The Billboard 1902-04-12: Vol 14 Iss 15 (1902-04-12)

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THE BILLBOARD of the Oxy1527 Cherry street, B oyee Building, Chicago, IIL, gen Chemical Company, Toledo, O. Some of the business being placed by Lord & Thomas, of Chicago, is that of the Vienna Medical Institute Electro-Chemic Belt, Dearborn street, Chicago, weeklies being prin ipal llv used. is the name of a new and extensively advertised bread, made by the National Biscuit Company of Louisville, Ky. It was formally introduced by a monster pars ade, with floats of all kinds. WEEKLY LIST OF BILL POSTERS. 7 | ‘Lofa”™ | | | Advertisements under this heading will be pub lished weekly at the uniform rate of ten cents por | "ine per issue, or $4.00 fer year. New York, are placing Esterbrook Pens -in a list of dailies and weeklies ALABAMA. Mr. ©) Keefe, of Pettingill & Co., Boston, | frov—Josh Cope oy—Jos opeland. ; | is hie in ais ¢ the saverdiehed ft 2. Ww. seards| HERE’S A NEW ONE. | ley's Sons shredded codfish ARKANSAS. —— | WN w Ayer & Son, Philadelphia, are| , <n ’ i i C |} ndling the business of the Cough Checker onway-—J. F. f , Box 92. It's Certainly Unique, But Comes High Con pany in orpor: ted, of Ne W burgh wy | Springdale—-Hite Sanders Co. Money Given Away. 7 ! “One of the most uniane pieces of adver| tising ever received in Pittsburg came In an | A COMING RAILROAD MAGNATE. envelope from Louisville to a well known | distiller a few days ago. It was accom | pane’ SY ee ee eee spun | Something About W. B. Calloway, the Young but Astute Advertising aanaged mtronage as bt the distiller almost fell ont of his chair for the C., H. & D. Railroad. with surprise and amazement at the ad| ; 7 vaneed ideas of the advertiser. When the] rhe accompanying half-tone is a sp lendid | will bet you anything from an expired C., envelope was opened a penny fell out and | likeness of Mr. W. B. ¢ loway advertising H. & D. pass to the eoin of the realm that when he opened the folder he was very | manage f the ¢ iH * | “Dave Edwards is the greatest passenger much surprised to find a dollar bill pasted | Calloway is one | traffic manager that ever happened there jas one of the bes Affable, courteous, obliging and ever The levend on the folder was that one | competent advert awake to the interests of his chief and the cent invested in judicious advertising will | business. While great corporation by which both are emvield one hundred cents in good American | thing but an inn ployed, Mr. Callow iy has the confidence, money. The one dollar was a silver certif | tising Phere are fe i respect and vod will of not only his sueate of series A3O0S 77, bearing the profiles | country, pron it ybseure, with which! periors but his inferiors as well Mr. Edof Lincoln and Gran The distiller has | heen showing his friends this plece of | unique 1dvertising and dilating on the ad| vanced progress of the Lenisville firm which distributing the coin of its expected patrons . ADVERTISING ILLUSIONS. | | One is That One ‘Insertion of an Ad. | Will Bring Profit. One of the veneronu sly the realm is <0 among fostered by | is that one greatest illusions ex] iy ed advertisers inser tion of an ad. will bring a profit. or at least ‘ } TY) > : chaw which way the wind blows These Hinatoniatr 1 their future advertising | lenend up the success of their first ex o pull. The ' rT ri ; first ! nav brin nothing and the follow| ing « inv deve yon fir bnsiness ae | In advertising one must nsider that his | ad. | t tl Ivy one in the paners t) it | ; , f th Seve ids rmor for ft? if or 7 readers: that not all readers of a paper read) ads ii that many of those whe ado mm | not ewer all ads. and have no immediate | want for rtain goods | The a ti<ement must he ket hefore | the readers In an