The Billboard 1902-06-28: Vol 14 Iss 26 (1902-06-28)

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THE BILLBOARD any. Who have been receiving very tat rue helices In the Western papers, are \ enjoying a heeded rest al Spokane, Wasi. alter Which they will returo bast. foe colupany carries its oWn special paper nd seelus lo please everywhere. «. WK. Czarliusky, protmocer und manager f the carnival at Parsons, Mhan., writes hat mm spate of the great opposition en unutered, the carnival Was a@ success, 4,ooo people patronizing the attractions. He further states that south McAlester proved the banner carnival of the circuit, nd everybody made money. Linton, ind., with a poulation of over 7.00, does not allow colored people lo stop in the town, But when the indiana Carnval Company played there last week they had with them b. G, Pratt's Georgia Min strels. There was some little grumbiimg ‘mong the hot heads, but that soon passed, nd When the show opened its doors they were given a turnaway house. ‘They pieased every one, and piayed to capacity houses the entire week. the following people have been engaged for the Long branch Business Men’s dcireet bair: Lhe Belmont Sisters, balloonists and oscar Kuneidier and His Ladies’ Military and. Lhe business men have subscribed yyver 1.000 for the same. Running and trot ting races Fourth of July week. New ork Carnival Company will furnish the free at tractions and some of the platform and canvas shows. The following are the com mittee: J. S. Hotfman, Chas. Rosencrans, Wim. Morris, Jr., Arthur Benson, Wm. Parker, Chas. Green, Jr., H. Heimedinger and Phil Cohen. the Kiks Ledge No. 448, of Cambridge, O.. held their first street fair June 14, proved a financial success to the lodge and the Cincinnati Carnival Company, Who furnished all the attractions. All speak in high praise of the Elks. The city was beautifully and profusely decor ated with the Elks’ colors of purple and white, crowded with visitors, and the fair was a pronounced success. ‘The Midway Was a scene of gaiety each day and night, aud all exhibitions and shows of the Car nival Company were clean and moral. Street fuirs can be made protitable and popular by conducting them like the B. P. ©. E. of Cambridge have done. An innovation in American amusements that has instantaneously placed itself as a record breaker in the field, is the Incorpor ated DeKreko Bros.’ Roman Carnival and Exposition Company. Never in the history of the Elks’ entertainments in the West has there been such crowds turn out or such enthusiastic praise. Shakespeare's expres sion on aphorism, ““There is nothing new under the sun,’ finds contradiction in the representations in the fifteen different shows on the new Roman forum. The way that patrons, speaking professionally, eat these shows up, tells the tale that” the money spenders must think they have, in mining parlance, struck a bonanza. Phe Western newspapers, very critical usually, write unstinted corroboration of the com pany’s popularity, and the report comes di rect from the Elks’ lodges of their entire satisfaction. The Victor Times, The Pueblo Chieftain and the Star Journal, of the same city, have