The Billboard 1902-03-15: Vol 14 Iss 11 (1902-03-15)

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THE BILLBOARD NOW BOOKING FOR SEASON 1902 Will S.Heck’s CARNIVAL, MIDWAY and STREET FAIR ATTRACTIONS Amply Prepared and Splendidly Equipp-d to furnish both Free snd Percentage Shows for either FREE STREET FAIRS or ENCLOSED CARNIVALS. Can furnish from ten to twenty first-class Tent Shows. ALL NOVELTIES. Send for Heck’s List of New, Nevel and Original Shows. (Cut out the stale, worn-out attractions and get something new. Don't be hasty about closing your contract for attractions. GET HECK’S PROPOSITION FIRST. Address WILL S. HECK, s« #« 210 BELL BLOCK, « »« CINCINNATI, OHIO. P. S.—Want 30 Free High Class Vaudeville and Circus Acts for Elwood (Indiana) Carnival, Week June 30. “If you get HECK your Fair will be a success.” 15 years’ Theatrical and Carnival experience. Enthusiastically endorsed by the committees of Cincinnati, Peoria, Lou:sville, Lexington and «ll other cites where he has held Carnivals. HECK STANDS WELL IN HIS OWN CIY. General Amus+ment Man CINCINNATI FALL FESTIVAL, 1901. Reengaged as General Manager Cincinnati Fall Festival, 1902. EDW. HOMAN, GEORGE MOOSER, Manager. EDW. FOLEY, ‘Treasurer. Send To-Day *--.1c-0 Fer My Catalogue Telling All About Up-to-Date Goods. Full Tights and Shirts,$2 each. Canvas Pumps, 25c., with creas Western Street Fair Co. Leather Pumps, $1.50. ‘Suite 26 and 27 Kohler and Chase Bidg. Cloth Gaiter, $1; with Leather | SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. THE FIRST AND ONLY MIDWAY COMPANY IN CALIFORNIA HAVE CONTRACTS FOR 14 FAIRS. Leather Gaiter, $3. Satin Trunk, collar and cuffs. puffed and spangled, one or | two colors, $5.00. Elastic Side Supporters, soe Survival of the Fittest. and $1.08 Can ‘use Conderman Wheel, Electric Theatre, and Good Galater on S. B. CALL, Liberal Percentage. 244 Main St., Springfield, Mass Trained nimal Show THE La Thoma Balleoning Co, “‘Serest Tempest’ SUITE 312, 87 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO OFFER FOR THE SEASON OF i902 The greatest educated Horse on earth. Challenge the world to produce his equal. Horse for horse. | Dollar = = oe or chalk, “ Pe nl | uses considerable cha or writing an guring. | Big Balloon Acts, including the Aerial Wedding, Single, Double and Cannon Ascents; **Mrs. Murphy,” the write for maine. Bilbo. d ‘monk; the human rocket; and Lapaloma, the Aerial J. Wi. VAN VRA Jtemtincmmen * Serpentine Dancer. NOTICE—We are the owners and originators of Have also a number of first-class acts suitable for | If the Aerial Serpentine Dance, known as Lapaloma. Any others offering to produce free attractions. Especially high diving Pony and | Donkey, Managers of Fairs, Curnivalsand Parks, Rich Book! “Keyhole in the Door’ and big) |. ‘ c re catalogs, We. J. G. Scheidler, Cleveland, O. thix act must be classed with the act thieves and pirates. If You Are An Actor And use GREASE PAINT why not get the BEST and get the LARGEST BOX ever offered to the profession. Send for Price List. THE DISQUE MFC. Co. 202 The Spitzer, Toledo, Ohio. @9 V3 946 GIES. ATLANTIC CITY. N. JJ. Wright County Fair CLARION, IOWA. Attractions of all kinds; also privileges of all kinds. Adaress W. C. BROWN, Secretary, Clarion, Iowa. Rig Bunch of Vaudeville EAT! viicrin. Sing Mono: logue Recitations and Magic Tricks, ete Two large books sent for l0cts. MYSTIC NOVELTY Cu., “ Laurel St, Clevel .nd, O. NOW BOOKING SQYMBVDBVDQLWLALD YD LD QLD QLHQLDWLDLBQLD LB QLBANES, SEASON 1902-1903 Sullivan, Harris & Wood’s Attractions oh The Fatal Wedding, (Eastern) One Company as Good as the Other. The King of Detectives, A Wayward Girl, Between Love and Duty. The Fatal Wedding, (Western) The Road to Ruin, The Little Mother, WARNING TO MANAGERS Owing to the phenomenal success of **THE FATAL WEDDING,” JOSEPH A. DAVIS, Attorney for Sullivan, Harris & Woods, irresponsible people are trying to exploit an attraction with the above title. We therefore warn all managers of theaters throughout the country that we will prosecute any one infringing on our rights to the full extent of the law. 1358 Broadway, New York City SPLDADAD LD LDQLODBD LH LD LODLD QD LD QDBE Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. ‘Mention The Biliboaré” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ada | Mention“ Tha Billboard” when ausweritag ads.