINCINNATI, O. CINCINNATI There is Just One Restaurant and only one—that is first-class in appointment, service and cusine, AND IS CENTRALLY LOCATED, and this one particular restaurant is THE STAG CAFE, E. W. BAYLIS, Proprietor. VINE STREET, Bet. 4th and 5th. We Have the Best Advertiser YET INVENTED FOR circuses, Shows, Excursion Steamers, Floating Theatres. Specialties of all kinds ‘We have sold them to advertise even Sovyp and Extracts, ae oe CALIOPE THOS. J. NICHOL & COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Pearl & Ludlow Sts , Wm. F, MILLER 134 PARK ROW, NEW YORK, Manufacturer and Importer, Pan American Novelties in due tima. Buffalo Buttons and Certificates. Street Fair Carnival, Convention and Summer Resort Goods, Rosettes, Confetti, Flag Canes, Imitation Beer Glasses, Rubber Faces, Musical Razzle Dazzles, Bachelor's Buttons, Dying Pigs, Return Balls, Whistling and Gas Balloons, Roaming Mice, Coat Springs, Gold Teeth, Magic Mirrors, Buttons, Badges, Grand Army and Firemen’s Hats, Helmetsand Specialties, Automatic Hand Whistles, Sooner Dogs and everything new. gare atalogue free. TO MERCHANTS of the Pavement ! ! All privilege men who have a novelty of any kind naturally need only the opportunity to place them before large crowds. THE BILLBOARD furnishes this chance, for every Secretary and Manager of every form and kind ofa public entertainment given out of doors are constant readers of THE BILLBOARD and an advertisement in THE BILLBOARD will give opportunities that a letter never will. A trial rarore this to all privilege men who adopt it. TRY MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS | Just the thing for tacking tin and card board signs ry distributor should have one. Prices, _— double extension handle, 82 inches long, om triple extension handles, 42 inches long, each Send the money with the order. None sent 0.0. ? THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO.. Newport. Ky Cincinnati, ©. — Forty-Firet -— Nerth Carolina State Fair! RALEIGH, OCT. 21-26. Premium List 5.000, at $10 per pag? advert'sing. First-class attractions wante Address J. POGUE, Secretary, for privileges and conces. sions. Largest attendance in the South. FREE ATTRACTIONS ! ! Every man, woman or child owning or control ing a free attraction needs immediate sly the opportunity to fill their dates, for this is the harvest time of such attractions. THe BILLBOARD offers the medium of instantaneous satisfaction, for the free attraction necessitates obtaining a contract that guarantees a certainty. Anad. in our columns giving a thorough dese ription of their acts will reach more people in one publication than all the letters they can send out duringaseason. TRY US Big bunch of Vaudeville Mate i Song, Monologue tEAT and Magic Tricks, etc. Two large books sent for 10 cts. MYSTIC NOVELTY O07, 95 Laurel St., Cleveland, 0. am The latest in SPINDLES, etc. Transparent Dice Loaded. EXPERT WORK ON CARDS AND DICE. Stamp for Catalogue. >a DEANE MFG. CO., 911 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O, ~12 Female Room Scenes and Large Book, RICH loc. JOHN G. SCHEIDLER, Cleveland,O. Se o BUMS oes DONALDSON LITHOGRAPHING CO. N EWPORT, KY. (Newport is a suburb of Cincinnati, 0.) Makers of all kinds of high-class POSTERS HAND-BILLS BRANCH OFFICES, A J. Maerz, Agt..... 1432 Broadway, New York A. H. Hart ................160 Clark St., Chicago Frances & Valentine......... San Francisco J.D. Boering..............+.... Washington, D C. CN: OTE Kdcseds chavoak nici, Savannah, Ga. JOUN MoOoRE, general agent for Great Britain, 23 Oxendon Street, Piccadilly Circus, LONDON, S. W. ENGLAND. A full line of our samples can be seen at any of the above offices at atl 1 times, and our agents will be glad to furnish estimates and any infor mation which may be desired 70 Eminent Artists and Designers 70 Under the direction of CHARLES HULTQUIST THE MASTER. MINSTREL We have in work a new and complete line of minstrel paper. NEW IDEAS NEW DESIGNS. We have also a most complete line of the following Paper: Farce Comedy Burlesque Vaudeville Moving Picture Write for Catalogue. The | Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Kentucky. TRANSPARENT BANKING CRAP DICK — Made by us only; detection impossible. New ipventions in Elec trical Sporting Goods for Fairs, Races, ete. CATALOGUBS FREE. c EVANS & CO., 125 Clark St., Chicago, Ill. STREET FAIR BUTTONS. If you are going to have a Btreet Fair, and want it to be a success. you must have buttons—they're rtof the Fair. We have stock esign Street Fair Buttons, and we make special designs to order om short no tice. Write us what you want, and we wil! opply eae Prices on stock buttons, $10.68 per fal prices on quantities. $T.Louls 34 SUTTON CO., 620 B. B'éway, St. Loals, Me