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The Billboard 1901-10-19: Vol 13 Iss 42 (1901-10-19)

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——_—S rE —————_S— i — -—™”™ THE BILLBOARD 19 \DELPHIA, PA.—B. Y. P. U. State nition. Oct. 24, 1901. Miss Anna ‘ebb, 8€ \ OK LV MHA, PA.—Wowman's Foreign mary Society Convention. Oct. 31 6, 1901. Mrs. RK. BK. Clark, 760 y ave., Chicago, IIL, secy. (bELVHIA, PA.—National Academy ience. Nov. —, 1901. / rir SBURG, BPA. je pvp. 3. C. BE. State vention. Oct. —, 1001. Geo. McDonAltoona, Pa., secy. <4UKG, PA.—Brotherhood of Andrew , Vhilip. Oct. 31 to Noy. 3, 101. Kev. ) tL. Prugh, 2u2 Coltart Sq., secy. ib) \DING, PA—State Federation of Wo. . Clubs. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Mrs. ‘ i. Barr, 1501 Mineral Springs Road, st 1 \NTON, PA.—American Federation of jobor Convention, Dee. 5, ivul, —_ \jorrison, 423 and 425 G st., N. w., W vton, D. C., secy. RHOVE :SLAND. PROVIDENCE, RK. 1.—Delta Epsilon Fraceruity National Convention. Uct. —, 1901. PiOvVIDENCK, KR. 1. —Kebekul State Asvaubly. Qet. —, 19ul. Cora A. Aldrich, sey ‘roVIDENCE, R. 1.—State Institute of Ths be: tion, Oct, 31 to Nov. 2, 1901. Sid A. Sherman, 227 Irving ave., secy. Wi STERLY, RK. L—Rebekah State Assembly Vet. BO, or Par A. Aldrich, Providence, R. L, SOUTH CAROLINA. COLUMBIA, 8. C.—Georgia oes Educational Association Meeting. Dec. 26 to 23, im. G. K. Glenn, Atlanta, Ga., pres. TENNESSEE. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 22, 1001, T. Cramer, Nashville, Tenn., secy. 5 cu ‘ ' rANOUGA, TENN.—I. O. OO. F. dirand | wdge. Oct. 23, 1901. Hon. Halber hi. Case, secy : HARKUGATES TENN.—Y. P. a a State Union. Oct. —, 1001, W. Clem ns, < Ky., se : Cut SER ; TENN.—National Fox ESTILL SPRINGS, Ilunters’ Association. Nov. 18, 1901. HARRIMAN, TENN.—State Baptist Asso ciation. Oct. 16 to 19, 1901. MEMVPHIS, TENN.—State Local Fire Underwriters’ Association. Oct. 17, 1901. J. A. Sylvester, secy. TEXAS. KKRENHAM, TEX.—Southern German M. E. Church Conference. Nov. 28, 1901. FUKRT WUT, TEX.—W. Cc. T. U. National Convention, Nov. 15 to 20, 1901. Susunmna M. be. Pry, Rest Cottage, Evanstun, LiL, secy. ‘ HOUSTON, TEX.—State Laundrymen’s Association, Oet, 22 to 24, 1901. L. A. Hamburger, 1000 Drairie ave., secy. SAN ANTONIO, ‘TEX.Stute Biectric Medial Association. Oct. —, 1901. Dr. D. 8. bowns, Galveston, Tex., secy. ; VERMONT. BURLINGTON, VT.—State Teachers’ Asso ciation. Oct. 24 to 26, 1901. W. D. Par sous, Woodstock, Vt., secy. VIRGINIA. NORFOLK, VA.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. —, 1901. . OLD VOINT COMFORT, VA.—National Wholesale Druggists’ Convention. Oct 14 to 19, 1901. A. B. Merrian, Minneapolis, Minn., secy. PETERSBURG, VA.—Confederate Veterans Grand Camp. _ Oct. 23, 1901. Dr. W. E. llarwood, secy RICHMOND, v A. Christian Church State Convention. Oet, 20 to Nov. 1, 1901. Rev. W. J. Shelburne, Box 161, secy. WASHINGTON. WHATCOM, WASIHIL.-—lL O. T. Court, Oct. —, 1001, Tacoma, Wash., secy. WES! VIRGINIA. CHARLESTON, W. VA.—O. U. A. M. State Council. