The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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20 THE BILLBOARD SOUTH Grand lu. McALESTER, I. T. — Masonic Lodge Convention. Aug. 12-138, J. 8S. Murrow, grand secy. IOWA. CLINTON, IA.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 4, 1902. Miss 8S. E. Matheney, Keokuk, la., secy. CLINTON, IA.—. O. O. F. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 22, 1902. R. L. Tilton, secy. CLINTON, IA.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encamp ment. Oct. 21, 1902. R. L. Tilton, secy. CLINTON, 1IA.—Rebekah Assembly. Oct. 21, 1902. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.—National Soclety Army of the Philippines Convention. Aug. 14-15, 1902. Dr. Donald Macrae, Jr., secy. DES MONES, IA.—State Railway Surgeons’ Association Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Dr. Ira K. K. Gardner, New Hampton, Ia., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—Odd Fellows’ International Press Association Convention. Sept. 18, 1902. J. W. Bourlet, Concord, N. H., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—I. 0. O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. 15-20, 1902. J. Frank Grant, 25 N. Liberty at., Baltimore, Md., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—State Grand Temple Rathbone Sisters’ Convention. Aug. 18, 1902. H. D. Walker, Mt. Pleasant, Ia., secy. y DUBUQUE, IA.—C. T. A. U. National Convention. Aug. 6-9, 1902. Rev. A. P. Doyle, 120 W. 60th st., New York City, secy. GRINNELIL, IA.—Thirteenth Annual Convention Iowa Library Association. Oct. —, 1902. Miss Alice L. Tyler, Des Moines Ta., secy. : IOWA CITY, ITA.—League of Iowa Munictpalities. Oct. 8-9, 1902. Frank G. Pierce, Marshalltown, Ia., secy. KEOKUK, IA.—M. E. Church Iowa Conference. Sept. 17, 1902. John W. Hamilton, presiding bishop. LOVILIA, IA.—Fourth Annual Reunion Southern Iowa and Old Settlers’ Association. Aug. 19-21, inclusive, 1902. Hon. ie Young, pres.; Chas. H. Clark, secy. OSKALOOSA, IA.—Order Eastern Star — Chapter Convention. Oct. v2-23, Mrs. Marla Jackson, Council! Bluffs, Ia.. grand secy. OTTUMWA, IA.—Foresters of America State Reunion. Ang. 16, 1902. John O. Donnell, pres.: John W. Kitto, secy. PELLA, IA.—State Baptist Assoclation Convention. Oct. 20-24, 1902. Rev. S. E. WIIcox. Boone, Ia., gen’! secy. WATERLOO, ITA.—Younz People’s Convention and Iowa Conference Evangelical Assoviation. Aug. 14-19, 1902. Rev. J Bauernfeind, Waverly, Ta. secy. WATERLOO, 1A.—Church of God State Conference. Aug. —, 1902. O. J. Allard. Gladbrook, Ia., pres.; Mrs. Sadie Clark, Peterson, Ia., secy. KANSAS. ATCHISON, KAN.—Daughters of Bethel National Convention. Aug. —, 1902. ATCHISON, KAN.—Forty-third Prot. Eola pal Diocesan Convention. Sept. —. 1902. Rey. Frank R. Millspaugh, secy., Topeka, Kansas. BAXTER SPRINGS, KAN.—Blg Reunton. Aug. 25-30, 1902. Chas. E. Collins, mgr. BURLINGTON, KAN.—State Christian En deavor Union. Aug. —, 1902. Miss Iva C. Selleck. 318 East st., Fmporia, Kan., secy. COLUMBUS, KAN.—Old Settlers’ Reunion. Aug. 12-14, inclusive, 1902. W. J. Moore. pres.: J. E. Tutton, treas.: EB. R. Pattyson, secy. COTTONWOOD FALLS, KAN.—Epworth Leapue State Convention. Ang. 5-7, 1902. Amanda Hayworth, Fredonia, Kan., secy. DELPHOS, KAN.—I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 1, 1902. Geo. T. Fullinwider, El Dorado, Kan., secy. EMPORIA, KAN.