The Billboard 1902-02-22: Vol 14 Iss 8 (1902-02-22)

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THE BILLpDOARD 7 es in a Pullman car. W. C. Lane has also Haag’s Shows, Le <igned with the show. s Comte, La., Joseph Flynn will manage the Pavilion] thing that prevented the consummation of the medical fraternity of New York is in| Hagerty Bros (En Route ‘til otis mee | r he poe ae Park, oo hester, N. H. | the de al w: a _ belief that the street car quandary as to how to treat a came! . on eo cone people would refuse to give me proper sery a ro ye SD oe Pgh... —— Hall fang’ Ww. ‘ “aero eva etamale’ om Two weeks of comic opera will be given] ice. That is what made the Renee a on vastritis, at the Bronx Zoo. The fact that this summer at Monte Sano Park, Augusta,| last year. The idea of running only the Happy Bob Kobinson......... I 5 , camel has seven stomachs causes the per| Hargreave’s Shows Ancaster, O} Ga. The season opens ‘June 9. regular number of ears to a park like the = — "— 23 5 nm | ] Lt o © 5 = =} Ra =) 2 = R o S = L jexity. It’s as bad as treating a giraffe «2... Chester, Pa Manager Theodore Thielges, of Pabst | Lagoon is preposterous. What the object for sore throat. kr sville, Ind Park, Milwaukee, Wis., announces various] of the company was in giving insufficient Frank B. Miller, who left Cincinnati re-| Harris‘ Nickel Plate...... eet sr ty Ala improvements for the coming season. _| service, I do not know. It only showed a cently in charge of seven horses for the All differences between the Musicians’ | lack of enterprise that will not be exhibited Garris, Johe P............ McKeesport, Pa American Shows, writes “The Billboard” | Iloeffler’s Shows........... Wilkesbarre. Pa Protective Union, of Cincinnati, and the | by the new owners. that on the as 3 —— . hs eo Huston’s Shows............ hed aga -_ coe nae Soe a a ee ee Fla., the stable In whic e placed the | Frank B. Hubin's New United —. ag : 4 ' hors’ was burned.” Hie lowt ait the horses, | Tso. svar accAtlantic Clty X. J. | fertha Gleason, pat vem tn spasms a he ROUTES AHEAD. resides pers elongings. | International Ex. Co......Kansas C ty, Mo pg oe i get lesion ~ oy > bla Chiefs eave King E. Zleme r’'s Roya ‘oy Rail | J. W. Hettler’s United Columbian Shows, ne Lath a oe ae ee gee The Billboard forwards mail to all profes road Shows will enter upon t ne_season of Dixon, Ill Manager Theodore Thieloges. of Pabst | male free of charge. Members of the pro 2 w ith ent = . 3" 0 0 James Family Swiss Bell Ringers, Park, Milwaukee, is making improvements fessions are invited while on the road to have ing have recently been signed by Mr. Zie| Milwaukee, Wit | that he says will make his park one of the | ¢t& mail addressed in care The Billboard and mer: The Beaumonts, Laverne, € laudius | ae ae En route | 4 ent in the Nort eat oil a it will be promptly forwarded. ind Orra, the Great Pitcher, Chas. F. Kra| Jaillet’s Bonanza Shows...... Osterburg, Pa Th rs — os nanaveme bas ver, Dora Hoechst, Czardo. er. > — | ere Pre: En Route . Bee gg , o~ ‘onel of ih ~p* a. TRAGEDY AND DRAMA. : 1M. J. Kane, recently general agent of | Thos. W. Keh decided not to assume contro! of the sum aa: at J. re ia — Mfinstre eg gt Kelvin ". P= a en M, ~~ 0, mer theater on its grounds, but to grant ADAMS, Maude, — 3, Weetanen, Mgr.)— epresenting “The Billboard.’ Mr. Kane | Kennedy on ey honeis ut ate I the right for a consideration. Worcester, Mass., Feb. Sage ge BRS yy ag a aa evcece me oe The Miford and Uxbridge Street Railway al A ROY AL RivalPhiladelphia, Pa., Feb. ith the Great Sells & Downs ita tien pmseean Company will erect new buildings at Lake | 1é to 2. — we will, 4 conlenetiin as *prac oneeen » Gus..............Orrville, O Mennon Park, Uxbridge, Mass. The open ALLEN, Viola, (Liebler & Co Mgrs.)— ser of advance car No. 1 and general press | ee mee PDI sno sa usr on: rn, © | ing will occur Decoration Day. San Francisco, Feb. 10 to 22. on : gent. Lee's London Shows........ ha i The Miller Family, aerialists and bi A SOLDIER of Fortune—New Haven, “The Keigley & Axley Show will open the | Coretta eect cd tae pa | cyclists, will play parks during season of | Conn., Feb. 18 and 19. season at DuQuoin, IL, about April 29, and | Ca Mont Bros.’ Shows... 07" Salex, ra} 1902. They have just returned to St. Louis} AN AMERICAN Gentleman, (W. S. But<ill tour Hlinois,’ Indiana, Missouri’ and | Lemon Bros.’ Shows. RN ERE. T come, ww an from England, where a flattering offer from — Mer.) 9 Pa., Feb. 18; Har ill inois, ¢ ae, ‘ 4 ‘ hOWS.....--. F ‘") : re Sanger Show was re ie risburg, Feb, 19; Le » 20; Jk . rennessee. | The ‘show has been improved | Lecnarder Bros.’ Circus. ....Portiand, Ore | Ne Lord George Sanger Show was refused. | aura, Pek. 10; Lewiston, Ieb 20; Johns ver as season, ersons g | o ota’s ; s " > , , > ‘ , Ss t é a o & é « ae supe of dogs and ponies should watch Le — d My Ma _ChiaFlottestiil Va) pier at Atlantic City. As an attraction the} ALL the Comforts ‘of Home — Lincoln tre pe of Som Ao a ae pte ge (Tony) No oe ...Havana, Cuba coming season he will offer Sousa’s Rand, | Neb., Feb. 17 and 18. , ture Lowery Bros.’ § howe. “Sh oe ag re engaged for 66 concerts, at $1.000 each. ARIZONA, (Kirke La Shelle & Fred. R ‘The Forepaugh-Sells Show will open at] Ln Rell’ rere mea 2) Mr. Tilyou outbid Manhattan Reach for | Hamlin, Mgrs.)—Denver, Col., Feb. 17 to 22. ie Forepaugh-Sells 3 _ open ¢ n Reil's Great Sensation. Washington, La rte , AN ACTOR'S R te, (A. W y the Madison Square Garden, in New York| Walter L. Main................. Geneva, 0 | this feature. : eg ~ ye aie ; i The . . ~whs The Pineus S jeate « ”; s i »| Mgr.)— Denver, Col., Feb. 17 to 22 City, on April 1. rhey open somewhat Melbourne, The Great, Circus. . lebron, Wis rhe Pincus Syndi ate f Park will be . = carlier in the season this year, consequently | Montgomery's Pavilion Show.....Boone, Ia| Conratied he Pincus Brothers, Real Extate | Mars.)-—Belle en Ge » ‘Tto ‘Ts * co “ne actic e oO ’ 3 ‘ s re ‘TS, “ 4 . . ° § gh ais ge pte and the peasetinn MeCor Po 1 ta eo ae En route Building, Philadelphia, and will play vau-| Feb. 19; North Baltimore, Feb. 20; Tiffin and ‘wardrobe “departments are very busy 1 C Masts ec Hiarringte = deville. Sixteen weeks will be offered to] Feb. 21; Sandusky, Feb. 22. : preparing for their departure on March 25.| Miles, Orton........ ...+...Centropotia, Mo | #!! performers. AT CRIPPLE Creek, (Whittaker & Law: Peter McNally, a well known ne wspaper Moore Family... Touring Florida Gestay Cresa, & Reeper at the Content fo oe. Mers.)—Worcester, Mass., Feb. 17 im: f Boston, has succeeded Mr. George | Nal’s United Shows........ Park Zoo, is responsible for the statement | to 22 one ot oe rs prees aaent of the show. Neis Upted Shows. Beat = that two monkeys there are trying to cure ACROSS the Pacific, (Harry Clay Blaney, W. H. Daniels, formerly connected with | Orrin Bros.’ Circus... see: aa one of their fellows of the chills. Cross Mgr.)—Toronto, Can., Feb. 17 to 22; New ' Keith's theaters, succeeded Mr. Whitney | Pawnee Bill's wild West.... Chester, Pa | ©°YS that when the afflicted one begins to} York, N. Y., Feb. 24 to March 3. llen In the press agency one week ahead | P. dave W.......Eaton R shake the other two take him in their arms A HOMESPUN Heart, (Walter W. Floyd, of the show. : ae eter yy A s Tele e meoite, Mich and waltz him te and fro. Then they lay | Mgr.; Leon Williams, Bus. Mgr.) -Clarks The following circus people are now regTouring California him down and sive him massage treatment burg, Ww. Va.. Feb. 18; ( hester, Pa., Feb. istered at the Creighton House, Cleveland, | Perry’s Frank L., Show....Yates City, I! until the chills disappear. : 21 and 22; I aterson, N. J., Feb. 25 and 26; .. where they may be addressed: Jack | Perry & Preasly........... Webster City, Ia Whitey Jacobs. the popular advertising | Trenton, Feb. 27; New Brunswick, Feb. 28: ovle § James Fleming, of the Sipe| Pp . 2 agent of the Garrick and Walnut Street] Elizabeth, March 1. Show — end. teers enna, Wale Prescott & Co.'s..........-.+. Rockland, Me | ry caters, Philadelphia, will conduct a sea-| A CAVALIER of France, (Shipman Bros., Spa ding. Jas Kelley Otto Hills, Andy Pubillone’s (No ) eeecoee ----Havana, Cuba} con of vaudeville at the Inlet Pavilion, At-| Mgrs.)—South Bend, Ind., Feb. 18; Goshen, “i Moore an@é George Coleman, of the Wallace mene me. BP cccccccoses Touring Cuba lantic City, N. J., this summer. He made] Feb. 19; Kendalsville, Feb. 20; Plymouth, 4 Sbow: Mike Sullivan, Peter Summers, Jack aymond’s Shows (Nat). eer: Bend, Ind | q huge sueeess of it last vear, though every-]| Feb. 21; Kokomo, Ind., Feb. 22; Logans Murphy, J. L. Doyle and Bill Cousins, of Weeds, A. He Shows. -Alameda, Cal | howdy predicted failure. Sousa and his band] port, Feb. 24; Marion, Feb. 27. re ae , wl. ja ae, deed We ns « «shes bee abe ocean Vernon. _ > — “ »s 1’ season ¢ : Ge ») Hero—St. J h, Mo., Feb tuffalo Pri Casper, Jack B m, , will be a feature of the summer ason at A RAGGEI ero—St. Josep eb. ; a orhane’ Leda gy aoe sag Bi of the|@ Re —_ Danville, —— Co., Kan | Atlantic City. The managers of one of the] 17 and 18; Omaha, Neb., Feb. 19: Lincoln, ' Main Show: Wm. Cassidy andLee Dwyer eno’s Oriental Shows... ankakee, Il) | Piers there outhid Manbattan Beach for the] Feb. 20 and 21; Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 24 to ef Ringling Bros.;: Frank Collins, of BoPh yy OF Pony Show, New Albany, Ind services of this band. They will play for] 26: St. Paul. Minn., Feb. 27; Minneapolis, stock's; Wm. Smith and Jack Poppey, of] py gz gfe = sith agi. Baraboo, Wis|q month at Willow Grove Park, Philadel-]| March 2 to 8. ; Rowman'’s Show; “Shorty” Allknow, of Robinson's, John ghey tele iaade qe; blunele, Ind phia, before going to Atlantie City. BLAIR, Eugenia, (Henri Gressit, Mgr.) Selis-Downs: Bill House, of Forepaugh-| Reger Bree.’ Shews....... Pottstown, ‘Pe RANDMAN, “Daniel E.