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. W. T. Mitchell, Wheeling, W. Va., secy. HUNTINGTON, W. VA.—B. Y. P. U. State High Harry Compton, Convention. Oct. 16 to 20, 1901. Herman () Smith, Parkersburg, W. Va., secy. WISCONSIN. MADISON, WIS.—Unitarian and Universalist Church Conference. Oct. 2 to 26, LOL. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—American Bankers’ Association. Oct. 15 to 17, 1901. Jas. R. ranch, 20 Broad st., New York City, N. Y., secy. WILWAUREK. WIS.—Nationat Railway Mail Clerks’ Association. Oct. —, 1901. N. H. Nichols, 92 Wood st.. Cleveland, O.. secy. MILWAUKER, WIS.—National Rallway Mall Service.Mutual Benevolent Associa ton, Oct. —, 1901. J. V. Henry, Quincy, ill, secy. CANADA. HALIFAX, N. 8S. CAN.—Sons of TemperGrand Division. Oct. 29, 1901. W. Sanders, sec w. KANSAS CITY, MO.—State Boost Conention. Oct. —, 1901. B. Meredith, ID . seCy, ONTREAL, QUEBEC, CAN.—Canadian cket Agents’ Association. Nov. 6, 1901. | dw ard De La Hooke, London, Ont., Can PORONTO, ONT., CAN.—Canadian PrisonAld Association Convention. Nov. 1. Dr A.M. Rosebrugh, 12 Richmond E., secy. FOOD SHOWS. \CH, ME.—Pure Food Show. Nov. 4 to », 1901. W. R. Kimball, gen'l mgr. BOSTON, mane. a wentee Food Fair. Oct. ito Nov. 4, PATERSON, N. z Paterson Vine Food Assuciilion Show. Oet. 19 to 26, 1901, Ad dress I’. OG. Box 1508, EXPOSITIONS. BATH, MEk.—lure Food Show. Nov. d to ¥, lol, W. KR. WKunball, gen’l mgr. bes MENGLIAM, ALA.—Worids Alinerai Mauulactured aud Agricuilural bxuibi tion. 1906. BLFPALU, N. Y.—lVan-American Expusttiun. May 1 to Nov. 1, igyvl. Juuu U. Milburu, pres..; Ldwin b ieuiug, secy. CHAKLESLUON, 5. C.—Suutn Carvilna ip lerstule aud West iudian bhxpusition. deec, 1, lyul, tu June 1, lyvd, Sumuel Lap tatu, Chariestou, 6. Cc. CHICAGYU, ILLL.--International Live Stock EeXposition. Nov. SU to Dec. 7, lwvl. W. hk. SKiuner, gen | mgr. ClL\y Ub MbAiCcO—Awerican Manufacturers’ Exposition. Juuuary, lyvz. Jolo Buughiuun, directur, City of Mexico; br. VeGuruiv Uruy, Wiauager, care “Bill buard,'’ Ciuchunatu, VU, INDIANAVULIS, IND.—ball bestival and Industrial kxposition. Oct. 14 to 21, lvvl. Mrs. H. McCall ‘Travis, wanager amusements. t4AVANA, CUBA.—Iludustrial Expusition. Coutemplited Jan, —, lvus. Chus. Begg Hued, Havana, Cuba, director; Dr. De Garwe Gray, care “Bilibourd,’ Clinocio ual, U., Wuuager. HUNUOLULU, HAWAILI.—Hawaflan Industrial bxpousitivu. Jun. —, lvvZ. Chas. B. White, tuopolulu, Hawa, secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. (Grand Central Palace.)—Mining Exposition. Dec. 2 to 18, lyul. Allen S. Williams, mgr., Park Kow Hhullding. VILTTSLURG, PA.—PExposition. Uct. 19, 1v01. PORTLAND, ORL.—Exposition. Sept. 18 tu Oct. ly, lyvl. J. LD. Mann, secy. VURTLAND, ORE.—Portiand ioternational bApusilion. 1d. SEALIGE, WASH.—Ilnternational Exposiposition. 1903. John Hackmeister, secy. se. cUL1S, MU.—Worild’s International Exposition, 19US. HORSE SHOWS. ATLANTA, GA.—Liorse Show. Oct. 22 to 235, luvl. T. H. Martin, secy. BAYSHUOKE, N.Y.—Horse Show. Oct., 1901. CHICAGU, ILL.—Horse Show. Nov. 4 to ¥, inclusive, 1001. Jas. Hobart Moore, pres.; Sidney C. Love, secy. JiirFBKSUON CLIX, MU.