—Elghth Annual Educational Photographers’ Association of Kansas Convention. Sept. 16-18, 1902. Samuel Hirst. Hutchinson. Kan., secy. KANSAS CITY, KAN.—F. and A. M. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Convention. Aug. 27 ny H. H. Curtis, Barter Springs, ae. LAWRENCE, KAN.—K. of P. Grand Lodge Lotge (Colored) Convention. July —, 1902. W.N. Miller, Wichita, Kan., secy. PITTSBURG, KAN.—I. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. —, 1902. W. Jones. grand secy. PITTSBURG. KAN.—Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion. July 21-26, 1902. R. FB. Carlton, secy, TOPEKA, KAN..—Western Colored Press Association Convention. Aug. 4-6. 1902. W. W. Taylor, Box 1118, Salt Lake City Ttah, secy. sity, TOPEKA, KAN.-State Christian 1 Missionary Convention. | = WICHITA, KAN.—Kansas Baptist State Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. Rey. E. B. Meredith, 2022 Walnut st., Kansas City, Mo.. secy WICHITA, KAN.—G. A. R. Reunion. 22-27, 1902. M. Davidson, chairman. KENTUCKY. GLASGOW, KY.—State Christian Sunday School Convention. Last week In Sep tember, 1902. J. 8. Hilton, 4 Loniaville. Ky.. secy. 13 Fourth st., HOPKINSVILLF, KY.—I. O. O. F. Gran Lodge Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. R. G. Elliott. Lexington, Ky., secy. Sept. LOUISVILLE, KY.—F. and A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 21, 1902. H. B. Grant. grand secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—State Confederate Tnion Convention. Oct. 22-23, 1902. L,. S. Hardin. 119 FE. Kentncky st., seev. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 28. 1902. Inhn W. Carter, Owensboro, Ky, secy. MT. STERLING, KY.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention. July 22-25, 1902. Aug. 13-18, 1902. LADUCAH, Colored Baptists’ General Association of Kentucky Convention, LOUISIANA. ALEXANDRIA, LA.—State Press Association Convention. July —, 1902. L. E. Bentley, Donaldsonville, La., secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—National Hardware Association Convention. Nov. 19, 1902. T. James Fernley, 505 Commerce S&t., Philadelphia, Pa., secy. and treas. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—National Association of Hardware Jobbers’ Convention. Nov. —, 1902. Albert Baldwin, Cany and Cammon sts., secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—P. O. S. of A. State Camp Convention. Aug. 14, 1902. Leon Hirschberg, 1100 Barrone st., secy. SHREVEPORT, LA.—Templars of Amertca National Grand Temple Convention. Sept. 9, 1902. J. E. Bush, Box 402, Little Rock, Ark., secy. MAINE. AUGUSTA, ME.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 22, 1902. Ben. C. Stone, Portiand, Me., grand scribe. AUGUSTA, ME.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 20, 1902. Grace E. Walton, Belfast, Me., secy. PORTLAND, ME.—American General Passenger and Ticket Agents’ Assoclation Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. A. J. Smith, Cleveland, O., secy. PORTLAND, ME.—Knights of the Golden Eagle Supreme Castle Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. A. C. Lyttle, 3150 Euclid ave., Philadelphia, Pa., supreme master of rec ords, WATERVILLE, ME.—-Good Templars’ Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. —, 1902 George E. Brackett, Belfast, Me., grand secy. WATERVILLE, ME.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902. Cornelia M. Dow, 714 Congress st., Portland, Me., cor. secy. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE, MD.—Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Convention. Nov. 11, 1902. John H. Miller, grand secy. BALTIMORE, MD.—Grand Council R. & S. M. Masons’ Convention. Nov, 12, 1902. Jas, W. Bowers, grand recorder. BALTIMORE, MD.—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. Convention. Novy. 18, 1902. Jacob H. Melairy, grand secy. BALTIMORE, MD. — Knight Templars Grand Commandery Convention. Ney. 20, 1902. John H. Miller, grand recorder. BALTIMORE, MD.—P. O. S. of A. State Camp Convention. Aug. 12-13, 1902. P. B. Englar, secy. BALTIMORE, MD.—State Convention of Young People’s Union. Oct. 27-28, 1902. Geo. Miller, pres.; Horace E, Gambril! 1508 FE. Townsend st., secy. MIDLAND, MD.—High Tent, Independent Order of Rehabites, National Convention. Oct. 7, 1902. James H. Dony, 53 Franklin st.. Washington, D. C.. secy. OLD ORCHARD, MD.—Universalist Church of America Convention. Aug. 1-10, 1902. Rey. Q. H. Shinn, 3 Clinton st., Cambridge, Mass., secy. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, MASS.—American Cemetery Superintendents’ Association Convention. Aug. 19-22, 1902. BOSTON, MASS.—New England Postmasters’ Association Convention. Nov. —, 1902. E. O. Winsor, Chelsea, Mass., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Sons of Temperance Grand Division Convention. Oct. 15, 1902. C. E. Dennett, 432 Main st., Malden, Mass., grand scribe. BOSTON, MASS.—I. O. O. F. State Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. 4, 1902. J. U. Perks, 515 Tremont st., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—American Opticians’ sociation Convention. Ang. 18-23, Edward I. Jones. Sandusky, O., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—I. O. R. M. Great Conncll Session. Aug. 28, 1902. Alexander Gilmore, 18 Boylston st., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Sixth Annual Convention of American Park and Ontdoor Art Association. Aug. 5-7, inclusive, 1902. Warren H. Manning, secy. BOSTON, MASS.—National Spiritnaliste’ Association Convention. Oct. 21 to 22, 1902. Mrs. Mary T. Longley, Washington, D. C., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Eastern Maintenance of Way Association Convention. Sept. (34 week), 1902. F. C. Stowell (B. & M. R. R.). Ware. Mnas.. secy. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.—Knights Templar Grand Commandery (colored) Convention. Sept. 20, 1902. Isaac B. Hopewell, P. O. Box 560, Worcester, Mass., recorder. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.—American Philatelic Association Convention. Ang. 1214, inclusive, 1902. H. EB. Deats, Flemington. N. J.. secy SPRINGFIELD, MASS.—American Soclety ef Collectors’ Convention. Ang. (second week), 1902. Roy L. Greene, Arkansas City, Kan., secy. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.—Sons of Philately Grand Lodge Convention. Ang. (second week), 1902. G. F. Dodge, Abbottstown, Pa., secy. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. —Philatelic Sons of America Convention. Ang. (second week), 1902. C. W. Kissinger. Reading, Pa., secy. WORCESTER, MASS. — Internationa! Brotherhood of Stationary Engineers’ Convention. Aug. —. 1902. Michael P. Flannagan, 12 Pontiae st., Boston, Mass., secy. i WORCESTER, MASS.—A. O. H. State Convention. Aug. —, 1992. John J. Rogers, 171 Front st., secy. WORCESTER. MASS.—Northeastern Dental Association Convention. Oct. 15-17. inclusive, 1902. Edgar O. Kinsman, 15 Brattle Square, Cambridge, Mass., secy. As1902, ‘DETROIT, MICI.