The Billboard 1901-10-12: Vol 13 Iss 41 (1901-10-12)

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THE BILLBOARD 19 HIS SONG HIT FREE “1m Drifting Further from You Baby Every Day.” _..Sung by the Headliners Everywhere.... rhe real Coon Song hit of this season. programme is sent, PHILIP KUSSEL, crs ciNNA‘rr, o. & Something New and ust Ou, like life. A beauty. Sells fast at lO and 15 cents. Write for terms Paris Novelty Works, 21 Quincy St., Chicago. Ill. lars free. Samples, 10 cents. Speeial prices to jobbers. Sheffield Free Street Fair and Fall Carnival, October 2/st to 26th All kinds of Concessions and privileges granted with Iron-clad protection. $80,000 pay roll that week. If you have a good joint bank-roll and are a money-getter, write, Wire or come. Half rates from Birmingham, Chattanooga, Nashville and all intermediate points. N Free to professionals only where Take notice ine lusive. JOHN P. BRYANT, B.—No Canes or Rubber Balls. Another Record Breaker ! THE BIG SHOWS NEVER DISAPPOINT. Western Company made movement by Srectat TRAIN from Che boygan to Bay City, Michigan, Friday, sept. 27th, and played SPECIAL MATINEE at 3.30 p. m., after School, to 1,583 Parp ADMISSIONS. Route Western Company, W. C. Cuna'ngham, Manager. Route Eastern Company, C. L. Walters, Manager. Adrian, Mich... October 9th. Ithicea, N. Y.. October 9th. Cold Water, Mich., “ 10th. Cortland, f r £ * oth. South Bend, Ind.. = oe. Norwich, Y. ~ ith. Logansport, Ind., “ 12th. Dtnstantanabe N. Y., “* 12th. La Porte, Ind., > Wilkesbarre, Pa., Mma. Colored Side Wall for Sale Nine Hundred and Forty feet Side Wall, nine feet high, three colors, Red. Yellow and Blue, in use only two weeks, various lengths. Twenty Cents a foot, CASH, Fall Festival Association, Cincinnati, 0, WANTED GOOD CLEVER ATTRACTIONS for the Knights of Pythias Carnival and Street Fair at Corpus Christi, Texas, on November 21, 22 and 23. The greatest place in the South for Oysters, Fishing, Hunting, and all sports in that line. Privileges for Sale. Address J. H. HUGHES, Box 74, hairman Priv. Committee. Ornamental Painting. Twenty years’ experience. SULLIVAN & EACLE PERU,IND. — Builders of all styles Circus Work, Baggage, Tableaus, Cages, Band Wagons, Racing Chariots, Ticket W agons, Dog and Pony Show Work Full Carved and Gilded, or Write us your needs. | bination of colors. NOTICE ! STREET FAIR PEOPLE! PAPER FESTOONING: Also horse bead plumes, etc., in all colors. AT LIBERTY. WALTER LACEY CHARACTER Cé MEDIAN. Strong Specialties. Ad. Quick. MOBILE, ALA., Gen. Del. WANTE®, AT ONGE iessisocay tor ota character; pat soubrette. Must all be good looking. Must join at once, as we leave October 15th. Wire us at once. Ghost walks every Sunday morn ing sure. MANSFIELD STOCK CO., Gallipolis, 0. FARRELL & RICHARDSON. A Comedy Musical Act that is Funny without Vulgarity. One of the laughing hits of Keith’s Theatre, Phila., Pa., week of Sept. 30th. Willing to negotiate with any First-CLass Co.'s Per. Address, 7 W. 64th. St., New York City. “OUR GERMAN COUSIN.” Managers, Attention! At liberty, the sweet, High * Tenor” and German Dialect Comedian, Erven B_ Gulmyer, with his own great German Comedy-Drama, entitled “Our German Cousin.” Use mostly my own songs and “voice.” Songs and piece will make great reputation. Elegant wardrobe. Can get scenery cheap. Who is the lucky manager? Address, Ee. B. Guimyer, Elkhart, ind. WANTED, QUICK! For Balance of this Season and all of Next, People in all Lines for the Bellmont’s Carniva! and Street Fair Co. Chic. Davis, Manager. Good, clean shows of all kinds. Lunette, Gallatea. War shows, Electric Theatre, Moving Pictures, Fountain show, Bosco, Vaudeville (with good peop le), Small Animal show, Gypsy Camp, two or three good platform shows (Wild Minnie and Turtle George, write), Glass Blowers, Rubber Ball, Confetti, and Rack privile ge for sale. Everybody WANTED Geen Pain ANxp FREE Altractions, For Eufaula Street Fair and Carnival, Eufaule, Ala., Nov. 12-16. Also cone essions for bale. Address H. B. DOWL ING, See’y. NEW IDEA IN TRUNKS. is constructed on new principles. Drawers in has exclusive. All shows proce on 25 and 30 per cent. You must have good fronts and make good, | or don’t write. Now working in South. Open next | season May Ist,in Missourior Tenn. ALSO WANT | A FEW GOOD PAID ATTRACTIONS. State just what you do. Send photos and state lowest salary (pay your own expenses) in first letter (can use good brand). Address without delay, CHIC. DAVIS, Mgr.. Belimont’s Carnival Co , HELENA, ARK. Permanent Address care BILL BOARD. Good Advance who can make contracts. M. A. Mosely and Al. Hagen, write. AGENTS, STREETMEN. FAKIRS! CARTER Book Co., 3118. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. 25 Cents. SLACKEY, 87 Wash, Chicago, I). Pref. Harry Smith’s Troupe ef AT LIBERTY DOGS AND DOVES Picture Machine, Songs, Boxing Act and other Andrew McPhee’s p,amatic.: cor matic -:Company Wanted good comedian and woman for general business—man and wife preferred, one with tittle girl—for parts and specialties, Can place good repertoire people at all times; also musicians for brass and orchestra, Will advance tickets. Address : Andrew D. McPhee, Standard Show Print, St. Paul, Minn. lligh Class Attractions Wanted for Elks’ Free Street Fair Canton, Miss., Nov. Ith to 16th, 1901. FEATURES OF ALL -oALL SHOWS PLAYED ON PER CENT. KINDS. . AND MUST BE FIRST-CLASS. Legitimate Privileges for Sale. Address DR. B. F. ALLEN, Director General. Musicians Wanted for Diamond Bros. Big White Minstrels Must Join gmmediately. Sober and Reliable People Only. Good Leader tor Band and Orchestra—must furnish Good Music, Double Bass te Double in Brass, Baritone, Clartonet and ‘Twe Cornets. Will Advance Tickets. Answer quick, Andrew Downie McPhee, siet?“Pine. St. Paul, Minn. BEN 3EN CIRKL 32 SOUTH WATER ST. a at a gs CHICACO, ILLS. Manufacturer of WOOL DUSTERS and Dealer ia Up-to-Date Novelties. ‘ool Dusters, assorted colors, with 20-inch Rattan Handle, $8.00 per 100, These are the latest, and « the place of the feather confetti dusters. Bladders, with Wooden Handles, complete to fill with es Ee 1”. Family group of MeKinley’s Family, something handsome, size 22x28 inches, for ing, $6.00 per 100, Twe favorite hymns of President MeKinley, with words and music, “* Lead ‘ly Laght,” and “Nearer my God to Thee.” Both of these on one sheet, in addition to a sketch ot fe, $2.00 per 100, Sells on sight fast at 10e. acts. Address Bloomsburg, Pa. Pan-American FOR SALE! Working World, with Banner. A whole Show alone. Address PROF. HARRY SMITH, Bloomsburg, Pa. PARTNER WANTED immediately with $250 to act as treasurer; one-half interest offered. Grand electrical and mechanical production, . Battle of San Juan Hill! honest party. Will stand fullest investigation. —— MANAGER. Over 80 varieties for Wire SE Jewelry artists. Tools and Wire, 25, 45 and 65 cents oz. andup. Finest Panamas, Bahamas, $1 per hundred. Hat Pins, Watch Chains, Charms, ete. Sea Shells for Summer Resort Novelty Stores. Best of saleable Revolving Contortion Pedestal for Cash, Address VONTELLO & NINA, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Experience not necessary, but must be a strictly P. 0, Box 777. NORWALK. 0, outfit for beginners. Gold Cat Eyes, Coffee Shells, Made-up Shell Bracelets, goods. Send for list. J. F. POWELL, Waukegan, Ill. in good working order, Cheap Or BILLBOARD. Songbooks, #1 per 100; synopsis and list for stamp. | 49 inches high, 5 years old. Cost $250. How to Become a Wire Walker ),————-"""" of BOWEN 4 CO., 160 Clark St., Chicago, til. Great sellers. $1.00 per Hundred Up. Let us get you upa Special Book. lention “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “The Bilicard when answering ads. when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” stead of trays. A place for everything and everything in its place. The bottom as accessible as the top. Defies the baggage smasher. Costs no more thana : good box trunk. Sent Cc. 0. D. with privilege of examination. Send 2c. stamp for illustrated catalogue. F. A. STALL AN,8 W. Spring St., Columbus, 0. FOR SALE A Handsome Trained January Pony Price Decatur, Il. McLEANSBORO, ILL., FAIR, October 22 to 25, 1901, Inclusive. For Shows, Privileges, Games, etc., address J. WATSON JONES, Seec’y, MeLeansboro. Ill. Broad gauged, open to Fair men. WANTED Good Circus Bill Posters ! For John H. Sparks R. R. Shows. Must be sober and reliable, w yt to work. Show runs all win=. Address L. ©. GILLETTE, Agent, Bowling sreen y only $1.00. Address Streetmen and Fakirs ! McKinley Pins, Photo Buttons, Photographs, Lithographs, Songs. Largest Assortment. Lowest Prices. Write Us. CHICAGO NOVELTY CO. Office, Room 7, 90 LaSalle St., CHICAGO, ILL. manufactured in all colors or com The cheapest and most attractive for decorations of all kinds on the market Samples and prices submitted on application. GARRETT-BUCHANAN CO, 3-5 S Marshall St., Philadelphia, Pa. DESERVEDLY Handsome medallion GET SONG BOOKS portraits of stage celebrities, in settings of blue, gold and colors. Beautiful back designs The finest Playing Card ever issued. Sold by dealers. Sample pack sent for 75 cents. The United States Playing Card Company, CINCINNATI, U. S. A. | ~ “Mention “The Billboard” whena nswering ads, Sei mg SR et EB titi 2 us ee eee : * ae ate wi a i tmes Ben Fos ll a ee