—Lurse Show. Fall, luvl, A. KE. Ashbrovk, Kansas City, Mo., secy. KANSAS ga MO.—Horse Show. Oct. 21 to 26, eee. W. A. Rule, pres.; A. E. Ashb brook, sec LYNCHKLL nu, Oct. 15 to 18, 1901. NEW UKLEANS, LA.—Horse Show. November, 1901. Sept. 4 to VA.—Horse Show. NEW YORK ‘cIry, N. Y.—Horse Show. Nov. 1% to 24, 1901, inclusive. rUPEKA, KAN.—Horse Show. Fall, 1901. J. E. Low, Topeka, Kan., secy. st. JOSEVH, MO.—Horse Show. 1001. Huston Wyeth, St. secy. SI. LOUIS, MO.—Horse — Oct. 28 to Nev. 2, inclusive. G. H. Walker, pres.; John RK. Gentry, secy, and o as. SAKATOGA, N. Y.—Horse Show. Fall, 1901. sSPhuRENGFIELD, MO.—Horse Show. Fall, wl, Oct. —, Joseph, Mo., FLOWER SHOWS. BOSTON, MASS.—State Horticultural Society Exhibition. Nov. 5 to 8, 1901. R. Manning, 101 Tremont st., secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—State Florists’ As sociation Show. Nov. 5 to 9, 1901. R. A. MeKeand, 11 Gartield Park, secy. NEW OKLEANS, LA.—Chrysanthemum and Fall Flower Show. Newsham, secy. POULTRY SHOWS. AKRON, 0.—Akron Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Jan. 6 to 11, 1902. F. B. Zimmer, judge; Dr. B. J. Hill, secy. ALEXANDRIA PALACE, MIDDLETON HALL, BRENTWOOD, ENG.—Grand_Inga Show of Poultry. Dec. 18 to 20, AME BU "RY, MASS.—Poultry Show. Dee. 4 to 7, 1901. IL. K. Felch, judge; M. 4H. Sands, secy. ATLANTA, GA to 26, 1901. secy. AURELIA, ITA. sociation Show. Nov. —, 1901. D. A.—Poultry Show. Oct. 14 T. H. Martin, Atlanta, Ga., Aurelis-Alta Poultry AsJan. 13 to 16, 1902. F. H. Shellabarger, judge; H. B. Green, secy. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Michigan State Poultry ont Pigeon Association and Michigan Fanciers’ Association (cdmbined shows). Jan. 7 to 10, 1902 Tucker and Butterfield, Judges; L. G. Nichols, secy. BEACH CITY, O.—Sugar Creek Poultry Association Show. Nov. 26 to 29, 1901. Eugene Sites and J. M. Yoder, judges; W. H. Raff, secy. RELVIDERE, ILL.—Northern Illinois Poultry Association Show. Jan. 6 to 12, 1902. Chas. McClave and Geo. Holden, judges; Bent R. Lucas, cor. secy. BELLEVILLE, ILL.—St. Clair County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 15 to 19, 1902, inclusive. C. A. Emry, Carthage, Mo., judge; H. R. Heimberger, secy. BLUOMEIELD, IA.—lowa State Voultry Assuciition Show. Dec. 3v, 1901, to Jan. 3, lsuz. Mr. Russell, judge; S. J. Hendersub, secy. bLOUMINGION, LLL.—Blvomington Loultry Association ‘Show. Dec. 18 to 21, 1901. Mr. Kussell, judge; Isruel Root, secy. BOUNVILLE, MO.—Ceutral Missouri Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Nov. 26 to 29, 1901. H. P. Mason, Fayette, Mo., secy. BUSTON, 'MASS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 14 to 18, i9uz, Arthur A. Sharp, Taunton, Mass., secy. BOWLING GREEN, MO.—Northeast Missouri Poultry Association Show. Dec. 3 to 6, 1901. Ben S. Myers, Crawfordsville, i's and DL. T. Heimlich, Jacksonville, ecy BRAY ML A, MO.—Fourth ea Poultry Show. Dec. 3 to 7, 190 R. V. Glenn, Kingstown, Mo., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Indian Game Club Show. Oct. 21 to 381, 1901. BURLINGTON, 1A. — Burlington Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 16 to 1¥, 1901. John A. Dehner, secy. BUTLER, IND.