The Billboard 1902-03-15: Vol 14 Iss 11 (1902-03-15)

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THE BILLBOARD The GASKILL-MUNDY | }Carnival Company] | | THE CANTON CARNIVAL CO. The best evidence of the superior offering of paid admission shows, acts and attractions of the world’s best, regardless of what we may say here, and what others may say, is the fact that after thorough investigation and comparison all the big undertakings up to ) the present time have contracted with this company. Nashville, Tenn.; Louisville, Ky., Lodge of Elks; Dayton, O., Lodge of Elks; Detroit, Mich., Lodge of Elks. The question of percentage, or promising dreamy ideas of success, are not to be considered. It is the finish and grand total at the end of the week and satisfaction to all concerned that counts. We invite comparison throughout the United States and the following in the wake of our last years work. CITIES OR SOCIETIES, contemplating festivities of any nature, who desire CLEAN, MORAL, new and up-to-date amusements, investigate our business methods and equipment Everything ne v. 7 Gold and Carved Theatre Fronts, the Finest the World Has Ever Seen. | P. J. MUNDY, FRANK W. GASKILL, General Superintendent. General Manager. Winter Quarters and Animal School, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Construction and Equipment Office, 1405 NORTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. General Office, 63 ALANSON STREET, CLEVELAND, 0. ee LL TLL ISLS SSP LSP L LOL ILES ILS TIES LILI ISS LLL eae ‘ GOLD WIRE ARTISTS’ NOVELTIES; : WE INVITE AN INSPECTION § supptics «0 Finoinas, : y —_—— It will pay you to write for y i OF OUR PLANT NY Key our catalogue. We carry a ; » ‘ fnil line of everything used by Gold Wire f sae02 ‘ . y Artists, and we are prepared to sell a better quality of \ i and facilities for making a first-class Y goods cheaper than ever before. ° H poster display in . . . ... . y We are also manufacturing our own Rings, and carry a R a full line of Lovers’ Knot and Set Rings that we are } Q sclling at popular prices, quality considered. It will pay Q ; ») you t» try them, all orders are shipped the same day ® 2 s} we reccive them. JUERGENS BROS., » ») 194 BROADWAY, > } N WEW YORK. » { We control ALL of the available » = X GOOD locations for poster advertis» : rs R 4 ing. Posters on our Boards reach » & N . x ui ; the entire population of St. Louis. : a SET WLILL ILL IS LLS ISS LAS AAD DOA SDS LA LADS ISLA LS ADD LIS LLL LEAD ST. LOUIS BILL POSTING COMPANY PALARO —crest1on— BROS **‘Fun atthe Mill’’ Now Booking Parks, Fairs, Etc. Permanent Address, .*.%.% No. 64 East Queen Street, .*.%.% Toronto, Canada. MUSICAL DIRECTORS—A march that is receiving hearty applause | R A Zz R Pp AR Cake Walk and Great. BUCK DANCE \ Orchestra and Brass Band arrangement, each | | 516 Wainut St., St. Louis, Mo. Send for Catalogue Of Wire Artists’ Goods and Other Novelties Sold at Fairs, Street Carnivals, Etc. | Geo. B. Fuller & Son Co., "* citcséo, wt” Rare Opportunity so Carnivals a Street Fairs Slot Machires Advance Men WE BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE. In making carnival contracts it is easy to : tos | Elks’ Societies, Merchant Leagues, Clubs and all Associations desiring a strong! Write us. If you can square territory, we ‘Sduare towns for the times. We will furnish . ‘ machines allowing you liberal percentage. One a G4) = N ec am twenty-five cents (state which one you desire). er Dele ~~ a George Willig & Co., Baltimore, Maryland. feature act and moneygetter for their annnal attraction, should book the world| wit) furnish machines on J ~ ’ Shr | Be percentage. . ok oe beater novelty act, Boscee the Snake Eater. Will pay for privilege or playon| Marton Automatic Machine Co.. ae, Marion, yl Co., Lemcke Building, Indianapolis, Ind. percentage. Address W, Y, TURNER, Manager, care The Billboard, Lemeke Building, Indianapolis, Ind