—Twelfth MICHIGAN. CHARLOTTE, MICH. — Michigan Equal Suffrage Association Convention. Oct. 2030, 1902. Melvin A. Root, 1209 Sth ave., Bay City, Mich., cor. secy. DETROIT, MICH,—State Spanish War Vet erans’ Association Convention. Aug. —, 1902. Jas. LE. Brockway, Bay City, Mich., secy, DETROIT, MICH.—Order of the Bethlehem State Convention. 1902. Mrs. E, S. Forbes, secy. DETROIT, MICH.—State Local Fire Insur Star of Aug. —, ance Convention, Aug. —, 1902. DETROIT, MICH.—State Auctioneers’ Association Convention. Aug. —, 1902, E. H. Stiles, Fenton, Mich., secy. DETROLT, MICH.—State Retail Hardware Association Convention. Aug, , wee. Fr. H, Cozzens, secy. DETROIT, MICH. — National Deutcher Landwehr Unterstuetzung Verein. July —, 1902. Richard Schillar, 345 Antietam st., secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Democratie State Convention. July 30-31, 1902. DETROIT, MICH.—National Spiritualists’ Association Convention. Aug. —, 1902. DETROIT, MICH.—American Street Kall way Association Convention. Oct. 8-10, 102. TT. C. Penington, 2020 State st., Chicago, IIL, sec DETROIT, MICI y. 1.—National Slack Cooper age Manufacturers’ Association Covrention. Sept. 23-24, 1902. U. C. Moore, 304 Montgomery Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis., secy. DETROIT, MICH.—Street Railway Accountants’ Association of America Convention, Oct. —, 1902. W. B. Brockway, Pr. O. Box 630, New Orleans, La., secy. Annual Convention of Michigan Library Association Oct. —, 1902. H. M. Utley, pres.; Margaret F. Jewell, Adrian, Mich., treas.; Margaret C, Upleger, Mt. Clemens, Mich., secy, DETROIT, MICH.—National Grange Patrons of Husbandry Convention. Nov. 12, 1902. John Trimble, 514 F st., Washington, D. C., secy, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—State Master Ilorse Shoers’ Association Convention Sept. 1, 1902. W. C. Wheaton, secy. GRAND RAPIDS, safICH.—Amertean Mn. nicipal T.eagne Convention. Ang. 27-29. 1902. John MeVickar, Des Moines, Ia., sec HWANCOCK, MICH.—Sons of St. George State Convention. HOLLAND, Convention. Noble, seey. ISHPEMING Golden Fagle Mug. 7, 1902. LAKE ORION, MICH.—International Bible Conference. JInly 18-29, 1902. Rey. J. George Haller. Saginaw, Mich., secy. July —, 1902. MICII.—State Eloentionists’ Oct. 24, 1902. Mrs. A D. 72 Grummond av., Detroit, Mich.. MICH. — Knights of the Grand Council Convention. LANSING, MICH.—American Forestry Association Convention. Aug. 27-28, 1902. Fdwin A, Wildey, seey. LANSING, MICH.—National Grange Patrens of Husbandry Convention. Nov. 1220, 1902 LANSING, MICH.—State Grange Patrons of Husbandry Convention. Dee. 9-13, 1902. LUDINGTON, MICH. — Epworth League State Convention. July 31-Ang. 3, 1902. W. Seott Jones, 602 Hammond Bldg., Detroit. Mich., secy. PONTIAC. MICH.—State Baptist Assoctation Convention. Oct. 15, 1902. Rev. HH. F. Cochran. Hartford, Mich.. secy. SAGINAW, MICH.—State Pharmaceutical Association Convention Aug. —, 1992. ¢C. PL. Mann. Woodward and Forest sts., Detroit. Mich.. seey. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH.—Police and Sheriff State Convention. July —. 1902, SATLT STH MARTE. MICH.—Nattonal Tnten National Convention. July —, 1992. J. W. Myers. National Union Ridg, To ledo O.. seev TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—M. E. Church, Michigan Conference. Sept. 17-22, 1902. MINNESOTA. ALBERT LEA. MINN.