star headings that read effectively of the surprise created in the vicinity by the advent of this now famous organization. Street comments are prevalent, and they tell of the phalanx of mighty shows in a way that leaves no doubt about te poularity of the numerous aggregations and the people’s feelings in regard to them. Elks are enthused so much by receiving more than they expected, that each lodge individually is working like a Trogan, with the result in sight of a large profit. Every one who has investigated the Roman Carnival and Exposition Company's methods of making people merry, has nothing but pro phetie words to utter that A. K. De Kreko’s new carnival idea can be absolutely nothing else but lucrative. LIST OF FAIRS. ALABAMA. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—State Fair. Oct. —, 1902. Hon . M. Drennen, vice pres.; ENSLEY, ALA.—Fair. Oct. —, 1902. FLORENCE, ALA.—Fair. Wm. Campbell, pres. ARKANGBAS. CLARKSVILLE, ARK.—Johnson County Association Fair. Oct. 14-17, Inclusive, 1902. R. D. Dunlap, pres.; L. ¢. May, treas.; M. A. Moore, secy. FT. SMITH, ARK.—Fatr. Oct. 13-18, tnW. F. Blocker, secy. clusive, 1902. PINE BLUFF, ARK.—State Fair. 25, inclusive, 1902. M. E. B CALIFORNIA. COLUS CAL.—Agricultural District No. 44. July (2d or 4th week), 1902. F. E. Wright, secy. EUREKA, CAL.—Bureka Agricultural and Mechanical Society Fair. Sept. 15-20, inclusive, 1002. W. L. Lambert, secy. FERNDALE, CAL.—Ferndale Agricultural Fair Association. Sept. 8-12, inclusive, 1902. W. H. Roberts, secy. GLEN BROOK, CAL.—Seventeenth District Agricultural Fair. William Griffin, secy. HANFORD, CAL.—Twenty-fourth Agricultural Fair. Sept, 15-21, 1902. J. M. Daggs, pres. RED BLUFF, CAL.—Red Bluff Fair. Sept. 31-Oct. 4, 1902. Geo. W. Jackson, secy. SACRAMENTO, CAL.—Californla State Sept. 8-20, 1902. Geo. W. Jackson, Oct. 20loom, secy. Fair. secy. Carnival Buttons, St. Louis Button Co ..Carnival Novelties... Lowest W hulesale ’rices un Specialities fur Fairs, ricmicy, etc. 2 2 2 3 : Conte.ti, Keturn Balis, tlags, Hailoons, Penny Goods, Jewelry tireworks, Decorations, loys, RAPLUDIANU CANES New, Cheap sud Lartiiess. riteWures Can't be avid Whee Yul Cduce aie slivWu. 42 Pate dint iree. FABKILIUS, 709 N. 41h SL, St. Louis. SALINAS, CAL.—Agricuiturai District, No. s. Aug. LU-24, iuciusive, uu. Joln helley, sevy. >AN ANUREAS, CAL.—Calaveras Agriculwurai istrict Pair, Sept. 6v-Uct. 4, Inciusive, luvue, Heury Wesson, secy. PANLA KUDA, CAL.—bourth vistrict Agricuitural buir. Dept. 1-0, luciusive, luvs. WAU dew, eee ee tai Pal. DWepl. —, 4WVe. Alive. Wr. WETS, aety., F. VU. DUA 220. SLUCHKIUN, CAL.—Stockton Driving Club buir. (Wate not sety J. W. Witty, secy. VULUMAVY. PUBBLU, COL.—Colorado State Fair. Sept. du-i¥, inclusive, lvuzZ. Chas. A. Galioway, secy. KUCK) FURD, COL.—Aunual Fair. Sept. 3-o, lvuZ. M. W. Randall, secy. CONNECTICUT. BRANFORD, CONN.—Fair. (Date not set.) J. BP. Callahan, secy. BKUUKLIN, CONN.—Windhbam County Agricultural Suciety Fair, Dates pot set. Cuas. Hyde, pres.; W. G. Williams, Vice pres.; WP. &B. Sibley, Danielson, Conn, ireas.; Chas, A. Briggs, Brookiyn, Conn., secy. LESTER, CONN,.