The Billboard 1902-02-22: Vol 14 Iss 8 (1902-02-22)

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1 6 THE BILLBOARD ease at Marshalltown, la., July 4, 1806, just | with the Wallace Cireus. Le Noir will pre after the night performance. ‘Mamie,’ the | sent his Miniature Marinette Theater Ringling giraffe, was originally in the posGus Lambrigger has had a new car built session of the Cincinnati Zoo, and was in| for the coming season, Great improvements captivity in this country for fifteen years, | have been made in the show, especially jy “Mamie” was the pet of the showmen, and | the addition of many animals, secured fron more omen of her keeper, old Johu Gir-| R. Lee Williams ten. Girten was a Boer, and was known G. W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill) has sued th Among the employes of the cireus as “Gi-| Chicago & Northwestern Railroad for damm { ratte John.” He never left his precious} ages. The Pawnee Bill Show was iy sf charge, night or day. He came over in the | wreck at Sheboygan, Mich., on June 5. 190) i} ship that brought “Mamie” from her sunny | He asks for $4,000 y home in South Africa, and was with her The Birmingham (Ala.) Elks will constantly up to the moment of her death. | charity cireus March 20 to 28. Loeal Elks She seemed to be a part of his life He} will play clown parts, and the balance of would talk to her by the hour in an unin-| the bill will be furnished by the Hay telligible tongue, and she seemed to under| Nickel Plate Show stand him, showing every sign of affeetion for him At night John slept in a little | | compartment built) for him in ‘*Mamie’s” big wagon. One often reads of an animal dying of a broken heart over the loss of its master, Master James Brooks, the boy wire wall er and trapeze performer, has signed wit} Augustus Jones’ Model Plate Railroad Shows for coming season, as one of the sp« cial features. This makes his second season q . ~ with this show. but seldom indeed does one hear of a hu; ’ man being grieving his life away over the Augustus Jones, proprietor of the Model — lloss of a favorite dumb pet. But with See ae “4 ~ ¥ ambridge Spring . > the. a = =e ' » .. | “Mamie’s’’ death all of the joy and gladf oc ceWIS WIT again manage thy ; A FIVE-LEGGED HOG. sore y+ er Dog mien 0 lm me ness went out of Unele John’s life. “Por side-show with the Model, which will trayel : sie and with a roar that awakened echoes far] Weeks he sat in front of her empty cage, ; Subject of Correspondence between | jeune leaned to the coat af ian ana, the picture. of grief — a a PHONE a8sr. Established 1843. , Peter Selis and an ! and made towards Sattler, who was un-] Ste (0 Dimsen, wWeemne wie me Swe: . H " owa Farmer. armed and perfectly defenseless. ‘The man Time passed and grief began to show its Thomson & Columbus, O., Feb. 17.—Mr. Peter | was backed to » corner, and “Prince Heneffects on the old keepe .. All efforts to iveer Sells, the well Known showman, some] ry." on his hind feet. resched forth with | Cheer him were of no avail, and in the fol MANUFACTURERS OF ; days ago received a letter. It was] one of his gigantic fore paws and sunk his | owing spring we heard that John ee dead, | from a farmer; an Iowa farmer. This | claws through his clothing. tearing the coat He died of a breken heart, beyond a doubt. Cc T | ogden a See that we vd me like any | vest, shirt and undershirt off completely, W. A. PATRICK. ircus ents P ) at nature, in a fit] Meantime, the roar of the lion had attractie of ba perme mye it with an extra] ed several people to the sation onieee-aaee TENTS FOR RENT. an pedal extremity ohn Ford, the ruralite}| was Wm. Dutton. Grasping a seraper he CIRCUS GOSSIP. | e 3 i in question, had ap eye to business, and} reached it through the bars, and ran it inte Mee Sell SO 1 Feb. 12 230 232 E. 3d St., CINCINNATI, 0. i having “hearn tell on’ Peter Sells, “‘al-| the lion's mouth. The lion’s attention thus| Ml Peter Sells was in Cincinnatt Pel. 13. : lowed” that that gentleman would buy his| distracted Sattler, who until then had been Eddie Snow will be principal clown with