—Natehez, Miss Sells: Frank McKenna, of Norris & Rowe, | poging meank’a Qenav Attnas id AY MAN, a— iN c ez, 3 S., and Dave Lane, of Gentry’s No. 2 Show. | ®oving Frank's Gypay eee nat THE CINCINNATI Z00 Feb. 18 and ‘19: Jackson, Feb. 20; Green: Sautelle’s, Sig... eetéos n Homan N 5 —— ville, Feb, 21 and 22; Little Rock, Ark., Feb. Sells-Downs .....-.-..-. <tet Carthage, O Will Feature Many New and Rare 74 CN Hur, (Klaw & Erlanger, Mgrs.)— TENT SHOWS IN WINTER QUARSetchell’s, oO. “Little Sioux, Ia Animals this Season. Washington, D. C., Feb. 10 to A TERS. Sliver Bros.'6 Aw gine eee So : To make the Cincinnati Zoological GarSay A, Frietehte— ata City, N. J., ters of the various tent sh > eet qaee. Rgds, Gee. We ticereséssca cal Kotlome, Ind} den the finest home of the largest collec FE eek taes Desk. Welliven. Moesite ‘ Ss te s ne . oamian . of : : r als i 4 “nite St: i pcm ° ou ‘ § Wild” Weet “combtuations. "fa many in| Smith's Imperial Circus.“ “Buckstomn, Pa ton of wild animals tn the Calted States g Blair, Mgrs—Lincola, Neb, Feb. 19 stances «but not all) the address given is Snyder — Wicket Se tos Dennison, ‘Tes now controlling that resort. Te this end and 20. — ; ec “= ee also the permanent *2erceas. The list 18] growart Family Show...... Ft. Wayne, Ind| the idea of conducting the Zoo for the Se Seb tS to — urts, Mgr.) revised and corrected weekly: St. Julian Bros.’ suacioee Burlington, Wis | profits to be made is no longer considered, CARTER "Mrs. Leslie (David Belaseo Frank Adams.... .. Atlanta, Ga| St. Julian Bros., 3267 Miller st., as all the profits at the end of the 1002 Sor.) New York N Y.. Feb. 10, indef. American Circus & Ex. Co. ‘Kansas C ity, Mo Philadelphia, Pa | season will be devoted to the purchase of initely : (at Pe “ Touy Ashton's SHOW. ... 0.20 London, Ind ON TO « cccoteceecanas Burlington, Wis | tew animals and the erection of suitable COGHLAN. Rose—Macon, Ga., March 1. Backman’s Troupe of Glass Blowers, Smith & Douglas Shows. ...Greensburg, Ind | buildings to accommodate them. Visitors to CAMPBEL L. Mrs Patrick (Liebler & Co. Baltimore, Md | Sun Bros................... touring Florida | the Zoo this season will find much to inter-] yg =s.)—Toronto, Can., Feb. 17 to 22. rs Mollie E. Bailey's Sons.......Houston, Tex | Tanner's Trained Animal Show, est them. The already large collection of }* "ROSMAN. Henrietta, (Maurice CampBalley Twin Sisters’ rt .Urbana, O Sheridanville, Pa | animals will be added to by the end of bell, Mgr.)—New York, N. Y.. Feb. 10. inBarber Bros.’...... eee . Portsmouth, ee se WOE 5 cuad deccdeaczaoees Creston, Ia | February, when a large shipment will reach | gagnitely. , ; Barlow's Bhow.......... “South Milford, Ind | Tedrow Tt Sra Nelsonville, O | the Zoo from Hagenbeck., Mr. R. Lee WilCONVICT’S Daughter, (Eastern: Geo. Boller & McCoy's New United Shows.... The Colorado Grant Shows..... Minonk, I] | liams announces that among the new aniSamucis Prop )—Pittsburg Pa. Feb. 17 inthe ied whee One eee .St. Joseph, “Mo, Teets Bros .En route | mals will be a hippopotamus, which will te 24 _ ; . . Bonhomie Family, 10 & 20¢ Show. Trout & Foster's, 480 Penn ave., cost over $4,000, two Siberian dromedaries, o> CONVICT'’S Daughter, (Western; Roland G. Pray, Mgr.)