—Chester Agricultural Mechanical Society Pair. —, lvu2. H. F. tiuorubeck, secy. : COLLINSVILLE, CONN.—Farmington Valley Agricultural Corporation Fair. Sept. lu-11, lyuz. Ek. A. Hough, secy. VANBUKY, CONN.—UVauvury Agricultural society Fair. Oct. 6-11, lyv2. Samuel ii. Kuudie, pres.; John W. Bacon, treas.; G. Mortimer Kundle, secy. GUILFORD, CONN.—Guilford Agricultural Society Fair, Sept. 24, lwv2. Jobn Bb. Hubbard, pres.; kdgar Wilcox, first vice pres.; EK. b&. Griswoid, secoud vice pres.; tiarry W. Carter, — Miss M. Louise Hitchcock, secy. and mgr. LLAKWINTON, CONN.—PFair. Oct. 7, 1902. J. W. Buell, secy. HUNTINGTON, CONN.—Union Agricultural Society Fair. Beginning Sept. 24, 1vu2. Ss. I. Palmer, secy. i NAUGATUCK, CONN.—Beancon Valley Grange Agricultural aud Horticultural Society Fair. Sept. 28-25, inclusive, 1yv2. Wiliam L. Loyd, secy. NEW MILFORD, CUONN.—New Milford Association Fair. Sept. 16-18, 1902. J. B. Hungerford, secy. : NEW TON, CONN—Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, inclusive, 1902. P. H. McCarthy, secy. vUTNAM, CONN.—Putnam Park Association Fair. Aug. 26-28, inclusive, lyvu2. John OU. Fox, box 58, pres.; A. A. Haigle ton, box 58, vice pres.; J. Fred. Carpenter, box 237; John O. Fox, box 5, mgr.; A. D. Melntire, box 57, Putnam, Conn., ROCKVILLE, CONN.—Rockville Fair Association. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902, Andrew Kingsbury, pres.; E. F. Badmington, secy. WILLIMANTIC, CONN.—Fair. (Date not set.) T. R. Sadd, secy. WOODSTOCK, CONN.—Woodstock Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 15-17, 12. H. H. Davenport, Pomfret, pres.; C. E. May, East Woodstock, vice pres.; 4. E. Bruna, South Woodstock, treas.; L. H. Healey, North Woodsteck, secy. GEORGIA. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair. Oct. 8-25, 1002. Frank Weldon, secy. AUGUSTA, GA.—Fair. Oct. —, 19U2. : LEXINGTON, GA.—Oglethorpe County Fair. Beginning Oct. 27, 1902. John Kuox, we George C. Smith, secy.; C. M. lunter, treas. MACON, GA.—Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 8, 1902. VALDOSTA, GA.—Georgia State Fair. Oct. 2+-Novy. 8, Inclusive, 1902. Dudley M. Hughes, Danville, Ga., pres.; T. G, Cranfool Valdosta, Ga., vice pres.; W. 8. West, treas.; A. T. Moore, mgr.; Martin Vv. Calvin, Augusta, Ga., secy. IDAHO. BROLSB, IDAHO.—Fair. Oct. John MeMillan, pres.; C. 8S. Loveland, secy. LEWISTON, IDAHO.—Interstate Fair. Oct. 18-18, 1902. Van W. Hasbrouck, secy. ILLINOIS. ALEDO, ILL.—Forty-ninth Annual Mercer County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. Ed. L. Scott, Keittesburg, Ill, pres.; E. A. Petrie, New Windsor, Ill, vice pres.; Jas. W. McRoberts, Aledo, in., treas.; W. D. Emerson, secy. ANNA, ILL.—Union County Fair. Aug. 2630, 1902. George C. Parks, pres.; Henry C. Sifford, secy. ASSUMPTION, ILL.—Fair. July 22-25, 1902. . ATLANTA, ae County Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. AVON, ILL.—Fair. July 29 to Ang. 1, 1902. ID. R. Bowton, pres.; E. J. Fennessy, secy. BELVIDERRB, ILL.—Fair. Sept. 2-5, inclusive, 1902. M. E. Bowley, vice pres. BUSHNELL, rane County Fair. Aug. 1902. CAMARGO, ILL.—Douglas County Fatr. Sept. 9-13, 1902. LT Battens, All Hinds, St. Louis Button Co. 20-25, 1902. CAMBRIDGE, ILL.