a) hog. So Ford sat down, and after a strug pinioned in a corner of the the Sipe Shows. gle of an hour produced this literary gem: lDbanny Mayou will do the local contract Marshalltown, Ia., Jan. 10, 102. on the floor, and struck his dangerous ad | Mi ing for the Sipe Shows. ; : Sells Bros., Dear Sir I have a pig that versarvy two severe blows over the nose Col. George W. Sipe paid a hurried visit ri has five feet now don’t you think you could] with it. The animal seemed dazed by the} t? Cimeinnatl last week : ; ve use this pig in your show For you know a blows, and Sattler ran out of the eage withCharlie Conklin, clown, has signed with I pig with nve feet is seldom saw. please ail ; eee Le poe dA tre the Sells-Downs Shows. out hesitating to bid “Prince Henry fare i write and let me know at once if you would | we. A new bt foot top has been made for the Y Mh want to buy such a pig your Truly, As soon as possible an examination was Ideal Atuusement Company. . y TALL i Kural No, 2. The : cage, with rare coolness reached for bis whip, which lay JOHN FORD. made of Sattler, and every one was sur » Bight Carnallas will be featured with ; —. <—y epeered the ye in due time.| prised to learn that he had eseaped with the Sipe Shows. next ecason. sauces al , atk : e looked about him, and discovered that] jut two verv slight abrasions of the skin Millettes, aerialists, have signed for 1002 he didn’t need a five-legged hog, so he anwhere the ers Gl cant te the cloth. wtih the Harris Niekel Plate Show. CIRCUS CAN VASES, swered Mr. Ford's letter. Among other] jing. Sattler acounts for the viciousness of Chas. Carroll has been engaged by Mr, Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, things Mr. Sells said: “In your epistle you » lio > fac P » is teething Wm. Sells as bess property man made the grave error of omitting a detailed ee ee ee ee ne Wim. J. MeCoy has been engaged by the Agents tor KIDD’S PATENT elRcUS | LUSHTS. description of your bog. Where is the adSells: Drowns Show as boss canvasman Binem temte fOr Movieg 4 Ht cure «HEM AL ditional pedal extre nice located? We can THESE ARE RARITIES. M. J. MeCow has signed to handle the en pm excuse for the animal role side-show eanvas with — & Downs. , o have five feet. t’s hoggish. Is the exf : ._ Sells-Downs have closed a contraet with Th W d0 tra one located on its fend? Or does it A Two-Horned Rhinoceros and a Gi 1 Cincinnati firm for fifteen new cages @ orl ver attek straight up ia the air ike a flagpole? raffe that Cost a Fortune. ; The Sells-Forepaugh a is all ready And you will find S leg No. 5 useful, or merely ornamental? + ea Si AOE or the opening, except for some painting } Tell me more about it. We are not dealing on ith oe a ~ t rey nee of new! The Orie Cireus opened in Mexico City. LUSHBAUGH { in hogs: but still I'd like to know something Se aeaeaaed of their menageries eee nat | Mex-, Jan. 25. Thousands were turned | yoening too large or too TENTS. about this one’s geography ; hunters are scouring every portion of the | 2W3¥; small for our shop. All the Big Shows use th; wbo “The Billboard Mr. Sells said: een te quest of aliens Ze parkaon ‘ann Fred. McMann will be special agent of | best tents and we make them. Balloons and sportThese long and lonesome winter days, inek ho aenia ah eee Seereasine aaathet tne Wim. Seils and M. J. Downs Consoli-|ing tents of every description made to order nen the circus 7 is ete n net, egy on Tae = Europe : = dated ree. , : , Second-hand tents for sale. Write for particulars s vigils are sometimes stur y let> aoe ¢ “ . J. M. J. Kane will handle the advertising y , ters like Ford's, which go a long way to], At the present time the business is cen-| jrivileges and program with the Sells W. H. LUSHBAUGH, make life worth’ living.” tered in the hands of a very few individu-] Howne shows. THE PRACTICAL TENTMAKER, COVINGTON, KY. als, and all indications point to an attempt Tuttle's Olympic Show. wintering at to monopolize the market. This is an era Lit esville Pa Satits performers in all . . DOWN IN GEORGIA of “combines” and “trusts.” and so it will lines excent riders. Scene q Sh p ! . be not at all surprising if the time will soon Flovd ~ telly the wire walker. is at his ry an OW ain Ings: — » , one eo an) . * > as : Way Down South in the Land of Cotwn ll oe Minos eo gat utrol the wild home Sa _ practicing seme new JOHN HERFURTH,. nee 4 oe oo F wire walking tricks ’ . . ton, One-Night Stands and the nncnte of moverat Butopean dealers hace | ft: and Mrs, George W. Hall, Jr, are at No. 3183 Boone St, CINCINNATI. 