—Butler_ Fanciers’ Association Show. Dec. ¥ to 14, 1901. F. C. Shepherd, J. W. Mulinix, judges; D. D. Melroy, secy BUTLER, MU. —Bates County Poultry and Pet Stock cs Show. Dec. . 1901, to Jan. W. Graves, Butler, "Mo., 3 c. A. Allen, Butler, Mo., secy. CAMBRIDGE, O.—Guernsey County Poul try Association. Jan. 22 to 25, 1902. Wick Hathaway, judge; James Cook Sarchet, secy. CANTON, ILL.—Fulton County Poultry Breeders’ Association Show. Jan. 1 to 4, 1902. ent B Myers, judge; CC. C. MeCutchen, s CARLINVILLE, ILL.—Carlinville Poultry Club Show. Novy. 26 to 20, 1901. Mr. Buttertield, judge; Perry Duckles, secy. CEDAR RAPIDS, 1A.—Western Poultry Fanciers’. Association Show. Jan. 13 to 18, 1902. E. bE. Richards, secy. CHARLESTON, ILL.— Kastern Illinois Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 6 to 10, 1902. 8S. H. oa judge; Mrs. Henry Gaiser, cor. CHARLESTON, S. @—VPoultry Show. Jan. 20 to 29, I CHICAGO, ILL.—National Fanciers and Breeders’ Association, Sixth Annual Exhibition. Jan. 20 to 26, 1902. Fred L. Kimmey, secy. CHILLICOTHE, MO.—Tenth Annual Show of Missouri State Poultry Association. Dec. 9 to 13, 1901. W. S. Russell and F. H. a judges; C. W. Miss, Tina, Mo., secy. CLEVE SLAND, O.—Cleveland Poultry and Pet Stock Association and Ohio State gg 2 — iution Show. Dee. 4 to 10. 1901. Huot, secy. Cleveland Poultry iam Chas. McClave, New London, O., secy. Obio State Poultry Association. COLUMBIA, 8S. C.—State Poultry Association Show. Oct. 28, 1901. A. H. White, Rock Hill, 8. C., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—Central Ohio Fanciers’ Association. Dee. 26, 1901, to Jan. 2, 1902. T. A. Brigel, secy COLUMBUS GROVE, O.—Poultry Show. Third week in December, 1901. Wick dathaway, judge; Levi Basinger, secy. COLUMBUS JUNCTION, 1IA.—Columbus Junction Poultry Association Show. Dec. 12 to 14, 1901. Mr. Shellabarger, judge; H. L. Duncan, Columbus City, la., secy. CONNERSVILLE, IND.—Fayette Fanciers’ Association Show. Dec. 2 to 6, 1901. 8S. B. Lane, judge; E. C. Brattain, secy. CORYDON, IND.—Poultry Show. Dec. 2 to 7, 1901. Henry W. Denbo, secy. CYNTHIANA, IND.—Wabash Valley Poul try Association Show. Dec. 16 to 20, 1901. D. A. Stoner, judge; C. V. Emerson, Princeton, Ind., secy DAYTON, 0. Dagan, ‘Fanciers’ A Dec. 31, 1901, to Jan. 4, 1902. F. B. Zimmer, judge; Oliver L. Dosch, secy. VAYTON, O.—Gem city Association Poultry Exhibition. Jan. 2 to 7, 1902, James Tucker, judge: Theodore Faulstich, secy. DELEVAN, WIS.—Poultry Show. Feb. 4 to 7, 1902. E. J. Scott, secy.; Mr. Sheila. barger, judge. DELAWARE, O.—Delaware County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Nov. 26 to 29, 1901. 8S. B. Lane, judge; H. O. Courter, secy. DES MOINES, IA.—Des Moines Poultry Association Show. Dec. 23 to 28, 1901. Mr. Russell, judge; C. H. Clarke, secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Detroit Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Dec. 24 to 27, 1901. Messrs. Butterfield, Bridge, Halley and Shepherd, judges; W. H. Mercer, secy. ELDORADO, O.