—Forty-fifth Aunual Hienry County Agricuitural Seciety bate. Aug. 138 lu 22, inciusive, lyv2Z. L. J. Wiikiusen, pres.; L., HM. Potter, vice pres., C. M. ‘Lurner, secy. CAMP PUIN', i1LL.—Adams County Fatr. | Sept. 2-5, lyv2. CALMI, iLL.—awenly-fuurth Auuual Pair | vl the White County Agricuilurai buard. Sept. 2 tu 6, luve. K. L. Organ, secy. CAKKULLITUON, ILL.—Green County Asse | clauion Pair. Oct. 14-11, inclusive, luve. Geo. W. Witt, Kane, Mil, pres., uv. a. Kahn, Greentield, Lii., vice pres., ©. a4. Eidred, Carrviitup, iil., Ureas., Sb. SimMpsvub, secy. CAKLINVILLE, ILL.—Macoupin County Pair. Oct. 7-10, 1lyu2. CHAMPAIGN, ILL.—Champuigu Cvuunty Agricuitural Board Convention. Aug. Zo 2¥, inclusive, lyv2, HM. H. Hurris, pres., J. L. Eliwood, treas.; Jolbu N. Beers, secy. CHAKLESTON, ILL.—Coles County Far. Sept. 2-6, 1yu2. CLEAR CREEK, ILL.—Putnam County balr. Sept. 22-26, lyvu2. CLINTON, ILL.—De Witt County Fair. Aug. 11-14, lyv2. DANVEKS, ILL.—McLean County Fair Sept. 16-19, lyu2. DELAVAN, ILL.—'Tazewell County Agri cultural Board Fair. Aug. 26-2y, incius ive, luuz. J. W. Cro, pres.; P. b. Juunson, vice pres.; Daniel Keardon, treas.; H. A. Bailey, mygr.; J. U. Jones, secy. ELMWOOD, iLL.—Peoria County Sept. 16-ly, 1yvu2. FPAIRBURY, ILL.—Livingston County Fair. Sept. 1-5, luz FAKMER CITY, ILL.—Farmer City Fair Association. July 2¥-Aug. 1, lyuz. J. KR. Kobinson, secy. FREEPORT, ILL. —Stephensen County Fair. Sept. 1-5, inclusive, lie. | oom | Hollister, secy. GALENA, 1LLS.—Jo Daviess County Fair. Falr. Sept. 3u-Oct. 3, lyvz. Chas. Scheerer, pres.; W. Barner, secy. GULCUONDA, ILL.—Pope County = Fair. Oct. 1-4, 1902. A. H. Floyd, secy. GREENUP, ILL.—Cumberland County Fair. Sept. 23-27, 1yv2. GRIGGSVILLE, ILL.—Iilinois Valley Asso ciation Fair. Aug. 26-29, lyu2Z. CC. M. Simmons, pres.; J. L. Hatch, secy. HIGHLAND, ILL. —Highiand Madisun County Association Fair. Sept. 4-7, inclusive, 1002. Albert H. Schott, secy.; Joseph Cc. Ammann, vice pres.; Fred Siegrist, treas.; Christian Koch, mgr.; ‘Timothy Gruaz, secy. HUMBER, ILL.—Champaign County Fair. Aug. 19-22, 2. JULIET, iLL.—Will County Fair. Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. Thos, J. Kelly, secy. JONESBORO, ILL.—Union County Pair. Sept. 16-19, 1902. JOSLIN, ILL.—Kock Island County Fair. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. T. J. Kelly, secy. KANKAKEE, —1LL.—Kankakee District Pair. Sept. 8-12, inclusive, 1902. T. C. Schobey, Union Hill, Ill, pres.; William Cooper, Kankakee, IIl., vice pres.; Wil liam J. Brock, treas.; D. 8. McKinstry, gen’) supt.; Len Small, secy. KEWANEE, 1LL.—Seventeenth Annual Kewanee District Agrieultural Fair. Sept. 8 to 12, inclusive, 1902. Geo. A. Anthony, _pres.; A. B. Huckins, secy. KNOXVILLN, ILL.—Knox County Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. LA HARPE, |LL.—La Harpe District Fair. July 2¥ to Aug. 2, inclusive, 19uz. Roberts, secy. LE ROY, ILL.—McLean County Fair. Aug. 19-22, 1902. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.—Lake County Agricultural wy | Fair. Sept. 2-5, inclusive, lyvuz. W. E iller, pres.; E. W. Park hurst, treas.; O. K. Churchill, secy. MACOMB, ILL.