—Canton, IIL, Feb. 15. COLORADO, (Chas. Frohman, Mgr.) En “Route Elmira, N. one African Cape lion, one female Bengal Brott Bros. Noelty Shows. .Milwaukee, Wis ¥ : s Tuttle, Louls I....Box 1498, Paterson, N. J | tiger, two India leopards, three African an Barnum & Balley............. Paris, France Tuttle’s Olympic............. -Linesville, Pa | telopes, two wart hogs or African wild . aan » aw ROES DOR.” Bes cc vecccnenas Easton, Pa | Van Amberg Gallagher.....Medina, N. Y | boars, ove enu or horned = horse, two gi = ge a, Mgr.) Rerkell 10¢ Show.......... Indianapolis, Ind | Van Vraken'’s Shows...... éceunia Bn Ronte | tigers, one clouded leopard, forty-three | @pjeago. I.. Feb. 10 to 15 ’ Beyerle’s Burk Tom Shows....Lincoln, Neb | Wallace Shows ............. -Peru, Ind | monkeys and five baboons, twe driving DE *Wol FE, Elsie—New York, N. Y., Bonheur Bros.’. .....---+++++ Augusta, O. T | Ward's Shows ............. Ply mouth, Mass | llamas. one pair of giant kangaroos, ene} pep. 10, indefinitely ; ; Buchanan Bres.’........0... Des Moines, Ia | Welsh Bros.’................. neaster, Pa | pair of red kangaroos, one black jak, one DAIRY Farm—Marion, Ind., Feb. 28. Busby Bros ... : -Pana, Hl | W eg Shows ....... 2.00 secese Attica, O| pair of African water buffalos and seventyDALTON, Chas.—San’ Francisco, Feb. 9 ae Di Bill's Wild “West. Bridge port, — wn s Use n’ : a coe ..Flanagan, Il] | three varieties of birds, including an osto oo is cp turgess’ Gypsy Camp...... oston, Mass ams’ Vaudeville Circus trich. JOWN J, Carter’s)—St. Callahan (Prof.) Tom Shows. ..Olattie, Kan J Nashville, Tenn Etforts are being made to secure a giraffe eee ete ae Chien Il. Feb. Camphell Bros ’...........+5. Fairbury, Neb | Wintermute Bros.’........ -...Hebron, Wis | and a rhinoceros. It has always been found | 99 ¢5 ‘March 1. _ : ; ; Cannon, C, E., Dogs and Ponies, W. E. Winston........... Pacific Grove, Cal | that giraffes were short-lived in this cli“DAIRY Farm, (Western; (Jas. H. Wal; : : Denver, Col | Wixom Bros.’............... Bancroft, Mich | mate, and are very scarce. Seven thousand J jjo,°<) Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 17 to 19. i Clark i Bs ie we eeddedens Alexandria, La | James Zanone ............. Nashville, Tenn | dollars is about the minimum price for one, DANGE RS of Paris—Philadelphia, Pa., | yon eee... PREEY?, .Texarkana, Ark | Zelmer Show ................ St. Louis, Mo} and a rhinoceros costs about $6,000. DrivFeb. i7 to 22 onklin, Pete, 412 Sewell st., — ing liamas will be a feature of the pony r aioe WwW. = ; W. Hoboken, N.J| Our readers will confer a great favor by | track. Antelope and elephant houses, of MP nn Bake A gs ¥; = Settee Craft Dog & Pony Shows........ Fonda, la | bringing any errors or omissions In the} brick and stone, will be erected. ; DOWN on the Farm (Charles Manley; W. W. Cole's Dog and Pony Show, above fist to our notice. We revise the Howard Nichols, Mgr. )—Milford, Del., Feb. Jackson, Tenn | list carefully every week, making every ef19: c 1 bia. Pa.. Feb. 22 Cooper @ Ce... cccccccces aaa Tampa, Fla | fort to keep It reliable and correct. In STREET RAILWAYS OLD. : = r > > rCulling Bros.’..............Concordia, Kan | writing to any of the above addresses, gations BWA, ynte, + pr Jearons, Mgr.)