The Billboard 1902-03-15: Vol 14 Iss 11 (1902-03-15)

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SAA 8 TME BILLBOARD The Western Theatrical Exchange SUITES 906-908 CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK F. M. BARNES Vaudeville Agency in Chicago. notice. communications to Local and Long Distance Telephone Main 4380. CHICAGO, ATTENTION SECRETARIES OF FAIRS You will consult your interests by communicating with us at once. W. W. (DOC) FREEMAN ILLINOIS The ONLY EXCLUSIVE We furnish you with complete Shows or Single Acts at short All acts and contracts GUARANTEED. Positively no disappointments. Address all THE WESTERN THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, 906-908 Chicago Opera House Block, Chicago, Ills. WANTED—NOVELTY ACTS OF ALL KINDS AT ALL TIMES. ORIGINAL DeKreko Bros. he ‘ESTABLISHED 1893 AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE | Special Notice to our friends and the profession: As there has been some talk through professional papers by a disappointed party to the effect that what we got from the DeKreko Bros. & Co. were only the ‘‘left-overs,’’ we beg to submit the following extract from the Bill of Sale under notarial seal: ‘For the total consideration of $......... the party of the first part (the disappointed ones) bargain, sell and convey to the party of the second part (Jean DeKreko, approved by Gabriel and George DeKreko) all of their Right, Title and Interest in and to the Wroperty and Effects of Whatsoever nature and kind and Wheresoever situated.” We do not build “ castles in the air,’’ have been in the business for many years, and expect to continue in our modest but progressive way. We do not advertise in big type the amount of our capital, but have met and will always meet our obligations. The circular of the disappointed party going over the country to the effect that said party ‘“‘had left everything to his younger brothers (younger in age, but older in the business) of the former DeKreko Bros. & Co., we most forcibly deny. We paid cash for everything. If the party still owns anything it is our property by right of purchase and conveyance, and we have documentary evidence to this efiect to show to the public. Explanation as to the word ORIGINAL, which will be attached to our name hereafter. We were recognized for years in the profession as the DeKreko Bros. before we had a so-called “‘ Director-General.’’ We, Gabriel, Jean and George, being the ‘“‘BrorurrRs” while they are merely cousins, and had no brothers in the profession then. We are not accustomed to ‘hot-air talk’’ and can prove our assertions by legal evidence to our friends in the profession. The following ATTRACTIONS WANTED for weekly or semi-monthly engagements for our concessions at Delmar Garden, St. Louis, during our season, June to September: Hindoo, Chinese, Japanese, Orientals, also European, American and all kinds of outdoor and indoor sensational acts, wild or domestic dog and pony act. Privileges to Let.— Booths, Bazaars, Novelties of all kinds, Exhibit Stands, Fortune Tellers, Gypsy Camps, Coffee and Restaurants. TrrmMs—Percentage or outright sale. LA BELLE SAIDA AND JOE BEDROSIAN are still with us, balance of the troupe. Permanent address, ORIGINAL DE KREKO BROS., 939 P. 0. Box, St. Louis, Missouri. ... The Biggest [loney [laker... at the Fairs and Carnivals this Season will be a ZARRO PALACE OF ILLUSIONS But if you want one, you'll bave to hurry for we wil! positively do no work for outside parties after Aprit 20, as after that date we will be busy getting our FOUR BIG ILLUSION AND SPECTACULAR SHOWS ready for the tour of The WILL s, MECK CARNIVAL COMPANY. Call on or address HECK & ZARRO, 210 Bel! Block, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mention “ Che Billboard” when answering ads. Miention “The Billboard” wher answering acs. also the Make a specialty of all kinds of..... PRINTING FOR CARNIVALS, FAIRS, RACES, STREET FAIRS, SHOWS, BILL POSTERS, Etc. AND HAVE A FULL LINE OF STOCK HANGERS and POSTERS FOR ADVERTISING SAME. Send for Catalogt::. Correspondence Solicited, The Novelty Feature for Circuses, Theaters, Fairs or Out-Door Shows E Z Hac Z 2 | the World. Attractions Wanted! ANNUAL CARNIVAL SOUTHPORT FIRE DEPARTMFNT . e . Col. . W. Wright's Carnival Co. ACT, and “DAN. the only Flying Dog tu Address care Edw. VanWyck, Worlds Best Juggling Goods, Cincinnati, 0. “& © *& Week August 18-23,1902 ss ss Inside and Outside Shows, 2 Balloon Ascensions daily, Vaudeville, Musical Teams, Tent Shows, Acrobats. Per cent. Shows make money. Fancy articles and novelties for sales-booths. All within enclosed grounds. State fixed price in first letter Address CARNIVAL AGENT. Box 216. Southport, Conn. Trades Carnival and Free Street Fair Elwood, Ind., June 30 to July 5, Inclusive Under the auspices of Union Workingmen— T?< Biggest Ever in Gas Belt. WANTED—To hear from Animal Show, Oriental Features, Jap Theatre. Cairo, ete., Confetti People, Cane Racks, Baby Racks, Knife Bo s.8 rt Merry-Go-Round, Fortune Tellers, Cigar Spindles, ete. No Ba Ayame WwW. T. McLAIN, Manager, 2+ #* Elwood, indiana. Mention “ The Billboard” when anewering ad. Mention “The Billboard” when ancwering ade.