—The Macomb Fair. 1l to 15, inelusive, 19u2. F. RK. Aug. Kyle, secy. MARION, ILL.—Williamson County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902. MARTINSVILLE, ILL.—Clark Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 1902. MONTICELLO, ILL.—Piatt County Fair. Aug. 4-8, lyu2. MT. STERLING, ILL.—Brown County Aug. 18-22, inclusive, 1902. C. E. County Fair. Henry, secy. MORKIS, ILL.—Stevens County Agricultural Society Fair. Dates net set. B. P. Watson, pres.; R. J. Hall, vice pres.; Samuel Larson, treas.; D. T. Wheaton, secy. MORRISON, ILL.—Whiteside County Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. MT. CARROLL, ILL.—Carroll County Agricultural Fair Association. Aug. 19-22, inclusive, 1902. A. H. Hawk, pres.; G. ’. Kenyon, secy. MURPHYSBORO, ILL.—Jackson County Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. NEWTON, ILL.—Jaspe Fatr. 16-19, 1902. r, ILL.—Richland County Fair. Sept. County % to 12, 1902. Ernst Z. Bower, secy. OREGON, ILL.—Ogle County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902. PANA, ILL.—Fair. Sept. 9-13, inclusive, 1902. Lewis Roley, secy. PARIS, ILL.—Edgar County Fair. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902, PINCKNEYVILLE, Fair. Oct. PRINCETON, S. B. McCord, secy. tara County -10, 1902. ILL.—Bureae County Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. ROCKFORD, ILL.—Winnebago County Fair. Sept. 1-5, 1902. A. J. Lovejoy, secy. SALEM, ILL.—Marion County Fair. Sept. 16-19, 1902. H. F. Sweeney, secy. SANDWICH, ILL.—Sandwich Association Fair. Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. W. G. Beveridge, pres.; F. 8. Mosher, treas.; C. L. Stinson, secy. SAYBROOK, ILL.—McLean County Fair. Aug. 26-29, 1902. SHAWNEETOWN, ILL.—Gallatin County Fair. Aug. 27-80, 1902. Elk Battons, . Louis Button Co SHELBYVILLE, ILL.—Shelby County Association Fair. Sept. 9-13, inclusive, 12, Dr. J. C. Westerweilt, pres.; W. E. Walker, vice pres.; C. E. Keller, treas.; Geo. A. Roberts, secy. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Iinols Sept. 20-Gect. 4, tnelusive, 1902. Martin Conrad, Sherman tieuse, Chicage, UL, pres.; Edward A. Bail, Springfield, {1L, treas.; W. C. Garrard, Springtield, til, secy. State Fair. STERLING, [LL.—Mineral Springs Park Association Show. Aug. 26-20, inclusive, lw. J. Tt. Williams, pres.; J. F. Keefer, vice pres.; J. H. Lawrence, treas.;: W. 8S. Wilgeur, seey WARREN, ILL.—Jo Daviess County Fair Aug. 12-15, 1902 WATSEKA, ILL.—Iroquois County Fair. Sept. 1-5, 19v02. WATSON, ILL.—Effingham County Fair. sept. 9-12, 1902. L. P. autz, secy. WENONA, ILL.—Marsbali County Fair. Sept. 10-12, yu2. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Fair. Aug. 26-30, 1902. WYOMING, ILL.—Stark Aug. 26-20, Liwe. YORKVILLE, LLL.—Kendall County Fate. Sept. 2-5, 1902. INDIANA. ANDERSON, IND.—Anderson Association bair. Sept. 2-5, inclusive, 1v02. Thos. B Urr, pres.; C. K. McCullough, vice pres. aud mgr.; Wm. Bolund, treas.; Chas. A. hustman, secy. ANGOLA, McHenry County County Fatr. a IND.—Angoia District bair. Oct. 7-10, inclusive, 1902. C. C. Carlin, pres.; L. E. Simith, vice pres.; H. Linder, treas.; O. Goodale, secy. BEDFORD, IND.