—Fort Black Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 17 to 20, 1901. Thos. F. Rigg, judge; A. C. Carney, secy ELGIN, ILL—Blgin Poultry Association Show. Mr. Hewes, Dec. 23 to 26, 1901. secy. . ELMIRA, N. Y.—Elmira Poultry Association. Dec. 17 to 20, 1901. H. E. Benedict, secy. FENTON, MICH.—Fenton Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 10 to 13, 1901. James A. Tucker, judge; Geo. T Curtis, secy. FLINT, MICH.—Flint Poultry Fanciers’ Association Show. Jan. 14 to 17, 1902. Frank Bovee, secy. FT. COLLINS, COL.—Pondre Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 28 to Feb. 1, 1902. FOSTORIA, O.—Fostoria Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. to 13, 1901. Chas. McClave, judge; Chas. Mann, secy. GALENA, ILL.—Galena Poultry Association Show. Jan. 6 to 9, 1902. Mr Shellabarger, judge; F. H. Turner, secy. GALESBURG, ILL.—Galesburg County Poultry Association Show. Nov. 26 to 29, 1901. Mr. Russell, judge; D. E. Blick, secy. GALVA, ILL.—Galva Poultry Association Show. Dec. 10 to 14, 1901. A. B. Shaner, judge; T. E. Olsen, secy. GEOKGETOWN, ILL.—Georgetown Poultry Association Show. Dee. 30, 1901, to Jan. 3, 1902. L. Reynolds, cor. secy. GIKARD, O.—Poultry Show. Jan. 7 to 10, 1902. Henry C. Rathgeber, secy. GRAND RAPIDS; MICH. —Grand Rapids Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 17 to 20, 1901. h.. A. Tucker, judge; Wenzel J. Demel, HARTFORD, CONN. P— Mertfar’ Poultry Association Show. Dee. 3 to 6, 1901. Mr. Zimmer, judge. HOLLAND, MICH.—Hoiland Poultry Association Show. Dee. 17 to 20, 1901. S. Butterfield, judge; C. St. Clair, secy. HOMER, ILL: —Champaign County omg and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. to 21, 1901. G. D. Salladay, secy. HOOPSTON, ILL.—Hoopston Poultry Association Show. Dec. 16 to 18, 19001. Mr. Heimlich, judge. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indiana Fanciers’ Association Show. Dee. 4 to 10, 1901. Lora C. Hoss, Kokomo, . Ind., pres.; C. W. Hackleman, secy.; H. D. Lane, treas. JACKSONVILLE, ILL.—Jacksonville Poultry Association Show. Dec. 12 to 14, 1901. Mr. Heimlic, judge. JOLIET, ILL.—illinois State Poultry Association Show. Jan. 6 to ll, 1wuz C. EL. Ellsworth, Danville, Iil., secy. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—Western New York Fanciers’ Association Show. 14, 1901. J. Y. Bicknell and Geo. HU. Burgott, judges; J. W. Morris, secy. JOHNSTOWN, N. Y.—Adirondack Poultry and Vet Stock Club. Dee. H. 8. Wenpel, Fultonville, N. Y¥., secy. KIRKSVILLE, MO.—North Missouri Pou!try p tole By Show. Dec. 2 to 6, 1901° yA Heimlich, judge; KE. Fraker, Downa Mo., pres.; F. M. Buckingham, secy. LANARK. LL.—Illinois Fanciers’ Associ:tion Show. Commencing Jan. 15, 1902. D. Leland, secy LAPORTE, IND.—Laporte County Poultry Pigeon and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec, 30, 1901. to Jan. 4, 1902. H. Cc. Schultz, pres.; A. L. Peterson, secy.; J. C. Buck, treas. LESLIE, MICH.—Leslie Poultry Association Show. Nov. 28 to 30, 1901. +. ‘Wee Travis, jurge: E. W. Potter, secy. LEWISTON, ME.—State Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dee. 17 to 20, 1901. A. L. Merrill, secy. LINCOLN, ILL.