0 Hotels Rotten. had their eyes, and, along with American na oo oo iene Naeruanies, . Keep away. a ge agg Pang tM ong ivy a aereut A telegram from, New Orleans states that Ss. F, TAYLOR, Vrof. Ben Cochran had an experience in | times. That animal is “Smiles.” the two the pote tay Re ~ Sond formerly — SIDB SHOW PAINTINGS a South Georgia town the other day that is] horned rhinoceros, at Central Park, New saat of t = ” og I: eo ae ‘ worth repeating. The professor is about as] York, and few persons know how much hi: tt it og “iat 4 with the Wal 265 Weet Randolph Street, ' profane as any one who troops with a cir-] yalue is placed on the beast. An offer of | G@BUEUDONS, WII Be assochites : ss cus or street fair aggregation possibly can | $12,000 has recently been made to Director] yr Show the coming season. | | CS iS gea, Illinoles. wy be, and if the hotel don’t suit him, he don’t | John Smith by an animal dealer who knows F dag! — as on yh Pepe seg “I vi an t mind telling about it. Last week he got | the selling price of such beasts. Sinith re| Who do a knife impalement get. ty wits : into one that was absolutely vile, and after] fused the offer, and could doubtless get sev ee? 1 with ~y a -" : get eae a Sid Sh P j ti i one meal he left, and made a deal with the | eral added thousands if he would sell the We . “ ail _ : aw od ‘ia eave e Ow a n ngs owner of a livery stable to board the bunch | animal. | ee ee ae pitas ome with his family. The table was worse than “Smiles” is the only two-bhorned rhinocer “os ee Hy) Ach “e+ Tak tiaditen SLEGMUND BOCK, it was at the hotel, although the troopers | os in this country, and is probably the highMr Joan " : R iM neg Ten Big pt 29 Bine -_—_, Ave., Seen mI. 4 had visions of a good home dinner, “like | est-priced wild beast in captivity. “Smiles” Aiken, of wi Te mr nee er ek = ‘|S = 10, 810.0 0 x 18, S22 00 mother used to cook’’—fried chicken, hot] jis young, comparatively, being about 110 vars > +s . pp Bo st "was in| 2@ = 82 $12.50 iz x 20, $27.50 4 waffles, ete. But when they sat down to| years of age, There is no way of determina vs mont, te ue os look > athe ti supper—well, it was too awful to repeat. | ing her age with certainty, the only way of Hi: a rm i. it's ele “~ — ; ; a The family sat down at the table also, and guessing at it is by the wrinkles around the Ning of Tax rardt & ~ _ = SHOW CANVAS BUILT TO the Professer being the most ministerialher eyes. Her keeper says with proper care * ol. Sam Dawson shook ~~ a om ; A : ‘it ORDER “ looking, was asked to ask a blessing. Know-| che may reach the good old age of 200 York friends last week. He ext the CMY | On short notice. Write for particulars. Ilusshed ing him as they did his friends all held | years, ~ Monday in advance of Sis Hopkins trated catalogue free. Can mildew proof tent built se their sere: — a -_ there ~~ “ The animal has been in the park for fifa te ony gol ag Linen b. ong" by us at small cost. Send us your inquiries. soon be something doing, as it was so far} teen years, and her name was given to her cre =SOm. ee hs ° or out of his line. However, after a moment -e “4 spirit of derision. She seems possessed | HEXt Season larger — en — hee y mae J. C. GOSS & CO., flan of suspense which was appalling, the Pro-| of a disposition to kill any keeper who goes | ., agape aria a ie ie wan -vepeneet $1 fessor carefully looked the table over, rest-| into her stall. Captivity has failed to con| Sells Gray Show page . J i ing for an instant his gaze on the grits. | quer her desire to slay the man who attends tha he had been engaged as boss canvas yams, yellow biscuits