The Billboard 1902-03-15: Vol 14 Iss 11 (1902-03-15)

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THE BILLBOARD LOTTO, THE “HUMAN ARROW PREMIER HIGH DIVER (INTO A NET) To all Street Fair Committees and Park Managers desiring an open air feature, one that always attracts and pleases the people, this is the one. My act is much more elaborate this season than ever before, the high ladder being electrically illuminated. Address all communications to WM. LOTTO, 539 N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. ; , | J.B. MORRIS’ LATEST CARNIVAL AND STREET FAIR S lH SPECTACULAR ELECTRICAL mo ye nagen gO PRODUCTION into the band wagon and join the parade of the Amalgamated Association of High Far more wonderful and elaborate than his previous attraction the Class Talent and Financial Prosperity UNDER tHe BLUE DOME @ STATUE TURNING TO LIFE COMPANY ELECTRIC THEATRE : | You people who have stolen our other ideas, come when you get a chance and see | vs: * os . . . | the new one. Wise men originate; monkeys imitate. “Oh, what a shame —out in | the rain.”* We only took $3,000 at Pensacola. You will have to save your pennies The finest and most elaborate Electric Thestre before the public to-day, with an equipif you try to getup SHE. It takes money and also something that some of you ment of electrical effects, scenery, etc , surpassed by none. An Opera House under | ‘ Se re gmat : piel : . canvas, every artist a Star in their line, presenting « performance of high artistic merit haven't sot —**Brains. 56,000 paid admissions at Mobile in eleven weeks. Now SUT THE BEST. THE FINEST OF THE FINE a ee in Knoxville for a teu weeks’ stay. 3,278 paid admissions Saturday, March 8th. 5--BIG ACTS--5 Open from i0 a. M. to 10 yp. mM. Come and see. Why don’t some of you “STATUE Serpentine Dances Poses Plastique Illustrated Songs <Art FAKIRS’ work in the winter as well as in the summer.” Street Fairs cut no ice with ~ » Pics — | ‘ P eee Eateat Sheveng Sorters | us—our show can take any city and remain as long as we like. At the Street Fairs Some “Open Time’ 'still left. Send for descriptive circular. Address all letters to petipe posers SHE 1 “ ; ps vee | we izve two Shows: will be the main attraction in one; ALBERT DESEMONDE., Msgr. 178 E. Monroe St. CHICAGO, ILL. Care of Battis & Groff | STATUE TURNING TO LIFE the principa! attraction in the other . Why is it we get the money? It’s because we give the public straight, legitimate, * | up-to-date attractions. Any Street Fair or Carnival Managers wishing to boost | the originals, the moneygetters, write us. Don’t bother with the small fry. Address J. B. Morris Attractions Attractions of All Kinds eta eeereer are Marshaliown's Second Anal Carval GQLSBUM Gardens wanteD QUICK jenna! 4 R BLITZ, MANAGER Paid and Percentage Shows of all kinds wanted. We want to) CHICAGO hear from every one in the show business. WHAT HAVE YOu | ior? 4 last vear’s record. Marshalltown held) a corn eee ee ee ee age Opening of Season Four Months, May 31 the most successful Carnival jn Iowa last year. We have 7 ; ses de cone tag LIVE ONE and are booking that class of attractions. Privileges | Occupying Entire Magnificent Coliseum Building. of all kinds for sale. | Seating capacity eight thousand. Best Cafe Service. 2. E. DOWNING, President. (. P. COOK, Vice-President. Cooled by Artificial Iced Air Process. Large and L. Ss. PECKHAM, Treasurer. S. W. LaSHELLE, Secretary. Small Stage. Stage and Promenade Concert Or ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE: TO chestra—most attractive summer garden in America. §. W. LaSHELLE, marsnctroctcenca: co, Marshalltown, lowa. A few high-class Concessions on Percentage Heck’s Theatrical Exchange Goliseum Summer Garden Co, is especially equipped for turnishing Treck, stage and Open Air Attractions for -..COUNTY AND STATE FAIRS.... a WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE BOOKING OF | GEO. S. WOOD, General Manager JAY COOK'S ROYAL HIPPODROME RACES Offices 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Address HECK’'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, 210 BELL BLOCK, CINCINNATI, OHIO. | THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL. THE FAMOUS Bickett Pamily HAVE A FEW WEEKS OPEN mmc lf You Want the Besi, C ME. WM. E BICKETT, Grand Rapids, Michigan, ta eet ies mentite eee eae ——