attract! form until all) ni } } ' DD tr vt ‘ 1 reflect and « te lncire for the article adver tised.The Adsmith DISHONEST ADVERTISING May Pay For a While, But is Disas trous in the End. hants who preach Christianity many of its moral precepts blind to its teachings or forget binding when it comes to ad vertising. We do not accuse any mers hant of wilfully telling falsehoods in at dvertise me nts; neither do we intend to discuss —— i Many mere and practice seem to be that they are black lies of dishonest advertisers hor fraudulent use of the religious press, to day so common that it ought to be a subject of church censure But we refer to that ass of ads. which offet goods at cost or greatly reduced prices when those goods ire So marked as to yield a fair profit, sucod is the advertisement of a French mixture of candy at 18 cents a pound, when it has been so adulterated with common candy as to make this the legitimate price for It All such ads. are deceptive; for, although | the customer gets full value he does not | get what he expects, and it Is an injustice to honest competitors, Merchants who ad: | vertise quality are generally more scrupu lous in this respect. But the American te \ ple like to be deceived, consequently st! ch | ads. often bring the desired results ¢ and the merchant argues that he has che ited no | one and benefited himself; therefore, he od justified in using this method of advertis ing But this deception in the course 0 time will work out its own penalty just as sure as “the chickens come home to roost At this time of the year, when grocers are doing some extra advertising, we suggest that they stop to think how discordant de ceptive advertising ts with the spirit of the season and that they study to wets their advertisements so as to attract attention, tell the truth about the goods, dé injustice to no one and win for themselves a repu tation as honest and truthful advertisers New England Grocer. ADVERTISING TIPS. he is not perfectly f j with reg to! wards says that Calloway has in him the publishe rs. circulation. folowing. ete It is | genius and making of a good and great railjust about as easy to sell Calloway advertis-| road man, and if Mr. Edwards says so it ing space in a poor publication as it would | is a good proposition to bet upon, for he be to sell a gold brick to Colonel Deitsch,| has been preceptor to many of them, and therefore when one sees a C, H. & D. ad.| none have short of the predie on paper or on wood it is a good gamble| tions he m: or them Mr. Calloway’s that it is making new friends for the C.. H companions in the c, H. & D. office rin & 1D. or it would not be ther “Well, things can’t come too easy for CalMr. Calloway enjovs the ntire confidences loway to snit me.” of his chief. Mr. D. G. Edwards, and in tt H. Gaylord Wilshire is still publishing his | IDAHO. magazine in Toronto, and incidentally firing ae akcede Senbee ants ont nemies in the | Poeatello—Geo. Dash, Box 272. George Ratten & Co.. New York. {= plac ILLINOIS. ing some contracts for the Puller & Warren | gloomington—City B. P. Co., Collseum Bldg Company, of Troy, N. Y., mat Auditorium Bill Posting Co. stoves R " tates. New York. is using INDIANA Austin ane the for the advertising of NORTH CAROLINA. jtatesvville—Rowland Advertising Co. OHIO. “iddletown—Anthony H. Walburg. 