and side meat, he| t¢ jer, and she is as frisky, pugnacious and | 2" ae cee o* lowered his head and mumbled: “Oh, Lord, | ¢oroejgus to-day as when she first went te Walter Lyons, the comedian, has again bless this plunder, and strengthen our] tye park : signed with the Cap. Stewart Show. 1902 i} nerves for the task before us. Amen.’” At The rhinoceros weighs over half a ton, | Will make bis twelfth season with that or : the next meal the family sat at the sec-| che shows a great fondness for her anti | #4pization. : ond table. theses va size = eat and English sparrows. Baroufuski's Imperial Cireus (from Rus ~g eo ving s»¢ keener I< eque >|} sia), is making a twomonths’ tour of the > ij VICIOUS LION — mend —— pag ge a Philippine Islands. Mr. Mosner is In charge 150 foot Round Top with grain upon the floor almost under the ani-| Of the advance. : ’ . The Robinson Circus Is having built a 8 H <a mal’s nose, when the cat Is not about. The} '" ‘ oan : AN be | tw : Attacks Trainer Albert Sattler at the! big beast seems to be fond of their pres ala mone po gg Rs a ay the | 0 Fifty Foot Middles, : Robinson Winter Quarters. wie : : cant : coming season. Q ers The only other animal in psn Pe Wm. H. Gardner, general agent for the! 12 Foot Wall, eR e's That the veteran animal trainer, Albert | America that comes any where near he . i lo last Sattler, is alive to-day is due to the ecool-| so highly valued as the Central Park rhino, Sells Forepaugh hows, was in uffalo 7 : spl ‘ : week, looking after affaire tu the interest 2 . | ness leplesed by. iinet? and’ Wan button | agitate, gwnea bya Western rireuy ag: | Week, hooking, Indianapolis Tent & Awning Co on Sunday, Feb. 9. Sattler is known to al] | gregation This animal was imported to H. B. Ge ater, of the Gentry Bros Shows, | 8 showmen as one of the best animal train-| this country last spring, and the American few York Inst week. [He | ers in the conntry, and as the man who}agent for foreign animal dealers ts said to] Was A ate of ieee | ta INDIANAPOLIS, IND. handled and trained the twenty-one animals | have received $7,000 for it. engag . * stay in the East Fred. Beakman, advance of “In Old Ken tucky,”” will act as general agent of the Sipe Educated Animal and Lilliputian used in the Hagenbeck exhibition at the The giraffe in recent years has become al Chicago World’s Fair. He also served in| most extinct. The story of the passing that capacity with the Barnum & Bailey | away of the American buffalo finds an echo Circus, and has had many a hair-raising | in the tale of the decadence of the African THE T. W. NOBLE CO. : : : . Shows on the road. experience, but none more harrowing than giraffe toth have been slauchtered for James R. Collier and Berton L, Smith, of the most recent. | their meat and hides, while thousands have eee "Wert. 0. sailed. Feb. 13, for Paris, | 7-13 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. On the day mentioned, Sattler was en-| been ruthlessly slain merely for ihe sport gaged in a lion’s cage at the Robinsen Cir| of killing : Aaya a ee eus winter quarters, Terace Vark, ©. Prior to 1895 there were two giraffes —" gn A rad goer ; Circus {s breaking four of those animals for a re-| owned by cirens companies in America, wint a a 4 ns, Boos Pa. It ix a one volving globe act. Among the number was | The one with the Barnum & Bailey Show | WIM ‘cae ‘and while dogs and donkeys are a four-year-old lion, lately christened Prince | had its neck broken on shipboard, while be| TINK Show, an S ' expert manufactarers of CIRCUS CANVASES.... and Tents of all kinds. 80 foot Tops and under carried in stock. Tents rented to state & Co.fairs France, where they join the Barnum & ‘ Henry. in honor of the Kaiser's brother. | ing taken with that organization to Eng featured, gy a mr pro nte Heretofore “Prince” had been docile | land. The other one belonged to the Ring George and Laura Le Noir have heen en , . ; enough. Sattler had been in the cage for! ling Bros. Cireus, and died of Bright's dis *gagd by Phil, Ellsworth for the side show | Mention “The Billboard” when answertug #9!