-The Redford Pair. Sept. i802. 8S. T. " ) Zollman, secy. BOONVILLE, IND.—Fair. Sept. 8-13, 1902. J. T. Richardson, secy. BOURBON, IND.— Bourbon Fair. Oct. 1-3, inclusive, 1902. Robt. Erwin, pres.; Chas. Neu, vice pres.; L. Johnson, treas.; B. W. Parks, secy. BRAZIL, IND.—Fair. July 30-Aug. 1, 1002. W. P. Zimmerman, secy. Association BAINBRIDGE, IND.—Fair. Aug. 12-16, 102. A. R. Allison, secy. BOSWELL, IND.—Fair. Aug. 26-29, 1902. W. H. McKnight, secy. BREMEN, IND.—Fair. Oct. 7-10, 190z. BRIDGETON, IND.—-Fair. Aug. 25-29, Geo, W. Bell, secy. CHRISNEY, IND.—Second Annual Spencer County Fair. Sept. 2 2to 27, lwow. J.P. Chrisney, secy CROWN POINT, IND.—Fair. Sept. 2-5, 1902. Fred Wheeler, secy. 9 COLUMBUS, IND.—Fair. -12, 1902 Edward Redman, secy. CORYDON, IND.—Fair. Aug. 25-29, 1902. Edward S. Tuell, secy COVINGTON, IND.—Fair. Sept. 23-26, 1902. Ross De Haven, secy. Sept. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND.—Fair. Sept. 813, 1902. W. * Uulet, secy. DANVILLE, IND..-Fair. Aug. 5-8, 1902. C. F. Bowen, secy. DECATUR, IND.—Great Northern Indlana Agricultural Fair. Sept. 23-26, inclusive, 102. Geo. Tricker, pres. and mgr.: M. L. Smith, vice pres.; R. Schug, Vera Cruz, Ind., treas.; T. H. Harris, Berne, Ind., secy. LAST ENTERPRISE, IND.--East Enterprise Pair. Aug. 26-20, inclusive, 1902, J. RK. Elder, Bear Branch, Ind., seey. ELWOOD, IND.—Fair. Aug. 19-22, 1902. Frank E. DeHarity, secy. FAIRMOUNT, IND.—Fair. Aug. 11-15, 1902. C. A. Fletcher, secy. FT. WAYNE, IND.—Ft. Wayne Fair Asscciation. Sept. 9-13, inclusive, 1902. Alexander Johnson, secy. FRANKFORT, IND.—Falr. Aug. 25-80, 1902. Joseph Heavilon, secy. FRANKLIN, IND.—Johnson County Agrtcultural Association Fair. Aug. 26-30 1902. W. S. Young, secy. GOSHEN, IND.—Fair. Sept. —, 1902. HAGERSTOWN, IND.—Wayne County Association Fair. July 29-Aug. 1, 1908, L. M. Pierce, pres.;: Hugh Allen, vice pres.; Knode Porter, treas.: L. 8. Bowman, secy. HWENRYVILLE, IND.—Henryville Fair. Sept. 18-20, inclusive, 1902. Lewis Patterson, secy. HUNTINGBURGH, IND.—Dubois Count Fair. Sept. 15-20, inclusive, 1902. E. Ww. Pickhardt, pres.; H. C. Rothert, secy. HUNTINGTON, IND.—Fair. Sept. 16-20, 1902. A. L. Beck, secy INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indlana State Fair. Sept. 15-19, inclusive, 1902. M. 8S. Clay ool, pres.; Charles Downing, Room 14 State House, Indianapolis, Ind., secy. KENDALLVILLE, IND.—Eastern Indiana Agricultural Association Fair. Sept. 29Oct. 3, inclusive, 1902. C. M. Case, pres.; John Eley, vice pres.; John Mitchell, trens.; J. S. Conlogue, secy. KOKOMO, IND.—Fair. July 28-Aug. 1, 1902. H. H. Leach, secy. For Gas Balloons. Whistling Balloons Decorated or Advertising Balloons, Get Prices trom Q. NERVIONE 66 N. Franklin St., Chicago, Hl. The only positively exclusive and Reliable Balloon House in America. The opening for season, 1902, will take place on Mey 1, from the Fagle Mark sucursale. “Les balloons nouveantes dirigables,” which will be the great success of the Twentieth century, for Clubs, Summer Resorts. Picnics, Fairs, Street Fairs, Carnivals, etc., ete., ete. WHICH ARE MONEY MAKERS Menti “The Billd dad” when answering ads. |