—State Federation of Women’s Clubs. Oct. 21, 1902. Mrs. J. C. Buchanan, 2218 4th av... S.. Minneapolis, Minn., ree. secy.; Miss Emma Young, vice pres, FERGUS FALLS, MINN.—State General Congregational Assoclation Convention. Sept. 18, 1902. Rev. Samuel J. Rogers, 11 W. Fourteenth et., Minneapolis, Minn., secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—National Convention of Employer and Employe. Sept. 22 26. inelusive, 1902. Cyrus Northrop, chairman: David C. Bell, treas.; G. L. Rockwell, secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Woman’'s Forelgn Missionary Soclety Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Mrs. R. FE. Clark, 760 Touhy ave., Chieago, Til... secy MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Minnesota State Billposters’ Association Convention. Sept. —, 1902. TL. N. Seott. St. Pant, Minn., pres.: C. H. Griebel, jr.. Mankato, Minn., secy. and trens. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Knights of Pythfas Grand T.edge Convention. Commence. Ing Sept. 2%. 1902. Fred BE. Wheaton, 401 Nicollet ave.. secy. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Fieht Floonr Day Supreme Grand Teagcne of Amerten Convention. Sept. 22 to 1902. Cyrns Northrop. prea.: W. G. Nye, chairman: G. T. Roekwell serv MINNEAPOLTS. MINN.—Nattonal Assoctation of Agrienitnral Tmplement and Vehiele Manufacturers’ Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Fred. F. Inkens, Monadnock Bldg., Chieago. Til. seev MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Amertean Veterinory Association Convention. Sept. —, 1M MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—National Asaociation of Rallwav Agents Convention. Inly 22-25. 1902 Mr. Mills. Norwalk, 0., pres. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Grain Denters’ oo" Association Convention. Oct. —. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Rallway Sup. ation Convention. Oct. 21, Mw. Ss Patterson (Boston & Maine hk. K.,. : curd, XN. H., secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, — Northwes llarness Dealers’ Association Ceuveut Dec. —, 102. OWATONNA, MINN.—Baptst State ¢ vention. Oct, 13, 1902. E.R. lope, 7 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Min secy. REDWOOD FALLS, MINN.—W. C. T. U State Convention. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. Mrs. Ella F. Hendrix, 2022 Blais dell ave., Minieapolis, Minn., secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.-Trans-Mississippi Con gress. Aug. —, 1:2, ST. PAUL, MINN.—Koyal and Select Mas. ters Grand Council. Oct, 13, 1902. Thos. Montgomery, grand recorder, ST. PAUL, MINN.—Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Dental Association Convention. Sept. 1-3, inclusive, 102 J. 8. Todd, Lake City, Minn., secy. MISSISSIPPI. BEULAH, MISS. — State Golden Graud Lodge Concention. Sept. —, 1902. C. B. Williams, vice pres. LAKE, MISS.—State Patrons’ vention. July 8-Aug. 1, 1902. Illenny, Forest, Miss., secy. OXFORD, MISS.— Order Eastern Star, Bathshehba Grand Lodge Convention. July 92-25, 1902. OXFORD, MISS.—Southern States Colleges and Preparatory Schools Association Convention. Nov. 5-7, 1902. J. H. Kukland, secy, POPLAR BLUFF, MO.—G, U. 0. of ©. F. State Convention, Aug. 5-8, 1902. H. Db Russell, Poplar Binff, Mo., secy. MISSOURI. BOONVILLE, MO.