— —Logan County Poultry Association Show. Dec. 23 —. = 1901. Henry Stringer, Lincoln, LilL., McDONALD, VA. —McDonald’ Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 11 to 14, 1901. M. M. Barger, judge; R. R. Holmes, McDonald, Pa., secy. MACOMB, ILL. —MeDonough County Poultry Association Show. ‘Dec. 16 to 21, 1901. . B. Shaner, judge; W. E. Thonipson, ee. MANSFIELD, O.—Buckeye Poultry, Pigeon and Belgian Hare Association. Nov. 27 to 30, 1901. Ira C. Keller, judge; S. ‘TT. Campbell, secy. MARYSVILLE, O.—Marysville Poultry Association Show. Jan. 26 to 31, 1902. M. L. Myers, secy MASON CITY, IA.—Upper lowa Poultry Association Show. Dec. 17 to 20, 1901. Mr. Shellabarger, judge; J. D. Reeler, secy. MATTEAWAN, N. Y.—Walkill Valley an Hudson River Poultry Association Show. Dec. 24 and 25, 1901. Messrs. Rockenstyre and Norton, judges; H. V. Milspaugh. Walden, N. Y., secy. MAZON, ILL.—Poultr 29, 1901. Frank E. ewitt, secy. MIDDL ETOWN, O.—Middletown Poultry a Dec. 17 to 21, 1901. N. O. Selby, MILFORD, MASS.—Poultry Show. Dec. 10 to 14, 1901. D. J. Lambert, W. B. Ath 4 to 7, 10vl. Show. Nov. 27 to erton — Le Fred Watson, judges; W. 3. . Pyne, MIL WAUKEE WIS.—Wisconsin Feathered Stock Association Show. Jan. 7 to 12, 1902. H. L. Kasten, secy. MOLINE, ILL.—Plow City Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Noy. 26 to 30, 1901. Mr. Shellabarger, judge; H. FE. Riggs. secy. MT. VERNON, O.—Mt. Vernon Poultry Association Show. Nov. 19 to 22, 1901. Ira Cc. Keller, jurge; G. H. Hiller, secy. MUSCATINE, 1A4.—Muscatine County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 8 to 11, 1902. Mr. Shellabarger, judge; G. M. Porter, secy. MUSKEGON, MICH.—Western Michigan Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Last week in January, 1902. P. P. Steketee, secy. NEWARK, N. J.—Fanciers’ Association of New Jersey. Dec. 10 to 14, 1901. Howard Van Sycle, Te ¥ Lebanon, N. J. NEW YORK CITY, Y.—Madison Square Garden Poultry aa Jan. 14 to 18, 1902. H. V. Clark, Mont Clair. N. Y., secy. NUNDA, ILL.—Nunda Poultry Association Show. Jan. 16 and 17, 1902. Mr. Summers, Curran, Lil., judge; Dr. L. A. Werden, pres.; Geo. H. Prickett, secy. OAKLAND CITY, IND.—Oakland City Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 9 to 14, 1901. L. B. Oursler, secy. OWOSSO, MICH.—Shiawassee County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jas. A. Tucker, judge; Leo J. Brewer, secy. OXFORD, O.—Oxford Poultry and Beigian 2 Club. Dee. 30, 1901, to Jan. 3, 1902. . K. Felech, judge; Harry D. Gath, secy. PAINESVIL LB, O. —Painesville Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 2 to 4, 1902. J. Y. Bicknell, judge; F. W. Johnson, secy. PE _ ILL.—Peoria Poultry Show. Dec. 190i, to Jan. 1, 1902, inclusive. Theo. Rien judge; Henry Schwab, secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Keystone Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 28, 1901, to Jan. 2, 1902. Fanciers’ PITTSBURG, PA.— = ton 5. Club. Feb. 17 to 22, 1902. 1006 Penn ave., secy. . Moore, 4 : ee ee en Tre ee yragianttacx ke te —— =) a, a en ee