3t. Mary'’s—F. F. Aschbacher. faresville—-Wm. D. Schultz. PENNSYLVANIA. *Johustown—A. Adalr. New Castle—The J. G. Loving C. B. P Co. TEXAS. Carthage—-A. Burton. pa coe ie Gallia, C. P. B. and «iat, Yoakum—C,. C. Tribble. UTAH. Salt Lake City—Grand Bill Posting Co. WEST VIRGINIA. Bluefield—H, I. Shott. WISCONSIN. Prairie-du-Chien—F. A. Campbell. WEEKLY LIST OF DISTRIBUTORS. Advertisements under this heading will be pub‘tehed weekly at the uniform rate of ten cents per lime Jer issue, or $4.00 per year. ALABAMA. Copeiand. ARKANBAS. Clark, Box 92. CONNECTICUT. Troy—Josh. Conway—J.F. Windsor Locks—Willis L. Sizer. CALIFORNIA. Eureka—W. H. Mathews, 686 24 at. ILLINOIS. Chicago—John A. Clough, 42 Saou at. East St. Loulis—H. H. Deem Gainesville—H. Hulen B. P. rs Dist. Co. Peorila—Avditorium BIll Posting Co. INDIANA. Huntington—Benjamin Miles, 8 Everett sat. Indianapolis—Indianapolis Advertising Co. Indianapolis—Vansyckle Adv. Co., 114 Lil. Marion—John L. , 920 S. Branson st. Michigan City—J. L. Weber Co. Terre Haute—O. M. Bartlett. IDAHO. Bolse—R. G. Spaulding. IOWA. hes Moines—Des Moines Adv. Co. fort Madison—Sylivester Johnson. Sioux City—A_ B. Beall. KANSAB. Atchison—City Bil! Posting Co. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—Cunningham & Gourley. Brockton—Joha V. Carter, 288 Belmont st. MICHIGAN. Peoria—Auditorium Bill Posting Co. MINNESOTA. Geo. R. Lawrence, B. P. & D. MISSOURL. St. Louls—S. A. Hyde, 2136 Eugenia sat. NEBRASKA. Hastings—M. M. Irwin. Schuyler—Rus & Bolman. NEW YORK. New York—New York B. P. Co. Ogdensburg—E. M. Bracy. Oswego—F. E. Monroe Schenectady—Chas. H. “Benedict, 121 Jay st NORTH CAROLINA Statesville—Rowland Advertising Co. OHIO. Columbus—S. A. Hyde, 2136 Eugenia st. Fostoria—W. C. Tirrill & Co., 116 W. Tif. fin st. Morris PENNSYLVANIA. Carlisle—Wm. M. Meloy, Box 49. East York—Richard R. Staley. **Johnstewn—Geo. E. Updegrave & Co. York—Richard R. Staley. SOUTH CAROLINA. columbla—J. C. Bingley (ad. Charleston). WISCONSIN. Vest Superior—C. A. Marshal', W. Superios Hotel. CANADA. A. F. Morris, manager, Hastings st., Van couver, B. C. Montres|—C. ¥ T Thomas. Rox 1129 LILLIAN RUSSELL ws Distillery, Ter's Pure Malt, | Michigan City—J. I. Weber & Co. ee ee ee "+ | Winamac—E. O. Burroughs. mana eb The Koern-Krisp Food Company. of Battle IOWA. Creek Mieh manvfaetyvrers of a health i : food, is vsin onsiderable space in papers | Des Moines—W. W. Moore (licensed Dist of veneral cirentation | The lvertising of California Whea ‘ KANSAS. mannfaetured by the Empire i ufacturers of | Peorla— | | | Atchison—City Bil! Posting Co. | rhe Hoffman House Cigar advertising, appearing in dailies, is placed by Remington BRros., New York Remington Bros., New York Life Building, pany. Is vag tate by F Z (Cooper, 36° Geary | be peoms—George Churchill. street, San Francisco fn ; tensdorf’s Cocoa is being placed in dailies MINNESOTA. in New York State and the New Englond.) winneapolis—Gibbons Bill Posting Co. territory bw the Snow Mackay Advertising Arenev. 2T School street, Roston ; MISSISSIPPI. rm Tierhert Se Yr Cigar is heing ) med in Western paners hy the mann FaZzoo CityH. C. Henick. facturers, Theodore Werner & Co. 214 MONTANA. ‘vet Thirty seventh street, New York Ce eee ey wei at the Raldine Manafac| Siitings—A. L. Rabessh. turing Comnany, 200 West Market street. NEBRASKA. Tontievitle Ky is handled bv John Herr Suteliff Courier Journal Building, Touts | Hastings-M. M. Irwin. ville, Ky _— salt NEW YORK. Large copy heing seut to estern dall7 ne . ine by the E. HL Clarke Advertising Agency, New York City—New York Bill Pouting ~e. Invariably lunches at White's, No. 39 West Fifth street. The majority of the public admire the excellent service of this popular place \ party of Boston newspaper men tendered Frank L. Bostock a banquet in that city last week, the occasion being his re turn from the old country, where he secured many novelties for the tostock-Ferari “Company. FRANCIS WILSON Invariably orders his haberdashery from Geo. Golde & Co... 535 Vine street adjoining the Grand Opera House, as do all other neat dressers in profession the theatrical and circus C. H. & D. theater train for Chicago leaves Cincinnati 3:20 a.m. daily. Sleeper ia depot at 9:30 p. m SES _ are aie ; : ’