—Seventh Day Adventists’ State Conference, Aug. 13-25, Livre. Miss Pearl L. Rees, 14 W. Sth st., Kan sas City, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—National United Postoffice Clerks’ Association Convention. Sept. 1, 1902. Frank T. Rodgers, Chicago, Ill., pres.; R. C. Loeffer, Milwaukee, Wis., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—F. and A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Beginning Oct. ), 1902. John R. Parsons, 109 N, Sth st., St. Louis, Mo., past grand master. KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Academy of Railway Surgeons Convention. Sept. —, 1902. Dr. T. B. Lacey, Council Bluits, Ta., secy. LAKE PARK, MO.—Interstate Soldiers’ Keunion of Nevada, Mo. Aug. 11, 1802. D Gillson, Appleton City, Mo., comimanier. Y. M. C. A. Bidg., St. Louls, Mo., secy. NEVADA, MO.—Interstate Soldiers’ Keunion. Aug. 11-16. inclusive, 1902. D. Gillson, Appleton City, Mo., comuman(er. PERTLE SPRINGS, MO.—Progressive Phiotographers’ Association Convention. Sept. 10-12, inclusive, 1902. J. G. Stone, War renshburg, Mo., secy. ST. JOSEPH, MO.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention, Oct, 15, 102. John H. Holmes, 511 Commercial Bidz, St. Louis, Mo.. secy. ST. JOSEPH, MO.—State Farmers’ County Union ConG. A. Me Mutual Fire Insurance Companies’ Asso ciation Convention. Nov. 18-19, 1:2. W. L. Shouse, Shelbina, Mo., secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—National Butchers’ As sociation Convention. Aug. —, 102 ST. LOUIS, MO.--German Epworth League National Convention. Oct. —, 902. H. H. Jacoby, 304 N. 2d st., secy. SEDALIA, MO.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter Convention. Oct. 30, 1002. Mrs. Sallie T. Dillon, 3867 Page Boulevard, St. Lonis, Mo., secy. , SEDALIA, MO.—Missour!t Y. P. 8S. C. E Convention. Oct. 22-25, 1902. Christina K. Cameron, 4552 Ashland av., St. Louis, Mo., secy. : ; SPRINGFIELD, MO.—State County Clerks Association Convention. Sept. 16, 1 R. M. Nash, St. Joseph, Mo., secy. SPRINGFIELD, MO.—Missourl Christian Missionary Co-operation Convention. Sept 22-25. 1902. T. A. Talbott, 420 KE. Ninth st., Kansas City, Mo., secy. MONTANA. BOZEMAN, MONT.—B. Y. P. U. State Cou vention. Sept. —, 1902. John Wade, Helena, Mont., secy. r BUTTE, MONT.—International Mining Congress. Sept. 1-5, inclusive, 1902. E. L. Shafner, Cleveland, O., pres.; E. C. Camp, Knoxville, Tenn., treas. BUTTE, MONT.—A. F. & A M. Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. 15, we. © Hedges, Helena, Mont., grand secy BUTTE, MONT.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter Convention. Sept. 19, 1902. Mrs Elva Boardman, Box 84, secy. BUTTE, MONT.—Grand Commandery Knights Templar Convention. Sept 102 ~=E. D. Neill, grand recorder. BUTTE. MONT.—Grand Chapter Roya! Arch Masons’ Convention. Sept. 16, 152 ©. Hedges, Helena Mont., grand secy BUTTE, MONT.—Fifth Annual Convention International Mining Congress, Sept. 15, inclusive, 1902. KE. L. Shafner, Cleveland, O., pres.; E, C. Camp, Knoxville, Ten". treas.: Irwin Mahon, Carlisle, Pa.. secy. BUTTE, MONT.—Grand Chapter oO. BE o Convention. Sept. 19, 1902. Elva Boar man, 917 W. Granite st.. erand secy. BUTTE. MONT.Degree of Honor Gran’ Lodge Convention. Aug. 14-15, 12. Mrs Nellie Averill, Townsend, Mont., secy. HELENA, MONT.—Montana Bar Associa tion Convention. Aug. 5, 1902. Edwar Russell, secy. NEBRASKA. CAMBRIDGE, NER. Southwest Nebras’ District G. A. R. Reunion. Aug. 25°" 1902, FF. H. Rosenfelt, chairman: W. | HASTINGS, NEB.—Nebraska G. AW Ro Te union. September, (second week), 1" T. J. Creeth, secy. —