—Ca Darling's Dog & Pony Show......En Route please state that yon saw it In “The Bill-| Future of a Famous Kentucky Park ELEVENTH Hoar, (Western; L. J. CarDashing'’s Dog & Pony Show..LaBette, Kan | board ter’s)—Pocatello, Idaho, Feb. 17; Bolse City, pee 5 a ee: Ft. Loudon, Pa —_—S May be Involved. Feb. 18: Raker, Ore. Feb. 19; La Grange ? : > | ; " » ’ Downle (Andrew) Shows. ++ 4 Medina, we PARKS. The South Covington & Cincinnati Street | Feb. 20; Pendleton, Feb. 21; Walla Walla, Enterprise , A Ser Loulevilie’ Ky Railway Company was sold in New York] Wash., Feb. 225 Portland, Ore., Feb. 23 to NY | last week. The road was purchased by the ] Mare’ Fore 8 ae a at ~ « ; Jas. H. Cullen is a suecess on the Proctor | North American ayadieate. The sale is of ELEVENTH BHour, (Pastern; L. J. Caroregaes Wie F bang tek aan Ce mim . D | Cireuit. : interest to capitalists more than to street | ter’s)—Providence, R. I., Feb. 16 to 22; Bosice i v — LOW. are n cae Lake Park, Manchester N. H., opens the] ratlway people Lagoon Park, the beauti | ton, Mass.. Feb. 24 to 26; Albany, N. Y., eed Gentry _ No. Lewsece : oom Bgcon, ind season June 2 / ful resort that has won national prominence }] Feb. 27 to March 1. ; Genes; h. a a'P tees Pa a ne Vande ville is again the polley of the Bos-| through seemingly unending Htigation, ts FISKE, Mrs.—Chicago, Ill., Feb. 10, in{ y's Dog and Pony § a aed 3. ind | ton Muste Hall situated at the end of one of the company’s | definitely. : in Gentry B ne nae ay ina A new Zoo building is to be erected at] lines. The recent management of the road FAVERSHAM. Wm.. (“The Royal Rival: : Gibb' oO ros." ee oom ngton, “a | Chattanooga Tenn made no effort to secure control of the {| ¢ “has. Frohman, Mgr. )}—Philadelphia, Pa. Gites Se Wapakoneta. \ new building will be ereeted at Edridge | park, and gave miserable street car service | Feb. 17 to 22. Gollmer me m. H.)........-. Ardmore, Pa | | irk, Elmira, N to those who have had it for several years FABIO Romani, (J. Murray, Mg¥.)—Pet o. new WN 6.6650 4aeusennds Baraboo, Wis} Conway and Leland, the “merry mono-| past. The new ow ners, being men of enter| ersburg, Va., Feb. 20. ath soodrich, Huffman & song SM ‘ pedes,”” are getting rich across the Atlantie. prise, will be very likely to assume contro! FLAMING Arrow, (Go Won-Go-Mohawk) iia Gordini : Br dgeport. Conn | Manager Bothwell, of the Steel Pier, At| of the park, advertise it properly, give good | —Woonsocket, R. L, Feb. 19; Newport, Feb. Great tne sess eens cass Newark. ae jlantle City, will have good attractions in ear service, offer strong attractions, and|20: Fall River, Mass., Feb. 21 and 22; Grent M ernational Shows. Kansas City. Mo | 1902 ; ; thereby add to their revenue. Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 24 to 26; Hoboken, ‘reat Marallo Shows......... Bristol, Tenn |} Manager John H Miller is erecting a A gentleman well known in a >me Y.. Feb. 27 March 1. ' Great Syndicate Shows....Kansas City, Mo | 82 500 ¢} ter 1 Springtield, © t ' ¢ ! cng mad be ; ag nar , Great Fen a = Sho, 5 | $2,; “ atet at Springtield, -» te seat] cireles said to “The Billboard” upon learn F AST Mail (L. J. Carter’s)—Norwich, Pa., ; AD-AMSSICAN Snow, Tac Wast } 2.50 Opeople ing of the sale of the C. N. & C.: “I have] Feb. 17: Oconta, Feb. 18; Troy, N. Y., Feb. Creat acoma, ash | Jas. T. Harris will ereet a hotel and make} had my eye on the Lagoon for several] 19 to 22; Hudson, Feb. 24; Great Barring: ,eat American Show .-.-.Tampa, Fla j other improvements at White Stone Lithia | months, and was figuring on getting a lease | ton. Adams, Feb. 26; Turner Falls, “Oe ‘reat Bastern Circus.....Kansas City, Mo Springs, Spartanburg, Ga from its owner, Mr. Brooks The only Feb. FAX. Feb. 28. i '